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NOVELS The Afterblight Chronicles: Arrowhead First published by Abaddon in the UK, September 2008. Mass Market Paperback, with artwork by Mark Harrison, £6.99. ISBN: 978-1-905437-76-4 ‘One of the most enjoyable Robin Hood stories you are likely to read.’
‘Arrowhead is huge fun. The characters we know from the tales of Robin Hood are all there, and Kane allows them to understand they are playing a part in the re-establishment of a myth. If you’ve ever wanted to see Robin Hood go up against tanks, this is for you; if not, well, buy it anyway.’ (Four star review by Anthony Leigh, DeathRay magazine)
‘ Of all the novels so far in the Chronicles, this is the most visual, with Kane's prose bringing to life the world both within Nottingham Castle and in Sherwood Forest. His action sequences have a film editor’s eye, giving the reader exactly the amount of information needed to become caught up in events. Kane’s mixture of legend and modern-day works well, with Rob Stokes making a very effective reluctant hero, becoming the latest incarnation of the Hooded Man almost despite himself.’ (Paul Simpson, Dreamwatch Presents Total Sci-Fi)
‘I didn’t want to read this book. Not because I was concerned about the quality of the work, but because the myth of Robin Hood is a precious thing to me. I come from Nottingham and spent my childhood being told the tales of the “wolf’s head”… I grew up watching the Richard Carpenter TV show that moulded the story to include magic; I had read the comics and the original tales. I knew Robin Hood and I didn’t want him sullied. Fortunately Kane has done no such thing. He knows his history and has carefully moulded a story around the myth…The tale plays on the imagery and mythic undertones of the Hood stories, pieces of the legend falling into place, the collective memory of Hood being brought to the forefront of people’s minds… As well as playing with the fables of the “Outlaw” Arrowhead also falls into the tradition of English sci-fi disaster stories, in some places the work echoes Wyndham in the depiction of the survivors attempting to regain some normality in their lives. An excellent read that adds rather than detracts from the folklore of Robin Hood.’ (Adam J. Shardlow, Prism Magazine.)
‘I know you see where this one’s going. That’s right! It’s a modern re-working of the old Robin Hood tales! There’s even a “Maid Marian” and a “Friar Tuck” to keep you company. Paul Kane effortlessly weaves the tale of our favorite green clad do-gooder with post-apocalyptic brilliance. I can’t say enough good about this book. It’s awesome and I loved every page of it!’ (Jim Dodge Jr, Mass Movement Magazine)
‘Arrowhead is another great instalment in the Afterblight Chronicles, well written and a great visual. If you are lacking a good book to read and want an action-packed, this is a good one to pick up.’ ( Sacramento Book Review)
‘Yes, Abaddon’s world of the “Afterblight Chronicles” has a hero who steals from the rich and gives it all to the poor, which makes for a pretty decent tale from where I’m sitting...There’s plenty going on, in terms of spectacle and intrigue, that kept me going, and if you’re already a fan then I think you’ll be hooked, too. Kane also really gets inside the heads of his “good” characters (Robert in particular) which made me feel that little bit more empathy for what they were going through…And the villains are appropriately villainous.’
‘I have to say I loved it. I thought it was really cool, and really clever because it actually mirrors the story of Robin Hood but at the same time is its own story, which is quite a difficult thing to do. Kane has got quite a cool way of writing because I could see it as a movie. So he used just enough description, the action was really well done. There were some pretty grim torture scenes which even made me wince. The villain was proper old school, you don’t need to explain why he’s nasty: he just is. You don’t sympathise with him and go I kind of see where he’s coming from. You just boo him and wait for him to get his comeuppance. It’s a real boo the villain, cheer the hero book, but done in a really clever way, so I’d recommend it.’ (Geek Syndicate Podcast)
‘Absolutely blinding – everybody should go buy a copy.’ (Scott Andrews, author of School’s Out and Operation Motherland.) To buy Arrowhead, click here
The Afterblight Chronicles: Broken Arrow First published by Abaddon in the UK, September 2009. Mass Market Paperback, with artwork by Mark Harrison, £6.99. ISBN: 978-1-906735-27-2 ‘I love the concept of the books, mixing a bit of myth and science fiction into a heady and thrilling piece of tough story-telling.’ (Richard Carpenter, creator of Robin of Sherwood)
‘In this sequel to Arrowhead, Paul Kane picks up the tale of Robert Stokes, a post-apocalyptic Robin Hood, and his band of (merry men) survivors. We pick up the thread of the tale at a time when Robert, Mary, Jack, Mark and the others have built a larger following and taken to policing more than just their own territory... I strongly recommend you pick up the book and enjoy the ride! Paul Kane is a superb writer and his characters come to life with often tragic clarity. Good guys die, bad guys live and sometimes good guys live and bad guys die, usually in equal amounts. Even after only two books I’ve come to really love Robert Stokes and all of his new friends. They’re good people trying to live well in a bad world. When they bleed, I bleed. I only wish that more authors would write books this wonderful.’ (Mass Movement Magazine)
‘When I originally heard of a second novel in this series by Paul Kane, I knew that I just had to get my hands on it pretty quickly as his original offering really was a title that I loved. After all, the beautifully creative way in which he’d managed to weave folklore and British History together in an apocalyptic setting really created something that enchanted readers. The real problem however was how would he better it or could he even live up to the original creation with the second offering, or would it just collapse around the authors ears as he’d pretty much done everything he could with the original? I shouldn’t have worried to be honest as this tale didn’t only build upon the original but exceeded my expectations as the author brought more twists to the tale alongside emotional conflict that really did keep the characters fresh. Add to the mix some new villains alongside some old fiends and it’s a tale that will keep you glued to the last page and crying in anguish for a third instalment.’ (Falcata Times)
‘I love reading Abaddon’s “Afterblight Chronicles” and
The Afterblight Chronicles: Arrowland First published by Abaddon in the UK, September 2010. Mass Market Paperback, with artwork by Mark Harrison, £7.99. ISBN: 978-1-90519130 (A Waterstones.com and Amazon.co.uk Top 100 bestseller!)
(Four Star review, Falcata Times)
‘Arrowland marks the third entry in Paul Kane’s post-apocalyptic Robin Hood saga. Though the books feature a hooded hero, arrow fights and Sherwood Forest, the narrative actually feels closer in spirit to Neil Marshall’s Doomsday than Robin Hood: like Marshall’s exploitation opus, this is a fun ultra-violent adventure set against a backdrop of a battle-scarred, semi-feudal Britain... The battle sequences are bloody and visceral, the pace moves with the speed of a ravenous whippet, and the dialogue is hard-bitten... Itwould make a good basis for a nifty little B-movie... A good deal more fun than Ridley Scott’s recent soporific reworking of Robin Hood, and the narrative is surprisingly complex.’ (James Skipp, Total Sci-Fi Online)
(Critical Mass)
‘Whilst the universe may be shared, Paul Kane’s story is unmistakably his own, and the Robin Hood mythos in Arrowhead blends itself wonderfully into this dark future... Paul Kane drops you straight in at the deep end, and his efficient writing style leads the story along at break-neck speed without losing any of the texture or emotion that permeates the book. Paul’s concise narrative allows ease of reading whilst losing none of the emotional depth. Although the novel comes in at 270 pages, and carries a lot of plot, the story never feels rushed. Arrowland may have global scale, but the story remains focused upon the characters. As with any great novel, it is the characters that matter, and here they are given scope to breathe. It is to Paul Kane’s credit that he juggles three separate storylines (which later merge into one), and that we never lose track of the characters as each has their own unique voice. Despite the overtly fictional elements, Paul consistently portrays a plethora of realistic and diverse characters, and contrasts how they currently survive against their lives before the cull, giving added depth and credibility for their actions. I especially enjoyed the character of Dale as the maverick undercover agent, for he combines a fascinating blend of human vulnerability with skilled capability... Whilst Arrowland was Paul Kane’s final book in the Arrowhead trilogy, I did not find myself needing to read the previous books, as any elements previously established were explained without feeling forced or contrived... One aspect I appreciated is how Paul Kane portrayed the supernatural elements within Arrowland, for they were never overtly present and could always by rationalised as improbable, but not impossible, coincidences... Hood’s link to Sherwood has a distinctly shamanistic flavour that was both well represented and researched and fitted well with the character... There were undeniable parallels with the Mad Max films, especially Thunderdome, given Arrowland’s conclusion (I will not explain further as I do not wish to spoil the story for you). I also found the overall feel of Arrowland mirrored the Mad Max style, given the prevalence of dementia amongst the warlords...Overall, Paul Kane’s Arrowland was a gripping read filled with action and suspense and a “ripping yarn” in the truest sense of the word, which many books aspire to but rarely achieve.’ (Dominion)
‘Coming into a trilogy for the final instalment can be a tricky, intimidating and
confusing experience. Not so with this third book in the post-apocalyptic tales of Robin Hood. Or actually Robert the Hood. This action-packed book gives you enough of the back-story so you know these characters have a history, but not so much that it overwhelms the action; Kane plays this well, intricately embedding history into the thrill-ride plot. And what a thrill it is! In the not too distant post-apocalyptic future, Robert the Hood and his
Rangers have already defeated the last two attempts by crazy despots to take over England. But it never ends; in Scotland, The Widow can see the future and eats men alive to gain their powers, and she’s building an army to take out the Rangers. In Wales, The Dragon is intent on building his army, having made a home in the Millennium Stadium and destroyed the Rangers’ Welsh Head Quarters. Tanek, a huge beast of a man, who previously fought alongside the now defeated Tsar, is out to cause trouble, dealing with both the new Scottish and Welsh rulers. Meanwhile The Shadow is on the hunt for Robert, intent on fulfilling his master’s mysterious plans. (Stanley Riiks, Morpheus Tales)
‘In the previous books I was pleased that Nottingham was used so effectively as the story's backdrop. In the first two novels my adopted hometown has been central to the story... This time out, however, the action moves further afield. Robert and his men are forced split up to deal with two new potential threats, a psychotic witch called The Widow, who is using Edinburgh Castle as her base, and a mysterious character calling himself The Dragon, based in the heart of Wales. Robert also has to deal with the resurgence of old enemies from his past. There is quite a strong mystical element throughout the novel. As The Hooded Man Robert is becoming almost a creature of legend himself. His opponents all speak about his feats in hushed tones. His connection with Sherwood and the land he protects is also explored. Robert is visited by visions while he sleeps and these help prepare him for the challenges he has to face. This reminded me in many ways of the excellent nineteen eighties television series Robin of Sherwood.
To buy Arrowland, click here
Hooded Man: An Omnibus First published by Abaddon in the UK, June 2013. Mass Market Paperback, with artwork by Mark Harrison, £8.30. ‘Every year in my local town (Lancaster) there is a play put on in one of the public parks (Williamson’s Park) and by chance this year’s subject was Robin Hood. I've always loved this classic tale and we booked tickets to see it as soon as they became available last year. A week before I began reading Hooded Man my family and I watched the play… Why am I mentioning this? I really wish that whoever wrote the play had read Hooded Man first, he could have learned a lot about how it’s supposed to be done. The characters in Hooded Man are aware of the Robin Hood story, they know that their lives have parallels to the classic tale – the protagonist is an ex-policeman who has excellent woodsman skills and teaches himself to use a bow (due in part to a lack of modern weapons to hand) while our antagonist of the first book sets himself up as Sheriff of one of the UK’s best kept castles – Nottingham. The author doesn’t pretend to recreate the Robin Hood story, instead he draws inspiration from it to create his own unique story that makes effective use of the post-apocalyptic backdrop… The Hooded Man himself cuts quite the enigmatic figure, a dark and brooding flawed hero who is driven to protect his charges and fights like a deamon. It’s impossible not to like the guy, along with the supporting cast while the antagonists make equally good bad guys. The stories are entertaining, the pace is swift and steady and the three books join together seamlessly, each strong enough individually and yet together greater than the sum of their parts. Hooded Man is a rich post-apocalyptic tale that adds much to the Afterblight Chronicles universe; a highly rewarding read.’ (SF Reviews 4 star review) To buy Hooded Man, click here or here.Visit the ‘Arrowhead Trilogy’ website by clicking here
The Gemini Factor First published by Screaming Dreams in the UK, March 2010. Trade Paperback, with cover artwork by Steve Upham, £9.99. ISBN: 978-1-906652-09-8 ‘In some ways – and I mean this only as a compliment – The Gemini Factor is deceptively conventional: It moves along like a well-structured thriller – moves like a fucking rocket, in fact – but what’s fascinating to me (and will be, I trust, to you) is how it’s actually something else at the same time. In an extremely well executed example of form imitating content, the novel itself is “twinned”. The surface narrative has a secret brother walking constantly alongside, hiding its footprints in those of its sibling, keeping always to the shadows of subtext and carefully delineated implication. ReadingThe Gemini Factor, you will feel you are reading a first-rate example of the realistic Police Procedural, one with an adorable and admirable heroine and many other characters about whom you could actually give a shit. All the time, though, you will have a sense that another story is taking place, one that you can’t quite see, one that is being told only in whispers, one that is a supernatural echo of the main narrative, its shadow self, its dark brother. You might tell yourself you’re imagining things. But you’re not. You don’t have to. Paul Kane got there first and has imagined it for you. And – once the stories converge in the tension-filled and well-staged climax – you’ll be grateful that he did. Grateful and impressed. Grateful, impressed and, just a little bit, appalled.’ (From the Introduction by Peter Atkins – Author of Morningstar and Moontown, screenwriter of Hellraiser II-IV and Wishmaster)
‘The Gemini Factor is a supernatural thriller from the award winning author Paul Kane... The novel tells the story of a twisted and highly successful serial killer whose victims are always one of twins and always have a body part missing, taken by the killer as a souvenir. Inspector Roy Mason and his Sergeant Deborah Harrison are the detectives who must hunt this murderer before he kills again but their only lead is Jack Foley, a man who’s own twin brother was savagely struck down by the killer and now believes he relives each and every death....The Gemini Factor draws on the twins mythology to create a modern day thriller of supernatural proportions. The plot is both involving and rewarding while the actual storytelling is quite excellent. Paul Kane manages to create a realistic portrayal of victim / killer / hunter without going over the top as many other writers do. His descriptive narrative grabs attention while the plot’s pace manages to keep you reading. The protagonist and lead characters are well fleshed out and it’s very easy to relate to them, it isn’t long before begin rooting for their survival and wellbeing – a testament to the quality of writing. More contemporary than most books you will find on this site and that I personally read, The Gemini Factor is nevertheless a very well crafted and rewarding novel which I have no hesitation in recommending.’ (Four Star Review from Science Fiction & Fantasy)
‘ The Gemini Factor, by Paul Kane, is an unusual take on the traditional serial killer saga. As can be anticipated from the man that gleefully retells myths & folklore, Kane skilfully reinterprets genre conventions in his latest thriller. By pairing science & the supernatural (one of many, many twins – literal and metaphorical – in The Gemini Factor), he’s created something quite new and nasty. In the fictional city of Norchester, a serial killer is stalking twins. And, as serial killers are wont to do, killing them and chopping off bits. The killer is amusingly named “Twinkle” by the city’s local media, but despite the condescending name, he (or she) is a nasty piece of work. [Editor’s note: In a manoeuvre clearly meant to win over my carnivorous heart, the killer uses a giant BBQ fork to spear victims.] While Twinkle skewers and slices the city’s population, an unlikely pair of heroes try to solve the case. Detective Sergeant Deborah Harrison (nickname: “Blondie”) is a talented sleuth, but fears that the Twinkle case is beyond her. She finds an unlikely ally in Jack Foley, a scruffy historian (and also a twin). Ever since Twinkle killed his brother, Jack is inextricably and inexplicably linked to the killer. Every time Twinkle takes a life, Jack can somehow see it. Given the particularly messy nature of the murders, this has taken its toll on Jack’s sanity. The author puts in a lot of time making the little details of Jack and Debbie’s lives come to life... But while Jack and Debbie are both empathetic, the book’s real star is the fictional city of Norchester.... It has seedy back alleys, an antiquated police station, an isolated posh neighbourhood and hotels with fading Victorian grandeur. In short, it has everything a city needs to be properly thrilling. Paul Kane has created a brilliantly detailed and utterly believable setting – hopefully one that is revisited in later books. The Gemini Factor is a tightly-plotted, well-planned thriller. A disturbing villain stalks a compelling, British noir setting, while heroes combine modern forensics and ageless intuition to stop him. Not just something for everyone, but something very good...’ (Pornokitsch)
‘As a fan of Paul’s futuristic Afterblight series from Abaddon, when I heard about this new offering from new publisher Screaming Dreams, I was more than happy to give it a go. What you get within this offering are characters who jump off the page, some great dialogue, and a plot that’s as twisted as this author’s mind can conceive which only adds to this reading experience. Dressed up as a traditional crime novel, it’s the way in which the author has managed to blend Urban Fantasy, a touch of Sci-Fi and mixed it all up with a wicked sense of humour. It’s a cracking title and one that I really had a blast reading. Definitely a title for people to give a go and if the other releases from this publisher are as tempting as this then they’ve got a secure future ahead. Top quality for a great price.’ (Falcata Times)
(Mass Movement Magazine)
‘Paul Kane’s The Gemini Factor breathes some fresh air into the serial killer subgenre, chronicling the efforts of Sergeant Harrison and Inspector Mason as they work tirelessly to solve a series of murders in the city of Norchester. What makes their case unique is that the killer is only targeting twins, using a two-pronged fork to kill one twin while letting the other one live. The suspect also takes a trophy from each victim by removing one item from a paired body part (i.e. one hand, one leg, etc). As more and more bodies are found, the city of Norchester lives in fear of the “Twin Killer,” or “Twinkle” for short... Kane’s tale of suspense is a fun read. Not only is the nature of the killings so unique, but the story also goes through numerous twists and turns along the way. There’s no doubt in my mind that readers will think they know where Kane is leading them, only to have the rug yanked out from beneath them time and again. Kane’s style is such that you can’t help but turn the page to see what he’s going to do next, and it’s that unpredictability that has earned my readership in the last couple years. Simply put, the man can tell one hell of an entertaining yarn. If you’re looking for a fun summer read, go grab a copy of The Gemini Factor…and while you’re at it, pick up a couple more of Kane’s books. He hasn’t disappointed me yet, and I’m guessing you’ll enjoy his writing too.’
‘I enjoyed reading this book! Kane’s take on the serial killer procedural novel keeps you entertained and enthralled till the very end. Barker is right when he says Kane is a “first rate storyteller.” The book reminds me a little of Dean Koontz’s Odd Thomas novels... The city of Norchester is the venue for our serial killer, dubbed Twinkle by the newspapers. The killer is searching out twins, killing one of them and taking trophies. Detective Sergeant Deborah Harrison is on the case, and when a man turns up at the first two crime scenes she thinks she may have found her killer... Kane’s no nonsense writing style makes this book read like a modern crime novel, but anyone aware of Kane’s previous work may suspect that there is something more going on than a standard crime thriller, and so there is, although I’ll leave what that is for you to discover. The fatal final twists will leave your head spinning... This is such a fun book to read, so easy, it feels like the story just wraps you up. It’s like reading those other classic genre storytellers King and Koontz. Kane certainly has the pedigree and this crime/genre novel is marvellously well crafted.’ (Morpheus Tales)
‘There’s no doubt that twins share an unexplainable link. It’s something beyond the understanding of mere science... In Paul Kane’s The Gemini Factor, a serial killer terrorises the fictional city of Norchester, hunting twins and collecting body parts. Perhaps the most interesting thing about The Gemini Factor is that the novel itself actually changes as you navigate your way through it. From hard-boiled detective story to love story, from mystery to suspense to horror, the novel seamlessly morphs from one genre to another. Paul Kane tells the story in clean, crisp, easy-to-read prose, and because of this, the novel’s tight plot never comes close to unwinding, and it never gets boring. No word, no detail is wasted. The reader stays interested from page to page, from beginning to end, as they explore Kane’s well-crafted Norchester, and get to know his heroes as they strive to end the spate of brutal killings. Overall, Paul Kane’s The Gemini Factor offers a very interesting twist on the usual serial killer fiction, with some very, very creepy bits mixed in to keep you thinking about the story for awhile afterwards. So, go ahead and pick up this book; get to know a new kind of evil. If you are a twin – sorry; this novel may be particularly disturbing.’ (Chuck Gould, HorrorBound)
‘I was struck first by the dark poetry of Kane’s writing. Then I was grabbed by the story and the characters. When Sergeant Deborah Harrison visits the family of a murder victim she is shocked to find herself staring at the dead man’s face. It quickly becomes evident that all the killer’s victims are one of twins. Then there is Jack Foley, whose link to the killer is bizarre and unbelievable. The Gemini Factor is dark, a crime novel with a horrific supernatural twist. (Adele Harrison, Un:Bound) To buy The Gemini Factor, click here To read a sample chapter in PDF, click here
Of Darkness and Light First published by Thunderstorm Books, March 2010. White Lightening Hardcover Edition ($49) and Monsterbacks Softcover Edition ($16.95), with cover artwork by Vincent Chong. ‘Fear of the dark has a very impressive pedigree. It doesn’t surface in the first few years of life – kids have to learn to be scared of it, as they learn most of their fears – but it’s so persistent across cultures, communities and eras of human development that scientists at one time thought it was controlled and brought on by a brain chemical called scotophobin. There was talk of synthesising this chemical and using it as a battlefield weapon: probably a mercy, all things considered, that it turned out not to exist. But the fear is real enough... It’s customary in horror novels to draw on the fear of the dark, but usually there’s at least one metaphorical remove between what you’re reading and what you experienced as a child the first time your mum wouldn’t leave the landing light on and the door open when you settled down for the night. No metaphors here, and no removes. This is the beginning and the end of things all rolled into one ball and clattering through the everyday world leaving terror and ruin in their wake. Nightfall. Enjoy.’ (From the Introduction by Mike Carey – Bestselling Author of The Devil You Know, Vicious Circle, Dead Men’s Boots, Thicker Than Water and The Naming of Beasts) ‘Earlier this year, I stumbled across Paul Kane via his Peripheral Visions collection. To say I was blown away is an understatement. It’s been a long time since I’ve read stories so original, creative, and entertaining. So it was with high expectations that I jumped into Kane’s forthcoming short novel, entitled Of Darkness and Light... As showcased in his short story “Yin and Yang”, and now in Of Darkness and Light, Kane excels at making readers question their belief systems and contemplate the opposing forces of our world. Good versus Evil is rarely this thought-provoking and enjoyable. Kane also effectively uses a moody atmosphere to bring his world to life, and allows readers to get to know his characters inside and out – the fears they face, the poverty they live in, the friendships they share, and the hope they cling to.’ (Andrew Monge, Horror Drive-In)
‘What a pleasant surprise this book ended up being... First off, Paul put together one of the best prologues I have read in quite a while. It was gripping, powerful and had me damn near quaking with anticipation... Something must be said for Paul’s effortless pacing and prose that generally flows like a nice, cool vanilla smoothie... He managed to take all of my expectations and punch me in the face with them... Incredibly entertaining and I enjoyed every minute of reading it.’ (Anton Cancre, HorrorNews.net)
‘Set against a bleak Midlands backdrop, this is a tight, claustrophobic novel about an average teenager who is devastated when his childhood sweetheart leaves him for another guy. Just when Lee Masterton thinks his life cannot get any worse, he is coerced into taking a job as a night watchman, and then he meets the beings that inhabit the light... and the dark. It is rare to find a horror story containing such a healthy dose of modern realism in the form of urban decay, unemployment and dissatisfied youth, and this story certainly makes these elements work to its benefit... The prose is crisp and the plot tightly woven, the characters believable and the style accessible. The author does a great job of building tension in anticipation of a thrilling climax that cannot fail to move you.’ (Christian Saunders, Morpheus Tales)
‘Kane’s atmospheric style is reminiscent of Ramsey Campbell, dark and truly terrifying, contemporary in content yet classic in terms of mood. Darkness is a universal fear, one that we can either relate to or empathize with. Kane plays on this fear quite well. More than that, however, he gives us a protagonist we can care about... Paul Kane has demonstrated an ability to bind tone and terror with this novel. Kane’s adroitness with the language of fear, his ability to convey suspense and cerebral terror, gives the story a much more classic feel than most contemporary horror novels. The end result is a truly frightening novel that brings you in, haunts you for the duration, and lingers long after the story has been told. Kane is a craftsman, and Of Darkness and Light is an extremely well-crafted piece.’ (Jason Rolfe, HorrorBound)
‘Award-winning writer Paul Kane firmly establishes characters and the dramatic conflict between them early on in this compelling novel, setting the stage for the confrontation to follow. Like many children, Lee Masterson feared the dark, his fear intensified by his belief that creatures exist in the shadows, evil beings that watch and follow wherever he goes. His terror increases with age as he begins to catch glimpses of the creatures of darkness... Action is non-stop and breathtaking in this suspenseful tale that challenges the reader to re-examine their beliefs about good and evil. A consistently strong voice in the horror genre, his unique, unorthodox and totally original Of Darkness and Light keeps adrenaline pumping right up until the startling conclusion.’ (Horror World, read the full review here ‘Great story, great characters, wonderfully written (as always) – couldn't put it down. Totally original idea. Needs to be made into a movie, like pronto!’ (Barbie Wilde – Actress who portrayed the Female Cenobite in Hellbound: Hellraiser II, author of The Venus Complex)
(Mass Movement Magazine)
‘Paul Kane has written an interesting short novel with a twist on the light versus dark, good versus evil battle. He crafts some fine characters, which is essential if the book is not to degenerate into some sort of light fantasy. The characters carry the tale rather than the events. Lee Masterton has always been afraid, no, terrified, of the dark. There is something there, watching him. It’s a common enough phobia among the young, but Lee is now in his late teens and he hasn’t grown out of it. He simply KNOWS there is something or someone there watching him. He is right. There is... The battle is focused on Lee since he is the only one who can see the dwellers in the dark and the light. Is he up to it? There will be many surprises for him as his world is reversed. So many people are not what they seem. Kane’s skilful writing carries the estate’s mood of depression well and sets the stage for the action that follows. It’s a great story and Lee’s mood is the thread that carries it through. He is a reluctant hero pushed into prominence because of the one ‘talent’ he would rather do without - his fear of the dark.’ (Synergy Magazine)
Lunar First published by Bad Moon Books, September 2012. Limited Hardcover Edition ($30) and Trade Paperback Edition ($18.95), with cover artwork by Gabriel Lopez and introduction by Ramsey Campbell. ISBN: 978-0-9851940-7-9 ‘A very original, riveting tale that will force me to search out more work by this very talented writer. This story grabbed hold of me from the very first page and refused to let go. It is atmospheric, violent, and action packed. I found the characters to be fully realized and three dimensional, especially the main character, Nick. I came to care about him and the situation he found himself in, which enabled me to really lose myself in the story. Though the premise of the tale has been done countless times, Mr. Kane manages to put a fresh spin on the whole end of the world mythos. It was especially satisfying when the truth behind what had happened is finally revealed. Throughout the story, I was trying to guess what was behind the events, and I didn’t even come close. I just love it when that happens. If you are in the market for something original, well conceived, and well written, you need not look any further than Lunar by Paul Kane. I highly recommend it.’ (Famous Monsters of Filmland) ‘Nick Skinner is awoken in the night when his girlfriend attacks him. She is feral and her eyes are somewhat different. She is not the person he was out celebrating with the previous evening. As he escapes he finds she is not the only feral – the town seems to be full of them. And also the clock stopped at one second past midnight, as did all clocks. Most cars will not work but some will. Most guns will not work, but some will. Nick flees the town in search of fellow survivors and, hopefully, answers. The answers, when they do come, are very clever indeed, but the clues are drip-fed in such a way that I don't think many people will get there before the big reveal. So, interesting ideas, plenty of tension and loads of action – another winner from Paul Kane. Surely it is only a matter of time before this man hits the big time.’ (Andy Angel, Goodreads) Optioned by Red Splat Pictures with Paul providing the script and Brad (7th Dimension) Watson directing. Read the press announcements at Film News and This is Horror . Buy copies of Lunar from Bad Moon Books here and here and on Kindle at Amazon here
First published by Crystal Lake Publishing, June 2013. Trade Paperback Edition (£6.49 / $9.49), with cover artwork by Ben Baldwin and introduction by David Moody. ‘Sleeper(s) struck a chord with me. It resonates like the Nigel Kneale and John Wyndham stories of old.’ (From the introduction by David Moody – Bestselling author of Autumn and Hater.)
‘Sleeper(s), by Paul Kane, is a rapidly moving tale of nature and science gone awry. Add in booze, sex, cultural diversity, and political subterfuge, and I believe Mr. Kane has something here for everyone. Some parts of this story are amazingly in line with my own thoughts regarding the possibilities of the evils that governments sometimes engineer, or might, given the chance. I am not a believer in having Prologues in books, tending to feel they give too much of the story away. However, the one here was skilfully used and added to the book. Even better than that was the Epilogue. This was a superb piece of prose having me say, “Look at the possibilities!” That being said, I am hoping that Mr. Kane sees fit to share a second book with us. This could be a series. Paul Kane is a superb author. I most highly recommend you read Sleeper(s).’ (Blaze McRob, Tales of Horror)
‘If you take Quatermass Experiment (and Xperiment), Quatermass and The Pit, Day of the Triffids, Night of the Triffids, Outbreak, The Andromeda Strain, Lifeforce, Inception – throw them all into a blender, grind into tasty chucks, you’ll come out with something like Paul Kane’s novel Sleeper(s). This page-turner will make you scream, laugh and think – sometimes all in the same sentence. Highly recommended.’ ‘With his take on the zombie/military genre, Kane shows off his action pedigree in the infectious Sleeper(s), keeping the pages turning at a blistering pace. You’ll be kept awake by this tale of a English town that refuses to sleep soundly!’
‘Suzie is a little girl on a picnic with her family. She wanders off to explore and finds the most beautiful flowers she’s ever seen. They’re so pretty she decides to pick one to show her parents. When one of the thorns pricks her finger, she gets sleepy, oh so sleepy, and falls asleep on the ground before she can return to their loving embrace. So begins the possible end of mankind. Sleeper(s) is a tale of potential disaster, near-apocalypse and the folly of mankind. Suzie isn’t the only one affected, she’s just the first, and as others fall prey to this dread malady, good guys and not-so-good guys race to contain and control the spread of this coma-like sleep. Not only are those afflicted unable to be roused, they exude a cocoon-like substance from their pores. Then, when all is seemingly lost, they rise. Oh no, I know what you’re thinking. These are decidedly not zombies. They’re “Sleepers”, not dead but not under their own control either. Bullets can’t stop them, fire consumes but does not destroy…but maybe there’s still a chance for a cure. Whatever controls the Sleepers, well, it doesn’t want a cure and it drives those under its influence to assimilate its enemies into its embrace. Proving he’s not stranger to plot twists, Paul Kane takes us on a tense ride and squeezes us until we’re so anxious we nearly pop. It’s deadly certain that Sleeper(s) is no sleeper. You’ll be up all night trying to get to the last page.’ (Jim Dodge, Mass Movement magazine)
‘Paul Kane’s Sleeper(s) is a rip roaring adventure horror, that will, ironically, give the reader many a sleepless night. Fans of Quatermass will love this book!’ (Jim McCleod, Ginger Nuts of Horror)
‘‘Dr. Strauss is about to visit a quarantined city in the hope that he can develop a treatment for the highly contagious, mysterious aliment that has struck every man, woman, and child who lives there…The vivid descriptions of what is happening to the residents of Middletown paint such a horrifying picture of the changes they’re undergoing that I nearly jumped out of my skin when a piece of my hair brushed against my neck as I read that scene. Every assumption I’d made about what was actually happening in Middletown was thrown out the window as Dr. Strauss begins collecting samples and attempting to find a cure… By the climax Kane weaves all of the subplots together in ways I never would have predicted they would fit. The final glimpse of this world was the perfect capstone to this eerie, rule-bending tale. Sleeper(s) kept me up late last night. I’d recommend this book in particular to readers who love techno-thrillers and science fiction that is heavily influenced by current scientific knowledge.’ (Long and Short Reviews)
‘I’ll be the first to say I’m not a big fan of zombie novels (not the most popular opinion, I know). Looking at the cover I figured that’s what this was. Luckily I couldn’t have been more wrong. There’s more than a trace of that subgenre here, but Paul Kane’s Sleeper(s) is unlike anything I’ve read. Part medical thriller, part zombie story, part fairy tale and part sci-fi shlockfest, Sleeper(s) is a unique beast that genre fans of all sorts will enjoy… I was drawn in immediately by the general conceit, and drawn further by the great characterisation. Strauss, his assistant, and the group of people they’re with are all three-dimensional personalities, flawed (sometimes deeply) but with understandable motivations… The atmosphere is brilliant as well. It’s utterly creepy. Kane does a great job mixing tension with a sort of hazy, dreamlike quality that appropriately matches the story’s events. It’s got the feel of a modern dark fairy tale, partly inspired as it seems to be by Sleeping Beauty. The first act is all mystery, and really keeps you turning the pages… I won’t spoil plot details or get into the origin of the virus. All I will say is there’s a lot to like here, and I very much recommend it. It’s a cerebral take on the genres it culls from, but it’s fast-paced and always entertaining. Think of it as the written equivalent of a B-movie with brains. Good stuff indeed.’ (Horror Novel Reviews 4/5)
‘Imagine if Freddy Krueger bottled up his particular brand of terror and shipped it off to England, just for the hell of it. Well, what do you think would happen? Sleeper(s) by Paul Kane is not exactly like that, but if I close my eyes and imagine Freddy Krueger with a better – eviller – marketer, I can see him coming up with something similar to what’s in Paul Kane’s novella. In other words: Nine, ten, never sleep again… Sleeper(s), set in Middletown (somewhere in the UK), is a haunting tale of a whole town suddenly falling asleep…for no apparent reason. The UK and US military (reluctantly working together to get to the bottom of this illness) bring in the help of renowned doctor, Dr. Andrew Strauss – who’s been waiting for this case his whole life. The thing is, there are more dangers in the quarantined town than they thought possible, which includes some violent sleepwalking scenes, sleep-falling scenes, the sleeping undead scenes, and some sleep-killing scenes. Sounds intriguing, yes? Well, it is. Sleeper(s) is fast-paced, contrary to the sleeping sickness plot, and the characters are realistic (even the psychotic ones)… I still enjoyed Sleeper(s) by Paul Kane a lot. It’s got some sci-fi elements, a great deal of horror, some interesting characters, and best of all, it’s a novella, so it’s a fun little book to read before bedtime rolls in…’ (Tentacle Books)
‘Paul Kane is a British author who has – by slow degrees – come to my attention through social media. Although not privy to reading his fiction before this, I was aware had Paul entered the collective tribe with numerous publications orbiting the Hellraiser mythos – in particular the well-received Hellbound Hearts anthology released in 2009 (of which Paul was a creative and driving force).Not only prolific in publishing circles, he seems to be an overall advocate for British horror across the globe. With Sleeper(s), Paul teams up with the burgeoning South African small press Crystal Lake Publishing to give us a short, cinematic novel heavily influenced by the epidemic sub-genre whose peak came with techno-thrillers such as The Andromeda Strain. Middletown UK, and an entire populace has been rendered unconscious by an enigmatic “sleeping” disease that’s reminiscent of a plague. Consequently quarantined in the aftermath, the military enlists the help of Dr. Andrew Strauss … an eccentric insomniac and a pioneer in the study of infectious diseases. Now a freelance maverick, Andrew travels the world with a (doting) assistant ready to tackle the next contagion. Though separated by a recent romantic tryst, both he and his partner are recalled as cavalry to the ghost town of Middletown, there to confront a virus that appears almost supernatural in origin. Accompanying the scientists are a motley crew of British and US soldiers – both of whom serve under different motives and clash in a melee of culture and warring personalities. Paul has created an ominous world around Middletown. Choosing what is almost a “slant” on the saturated zombie genre – much as Stephen King did with Cell – the infected humanity here are refreshing and unpredictable creatures. Dormant to the environment and cocooned in a kind of white webbing secreted from their bodies, each “Sleeper” appears to share a collective hive mind on a dreaming frequency that can also be accessed by the living. Shuffling around with malevolent intent, there is an old school flavour to these living dead that harkens back to tales prevalent in the past – where characters and their motivations come in black and white … and the view through one’s imagination contains the same tone and imagery… For readers who love the cross-pollination of science fiction and horror – and like it told in a gritty action style with military nuance – there is a lot to like within these pages. Compact of length and cinematic in scope, Sleeper(s) contains just enough punch for this reviewer to seek out the further works of Paul Kane.’
‘Sleeper(s) has a sweet blurb, a great opening, much with the creepy-assed “here be monsters” feeling town, and a solid threat against life on Earth. It moved fast, it ratcheted up the threat level, and demanded your attention for all 184 pages. It’s also nicely copy-edited and proofread, and has a neat cover to boot. Even with the fact that I pretty much loathed all the characters except for two (neither being the main), I was still interested in the story. The main character, Andrew Strauss, made me want to punch him in the face. That, or hire someone to give him the Wedgie from Hell every single day of his existence, and once more before he was buried. I understand why he was written the way he was, and it just goes to illustrate to me that I was never meant to have a Prince Charming, because I’d have decked the guy before three days were through. The way Paul Kane described everything that happened in Middletown was fantastic, though. It had some serious Silent Hill vibe-age going on. I’m pretty sure the first time the infection showed its power, I would have screamed, pissed myself, and run off like the half-naked chick in the opening scenes of a slasher flick. The man can set a scene like you wouldn’t believe. Sweet baby Cthulhu!... For most of the story, Sleeper(s) is a fantastically twisted fairy tale re-imagining. In fact, it’s too easy to forget at times that this is a Sleeping Beauty re-telling. As a reader being guided along the plot by Kane, you can’t help but expect the faeces to hit the fan in a grand fashion… There was a lot about Sleeper(s) to like. I think it’s admirable that Paul Kane managed to keep me interested enough to read the whole book even with his cast of thoroughly irritating characters. And it’s a short, quick read that you could pick up over a week’s worth of lunches at work.’ (Sci-Fi and Scary)
To buy Sleeper(s) in the UK click here, and in the US click here
First published by Rocket Ride Books, November 2013. Trade Paperback Edition (£6.96 / $9.99)
‘I loved this story, pure and simple. You’ll never look at that pretty, pretty rainbow the same way again.’ (From the introduction by NYT, USA Today and #1 Internationally bestselling author of more than 30 novels including the popular Morganville Vampires series, Rachel Caine)
‘Something fiendish this way comes. The Rainbow Man is a creeper that it winds its black tendrils around you…and squeezes. Expect to be turning pages behind the couch…by flashlight. I couldn’t put it down until the sun came up!’ (Nancy Holder – NYT Bestselling author of The Wolf Springs Chronicles: Unleashed, Hot Blooded and Savage, plus Buffy the Vampire Slayer novels including Immortal and The Book of Fours)
A wonderfully spooky tale, full of sinister twists and turns. Creepy enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. I loved it!” (Alex Bell – Bestselling author of the Lex Trent books, Jasmyn and The Ninth Circle)
‘Paul Kane writes with confidence and skill, crafting a gripping YA novel that once started cannot easily be put down. The great thing about this story is that it can be enjoyed on different levels: the emotional context of Daniel’s family life, the awful gap left by the death of his father, the horror of the Rainbow Man and the social commentary of how, sometimes, we often fail to see what is right under our noses. And like all good YA books it doesn't really matter what age you are, the story is strong enough to carry the reader through to the final page. P.B. Kane is an award-winning writer and editor with a host of books and comic books to his name. What he doesn't know about horror isn’t worth writing down. Well worth a read.’ (Starburst Magazine, 8/10 review)
‘Kane’s prose drips with menace, his lead characters – Daniel…his younger brother Mikey, and friends Jill and Greg – are well-written, and the final reveal and climax is very exciting. Well worth checking out, and I hope that Kane writes more for this age range.’ (YA?, Yeah, Yeah)
‘Full of mystery and intrigue, this story will suck you straight in to how a tight community can fall to pieces in the blink of an eye!... Daniel is a character who is consistent and driven to solve any problems, no matter what people think of him. He also tries his best to protect his family and friends no matter what, even if it means driving them away. His involvement in the story was key and his theories prompted you to try and solve the mystery alongside him…The mystery and conflict behind his story is incredibly engaging. The way that some of Daniel's thoughts concerning his father always ended in: “Especially before he...”, ah, I just really wanted to know what had happened. The manipulation of the community was interesting to read about, how they turned against each other and acted the opposite of their usual characters gave a thrilling and creepy edge to this story that kept you wanting to read further and allowed you to look deeper into their hidden feelings and personalities. This is an engaging and thrilling story, testing the friendships and family bonds between all when they are pushed to their limits.’ (Once Upon a Moonlight)
‘Daniel Routh lives in a small fishing community on the island of Shorepoint with his mother and his little brother Mikey. After a storm he, his brother and two friends, Jill and Greg follow a rainbow and find a body on the beach. This strange, unknown man, when he recovers, becomes a part of community life, everyone seems to love him but Dan is not convinced. Alas he seems to be the only one though. (Ebookwyrm)
‘This YA novel by Paul Kane features an introduction by Morganville Vampires author Rachel Caine and according to the blurb, “you will never look at a rainbow in the same way again.”… I was more than a little excited to read this book, especially as Caine likens it to Hitchcock in tone, more of a creeping build up than a Michael Bay bang. Daniel Routh would never forget the day they found the body. This book is refreshing in that its teenage characters aren’t all angsty with more excess baggage that Paris Hilton going through airport control. Daniel’s little brother Mikey is always tagging along with Daniel and his best friends, which isn’t surprising given that they live on an island with little to do. So the teenagers with Mikey in toe set off on an adventure following the storm of the previous night. On the beach the next day as the kids explore, the enthusiastic collie Vincent appears to be chasing the left over rainbow that leads to the body of a man, barely alive. But there is something about the man, whose only name he can remember is John, that makes Daniel distinctly uncomfortable. Strange things are happening in the village, which Daniel believes could be linked to the mysterious newcomer John Dee, the Rainbow Man. As usual with Kane’s writing there is a great deal of atmosphere from the outset. The ghost of the boys losing their father hovers around the text. There is an almost Stephen King vibe to the novel, with the small town environment, intimate locals and a sense of the supernatural. Kane keeps the tension building as Daniel, then his friends investigate exactly who, or what, the Rainbow Man is. This is a compelling story of Daniel’s growth into adulthood and the nature of humanity and the grip of something inherently evil on a small community. And when the mythology is finally revealed, well, what a cracker. Brilliant YA Fantasy in action.’ (Terror Tree)
‘The Rainbow Man by P.B. Kane is a quiet, sinister fantasy thriller with a mythological twist… Like the secrets of Shorepoint, the plot reveals itself in relentless, slithering waves that break upon the strand of reason and erode the reader’s sense of security. As the various denizens of Shorepoint are alternately lulled into complacency or perplexed by the blight that has befallen their normally idyllic community, shadows loom and threaten until the reader is breathless with anticipation. Conversational, engaging narrative makes The Rainbow Man a real page-turner, appropriate for young audiences but gripping enough to hold any adult’s attention. (Readers’ Favourite 5/5)
‘This is a terrific, slowly escalating thriller that readers who love scary books will devour. I know I did. And it’s a perfect read to take in on one sitting…I would say that the author knows his craft, creating this “clean” literary thriller that will be just as great for teens as for adults. It has a great setting that the reader will love – an island somewhere off the UK. It’s a small coastal town that helps create a feeling of being stranded, which is a key element in the story for Daniel as he is the only person to believe that the rainbow man is not who he leads everyone to believe. Recommended for lovers of horror and books with paranormal or mythological twists. Also recommended to audio book listeners since it’s just as great of a book in its audio version, with its UK accented reader.’ (Layers of Thought, 4 Star review)
‘Daniel, Jill, and Greg are the best of friends...peas in a pod....three musketeers....they are lucky to have one another living on such a small and secluded island like they do. An innocent stroll on the beach after a wicked storm changes things though, and not just about their friendship, but about everything on the whole island. Daniel, Jill, Greg, and Daniel’s little brother Mikey go out to the beach to see what the storm may have washed up on shore. What they find is anything but usual, it is a man...what looks to be a dead man. When Daniel suddenly sees the man’s eyes flash all the colors of the rainbow he tries to logically think it away as a reflection of the rainbow that seems to have led him to find the man. Soon Daniel knows something about this John Dee is not as it seems or should be. Quickly everyone loves him and seems to think only he knows what is right. Good things start to happen on the island, so they all think John is good luck. Daniel knows the truth and sees John for what he really is, but how can he get anyone to believe him when John seems to be so helpful? Soon Daniel is in the fight for the island peoples’ lives and is desperately trying to get Jill and Greg back on his side. Will he get the help from his friends that he needs to find out what or who John Dee really is? Will it be in time to save the island and its people? Will Daniel really want to accept the truth of John if and when he does find it? (Angels Are Kids and Furkids)
Visit the publisher page at Rocket Ride Books by clicking here, plus order the book from Amazon here and here. To buy the unabridged audio-book click here or here.
First published by SST Publications, December 2015. Trade Hardback Edition (£17.95)
‘Upon receiving Blood RED, I was delighted to discover that RED is included with it so that’s a bonus for people like me who hadn’t bought RED when it first bared its fangs in 2008. If you’ve already read RED, you’ll probably know a lot more than I do as I open the door and follow the breadcrumbs of this modern-day fairy tale. There are no breadcrumbs in this tale, however; that’s for another story which I personally hope Mr. Kane will revisit and bring his contemporary worldview to on that theme… RED is the raw-meaty morsel of a novella written by Paul Kane and is included here with its sequel, Blood RED (2015)… The dramatic opening scene will doubtless appeal to readers who enjoyed the “Flash, Boom!” approach most recently deployed in the opening episode of American Horror Story – Hotel. It leaves you breathless from start to finish, fingers bloodied as you turn the pages for more gore and lust…Such a brutal and graphic beginning to my journey with RED snatched my breath and left me wanting more. It also served to yell at me, “Don’t be misled into thinking this is a fairy tale intended for children” – it clearly is not…In summary, with RED, Paul Kane has provided a well-constructed and fast-paced visual and visceral tale, a contemporary re-telling of the “Red Riding Hood” fable; a tale which, it’s implied, is being played out for a second time – and perhaps by the same two characters! I realise now that Paul Kane’s prologues are, like the flirting and seductive activities his characters are engaged in, merely a means to an end. He holds your head under water, allowing you to almost drown so that when your head is lifted again to begin Chapter One, you’re already gasping for air, the fight or flee effect has been triggered. It also challenges the normal reassurance when reading or watching horror that you at least know who is the protagonist, and who is the one we should run from. Again, not in this case… In Blood RED, we continue the events and are re-acquainted with some of the surviving characters introduced in the original. We also meet several more, including the enigmatic “Hunter,” along with a sort of “Sniffer” organisation, confirming to me that a future HBO-style TV series would be a natural progression from the written word. I can only hope, if that does happen, we see more of Blood RED than True Blood in the production and that its writer, Paul Kane, can keep a steady hand on the axe… erm, tiller. Whatever, you know what I mean. Blood RED also provides us with an “origins” narrative, which is exactly what I was hoping for. Maybe it’s comforting for us to know where the beasts come from, so we know where or when we should look for them, or lest we fear they come from within ourselves and need to find early warning signs? That said, I’m just off to check the mirror and investigate the palms of my hands.’ (5 * Review, Dread Central)
Rachael Daniels remembered her Grandma’s stories, she dreams of being chased by the creature, she tries to outrun it, but those flashing teeth snapping are always too close… we’re thrown into an urban jungle, from prim looking flats to run down neighborhoods where hoodlums smoke against the wall, human predators themselves. In this urban setting, we will discover what follows the 2008 story RED, and revisit this mythology, which gets expanded in this novel. Don’t worry, the 2008 story is included in this book at the very beginning, so it ties in seamlessly with Blood RED… If you get the Signed Limited Hardcover Edition you will also get a lot of exclusive extras making this book a complete pitch package; featuring Paul Kane’s own pencil renditions of the characters, extracts from a movie script adaptation (listing its various accolades so far), as well as extracts for a graphic novel adaptation. I would love to see Blood RED as a movie, it would certainly be a very original and terrifying take on the werewolf as a predator living among us, in our day and age.’ (Jose Leitao, Clive Barker Podcast)
‘Paul Kane has become one of my favorite writers of late. I feel ashamed that I’ve come across his written work so late in the game, but like they say there’s no better time than the present…Blood RED is a sequel to Kane’s earlier story simply titled RED which was an interesting take on the Little Red Riding Hood tale. What I most enjoyed about the follow up was how Paul Kane manipulated the reader. You really didn’t know what the hell was going on until something happened. I felt like one of the characters from John Carpenter’s The Thing as I turned each page. Could I trust any of these characters? It was a question that kept popping up in my mind as I was reading it. I never knew what to expect and as a reader I found that to be some damn good writing on part of the author. The werewolves themselves were big and nasty which is the way I like them. These beasts would devour the likes of Lon Chaney’s Wolfman or even the Lycans from the Underworld movie franchise in one gulp. They don’t mess around when getting what they want. They’re mean and enjoy toying with their victims before they move in for the kill. I sure wouldn’t want to run into these things on a cold dark night. Speaking of killings, the author also doesn’t leave anything to the imagination… Let’s just say Blood Red is a very appropriate title for this book and I’ll leave it at that. Most of the characters were very engaging as well. Hunter was the standout for me because I related to him the most. I loved the internal conflict that Paul gave him. I’ve always loved the loner type characters with big hearts. Rachel Daniels was hard to get into at first but as the story played out I began to really care about her. But it was her mother who stole the show from everyone. She’s the classic protective mother who’s going to make sure nothing happens to her daughter. She also has a scrappy side to her that I liked. The female characters in this book are not written as hopeless victims. They’re strong and can kick some ass; I like females characters like that. So once again Paul Kane has delivered another great novel that should please fans of his work and of the genre. It’s a very strong follow-up to RED and I hope he’ll give us another Red story in the near future. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! 9.5/10’ (Rob Ridenour, Clive Barker Podcast)
‘The book is made up of two parts. The first, RED, is a novella first published by Paul in 2008. It introduces the reader to Rachael Daniels, a care worker whose errand of mercy leads her to be stalked across her city at night by something with evil intent. Move forward to 2015 and Blood RED, the longer novel, goes back to just after the events of RED. It returns us to the story from the perspective of Rachael, but also widens the perspective by bringing in a bunch of trackers determined to find, catch and kill the monster that has been making their city a place of fear. The book has a fast pace from the get-go. It is generally violent and bloody, and, as you would rather expect from a devotee, more in the mould of Clive Barker’s sexier, messier work rather than a subtle analysis of mass-hysteria and fear. What works for me most is that the scenarios are credible, given the circumstances, and the dialogue is both accessible and realistic, giving the impression that this really could happen now. Although this is not a 700 page epic, the characters are developed enough for the reader to readily identify with them without the points having to be laboured. In terms of the characterisation, the story uses tropes that are both entertaining and identifiable. Hunter, the leader of the trackers, is a pleasing hero and deals with a difficult situation in the manner expected, and there are some nicely done minor characters to expand the plot. However, Rachael is the focus of the tale and is therefore the character who develops most over the course of the story. What happens here is initially unexpected, though the signs are there if you want to look for them. The complication that the werewolf can shapeshift into the form of other people makes things pleasantly complicated, and creates situations that can keep the reader guessing. My edition for review is the expanded one, and as a result there’s a wealth of ephemera to supplement the story. We have the original introduction written for RED by fellow horror writer Tim Lebbon, as well as a new introduction for Blood RED by Alison Littlewood, which explains both the power and the attraction of fairy tales. When I finished it, I did feel that Blood RED was written in a way that would make a great TV series or a film. Paul clearly feels the same way, as there’s an entertaining Appendix in the form of an extract from a movie script adaptation of RED, which gives you the chance to see how a prose novel can become a script. Pleasingly accessible, fast-paced and gloriously gruesome, Blood RED gives a fresh lick of paint (red, obviously!) to an old tale and adds a distinctly adult tone. Good fun.’ (Mark Yon, SFF World)
‘RED: This was a brilliant novella, just dark and gory enough without being extreme. The opening prologue is fantastic. Kane grabbed me by the throat from the first page and refused to let go. I liked everything about RED. I thought Rachael was a great character and she carried the story well. I loved the creepiness and the dark atmosphere. I loved RED. Blood RED: This was a brilliant short novel and an excellent conclusion to RED. Even though Blood RED is a sequel to RED it can be read as a stand-alone-piece. You don’t need to have read the original novella to follow what’s going on. I loved the way this short novel developed and how the gaps from RED are filled. This is proper horror, creepy and unsettling but brilliant. I love the twisted take on Little Red Riding Hood. Who doesn’t love dark and twisted tales inspired by disturbing and unsettling fairy-tales? I loved every page. I had a great time reading RED and Blood RED. Paul Kane’s work has impressed me so far (I reviewed his story collection, Monstersrecently). I’d highly recommend Blood RED.’ (5 * Review, Book Lover’s Boudoir)
‘There is something to be said about an author that can effortlessly entice, disgust and mesmerize his readers, all in the same sentence. There is even more to be said about the sublime experience of discovering a new author’s work and falling deeply in adoration with their style and prose that you wonder what on earth took you so long to discover them. I had never heard of Paul Kane before I was asked to review his latest novel, but baby, after submerging myself in the sweet, delectable bloodbath that is Blood RED, I am a fan of the man now and forever. A dark, twisted modern day take on the Little Red Riding Hood lore, Blood RED is a follow-up to Kane’s novella RED, both of which blew my mind into itty bitty little pieces with this fresh take on the werewolf legend. No longer a creature confined to woods and moon, Paul Kane’s monster is a devious, thoroughly evil being that can be anyone it wants to be and even hunt its unsuspecting prey while simulating the skin of their loved ones. I won’t lie, the concept is utterly tantalizing, and Kane masterfully weaves this bloody new world into a wicked web that ensnares and captivates in perfect, equal measure. Be warned, this ain’t your run of the mill Red Riding Hood story. Blood RED is exquisitely crafted and perfectly grotesque; this is horror at its most visceral and vivid, and the blood flows so freely from its pages you can almost feel it coat your tongue as you ravenously devour one chapter after another. Fortunately, one taste is all it will take to get you hooked, and after that, your thirst for the sweet Blood RED stuff that Paul Kane has to offer will undoubtedly be as voracious as any beast’s.’ (A Girl’s Guide to Horror)
‘You cheeky bastard! Not only have you revamped the Robin Hood legend (in Abaddon Books’ Afterblight Chronicles) now you have taken Little Red Riding Hood and turned what was already a dark fable into a descent into pure, action-packed horror. While I love to read, my time spent with books had diminished recently...until I picked up my promo of Blood RED. Now I’m back to full speed and enjoying myself again! Thanks Paul!’ (Zero Signal Magazine)
You can order Blood RED here
Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell ‘If you’re a Holmes and Watson fan, you’ll love this book. If you’re an admirer of Clive Barker’s Hellraiser mythology of labyrinths, Cenobites and the exploration of the ultimate in sensual suffering, you’ll also love this book. If you like vivid, imaginative and muscular writing, then, hell, you’ll adore this book.’ (From the Introduction by Barbie Wilde – Female Cenobite from Hellbound: Hellraiser II and author of The Venus Complex and Voices of the Damned)
‘The prologue takes us right into the thick of the box-opening action. We’re sitting in that circle, surrounded by filth, obsessing over the box and how it could be opened, when… ahhhh, but that would be a spoiler, wouldn’t it? This 90,000-worder (approximately) opens with the words of Dr Watson, who is chronicling (apparently for his own purposes) how he met Holmes and touching on some of their adventures together… I suspect Paul Kane will have spent considerable time ensuring his references are as accurate as possible. As a Holmes fan himself, he is doubtless hoping to please the armchair sleuths who are likely to pick this up and accept it for what it is, a believable Sherlock Holmes tale… A perfectly plausible storyline follows, as Watson goes on to discuss how, after his feigned death, Holmes went travelling, and how, since Moriarty’s demise, Holmes was lacking a challenge. It’s not a great leap of intuition to put the two things together and wonder how Holmes might have sought some excitement (and danger) to keep him away from his self-destructive habits of choice. I really enjoyed the tie-ins to the Cotton family and the address on Lodovico street, which Hellraiser fans will recognise… While the first names of the major characters echo closely the characters in Hellraiser, they are clearly some predecessors from a previous era, lending a kind of alternate universefeel to a fairly familiar tale. This is a skill that Kane has mastered through various retellings of faerie tales such as his treatment in modernising Red Riding Hood in RED and Blood RED… The parallels with the established Hellraiser mythos continue, and of course are augmented by the addition of Holmes and familiar characters from other well-known sources… But I won’t spoil it here. Suffice to say, whether you’re a fan of the first two movies, or Clive Barker’s The Hellbound Heart novella, or Paul Kane’s Hellbound Hearts anthology of short stories, or the Sherlock Holmes adventures, you’re in for a treat and I doubt if any but the most die-hard purist fan will have any qualms over Kane’s treatment of these subjects that he knows and loves so well…’ (Dread Central 5 star review)
‘The great detective applies his inimitable intellect to a murder mystery like none other in Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell, a surprisingly credible commingling of Arthur Conan Doyle’s classic characters and the soul-shredding subjects of The Scarlet Gospels. That’s right, readers: Clive Barker’s Cenobites are back – and they may actually have met their match. Holmes himself has seen better days, I dare say. In the wake of the great hiatus, during which period he disappeared to mess with his nemesis, he’s alive and relatively well, but without the dastardly Moriarty to match wits with, he’s grown a bit bored. And as Dr Watson warns: “When Holmes grew bored, it was usually only a matter of time before he took up his old habit of drug use […] however his penchant for his seven-percent solution of cocaine, administered via a needle he kept locked away in a polished Morocco box, was the least of my concerns after he returned, it transpired.” The black dog of Holmes’ habit is troubling, to be sure, but still more worrisome to Watson is the fact that his closest acquaintance’s “malaise was gaining momentum.” Said detective is dismissing fascinating cases with no explanation and plying his elementary trade in plague-ridden areas. “If these were in fact efforts to feel something, to feel alive,” Watson worries, “then they might well kill the man instead.” It’s a relief, then, that “this dangerous road he was heading down: this terrible testing of himself” seems to cease when a couple come knocking on the door of 221B Baker Street. Laurence Cotton’s brother Francis has gone missing, is the thing, and the police aren’t taking his disappearance seriously – despite the screams the housekeeper heard emerge from the loft he was last seen locking. At the scene of the could-be crime, our chums uncover a void in the decades-old dust that suggests the involvement of a small box, and soon scent “an odd smell of vanilla” masking an undercurrent of what must be blood. From just this, Holmes is convinced that Francis has fallen victim to some dark deed indeed, but the mechanics of his murder are mysterious – as is the motive of the killer or killers – and that comes to fascinate a fellow famed for his ability to explain anything. So it is that Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell starts with “a seemingly ordinary case of a missing person,” but this is just the beginning of “something that would open up a puzzle which would find Holmes stretched to his capacity; that would uncover a conspiracy only whispered about, and inconceivable to anyone of a right mind.” Of course, Holmes isn’t in his right mind at the time of this tale, so when at last he learns of the Lament Configuration – the elaborate contraption that summons the Cenobites in the Hellraiserbooks and movies – he isn’t simply going to leave it be, is he? Instead, he sends Watson off to France – ostensibly to investigate the box’s origins but really to have him out of harm’s way – and sets about opening a doorway into hell itself. Holmes wasn’t a particularly religious soul, and up until now he had been no great belief in the supernatural – but he trusted logic and the evidence of his own eyes. As he’d once said, “once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” What happens, though, if the truth turns out to be the impossible? Why, the second half of Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell happens, wherein we bear witness to an escalating battle between a pair of diametrically opposed forces – namely Doyle’s resolutely rational characters and the darkly fantastical proponents of pain Clive Barker breech-birthed in The Books of Blood. The authenticity of Kane’s take on Hell itself, and its inhabitants, is a scant surprise considering his years of attendant experience, as, among other things, co-editor of Hellbound Hearts – from which anthology he borrows several of the more striking Cenobites who have their wicked way with Holmes and his here – and author of The Hellraiser Films and Their Legacy, a scholarly study of the themes and ideas explored in said series. Markedly more startling is the conviction Kane brings to his depiction of the great detective and friends. Though the sections of the story necessarily narrated from Sherlock’s perspective are less impressive…Watson’s account is otherwise wonderful, with all the “colour and life” of the original writer’s romanticised renditions. Kane even takes pains to stitch his story into that patchwork of narrative, such that it is as cleverly couched in canon as Anthony Horowitz’s excellent official additions. That’s not going to be enough to bring the die-hard Doyle devotees around to this inherently infernal affair, but then, Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell was never meant for them. Less demanding fans are, however, apt to have a blast…it really is just what the doctor ordered: a whole bunch of bloody fun!’ (Tor.com)
‘Sherlock Holmes is one of those characters that writers simply can’t resist reinventing. As nice as it is to see different writers’ takes on the quintessential detective, it seems the shelves of your local independent bookshop are rammed full with clever reinventions of the well-loved hero. Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell stands out from the crowd by being one of the more interesting remixes of Conan Doyle’s classic. It pits both Watson and Holmes against other iconic figures; namely Clive Barker’s Cenobites, better known to some as the demons from The Hellraiser movies. It’s a surprisingly powerful mix, but it makes a lot of sense. Holmes’ greatest power is his insatiable curiosity, and the infamous puzzle box is designed to lure all sorts of hungers into Hell. The story begins with the great detective attempting to solve a most mysterious disappearance of a chap called Francis Cotton. A locked room, a vanished person and the only clues are a small amount of blood, the feint smell of vanilla and a box-shaped space on the floor. Sherlock’s Victorian world provides a perfect sort of backdrop for the world of Hellraiser. The unspoken sense that scandal is just around the corner suits Barker’s monsters perfectly; Kane manages to create both a credible Holmes mystery, and yet at the same time captures the horror of Hellraiser perfectly. This shouldn’t be a huge surprise; Kane is one of the leading authorities on all things Hellraiser, and a very well regarded horror novelist. The book is littered with many recognisable references to both worlds, and it’s a delight to be able to join the dots between the two. The author’s enthusiasm does become a little obvious at points as it dives deeply into the Hellraiser mythos, but this simply adds to both the horror and joy of the work. Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell is a fun and rapid read. If you like horror, and enjoy the Hellraiser films, this will likely make you lick your lips in anticipation. It’s a horror B-movie of a book, filled with leather, chains and angst. Beautifully bloody fun, with just enough mystery to be delicious.’ (Starburst Magazine)
‘Crossover stories are an arduous task to pull off. On paper, the idea of hybridizing two or more established properties is an enticing notion, but when it comes to finding that successful blend of the characteristics that define their respective worlds, often it’s the case that they don’t quite live up to expectations. Paul Kane’s Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell amalgamates the universes of Arthur Conan Doyle and Clive Barker respectively, pitting the brilliant detective and his trusty sidekick Watson against their deadliest foes yet – The Cenobites. The book opens with an introduction from Hellraiser icon Barbie Wilde, herself a wonderful author whose work I suggest you seek out immediately. Here she recounts her childhood memories of reading her father’s Sherlock Holmes books until they literally fell apart. Her attachment to the Hellraiser universe is seminal and well-documented, but her love of Holmes is authentic and lifelong. Therefore, her blessing of Kane’s tale ought to dispel any worries the reader might have in regards to this experiment not succeeding. That being said, anything involving Kane and Hellraisercomes with an air of expectation given that Clive Barker himself has commended his expertise on the subject matter. You just need to read his The Hellraiser Films and Their Legacy book to get a glimpse into his encyclopaedic knowledge of the franchise. Couple that with his unique imagination and scope for storytelling and you know it’s going to be a winner. The story centres on Holmes’ and Watson’s investigation into a series of disappearances in London. All of the missing persons have vanished into thin air, and the only evidence left behind is the stench of vanilla and reports of a mysterious blue light in the darkness. Following the death of Moriarty, Holmes has been craving a stimulating challenge, and to entertain himself he’s been partaking in drug use and extreme forms of meditation. This could be just what he needs. However, this case might just present him with a challenge that’s out of his control. I’ll leave it at that, because spoiling this mystery would be doing you an unforgivable disservice. Just know that it’s a resounding success that will surprise you at every turn, even when it incorporates elements you’ll undoubtedly be familiar with. When you think about it, this crossover is not such an outlandish idea. The Hellraiser franchise has thrived on mystery since its inception and uncovering seemingly impossible mysteries is the very lifeblood of Sherlock Holmes tales. Furthermore, the character of Holmes is a pursuer of knowledge with a number of self-destructive tendencies which provide him with temporary pleasure. Haven’t the Cenobites made a career out of giving those who summon them more knowledge and “pleasure” than they can handle? Throw in seedy gentleman’s clubs, the occult and an array of complimentary nuggets to each universe and the parallels are evident. Thankfully, for fans of each franchise, Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell integrates both worlds seamlessly. Not only does it work as a Holmes detective mystery and as a haunting Hellraiserstory; it stands out as a unique body of work in its own right and a damn impressive one at that. The homages are there in abundance; dutifully respected, yet weaved – and mutated – to great effect. Without going into spoilers, you’ll be grinning from ear-to-ear when you find out what’s become of some of Holmes’ old enemies – that’s if you aren’t shivering to your very core as the story plunges into the heart of darkness. Like the work of Barker and the greats who have tackled Holmes’ most compelling adventures, Kane has created a highly addictive tale that’s intelligent, layered and brimming with splendid imagination. Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell is a masterwork. If you’re a fan of Sherlock Holmesor Hellraiser, you owe it to yourself to check it out and see how wonderfully these worlds converge and bleed into each other to share DNA. Diehards will appreciate the Easter eggs throughout, yet it works as a standalone story that won’t deter newcomers to either franchise. Furthermore, Kane adds his own unique touches that expand on established mythology to great effect with aplomb. This is one you’ll want to read time and time again, and it’ll take something triumphant to top it in 2016.’ (SQ Magazine, 10/10 review)
‘I’m a big fan of the Hellraiser franchise. I’ve seen the films, read the original novella and purchased the comic books… Now that we’ve conclusively established my appreciation of said movie monsters, let’s talk a little about their latest incarnation. The idea of bringing together arguably the most iconic detective of all time and some of horror’s most feared denizens feels like a match made in Heaven, or should that be Hell? Paul Kane’s latest novel does precisely that. It features the forces of darkness squaring off against the forces of good. Prepare yourself, we have such sights to show you. Things start off traditionally enough. We find Holmes at a low ebb. After finally defeating his arch-nemesis Moriarty, he is somewhat bereft. He needs a distraction, something that will occupy his vast intellect. A series of missing persons cases suggest something slightly more sinister than your typical locked door mystery. Who exactly are the mysterious Order of The Gash, and what is their involvement in these disappearances? What follows is a journey that transcends a normal crime and takes Holmes and Watson to the very doors of Hell. Personally, I’ve always considered Sherlock Holmes to be quite an aloof character. I mean no disrespect; I just think he exists on a different mental plane than us mere mortals. There is certainly evidence to suggest that this is still the case in this instance, he appears dismissive of many at first glance. That said, Paul Kane has added additional layers to this iteration of the character. The various incarnations of Sherlock Holmes I’ve come across in the past, whether in literature or on the screen, all have one thing in common – a cast iron certainty in their abilities as an investigator. There is a vulnerability to Holmes that I don’t think that I’ve ever seen before. Pushed to his limits he reveals himself to be as flawed as the rest of us. I like seeing a new side to a character, especially one that I thought I knew inside out. John Watson remains the moral compass of the duo. Holmes is entirely focused on knowledge, on understanding the how and why of a situation. Watson, meanwhile, ponders the ramifications of events. I suppose in his own way he keeps Holmes grounded. That is why the partnership works so well. Kane has done a great job of capturing the dynamic between the two. Some chapters are written from Watson’s perspective while others from Holmes, and this gives you a real insight into their innermost thoughts. There are a whole host of Cenobites who pop up. I’d be hard pushed to tell you which one was my absolute favourite. The eagle-eyed readers amongst you will certainly spot some nice nods to the expanded Clive Barker-verse. I’ve been a fan of both Paul Kane and Clive Barker for such a long time. This novel feels like all my Christmases have come at once. The story ends in a suitably epic confrontation. I’ll avoid spoilers, suffice to say that the payoff is exactly what I was hoping for. The battle for Hell is brutal, bloody and more than a little bit messy. I can almost guarantee that it won’t play out the way you are expecting. Paul Kane has successfully created an original story based on the Hellraiser pantheon that not only pays homage to the source material, but is also something uniquely its own. When a crossover is done well, as in this case, it really can be the best thing in the world. I love when an author takes key elements from seemingly disparate mythologies and fashions them into something new and exciting. That is exactly what Paul Kane has done here. I’m sure Clive Barker will love it and I’d like to think Arthur Conan Doyle would give his seal of approval too. Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell is published by Solaris and is available now. Highly recommended. It is unquestionably the best genre mashup I’ve read in ages.’ (The Eloquent Page)
‘Paul Kane is no stranger to the Hellraiser universe. He’s the author of the truly outstanding The Hellraiser Films and Their Legacy as well as the editor of the short story anthology, Hellbound Hearts, which expanded Clive Barker’s mythos still further. This is a man who clearly respects Clive Barker’s most brilliant creation. So there could be no safer hands for a tale that brings together two legends, Sherlock Holmes and the Cenobites. As a huge Hellraiser fan myself, I have to admit I’ve been giddy about the prospect of reading this since I first heard about it…When we meet Sherlock he’s a lost soul. His nemesis, Moriarty, is dead and there are no challenges left for him. So instead he has been experimenting with drugs and is close to destroying himself. Then a very special case comes along. Francis Cotton has been reported missing, having disappeared from inside a locked room, and that piques Holmes’ interest. Then the game’s afoot! If the last name Cotton sounds familiar, it should. We have Francis, who disappeared (Frank), his brother Laurence (Larry), Kirsten, his daughter (Kirsty), and second wife and stepmother to Kirsten, Juliet (Julia). Further parallels with names from the film series continue as further disappearances cross Holmes’ path… The in-references to the initial Hellraiser trilogy of films come thick and fast. As the names kept cropping up it was nice to place them. There was one surprise appearance outside of the film characters that really put a smile on my face… The dynamic between Holmes and Watson, our narrator for the majority of the book, is wonderful. Holmes’ curiosity and excitable nature is evocatively brought to life. As ever, Watson is accused of being his nanny by an irritable and insufferable Holmes for worrying about his reckless behaviour. Paul Kane, through Watson’s narration, slots the story nicely into the established Sherlock Holmes canon with many references to other established cases that took place before and in between the disappearances in the story. The setting and time period are perfect, a dark and dingy London, industrialization, thick fog, and men seeking understanding and enlightenment in both science and magic. While it feels primarily like a Sherlock Holmes story, a mystery in the typical vein, full of twists, paths do eventually cross. The arrival of the Order of the Gash introduces us to a plethora of new, inventive, and vile Cenobites. This includes a rather Victorian steampunk selection. This was one of my favourite parts of the book… It’s worth a mention that the prologue to the story is absolutely incredible. After reading that you’ll cheer and be hooked. To call this a mashup doesn’t do it justice as that suggests a parody, which this is not. It’s the greatest puzzle solver against the puzzle box. I was completely riveted throughout and couldn’t put it down.’ (Books of Blood)
‘Crossover stories have always been tricky to pull off. Most of them tend to pick a side and never really find a solid middle ground to do justice to both universes. I also find that some fans come away feeling alienated because they feel the characters they’ve come to love over the years aren’t given the respect they deserve. I know I have… I’m happy to report though that both the Hellraiser and Sherlock Holmes universes are given the same amount of respect in Paul Kane’s new novel Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell. I’m not going to go into the details of the story for this review, but simply touch on the aspects that I really enjoyed the most about it. I will say that story reminded me of a couple Sherlock Holmes stories like The Valley of Fear, The Final Problem, The Sign of the Four, and of course Clive Barker’s The Hellbound Heart. Saying anything more would really spoil the surprise. First off, Paul has perfectly captured the essence of Sherlock Holmes and how these stories work. The atmosphere was dead on and at times it felt like I was reading another story written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. As for the Hellraiser elements I knew he would deliver on this end of the narrative. The man has lived and breathed this world for years so that part was going to be a given. The best part of Servants of Hell is Holmes and Watson, especially Watson. For me this story was more about him coming to grips with his past and how his belief system is tested through the narrative. You even begin to question whether Watson will remain sane or not by the end. Holmes is a much darker character here too than I’ve ever seen him before. Paul uses ideas from previous stories about how Holmes has built up tolerances to drugs and poisons to help him withstand anything so he can control his body and mind in any given situation. Well, almost anything if you understand my meaning. In Servants of Hell Holmes faces his most dangerous opponents yet! If you were disappointed by the lack of new Cenobite creations in The Scarlet Gospels (I wasn’t one of them) fear not because Paul has literally created a small army of new ones here. I think NECA toys could start up their Hellraiser toy line again if they wanted to with all the original creations that he‘s come up with. The last one-hundred pages is a pure adrenaline rush of action and gore that will surely keep the reader on the edge of their seat. The lavish action sequences that are described reminded me of paintings from the mind of Hieronymus Bosch. There’s so much visual imagery it can be overwhelming at times… Well, he’s done it again! Author Paul Kane has delivered another exciting and horror filled tale with Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell. If you want mystery and suspense in the similar style of the classic Sherlock Holmes stories you’ve got it here! If you want skinned bodies, weird insane asylums, and bizarre Cenobite characters, Paul has you more than covered there, too. Clive Barker described The Scarlet Gospels as a kick to the gut then I would go a step further and describe Servants of Hell as a solid ass kicking!’
‘The thing with crossover novels like this is that they can be a tricky beast to get right. You can often end up with one strand being a lot stronger than the other, to the detriment of the story. Thankfully that is not the case here. What is clear from the off here is that Mr Kane knows his stuff. To start with you have a Sherlock Holmes story that could have come from the pen of Conan Doyle himself. Kane captures the essence of place, story and character perfectly. This is not a reinvention of Holmes, this is Holmes. And then… And then we have the Order of the Gash, the Cenobites. What was already a great story takes a step up. Paul Kane is acknowledged (by Clive Barker himself, no less) to be one of the most knowledgeable people when it comes down to the Hellraiser universe – and it shows here. When the Cenobites and their servants on Earth appear the story gets gruesome, horrific – and feels very ‘Hellraisery’. Holmes, Watson and the varying Cenobites (no two the same) all feel as they belong on the same page, in the same story and that, for me, is quite an achievement. Also, the Cenobites (and the pseudo Cenobites – sorry, no spoilers) are not generic creatures. Each one feels like an individual and this is, yet again, where Paul Kane shines. They have names and are described in such visceral detail but still feel believable. Does it help to have prior knowledge of the Hellraiser series? Possibly, but I would not say it is essential. So, at this point I should point out what didn’t work for me with the story – but I can honestly say I would be hard pushed to do that. Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell is a gem of a book that fits well into both Holmes and Hellraiser canon.’ (Sci-Fi Bulletin, 10/10 review)
‘Author Paul Kane is certainly no slouch when it comes to the world of Hellraiser and the Cenobites that reside within the series. Having written a rather lengthy book, aptly-titled The Hellraiser Films and Their Legacy, to put it mildly, Kane is a bit of a historian on the subject. When I saw the announcement for his most recent novel, Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell, I knew this genre and character mashup would certainly be in good hands. Not only has Kane delivered on the Hellraiser end of things with Servants of Hell, he has given us a fantastic entry in the Sherlock Holmes series as well. In late 1895, Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson return to solving crimes even though the incident at Reichenbach Falls has left the duo forever changed. Investigating several disappearances that seem to be interconnected, Holmes and Watson will cross paths with The Order of The Gash and come face to face with the ultimate puzzle in the world, one that will take them to the pits of Hell. The greatest achievement of this novel comes from the vast knowledge and understanding of Hellraiser and its mythos that Kane puts on display. Where most stories of this type would be filled with passing nods to events and other crowd-pleasing nonsense, Kane instead shows us how everything comes together and incorporates the historical references of the Hellraiser film series and expands upon it in ways that make you come away from this novel with a deeper love for the franchise. It isn’t good enough for Kane to just make a passing quip about a character or event found elsewhere in the franchise, he needs to show you how it relates to this story, and also how it differs. Although this is almost an alternative reality to everything we have come to know about the series, it also fits perfectly next to not only the films but also the recently released Scarlet Gospels. Kane’s look into hell is the perfect dessert to those that enjoyed Clive Barker’s final statement on Hell’s High Priest. Not to ride too high on the achievements of the Hellraiser mythos alone, Kane also accomplishes one of the best non-Doyle Sherlock Holmes novels I have ever read. The dynamic between Watson and Holmes is absolutely perfect and is incorporated into the events of a Hellraiser narrative without coming off as cheesy or forced. Having taken place after the fateful event at Reichenbach Falls, Kane uses this moment of mortality to uncover a darker side of Holmes and show us a man that seeks challenge when his biggest puzzle has been solved. The swing in personality for Holmes and the detachment of Watson are perfect within the realm of Hellraiser. There are far too many references to list in this review and keeping track becomes a challenge as even the slightest event or bit of dialogue carries a great amount of depth to those that are familiar with the various tales and films within the franchise. While the story is an absolute delight to the most hardcore of Hellraiser fans, passing readers will still find a tremendous story within the pages that will inspire them to dig deeper into the mythos and I cannot think of a higher utterance of praise for a novel such as this. Essential reading for Hellraiser diehards; a must-read for genre fans alike.’ (Cinema Bluster)
‘This book has a stunning looking cover, featuring a great artistic design that really stands out…saying look at me! And so, you know, look at this book you most definitely should! It’s a quality read! On the back of the book above the actual synopsis there’s a sentence: “The World’s Greatest Detective Meets Horror’s Most Notorious Villains!” Now that should garner your attention and whet your interest, if only to question what’s going on and what sort of strange mash-up have I stumbled across??? Now, I’m a huge Holmes fan, I’ve devoured the entire Conan Doyle collection and loved it, also enjoying Anthony Horowitz’s two recent Holmes books and the very recent Warlock Holmes parody by G.S Denning – it had me smiling and smirking throughout at its irreverent comedic retelling. While technically I’d also say I’m a Hellraiser fan – I’ve seen the films and read a couple of the books, I’m not a die-hard fan who knows everything about the series, but even I was able to spot some of the Easter eggs left by Kane as an homage to the original Hellraiser mythology created by Clive Barker and I’m sure for experts in the series there’s plenty more for you to find. When combining two very different but much-loved works there’s a chance when you join them together that if not done correctly or with respect to the original works then you could alienate the fans of both. It was only after I finished the book, whilst reading the acknowledgements in the back by Paul Kane that I found out he is a Hellraiser expert with Clive Barker – the Hellraiser creator himself – describing Kane as “the resident Hellraiser expert”. Now, that gives Kane pedigree with the Hellraiser mythology and part of the book but how would he do with the Sherlock Holmes aspect of the book too? Well, suffice to say he nailed it! As I mentioned previously, I’m a Holmes fan and two of the biggest things I look for with a new Sherlock book are, firstly, has the author managed to achieve a similar sort of tone and style to Conan Doyle’s classics? And secondly, the relationship between Holmes and Watson, I’m sure there’ll be people who disagree with me and that’s fine – we all have own views but for me, the friendship and deep bond between Holmes and Watson has always been the core of the Sherlock Holmes canon; no matter what the mystery attempting to be solved, it’s the duo of Holmes and Watson that the tale revolves around. Kane manages to perfectly convey the friendship between the two whilst paying respect to the original works and giving it his own unique version. Though, there’ll be some people out there who haven’t heard of Clive Barker, Hellraiser, the “Order of the Gash” and the Cenobites – due to them appearing in the more niche horror media market – I’d guess near enough everyone with even a passing interest in literature and due also to the countless films and TV shows throughout the years ranging from Basil Rathbone in the 1940s onwards and through to Benedict Cumberbatch in the present day, will have heard of Sherlock Holmes. For fans of either Sherlock Holmes or Hellraiser there’s a great deal within this book for you all to enjoy. And for other would-be readers out there, you don’t need any previous knowledge of either original works to enjoy the book, IT’S THAT DAMN GOOD!... The Lament Configuration has always been a rather ingenious puzzle box since its creation. Add into the mix, strange and unconnected disappearances, people vanishing from locked rooms without a trace, a lingering smell of Vanilla, mysterious footsteps that abruptly halt and murmurings of a clandestine new power looking to take control and you have all the makings of a perfect Sherlock Holmes mystery. And, the Hellraiser mythology blends perfectly with late Victorian London making a perfect time and setting for the book. Taking place in 1895 following Holmes’ return to Baker Street and London, and after the incident at the Reichenbach Falls, it’s the ideal time for the story to take place, giving Kane ample opportunity to delve into the mystery surrounding the whereabouts of Holmes during the years of “the great hiatus” as it’s commonly known by fans of the series. In the Conan Doyle stories when Holmes did return to Watson and sleuthing, he wasn’t the same man as he had been before, with slight changes to both his character and personality. Kane uses the Hellraiser mythos to great effect, explaining away these changes to Holmes as we learn that after the Reichenbach Falls, Holmes, during his missing years was preparing himself both mentally and physically for something sinister to come. The mix of Sherlock Holmes and Hellraiser feels completely organic with each aspect complimenting the other to perfection, whilst still feeling like a Holmes story at heart with Watson narrating from the future this darkest of chapters from their adventures together. Taking in the darkest recesses of Victorian London, a Mental Institute in France and Hell itself, this tale tests the boundaries of the friendship between the pair to the core, literally taking them to Hell and back. And, when we’re finally introduced to the Cenobites, taking the tale from the more normal to the surreal it really feels natural to the story’s progression; without going into detail, what a vividly described and visualised grotesque bunch they are. The book itself is well written with a descriptive and fast-paced style by Kane that really pulls you in, packing a hell – see what I did there! – of a lot into its 300 page length, building from a mysterious, more sedate beginning up to the climactic conclusion. I have to admit that while the cover “sold” the book to me as something I wanted to read I was in fact slightly concerned when I started the actual book as I couldn’t help but think that on the surface what a strange amalgamation the two worlds would make; delving deeper however and as the story progressed they fitted together surprisingly well and what, in the hands of a lesser talented author could have been a disappointing mash-up ruining two beloved classic franchises, alienating the fans of both in the process, in the hands of Kane turns into a respectful tale embodying elements of the original works that deftly incorporates aspects from both into a delightfully glorious and stunning read making Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell one of the surprise books of the year! By Jove! It’s highly recommended.’ (Tattooed Book Geek 5/5 review)
‘Newsflash: I am a complete sucker for all things Sherlock Holmes. I love the original Sherlock Holmes stories by A.C. Doyle and I can’t get enough of the myriad of mysteries inspired by them such as Whitechapel: The Final Stand of Sherlock by Bernard Schaffer, Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy’s Curse by Stephanie Osborn, June Thomson’s Secret Sherlock Holmes series, The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by William Seil. Love them! Another thing I am a goner for? Horror. Horror in all its forms and variations. So, “set in Clive Barker’s Hellraising World” and the mention of a “sinister asylum in France” (American Horror Story: Asylum was my favourite one… minus the aliens) definitely struck a cord. I am starry-eyed, and so on board! Paul Kane manages to capture the voice of Arthur Conan Doyle, perfectly mimicking the language and mannerisms of Sherlock Holmes and the narrative style attributed to Watson, while keeping it original and innovative, merging the iconic detective with the Cenobites (references to the Hellraiser universe throughout), and giving it a supernatural twist that, to me, seems only appropriate since, more than a logic procedure of detection based on observation, the process of Sherlock Holmes mystery solvings has always had a feel of magic.’ (The Book Voucher)
‘There is so just much potential in the concept. Handle it right, and you’ve got yourself a horror/mystery that is destined to become a genre staple. Fumble it at any point, however, and you have two separate camps of fandom ready to critique, condemn, and drag you to…well, Hell. Fortunately, Paul Kane knows his stuff, and what we have here is no mere imaginative lark. Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell is a very carefully constructed story that considers the legacies of both Doyle and Barker, and which not only finds a point at which the two can meet, but one in which that intersection actually adds something to each respective story. (Beauty in Ruins)
‘I have a confession. Before reading this book, I had no clue who Paul Kane was. Apparently, to the people in the know, he is the leading guru on Clive Barker’s Hellraiser films and mythos (outside of Barker, of course). So you’ll have to excuse me for being late to the party. What I do know is that I love Clive Barker’s Hellraiser films and I enjoy the Sherlock Holmes stories. So when I stumbled across the title of this book, I was instantly intrigued. What seems upon first glance as a farce, started sounding pretty damn full of possibilities the more I thought about it. After jumping headfirst into Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell, I am pleased to announce that the possibilities were right on the money and Kane delivered one hell of a fun read. Sherlock Holmes is moping around since he defeated his archenemy, Moriarty. Cases don’t seem to be that intriguing or challenging and Holmes is apparently a ball of irritability if his mind isn’t challenged. Dr Watson is worried about his dear friend, especially since he’s had a tangle with opium demon from time to time. Then a missing person case comes in. Apparently, a Francis Cotton went inside his attic room, locked the door, and never came out. Disappeared. Holmes and Watson take the case and are stumped. Other missing person cases come trickling in with the same descriptions. Holmes is convinced that they are tied together. But how? When investigating one of the other disappearances, the duo discover a secret society that focuses on the forbidden pleasures of the flesh and a pillar that contained a small box. Sound familiar? Kane’s tale weaves in and out of tie-ins with previous Sherlock Holmes stories and the Hellraiser films. And it works. Very well, I might add. The story is told Arthur Conan Doyle-style through a re-telling by Dr Watson. We also get a nice perspective from it rotating back and forth from Watson to Holmes’ POV and back again. Who would’ve thought that the marriage of Sherlock Holmes and Clive Barker would work so well? You know what? Don’t question a good thing and Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell is a good thing.’ (Into the Macabre 5/5 review)
‘I consider myself a pretty big Hellraiser fan. I own all the movies and I own several books, comics, action figures and a few Lament Configuration replicas. I absolutely love Hellraiser, plain and simple. Hellraiser hasn’t been doing too bad lately. We have a comic series from BOOM! Studios, Gary J. Tunnicliffe is currently working on a new Hellraiser movie, Hellraiser: Judgment and Hellraiser creator Clive Barker finally finished his destruction of Pinhead in The Scarlet Gospels… On what would normally be a completely unrelated note, Sherlock Holmes has also never been more popular than it is today, with a couple TV shows and a movie series. It seems Holmes is a detective that won’t quit. You wouldn’t think to say it’s only inevitable that the two franchises would meet, but after reading Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell, I feel like it was always meant to be. Author Paul Kane has crafted a Hellraiser story that I’ve been longing for since I turned the last page on the short story collection Hellbound Hearts, which Paul Kane also happened to edit. Paul Kane is the go-to guy for Hellraiser, after having released the aforementioned Hellbound Hearts and the fantastic The Hellraiser Films and Their Legacy, which details all the movies, not just the popular ones. Who better to place the Hellraiser mythologies in Sherlock Holmes’ world. And not only does he masterfully mix the two, he also brings together the Hellraiser films, the comics, the Hellbound Hearts short stories and, in what can only be described as a miracle, he is able to connect The Scarlet Gospels world to the Hellraiser world we love. Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell begins with Dr Watson writing in his secret journal about a case which defied logic. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson came upon a case of mysterious disappearances, starting with the disappearance of Francis Cotton (the first of many nods to characters and events throughout the entire catalogue of Hellraiser). Holmes and Watson slowly start unravelling the mystery behind everything, which always points to a mysterious puzzle box known as the Lament Configuration. The adventure has the duo investigating plenty of interesting places, such as a seedy S&M club, the Malahide Institute in France and a certain place that will seem very familiar to Hellbound: Hellraiser II fans. Everything that is happening is leading up to an epic showdown between Holmes and the Order of the Gash, also known as the Cenobites! There is way more to the story than that little summary, but there is no way in hell (sorry for the pun) that I will ruin this fantastic tale for anyone. As I’ve already mentioned, I know Hellraiser, so colour me surprised when Paul Kane managed to expand the universe even more than I thought was possible. While I was reading the book, I kept thinking about the old Epic Comics run of Hellraiser stories that showed us a Hell that was more than just a twisted path of hallways and pillars. I’m thinking Paul Kane was a big fan of that comic series, as he expands the home of the Cenobites in a similar way. Okay, I’ve been gushing over the ties to Hellraiser, but what about Sherlock fans. Are they going to be able to jump into this story? The answer to that is a resounding yes! You don’t need to be a Hellraiser fanatic to enjoy a good adventure. Paul Kane throws in numerous nods and references to Holmes’ past cases, managing to tie in the infamous Reichenbach Falls and many of the other cases that came after Holmes’ apparent “death”. Did you ever feel like Holmes was a completely different man after he came back to life? Well, fret not, as that is all explained… Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell is going to please both Hellraiser and Sherlock fans alike. I’m sure there will be a few people out there that are not going to be impressed with the fantastical and horrific horror story that is told here. However, as long as you know what you are getting into, you’re going to love it. Paul Kane, please give us more Hellraiser. You’re really damn good at it!’ (Mind of Tatlock)
‘First of all, what a great bloody cover this is! I have been thinking about cobbling together a short list of my top 5 books so far in 2016. I’m glad now that I waited until I finished this superb read from Paul Kane. I have never read any of the Sherlock Holmes books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle but now I really want to. A mash-up of Holmes and Clive Barker’s Hellraiser could’ve been a bit of a disaster but Kane does a fantastic job of blending the two worlds together in a book that is excellent from the very first page. As a big fan of the Hellraiser franchise, I was excited to take another trip back into Hell. The real treat with this book turned out to be the two lead characters in Holmes and Watson. Holmes is portrayed brilliantly as the thorough detective, proficient with his observations, sometimes abrupt but always engaging. His often stern tone with Watson and other characters took a bit of warming to but there is no denying that Holmes is a fascinating and deeply complex man. The book is written as a recollection of events by Holmes’ trusty sidekick Watson – a very different but equally engaging and likeable chap, handy with his fists and certainly not lacking in courage. The story follows our two protagonists as they investigate a series of disappearances that will eventually lead them into battle against a horde of Cenobites deep within the bowels of Hell itself. Whilst the first half of the book is very much a detective story, it is the second half where things really begin to ramp up. Kane puts his characters through a series of incredible scenes, bursting with graphic imagery, monsters and dripping with blood… Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell is an absolute triumph…The characters were superb, lifelike and totally engaging. The chemistry between the two was fantastic and the descriptions of Hell were immense. The pacing is excellent with Kane building up the tension to an epic confrontation. I can only hope that this book might lead to others exploring the mashing up of two different worlds. It truly is wonderful to read. One of my favourite books of 2016, for sure. Epic storytelling from a great horror writer.’ (Beavis the Bookhead)
‘Was anyone really asking for a Sherlock Holmes/Hellraiser mashup...? Not that I’m aware of. I certainly wasn’t. So shame on all of us for not demanding this sooner, and hats off to author Paul Kane for delivering this delightfully grotesque meeting of genre heavyweights. Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell finds a weathered and world-weary Holmes taking on a routine missing persons case that turns out to be so much more: seemingly unconnected citizens are vanishing from inside locked rooms...the victims are usually heard screaming horribly, but there is never any sign of foul play, or trace of bloodshed on the scene. Witnesses report seeing strange lights emanating from the rooms, and a dishevelled vagrant has been seen nearby shortly after each event. (The Crabby Reviewer)
‘When I first saw this book I was interested to see where it was going to go, and I thought it was going to be hard to place Sherlock in the Cenobite world, but I’m so glad I was wrong. Mr Kane was able to capture a wonderful blend of the two worlds. It was such a fun read I could really picture it as a movie. Holmes was on point and I enjoyed this version of the Cenobites and the battle…Overall I would recommend it to fans of Sherlock Holmes and horror fans.’ (KMcLeer Reviews 5/5)
‘An excellent read that combines the universes of Sherlock Holmes and Hellraiser. Paul Kane starts the book in a style that is a fine homage to the writing of Conan Doyle in Holmes’ short stories, before expanding out the universe. There’s something about Hellraiser and Victorian gothic that works well, and this works superbly. If you are like me, and are familiar with both Holmes and Hellraiser, you will become aware of many little Easter eggs Paul Kane leaves throughout the story, referring to incidents and characters from both arenas, but if you don’t know them too well, you’ll still get a ripping good yarn where Holmes goes on his most extreme adventure yet.’ (Mark Cain, United Nations of Horror/Goodreads)
‘The gore’s afoot! The bold title may misdirect you into thinking this is another cheap horror/lit mash-up like Pride And Prejudice And Zombies, but nothing could be further from this brilliant book. Indeed, there’s no need to eliminate the impossible because Paul Kane has achieved the improbable and crafted a tale that’ll satisfy Sherlock Holmes fans, Hellraiser addicts and casual readers alike. As ever with Holmes’ classic tales, the story is told from Watson’s perspective, which allows for some beautiful scene-setting, encompassing Holmes’ adventures past, present and – thanks to some neat nods to films and TV shows – future. In fact, Servants is packed with references, tributes and details from both universes, hidden within a plot that clicks together as perfectly as, well, a puzzle box. Reading Kane’s masterpiece is like discovering an alternate reality in which these worlds have always belonged to each other. Both explore addiction and repression and revolve around fairly intense problem-solving. Holmes is the master of mysteries, so it makes sense he’d be drawn to the ultimate puzzle box. Meanwhile, the Cenobites always had a sense of Victorian morality about them, symbols of sexual restraint unleashed by S&M vibes. This book is intricate, addictive and often feels like it’s twisting itself in your hands. It’s also, at times, bloody scary. Our advice, chuck on your deerstalker, pull out your pipe, and go straight to hell.’ (5 star review by Sam Ashurst for Horrorville, from the makers of SFX and Total Film)
‘Over the years, there have been many Holmesian crossovers but none as exciting as the latest offering from Paul Kane. So, is Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell an ingenious pairing or an alluring slogan for a literary catastrophe? A brave venture, no doubt, but also a potential wagon for disappointed fans, all vowing to tear the author’s soul apart for tainting these beloved and iconic figures. Astute judgement and unflinching imagination would be required to unify such complex characters. Kane is certainly a qualified candidate to attempt this ambitious endeavour, having previously penned the critically acclaimed The Hellraiser Films and Their Legacy and Hellbound Hearts – even being proclaimed a “Hellraiser expert” by Clive Barker himself! Impressive credentials indeed. But was this leviathan destined to devour its creator? Granted, Kane gambled with an intricate recipe – but triumphed in blending unorthodox ingredients with finesse and expertise to produce one hellishly tasty cocktail! A single sip of his unique concoction will transform you into an addict. Such is the visionary power of Kane’s storytelling. One of my personal highlights, and a vital segment of the story, is the brief journey into Holmes’s hedonistic side – a rare glimpse into what lies beneath the intellectual facade. The obsession with pushing his body to the limits and exploring the boundaries of existence after surviving the fall at Reichenbach (a logical and befitting direction, I thought). Holmes experiments with various opiates gradually progressing onto more extreme methods of thrill-seeking such as Okipa, allowing one’s body to be pierced and suspended by hooks and chains. Upon his travels, he hears rumours of a sect who would offer riches and delights beyond imagination – fanatics dedicated to the virtues of pain. Staying faithful to Arthur Conan Doyle’s tradition, the first half is narrated from Watson’s benevolent perspective – each chapter planting nebulous seeds, ready to be harvested later. A wonderful prelude to the much darker second half of the book that focuses on Holmes – paving a stygian road full of speculation and intrigue. “I know what it is you really hunger for. It is not pleasures of the flesh, like so many, but…knowledge. Matters of life and death, and everything in between.” The final revelation carved a smile on my face as did the stunning climax. Whether you are schooled in the Hellraiser/Holmes lore matters not – this gripping novel can be enjoyed as a stand-alone story. A stimulant for the senses and just like the razor-sharp hooks of the Cenobites – Kane’s opus will make your nerve endings sing. One hell of an accomplishment!’ (Erik Hofstatter, British Fantasy Society)
‘Over the years there have been many short stories and novels that take on the subjects and themes of famous writers’ works. Lovecraft is one, for sure, as is Edgar Allen Poe to some degree. And certainly the most famous stories, characters, and places from the writings of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Clive Barker have been revisited countless times. So it’s difficult to imagine that there’s anything really new or original that could be brought to the universes created by either author. But what happens if someone writes a book that pays tribute to both in the process of creating a mashup wherein Sherlock Holmes finds himself in Hellraiser territory? The answer is, well, elementary. Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell is what happens. Paul Kane has shown himself to be an extremely knowledgeable scholar of the Hellraiser universe. Editor of the brilliant Hellbound Hearts anthology and author of The Hellraiser Films and Their Legacy his expertise has received accolades from many, including Clive Barker himself and also the iconic Cenobite actress from Hellraiser II, Barbie Wilde, who has laid down some high praise of Kane’s handling of both the Cenobites and Sherlock Holmes in her introduction to Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell. The book pits Sherlock Holmes and his trusty companion Dr Watson against what starts out as their most formidable locked room mystery ever and ends up with them facing enemies that make Moriarty seem about as dangerous as a shoplifter in a candy store. Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell finds Holmes and Dr Watson solving mysteries once again and, while their personalities are largely intact they are much darker, having been irrevocably changed by the incident at Reichenbach Falls in which Holmes had his final, brutal confrontation with the villainous Moriarty. You’ll be surprised and, if you’re a fan, delighted to discover that Paul Kane is just as comfortable in Conan Doyle’s fictional realm as he is in Barker’s, but it’s really his handling of the Hellraiser elements that make this story work. As the story commences Holmes and Watson investigate a series of missing persons cases with varying but similar circumstances that eventually lead them to rumours of a mysterious cult known as The Order of the Gash, a group that fans of The Hellbound Heart will be familiar with. This is one of the areas of the book that really shines… Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell is chock full of fresh imaginings of the Cenobites…there are enough hellish and terrifying creatures to satisfy even the most demanding fans. As mentioned before, Kane has a body of knowledge of all things Hellraiser that he puts to good use in building a universe that takes what seems like a preposterous concept and makes it a pretty convincing tale for the most part… The last one-hundred or so pages are a mind-numbing blast of bloody action and spine-chilling terror… Packed with skinless people, creepy asylums, and plenty of brand new and terrifying Cenobites, Paul Kane’s vision of hell, and his brilliant depiction of the members of The Order of the Gash leaves nothing to be desired and Holmes and Hellraiser fans both will find something to love here as will horror audiences in general. Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell is a delightful foray into the dark fantastic and it’s hopeful that Kane will revisit this sort of theme again. If you haven’t read Paul Kane’s work in the past, you’ll find no better place to start than with this groundbreaking and unusual work of fiction.’ (This is Horror)
‘Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson take up an investigation of a missing person, who has apparently disappeared from a locked room. This seems to be another intriguing mystery for the pair, but the game is truly afoot because the gates of Hell seem to be opening up to land the two intrepid investigators, literally, in the most diabolical plot. Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell is what is known as a mashup, in other words it is a novel that combines two existing literary texts, that of the Sherlock Holmes canon and Clive Barker’s Hellraiser. I am a great fan of Sherlock Holmes, which never seems to grow jaded no matter how many times I read the stories. However, I haven’t read any of Clive Barker’s work, so this review had to be done primarily from the perspective of knowing the Sherlock Holmes original stories and being prepared to find fault with this new version. But after reading this novel I really feel I must find Hellraiser and take a good look at it. This, in itself, probably says a great deal about how well Paul Kane has adapted the Holmes’ legend. The concept of merging two literary works would appear to be the recipe for disaster, but it has been done very successfully by other authors and Kane has certainly reworked the concept of the Holmes and Watson partnership very well. In many ways keeping to a similar tone of the original Holmes stories related largely through the eyes of Watson makes it possible to go to town on the description of the grotesque creatures (necessary for the horror element to work), without making the process feel like exposition. When we do get to see the events through Holmes’ eyes the narrative rings true and provides an interesting perspective through which to see Holmes’ world. The constant shifts in perspective also make it possible to really develop more of the inner thoughts of both Holmes and Watson, as well as their characters in a way that remains respectful to the original. (Strange Allegiances)
‘Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell uses two very well established literary characters, and mixes their worlds together in an extremely fun and refreshing mashup, using both literary universes to the story’s great advantage. The references to each are plentiful, but they grow organically out of the story, in a well-paced, rewarding fashion. It’s a 289-page story that reads quickly, but at the same time challenges you to admire its style and form, written as it is by a certain Doctor Watson in the late 1890s. In this story, Holmes has recently survived a terrible ordeal that has left him feeling aimless. After spending some time in mysterious seclusion he returns in spectacular fashion to his 221B Baker Street office, to the familiarity of Mrs Hudson and his colleague John Watson. This new Holmes seems haunted by some unknown malaise, that we will quickly understand is a training of sorts for his most fantastic case yet. This Holmes is the Holmes of “The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot”; he doesn’t shy away from death or danger. He’s almost superhuman in his wit, sharp intellect and focused awareness, that makes him the best detective around. However, Watson is back as well, and he’s our narrator, as would be expected. If you’re a reader of Conan Doyle’s Holmes novels, you will definitely feel at home with the way Paul Kane reproduces Watson’s voice; it’s damn near perfect in tone and form. Of course, it’s very convenient that Conan Doyle had Watson be the narrator as it allows Holmes to keep his internal voice a mystery and make his intellectual prowess even more impressive when he blurts out details that he later explains were hiding in plain sight. Make no mistake though: Watson is second only to Holmes in his skills. In fact, in this story he often takes a front row seat to the action and keeps the story moving forward while Holmes is left to his own process. Watson is likable and warm, strong and resourceful. The dynamic between the two colleagues is very fraternal. Holmes’ personality would probably be considered nowadays to be stiff and high-functioning, but his respect and almost fraternal love for Watson (and vice-versa) does shine through in brief, personal remarks. When a certain gentleman named Cotton appears, you can’t help but crack a giant smile and dig in, hoping for a trip that doesn’t disappoint. After an initial string of disappearances, seemingly unrelated, the story picks up speed very quickly. You will find plenty of characters that you’ve seen before in a different form, make their appearance here, weaved into the Victorian era, and made all the more interesting for it. The story will take us on a steam boat from London to Calais and Paris; the detective duo will come across strange disappearances from within locked rooms, with dried blood between the floorboards and the scent of vanilla, and a certain artefact will emerge with terrible consequences. There’s a craft in melding two universes like this, and in my opinion, Paul Kane has achieved it almost flawlessly. Reading The Servants of Hell is like stepping through the looking-glass and coming out the other side in an alternate universe, where the Hellraiser characters all jumped back a century. Most had their names slightly changed to reflect that alternate nature, but for anyone with an average knowledge of the Hellraiser movies, they’ll quickly recognize them anyway. As this is a spoiler-free review, I’ll refrain from adding more details, but this adventure will leave you wanting more; more of these characters, more of this Holmes. (9/10 review by José Armando Leitão for the Clive Barker Podcast site)
‘Sherlock Holmes and Cenobites sound like a combination that would be truly awful together, but I have to say Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell blew my assumptions out of the water. With an introduction by Barbie Wilde, I was put at ease… It’s 1895. Moriarty is declared dead, and Holmes miraculously survives the tumble off the cliff in his final adventure. Holmes and Watson are engaged by Laurence and Juliet Cotton, newlyweds with a strained relationship, to investigate the disappearance of Laurence’s brother, Francis. Their investigation leads them to look into a series of unusual missing persons’ cases, in which the missing parties vanish in impossible ways. One man disappears from a locked room, the only traces left behind being the faint scent of vanilla. This is just the beginning of an investigation that will draw the pair into contact with an organisation whispered about and known only as “The Order of the Gash.” Clues lead the sleuth and the doctor to an underground club that services the most depraved of the upper crust of society, a sinister asylum in France, and the underworld of London. They encounter shady operators, meet old acquaintances in the strangest of circumstances, enter a world of depravity and pain, and make dangerous associates – the Cenobites, from hell. Kane, previously editor of the tribute anthology Hellbound Hearts, clearly has a familiarity with and love of the Hellraiser universe. In this book, in addition to new Cenobites, Kane includes storylines and characters from Barker’s novella The Hellbound Heart… I was pleasantly surprised to also find an authentic Holmes feel and pacing that shows a familiarity with the characters and style of Holmes’ stories. Kane was able to keep with the atmosphere and period sensibilities of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s style while still creating the feel of Clive Barker’s world of Cenobites – and he makes it work. Recommended.’ (Monster Librarian)
‘Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell has a concept so bizarre you wouldn’t think it could possibly work. What if Holmes, the world’s greatest detective, faced off against Clive Barker’s Cenobites. It’s an unlikely pairing and it probably shouldn’t even exist, but now that I’ve seen the results, I’m very grateful for it. Crossovers, in general, are incredibly tricky. They only work if someone is intimately aware of both worlds. Usually, they lean in one direction more heavily than the other. Paul Kane makes his knowledge of Holmes clear within the first few pages of Watson’s narration and his knowledge of the Hellraiseruniverse needs no introduction as he has previously written the fantastic Hellraiser Films and Their Legacy and edited the short story collection Hellbound Hearts. Because of Kane’s expertise with both subjects, the two worlds are perfectly balanced. While Holmes and Watson are the major protagonists, the story is entrenched within the Hellraiser mythology… There are Cenobites that appear in this book that have only previously been depicted in the Hellbound Hearts anthology. Even a Cenobite that was created by Gary Tunnicliffe but cut out of Hellraiser: Deader makes an appearance, that’s how deep the references go. The novel feels somewhere between a prequel to the Hellraiser world as we know it and a Victorian reimagining of the entire mythology. We’re introduced to the Cotton family right off the bat, but the circumstances are very similar to what will happen to that family later on. It’s fun to go through the book and see characters who are clearly precursors to characters we’ll meet later on down the line, and then there are some with connections that turn out to be quite surprising. Of course, I don’t want to spoil exactly who you might see or in what capacity, you’ll have to read the book yourself for that. I can’t imagine you’ll be disappointed with the results. My favourite thing about the book and the number one reason it works so well is that Kane made a genius move in picking the perfect time for the box to come into Sherlock’s life. This book picks up right after Holmes has returned from his supposed death in “The Final Solution.” He had closure, Moriarty is dead, and now he’s in a state of feeling like he has no more surprises left. He believes he’ll never be challenged again, at least not in the way he was when facing off against his great nemesis. But things are rarely what they seem and there are many surprises in store for both Holmes and the reader as well. If you’re a fan of Holmes and Hellraiser I definitely suggest checking this book out. Even if you’re just a fan of Barker’s mythology, I’d suggest picking this book up because there are a lot of neat moments and references for Hellraiser fans and who knows, it might make you a fan of Holmes at the same time.’ (Wicked Horror, 8/10 review)
‘This book is the dream mashup of Clive Barker’s Hellraiser and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. Author Paul Kane is an expert on both subjects, and it shows. He weaves a mesmerising narrative as Dr Watson joins Holmes on a seemingly impossible case. Men are disappearing in locked rooms – with no sign of a hidden exit to be found by the world’s greatest detective. Spotted at the crime scenes is a bum, carrying a curious puzzle box. Holmes races to uncover the truth about the box while Watson struggles to keep his dear friend alive, and in one piece. Watson served as the main narrator and is Holmes’ support throughout the case… I really enjoyed this one. The book was so good, I devoured it and read it in two days. It was that hard for me to put down. I highly recommend it!’ (Horror Amino)
‘Sherlock versus Pinhead? That’s right – Sherlock Holmes is once again pitted against the supernatural in this unique match-up by Paul Kane, but this time he’s in Clive Barker’s Hellraiser universe, facing off against the Cenobites. Set in 1895, a year after his presumed death with Moriarty at the Reichenbach Falls, Holmes is a changed man, pushing the limits of his mortality by experimenting with opiates, poisons and enduring pain – tortures designed to prepare him for something foreboding. It’s not long before he’s enlisted to investigate a series of missing persons’ cases, which all share a common element: each victim disappeared from a locked, windowless room. Holmes deduces that there is also another connection between the missing: each was ultimately murdered while in possession of a small, mysterious box. Tracking these puzzling homicides, Holmes and Watson investigate the mysterious Order of the Gash. Along the way, Holmes comes into possession of one of the Lament Configuration boxes and while Watson investigates a lead in Paris, he solves the puzzle box and comes face to face with the Cenobites. From there, reality takes a backseat as Holmes battles some of the most terrifying denizens of the Hellraiser universe. The charm of this crossover is that Kane is adept in both genres. His characterisations of Holmes and Watson, along with the portrayal of their friendship, are solid. Additionally, his exploration of Holmes’ survivor’s remorse is unique and compelling. Placing these well-drawn heroes into the Hellraiser universe – and its inherent nastiness – becomes all the more terrifying when the duo is confronted by the Cenobites. Kane’s affection for the Hellraiser universe adds amazing flavour to the Holmes’ era. There are also many clever shout outs to the Barker property, among them a Victorian version of the Cotton family from the original film. Then, of course, there are the Cenobites, which Kane outfits Victorian-style with gears, spyglasses and steam-engines. Overall, it’s a terrific read, perfect for fans of mash-ups and those whose hearts beat equally strong for disturbing horror and classic detective fiction.’ (Rue Morgue magazine)
‘Imagine my delight and excitement over reading the novel Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell by Paul Kane. I am a fan of both Sherlock Holmes and the Hellraiser movies, and I do enjoy Clive Barker’s other works. I anticipated reading a story unlike any other known to either world…Strap yourselves in, Sherlockians, for our dear Holmes crosses paths with one of horror’s most infernal creatures: The Cenobites from Hellraiser fame. If you have ever wished for a book to bring together two famous characters – such as, say, a crossover of the Sherlock and Hellraiser fandoms – then this is definitely a book worth reading. It brings to life both worlds so skilfully and the two of them seem to mesh together so well. Sherlock and John are hired for a case of people mysteriously disappearing, and while Sherlock knows intuitively that the missing people will not be found alive, he doesn’t know exactly what happened to them. So begins our favourite detective wearing disguises as he goes undercover, and underground, to find the missing people and/or discover what happened to them. It certainly has the makings of a good case for Holmes and Watson, and I found this book hard to put down as I kept reading and wanting to know what happened next. The characters are so interesting and I loved the way Mycroft and Mrs. Hudson added to the story so well. And I saw what the author did there when Watson observed that a scarred character (Lemarchand – and yes, that name!) who looked like a human “book of blood.” Ditto with “tortured souls.” …I was anguishing over what happened to Holmes and Watson – and then I was cheering on the both of them, as well as Mary (yes! Mary is in it!). So it was the focus being on my beloved characters that made me love this story all over again. This is most certainly a Sherlock book – despite the Prologue and the Epilogue…And it is most certainly a story that I enjoyed reading.’ (Night Owl Reviews, 5/5 Top Pick)
‘Call to mind the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Unpopular Quality Street left alone, Granny sleeping for hours on the sofa after lunch, and television offering a multitude of detectives to snuggle up to: Poirot... Miss Marple... and the ever-famous Sherlock Holmes. Could there be a more scrumptious pleasure in life? Paul Kane suspects there could be… For Hellraiser fans, Servants of Hell adds an exciting texture to the already extensive history of the Cenobites. Arguably it contains everything a Hellraiser fan could want. A Francis Cotton appears to be an early victim, kick-starting what fans of the original three Hellraiser films will be relishing – new Cenobites, a visit to Hellbound: Hellraiser II’s vast otherworld, and continued cameos of the franchise’s visions – such sights that Kane sprinkles, rather than crowbars, in to show you. Both Holmes and Hellraiser fans will be pleased. However, Holmes fans may become befuddled in the book’s third act. With the mystery leading their heroes to such a new setting, Holmes and Watson are thrown into an all-out action fest of nightmarish concoctions. If Hellraiser fans were pleased before, they may find their pleasure become even more legendary. For anyone else, Kane’s plot takes a direction with the pace of a roller-coaster – readers may need it to be paused, but they certainly won’t want off. Servants of Hell shows Kane to be enjoying the ghostly atmosphere of Holmes and Hellraiser. It’s gory, elegant and wild. It even beckons the thought that from the time we read of the ghostly blue light streaming in through the brickwork, these two classics were destined to cross. Yet, if ever an adaptation is created, best leave Granny asleep when it’s on during the festive period.’ (Christopher Gray, Phantasmagoria Magazine)
‘One of the best books I’ve read in a very long time... It integrated these two worlds seamlessly and worked out perfectly. Thank you so much for writing this, we don’t deserve this. It was eloquently done!’ (Horror Pulp)
Lunar – The Movie Reissue (Famous Monsters of Filmland)
(Andy Angel, Goodreads)
Buy this book click here or here
Before ‘Describing it as his answer to Cloud Atlas, American Gods and The Great and Secret Show, Before shows that Paul Kane most definitely doesn’t lack ambition as a writer… There’s plenty here to intrigue fans of Neil Gaiman’s literary road trip…but it’s Clive Barker to whom Kane owes the largest debt. Spanning several centuries and time periods, the far-reaching plot encompasses the Cambodian War and 1970s Germany. The plot mostly centres around Alex Webber, though, a university lecturer who not only has to deal with growing further and further apart from his wife Beverly, but also with the unwelcome return of errant brother Steve. After suffering from a series of increasingly intense hallucinations, where he is transported to all sorts of strange settings, Alex is hospitalised and comes under the care of psychiatrist Ellen Hayward. Somehow tied up in all this is malevolent supernatural being The Infinity and his sadistic sidekick Lucas Peck, not to mention organised crime lord Nick Metcalf and his hulk-like henchmen Terry and Frank. At first underplaying any fantastical elements, Kane gradually builds up the tension, taking his time before revealing the truth behind the novel’s central mystery… A slow burn that’s ultimately rewarding, it’ll be interesting to see where Kane ends up after Before.’ (4 stars, HorrorVille)
‘I’m not sure where to begin with my review of this latest novel from Paul Kane as it twists between timelines, locations, characters, plot, and even sub-genres. So, I feel I ought to begin by stating that Before has all the hallmarks of Kane, complete with a ton of what to me seem like Clive Barker influences without becoming imitative or derivative. The opening hooks you into a commonplace horror movie scene, minus the lightning. A young psychiatrist is offered the chance to work with his idol in 1970s Germany, who hears first-hand the deranged utterings of a man whose mind has been lost to some cosmic horror or other, we know not what that may be, or whether it is real. In Chapter Two we’re transported to jungle warfare in South-East Asia and you now believe you’re into an archetypal military horror genre book, or movie – it’s all very cinematic to read. Then the twists come and you realise it might just be real after all. So, that’s the first two chapters, and we’re still in Part One of the book! Part Two begins in Kirkwell and introduces us to Alex, a teacher of Media and Film and his wife Beverly, as we’re immersed in their life of domestic un-bliss, a relationship clearly gone sour, but there is hope for the couple who still live together and keep up the pretence of a marriage to outsiders. We also get to meet the rogue brother-in-law (and thrice-divorced) Steve as well as Alex’s friend James, and there is additional tension here… Chapter Five takes us from Kirkwell to Amsterdam and we’re clearly now in serial killer country in a big way, but again the supernatural elements introduced in an earlier chapter come flooding back. Here it gets quite bloody and full of tension, with a very cinematic sequence of events and introduction to more characters you think you may never get to meet again. Or will you? That’s part of Kane’s method, I now realise: to make you to believe in a character who may or may not be disposed of several pages later. And so it continues, more characters, more killings, more supernatural elements and surprises until eventually they all come together, and in a way that makes you think, “of course” and “I never saw that coming” all at once. I won’t continue with a chapter by chapter summary, but let’s say that if you enjoy Barker, you will love Kane. I feel he has matured a lot and is now conjuring these fantastical workings as memorably as the master imagineer Barker, whom Kane has spent so long studying. Not to diminish Kane’s work in any way, as this is truly compelling reading and I am going to have to buy the book and read it again in its printed form. And most likely again after that, before… ah, but that’s the surprise at the bottom of the Christmas stocking and I refuse to spoil that moment for you.’ (4 stars, Dread Central)
‘One of the first things I read about Before was Paul Kane himself calling his latest novel his The Great And Secret Show. Now that’s some claim! Clive Barker is one of my favourite authors, with The Great and Secret Show being a true epic within his bibliography. This not only shows Kane’s confidence in his new 491 page tome but it also sets a level of expectation for any prospective reader. Before is a thoroughly enjoyable adventure story with horror/supernatural elements. Although not as eloquent as Barker, Kane’s prose is incredibly effective. I particularly enjoyed the Cambodian Village chapters, full of believable characters and well written action set pieces. It was also here that I noticed my first real nod to Barker, a sequence of events made me think of the attic at 55 Ludovico Street. (I won’t be more specific as I hate to post spoilers, but once you read it I’m sure you’ll agree.) Alex Webber is a believable lead and plays off well against Ellen, his psychiatrist. I did find the love triangle a tad melodramatic with too much attention paid to Beverly, Alex’s ex-wife. My main issue with Before is the criminal underuse of The Infinity, a fantastic creation. I loved it anytime he was on the page, which wasn’t anywhere near enough sadly. I thoroughly enjoyed his dialogue and the way he interacted with his minions. To counter that though, Kane really shone with Lucas Peck, a nasty piece of work who has a unique talent. Peck is The Infinity’s sadistic sidekick, and with his skills, I’m not sure if there isn’t a touch of the Cenobite about him. And don’t get me started on what he does with some flowers! Paul Kane can certainly tell a story! To be able to keep the reader engaged across multiple settings, eras and genre can only be classed as a triumph. Before mixes action adventure, horror and the supernatural skilfully. I burned through nigh on 500 pages in only a few days. Before may not have been as epic a story as I was expecting, but it was a fast-paced enjoyable read that kept me hooked till its thrilling conclusion.’ (4 stars, Kendall Reviews/Ginger Nuts of Horror)
‘I am a big fan of Paul Kane’s work. I absolutely loved his Sherlock Holmes/Cenobite mash-up novel, Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell. So much so it featured in my top 10 reads for 2016. Going into Before, my expectations were pretty big and when I heard Kane had teamed up with Grey Matter Press for this epic dark fantasy/horror novel my interest was immediately piqued. I knew prior to starting this that it is a big book and there is always a niggling doubt that a novel so long might be a little bit of a slog to get through. To be honest, it’s one of the reasons I don’t read as much fantasy fiction anymore. I still enjoy the genre a great deal, but the length of these novels is often an issue for this reader. Does it really need to be 500+ pages long AND part of a trilogy? Anyway, I digress. I’m here to tell you, dear reader, of my thoughts about Paul Kane’s new novel, Before. For starters, the cover art by Dean Samed is wonderful. Looking at it makes me think this will be a story taking place over a substantial amount of time, with two sides locked in a battle of good vs evil, perhaps a hero will arise and face-off against a dark enemy? Before gets off to a great start and I was pulled into the story immediately as we delve into the past, 1970s Germany to be exact. It gives us a glimpse into how long the cycle of events forthcoming has been going on and it sets the foundations for a novel of epic proportions! The book’s antagonist is called The Infinity. Very early on I’m thinking back to King’s The Stand and one man in particular: Randall Flagg! The Infinity has been around for years, pulling the strings of his puppets to assist him in reaching his end goal. In the earlier parts of the book, The Infinity exists on the periphery, an ominous presence lurking in the background, though one capable of unspeakable acts of evil. He is a really, really great character though one I felt was a little underused, especially early in the book. The Infinity doesn’t work alone. He has an ally, someone he controls called Lucas Peck. Peck is a violent murderer. A murderer that likes to create his “art” by torturing and pulling apart his victims, decorating the walls with their insides! I know Kane is a massive fan of Clive Barker and I definitely got a Cenobite vibe from this character and I loved it! On the other side, we have the protagonist, Alex Webber, a lecturer and a bit of a sad sack if I’m being honest. The flame of love between himself and wife Beverly has long since extinguished and she now only seems to exist as a bit of an annoyance. Add to this the fact that Webber is plagued by visions of the past: visions of death and destruction that are horrific and realistic, resulting in further stress on his already taut relationships. It’s safe to say that things aren’t going too well for Alex Webber. But what do these visions of the past mean to Webber? And who is the mysterious man with the bright blue eyes? All these questions are answered as the pieces of Kane’s puzzle slowly fall into place. There are other characters too like psychiatrist Ellen Hayward, another key figure in the story. All are pretty well-drawn by Kane, though it’s The Infinity that shines brightest. Kane’s Before could make a great movie, or an even better Netflix series! It’s an absorbing and engaging read, ambitious in both lengths and in its ideas… The book’s end of days style concept means I am always going to compare it to The Stand and Swan Song, perhaps unfairly, as these are two of my favourite stories. Both are similarly long, complex, and feature a scenario where the world’s future hangs in the balance. Kane’s tale is similar and very well executed though Webber didn’t quite resonate as strongly as certain characters from those books. However, Before does feature a cast of solid characters and a fascinating plot that spans decades, The Infinity is a great villain and I’d be very happy to read about him again. The action scenes are exciting, the dialogue is smooth and the ending to Before is worth the wait. Kane’s latest novel is epic and King/McCammon fans will find a lot to like here. I can highly recommended this book and it is yet another tick in the box for Paul Kane and for Grey Matter Press.’ (4 stars, The Grim Reader)
‘From the first few chapters I felt Before would be an epic tale. The scope of the story along with the characters and locations gave it a wide scale feel. Paul Kane creates multiple groups of characters in various time periods and begins to weave them into a larger narrative. I really liked the glimpses of the antagonist/villain, The Infinity, that are described as he was revealed a puzzle piece at a time. The story was told from two viewpoints. First, from the protagonist Alex and his struggle to understand the visions he is having. Second, from the antagonist The Infinity, or Mr. Finn as he calls himself, and his right-hand man Lucas. I really enjoyed the flow and feel of the story when we were with Mr. Finn and Lucas. To me that part of the book had a different and noticeable feel. The story really moved with constant action and mystery… When we reach the climax with The Infinity and Alex I was all about the story again. The story picked back up with a solid pacing and thrilling action. I finally learned what The Infinity wanted and what he was all about. The plot fell into place and many of the previous clues now made sense (which was good because I was wondering if I would ever get any answers). I thought the reveal about Mr. Finn was clever and I loved the character but thought he was a little too easily defeated. This is a problem I’ve found in many fantasy or supernatural books I’ve read, but the author threw a nice curve ball in the end.’ (The Scary Reviews)
‘Paul Kane’s novel Before tells the story of college lecturer Alex Webber’s encounters with mysterious and evil forces, crazed killers, benevolent psychiatrists and a vicious bunch of gangland criminals. With all this in place, it’s a book that could have been a confusing mess; in this author’s capable hands, it’s a gripping and relentless story, one that will have readers relishing every page. It all kicks off in the 1970s, with scenes in a European psychiatric hospital followed by a military mission in the jungles of the Far East. Kane introduces an array of characters here and although it’s unclear who, if any, will survive, they’re visualised in such a way that we care for them all; however “disposable” these soldiers are, the author gives them equal worth, ensuring none of them are sold short. Kane’s characterisation is like this throughout the book, so much so that it drives the plot, as Alex’s actions force differing reactions from the assortment of antagonists who draw closer as the book progresses, breathing down his neck for much of the final third. It’s this that makes the book such a compelling read. It’s hard not to ask ourselves what we would do in Alex’s shoes and, if some of his responses feel like a leap of faith, they’re at least in keeping with the character. Exposed to all that’s going on around him, he comes perilously close to losing himself, and it’s easy to imagine being in the same situation by some cruel design. The action is supplemented with horror elements that often come as a shock, with levels of gore that may turn a few stomachs, although Kane handles these extremely well, revealing just enough for the reader’s own imagination to fill in any blanks. Before is packed with action and, despite the fast pace, allows for moments of genuine emotion; Kane’s heart-on-sleeve prose is always refreshing, an ideal read for those who like their blockbuster thrillers peppered with unnerving mysticism and lively realistic characters. Alex Webber is no action hero in the manner of Jack Reacher, just an ordinary man in highly exceptional circumstances, but this ambitious story is certainly worthy of the same levels of audience.’ (Starburst magazine, 9/10 review)
‘Paul Kane is a celebrated author with a varied back catalogue of work, and this latest novel is a thing of beauty indeed. He crafts an exceptionally detailed world, filled with complex characters, and weaves a wicked narrative that twists and turns, leading the reader through an emotional rollercoaster with the characters. Before opens in 1970s Germany, where a psychiatric patient seems close to making a breakthrough until tragedy strikes. It then moves to Vietnam where a group of US soldiers are on a special ops mission to rescue some of their captured compatriots under the command of the mysterious Captain Finn, but all is not as it seems. In the present day, Alex Webber finds himself seeing things that aren’t there, and worries that he is having a nervous breakdown. Elsewhere, Finn and his sadistic companion Lucas search for someone, leaving a swathe of destruction behind them. Kane takes the classic struggle of good vs evil, and makes it something more with an almost M Night Shyamalan-esque twist at the end. His writing leaps off the page, enveloping the reader, keeping tight hold of your attention. This is the kind of book that you can easily imagine being made into a Netflix original series or similar – he has written it with many fantastic cliff-hangers that leave the reader not wanting to put the book down. If you’ve not encountered Paul Kane before, get this book, and remember his name – you’ll be seeing it at the front of a film or TV adaptation soon enough, I feel.’ (The British Fantasy Society)
‘A fan of horror, science fiction and fantasy from a young age, it should come as no surprise that Paul Kane has a strong love for speculative fiction. He has carried this passion into his own work, from his first mass market novel, Arrowhead (Abaddon/Rebellion, 2008), a post-apocalyptic retelling of the Robin Hood legend which spawned two further novels, to the bestselling Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell (Solaris, 2016), pitting Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective against Clive Barker’s Cenobites (Barker himself is quoted as naming Kane “the resident Hellraiser expert”, which is quite the accolade). He is also the author of numerous other novels, novellas and collections, as well as contributing to many anthologies. His latest novel, Before, has been described as an epic fantasy, but it certainly has its fair share of horror, with Barker’s influence evident in a few scenes. Before we get into the main story of the here-and-now, Kane adds a little backstory to the mystery beginning with a couple of chapters set in the 1970s. The first takes place in a psychiatric hospital in Germany where English doctor Patrick Vaughn is treating an enigmatic patient in a state of catatonia. Then Vaughn is summoned urgently to the hospital. The patient, Johann, is showing signs of life. Then, in the next chapter, a platoon of American soldiers in the Vietnam jungle are seemingly on a mission to rescue some POWs… Readers may feel that these two chapters have little or nothing in common, but they lay the groundwork for the epic story that is to unfold. A story that, for the reader, begins in the 1970s in Germany and Vietnam, doesn’t find resolve until present-day England. These opening chapters also show us something about the style of the book; it is a story intended to draw the reader in, to be immersive. While the story is told in a contemporary setting, Kane must build up his dark fantasy framework, hinting at the history of the Infinity and those who oppose it. Bringing the story into the present day, we meet university lecturer, Alex Webber, a deeply unhappy man who seems to be in the midst of a dark depression. It is his birthday, and he is miserable. Not least because he feels that he is growing distant from his wife, Beverly. They appear to have very little, if anything, in common and the spark seems to have vanished from their relationship. At first, it is difficult to feel any kind of sympathy for this human doormat. But the reader’s interest is piqued by the terrible visions he experiences with increasing frequency. The world around him begins to blur and transform until he sees people dressed in clothes from hundreds of years ago. And the scenes are usually from a battlefield or some other bloody altercation. Eventually, the visions become so vivid that Alex hurts himself, and finds himself referred to a psychiatrist, Dr. Ellen Hayward. At first, Alex’s case seems to be one of depression and self-harm. But as Hayward digs deeper and witnesses his reaction to the visions, they are forced together in a quest for the truth. Unfortunately, it is not only Dr. Hayward that shows an interest in Alex’s visions. The Infinity can sense Alex by the visions, suggesting that there is an underlying power of which Alex is unaware. Accompanied by his psychotic sidekick, Lucas Peck, the Infinity tracks Alex like a homing signal every time he has one of his episodes, gradually narrowing the search area until the inevitable climax. While it may seem like we are simplifying the plot of this near 500-page book, this is only to steer clear of spoilers. As well as taking time to introduce the elements of dark fantasy to what is best described as a good old-fashioned adventure story, Kane also does a wonderful job of developing his characters, to the point where Alex, seemingly undeserving of our compassion at the beginning of the story, quickly grows into a sympathetic character before developing into a formidable leading man. Similarly, Dr. Hayward never comes across as a stereotypical psychiatrist; with a complex backstory and unorthodox medical style, she soon proves to be an integral component of Alex’s story. And the villains are no less interesting. The Infinity is truly iconic, reminiscent of King’s Randall Flagg (a comparison that has been noted elsewhere) or even Sauron, given his ability to influence men in power to feed his own. Peck presents as a stereotypical psychopath sidekick, yet Kane conveys the true extent of his vicious and heinous character, especially the scene in Alex and Beverly’s living room. The description of that particular scene is especially chilling, and vivid. Before is epic in scale, building steadily towards a thrilling finale. The characters all evolve organically, and the descriptive language employed by Kane, especially in the action scenes, is quite cinematic. If you like your horror fiction short and to the point, this may not be the book for you. If you enjoy losing yourself in a well-written supernatural thriller with strong elements of horror, curling up in your favourite reading spot with this book may well be the perfect way to spend a long winter evening or two.’ (This Is Horror)
You can visit the dedicated Before website by clicking here, and order the book here and here. Deep RED
‘Deep RED is a cracking read, very dark and gory at times but well written and hugely enjoyable. I’ve read the other two books in the series, RED and Blood RED. Deep RED serves as a fitting end to a great horror series, a twisted version of Little Red Riding Hood. Some of the characters from the other two books make an appearance here and it was like catching up with old friends. This book is packed with tension, drama and horror as things get darker and darker as the evil wolves put their heinous plans in place. I was engrossed with Deep RED from start to finish!’ (4/5, Paperblog)
‘Deep RED is the concluding novel of a trilogy that began with RED and continued in Blood RED, author Paul Kane’s twisted take on the Little Red Riding Hood tale. It’s a book that can be read as a standalone so it’s not essential to have read the first two, as there’s a handy recap before the novel begins, although if this third volume is anything to go by, there’s sure to be much enjoyment to be had by doing so. An introduction is provided by the multi-talented Barbie Wilde (perhaps best known as the female Cenobite from Hellraiser) and then we’re off on a lycanthropic roller-coaster ride. Deep RED takes the reader into a post-apocalyptic world, spinning a tale that leads to the final confrontation between humanity and the werewolves who have descended from myth into reality. There’s tension right from the beginning as a major protagonist crosses a desolate city landscape, concerned about who – or what – might be lurking in the shadows. It’s an opening that sets the reader immediately on edge, and once that atmosphere is built the book continues at a relentless pace, although the author is still able to provide characters that are empathic, their goals and needs both believable and understandable. There’s an additional layer of investment to be gained from reading the first two books, no doubt, but not having done so won’t spoil the fun nor lessen the thrills. For all that the fate of the world is hanging in the balance, Deep RED is a joy to read, a book that is thoroughly entertaining yet remains thoughtful despite the furious pace. At some points it feels like the author is almost eager to end this battle, with action-packed set-pieces that a Hollywood blockbuster would be proud of, and then there will be a perfectly-placed moment of poignancy to remind readers exactly why they’ve followed these characters right to the bitter end. Deep RED is a gripping story that has plenty of twists and turns and gloriously gory moments. Once again, Kane has demonstrated his multi-faceted talents as a writer in a book that readers won’t want to put down until the very end.’ (9/10, Starburst)
‘Paul Kane’s RED trilogy has been an interesting ride. At its heart, it’s a post-apocalyptic tale woven with the threads of a fairy tale. Dark fairy tales are kind of Kane’s playground. It’s these call-outs and nods that always seem to shine the brightest in his work. Deep RED is no exception. The contagion of the virus has spread, driving the non-infected deep into the underground. It is here that the remaining humans plan and prepare for a final assault. A good portion of the beginning of this book is spent within the holding cells and military base. The POV is only a handful of the survivors, thankfully. Each one is fleshed out in a simple and easy to understand manner, their inner thoughts and occasional monologues filling in the blanks as you go. But, words cannot express my dislike of one of them. The absolutely annoying Grice. The war has really gone to his head. His inability to listen and even use common sense really has got the best of him. He dreams of glory and victory, sequestering the one person who could give them an edge in this battle, Tommy. Tommy has visions, glimpses of the wolves and their origins. They start as flashes of images, but when they capture one of the pack’s strongest, drugging her heavily and torturing her with silver… Certain things come to light. Through conversation that may or may not be fully in his head, he begins to understand his role. Her role. Why it seems he has such a great record for surviving when others have not. But is this all a ploy? The wolves have developed ways to impersonate and use psychic subterfuge. It could all be a ploy, after all. But the wolves are coming. There is no doubt. And they know more about Operation Wolfshead than would be possible, unless there was a sleeper agent within the ranks. Could it even be… Tommy, himself? There is a particular scene, where one character tells a fairy tale about The First Wolf. I enjoyed this exchange a lot and the entire last portion of the book hinges on these ideas as it kicks into the final showdown. The wolves are vicious. Throats are torn, limbs ripped from torsos… And lots of RED. Kane doesn’t linger on the violence with vivid descriptions of gore and such (though it is there), but instead uses it to remind us of how desperate and dangerous the world has become. And just “what big teeth they have”, so to speak. Just like most fairy tales do. Deep RED is a quick read and while I would have preferred a slightly larger-scale final showdown Kane draws his series to a close with some bared teeth and glistening claws, with silver-edged weapons at the ready. At times, it feels more “military action” in theme than urban fairy tales. While this book works fine as a stand-alone (complete with a quick rundown of the previous books before beginning)… I think that by doing so, it loses a bit of the charm and the overall sense of the series he has built. In my opinion, for newer readers, it would feel much fuller if they are read together as intended. But this a problem prevalent in most trilogies or series, and not a fault of Kane’s storytelling. Despite some of my minor quibbles, I still enjoyed it… Fairy tales, even the darkest ones, always have to come to an end. Never mind the glowing red eyes in the shadows. No, don’t try to count them. That never helps. There are so many of them…’ (Kendall Reviews)
‘If you have read as many Paul Kane books as I have you know that he is incapable of writing anything that is worthy of less than a 4.5 star review. The third tale (second book, as RED is included in the novel version of Blood RED) in the RED series, Deep RED, is no exception. Paul has a knack for turning well-known fairy tales on their heads, creating darker, gorier versions of the original (you also need to check out his post-apocalyptic Robin Hood stories collected in the omnibus Hooded Man). This is, of course, his rendering of the Little Red Riding Hood tale in which the wolf is more of a shapeshifter than a traditional werewolf. Each part of this story escalates from its predecessor until we have a lycanthrope apocalypse where the survivors have to go to some extremes to identify and defend themselves from the plague of loup garou that devours humanity. I’m not going to give you any more details but I am going to HIGHLY recommend you buy, and read, Deep RED right now! How can you resist, especially knowing the introduction was written by Barbie Wilde, former cenobite? Come on man, you want this book so spend the money and enrich your life.’ (Mass Movement Magazine)
You can buy Deep RED here, here and here.
‘Arcana is the name of a so-called terrorist group in an alternative Britain where magic has been outlawed, and those who practice it must do so in secret, threatened by the possibility of awful torture and brutal execution. It’s the witch hunts of old ramped up for modern times; there’s even a special police unit, the M-Forcers, who deal specifically with such crimes, some of its members possessed with an unhealthy enthusiasm for their work. Callum McGuire is the latest recruit to the M-Forcers, and his first day is a baptism of fire for him and the reader, both given a glimpse of how brutal this regime truly is. As doubt creeps in, Callum finds himself involved in a police raid that goes terribly wrong, forcing him to question his motivations; we’re offered glimpses of his past, while in the present Callum discovers feelings for his new neighbour Ferne. Their relationship brings events to a head, forcing Callum to make a choice that will have consequences for everyone. What unfolds is an urban fantasy that, while heavy on some of the usual archetypes – a wise old mentor figure, for instance, plays a big part in Callum’s journey – reads like Harry Potter versus The Sweeny; gritty, entertaining, and with some gentle moments amongst all the spells, explosions and bloodshed. Arcana is an imaginative story written with Paul Kane’s usual fast pace and lean prose, giving an interesting spin on the “chosen one” tradition that is more often seen in epic fantasy, while commenting on the nature of prejudice and how it corrupts. Kane’s work with characters is always of a high standard and this is no exception; even the minor players are well-crafted, imbued with a sense of their own purpose within the story that unfolds, and feature in some beautifully-written scenes that allow them to shine. Above all, Arcana is a hugely entertaining read, a real rollercoaster ride of ups and downs that keep the pages turning until the very end, and another work of high quality from this prolific author.’ (8/10, Starburst Magazine)
‘The latest from award-winning author Paul Kane is a dark fantasy novel set in an alternate history universe, where the Witch Trials and Inquisition never stopped. Magick-users from all walks of life are hunted, questioned and brutally tortured and killed by a subsection of the police force. Calling themselves M-forcers, they are tasked with ending and subverting any and all potential magic activity, to ensure that the future is free from people wielding that kind of power – or any power, for that matter… Enter a rebel group called Arcana. According to the media and police, they are responsible for increasingly dangerous attacks. But are they really – considering their members have sworn to the Goddess to not take a life? Well, that’s what the newest member of the M-forcers intends to find out. After witnessing the murderous interrogation techniques of the police, Callum walks the line between morality and justice, edging closer to the truth thanks to his beautiful neighbour, Ferne. Is she a witch? And if she is a member of Arcana, has all the training and the education warning against the use of magick been a lie? There is also a chapter that consists of a group of scenes, small snippets from different magick-users as the M-forcers begin to crack down on their ultimate objective. Kane, using very few pages, succeeds in making the police officers’ actions all the more horrific. I really enjoyed these brief glimpses into non-story characters’ lives. A simple technique, just a small one, but highly effective. I enjoyed reading it. The sense of fear, bigotry, control and police brutality is the main sense of terror, here. In my opinion, I think this will appeal more to dark fantasy lovers than horror, or a perhaps (like me) a bit of both… Starts as a cop thriller, dives into dark fantasy, throws some heavy action sequences in here and there, and somehow comes out on the other side. Arcana, in a nutshell, is hard to nail down. A good read, thanks to Kane’s love and knowledge of the tropes he’s playing around with. Magick, as Kane suggests, is all around us. You just have to keep an open mind – and know where to look.’ (Kendall Reviews)
‘In a world where magic is real, the M-Forcers seek out and destroy all magic users due to their “danger” to society. The campaign started by Matthew Hopkins in 1644 has continued unabated into modern times. Now Callum McGuire, newly recruited M-Forcer, discovers he isn’t who he thinks he is. In order to find the truth, Callum must decide which side he’s on and either reject or embrace his destiny. (Mass Movement Magazine)
‘Paul Kane has been passionate about horror, science fiction, and fantasy from a very young age and has carried this into adulthood and his own writing. His first mass market novel, Arrowhead (Abaddon/Rebellion, 2008), a post-apocalyptic retelling of the Robin Hood legend, served as the first in a trilogy. And bestselling novel Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell (Solaris, 2016), pitted Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous detective against Clive Barker’s Cenobites. He recently released a dark fantasy novel, Before (Grey Matter Press, 2017), and has once again utilised elements of dark fantasy for his latest novel. He is also the author of numerous other novels, novellas and collections, as well as contributing to many anthologies. Along with the increasingly barbaric practices of the M-Forcers, Callum’s mind is further swayed when he meets neighbour Fern. A medical emergency with the child of neighbours brings reclusive nurse Fern to the attention of Callum, much to the former’s initial annoyance. It seems that she has something to hide and the scrutiny of a police officer is the last thing she needs, especially an M-Forcer. But, after a particularly disastrous mission for the M-Forcers, and with Callum still adjusting to his new role, he finds his fate tied to Fern’s. And when an old Arcana prophecy comes to light, the tension builds to an explosive climax. As with earlier work, Kane’s ability to create compelling characters plays a major part in the success of this story. Protagonist Callum begins the story as just another cog in the machine, complete with a programmed hatred for magic-users and all that they stand for, as he has been taught. But he grows throughout the book, eventually discovering the truth for himself. He does come across as whiny and indecisive at times; even when faced with overwhelming evidence that challenges his preconceived notions about Arcana, he continues to yearn for the approval of his superiors and fellow officers. But, thanks to the determined efforts of Fern and Master Unwin, he eventually escapes his programming. Fern is depicted as a strong woman who should not be messed with and, given some painful and personal repercussions of the M-Forcers work, she proves far deeper than just a damsel in distress or a sidekick. Arcana proves to be a fractious organisation, especially as the prophecy plot develops and some members disagree with Master Unwin’s steadfast stance. Kane explores this confrontation to provide drama on a more personal level, as well as the action on a surface level. Antagonists Stark and Pryce are suitably menacing; whereas some villains tend to have some underlying reasons that may make them and their motivations relatable or understandable, Kane opts to portray them as dictators and monsters. It works within the frame of the story, with the magic-users persecuted by the general public thanks to the spread of fear and misinformation coming from Stark. It is reminiscent of the treatment of minority groups through the ages and, whether intentional or not, it compels the reader to feel sympathy for Arcana, and hatred for the fascistic leaders of the country. Stories concerning magic use in a present-day setting don’t often show the divide between magic-users and non magic-users in such a way. Often, magic is held by a minority, but usually without the knowledge of the general population. In Arcana, Kane uses the acceptance of magic to highlight the way in which human beings can be manipulated by those in power to oppress and fear that which they do not understand. It is a story as much about the human condition and politics as it is about fantasy and magic. Kane has constructed a dark and ominous world, not so far removed from our own, but has given those persecuted characters a beacon to light the dark. Throughout the 400 pages he has created a magical story with complex protagonists to root for and dictatorial villains to despise. And a story in which all fans of rich, urban fantasies can lose themselves.’
‘I finished reading Arcana by Paul Kane earlier and it has been a fantastic read! Plot and the characters pulled me in from the first page! A rollercoaster of a book, I loved it! Here’s hoping there will be a sequel.’ (5* Amazon review)
‘The synopsis of Arcana instantly drew my attention: a reality where magic exists, a battle between good and evil where nothing is black and white and a protagonist with a haunted past trying to do what is right, even when he’s no longer sure which side of the line he is on. I really enjoyed this book… A solid read with engaging characters, a plot full of tension and romance and a strong battle between the good guys and the bad. You know who you are rooting for the whole way through and want them to overcome their limitations and save the day. The plot progresses at a steady rate. There are a few chapters that take a detour into the past to provide some back story and a couple that follow minor characters to set the scene for later events that slow things down. But they also help flesh out the world and help the reader understand what the stakes are. Arcana was, for me, a solid read that kept me engaged throughout. I enjoyed the character development – both personally and the evolving relationships – and the magic added an unpredictable element that made it a fun read!’ (4* Amazon review)
‘Paul Kane is a name that deserves far wider recognition. His imagination is all over the place and you are never sure what you’re going to get from him. So far he has covered a reimagination of the Robin Hood myth, the end of the world with a disease, Sherlock Holmes crossing paths with the Cenobites of Hellraiser and a twist on Adam, Eve and the snake. That’s just a snapshot – take a look at his Amazon page and you can see he’s written a lot of stories. They do all have one thing in common: quality. Kane is a great writer and knows above all how to tell a good story. Arcana is another winner from him. The setup is a bit like Harry Potter and Ben Aaronovitch decided to have a baby and then it grew up to be hard as nails. We’re in an alternative world, where magic exists but its users are hunted by magic police called M-Forcers. The opening attack on a shopping centre is superbly done – a masterclass in rising tension as you realise what’s about to happen. From there, we meet Callum and Ferne and the main plot kicks in. There are a few twists along the way, but in Kane’s hands the “chosen one” trope becomes interesting and engaging again…The set pieces are hugely entertaining and are begging to be filmed. A sequel please Mr Kane!’ (David Watkins’ Site)
Robin of Sherwood: The Red Lord ‘For the more than 30 years that Robin of Sherwood has been off our screens, I have longed for more adventures of our favourite outlaws and as there can never be any more TV episodes (please ITV don't ever do a “reboot”!), audio and books are the next best thing. This is the second book in a series of new adventures set in-between the existing stories and as soon as I started reading I was transported right back. In my mind’s eye I could see Robin fighting against the seemingly unbeatable enemy which Herne had prophesied would come to the forest. Can he beat the Red Lord? Who/what is the thing dear to him that he is going to lose? I couldn't stop reading until I found out. Whilst the writer of the original series, Richard Carpenter, is no longer with us, the producers of these books have gone to great lengths to find writers who love and understand the show. The result is a thrilling series of tales that are as close as we'll ever get to being back in our favourite show. A must for all real fans!’ (5 star Amazon Review) ‘I own the paperback edition of this book. Paul Kane has wrought a wonderful story. He has a great sense of the series and what the characters are. They are all here, Robin and the Merries of course, the delightfully corrupt Sherriff, mystical elements and, of course, a wonderful tale. All of the elements and more that made the original television series work so well and made it so beloved and enduring. Paul Kane’s talents are well known. Just look at his body of work. He has brought a complete understanding of these characters to the printed page. In fact, he does it so well that you “hear” the voices of the original cast in your head as you read the story. One of the most formidable foes that Robin has ever faced lies within these pages. It is a story that will have you turning page after page. Grab a cup of cider or mead and sit down and go on an adventure with Robin and the Merries once again!’ (5 star Amazon Review) Buy the e-book version here.
Her Last Secret ‘P.L. Kane has delivered a stand-out crime thriller. The character-driven plot is intelligent, clever and finely paced, and Jake Radcliffe is a flawed but compassionate protagonist. Exceptional.’ (MW Craven – Bestselling and CWA Gold Dagger Award-winning author of The Puppet Show and Black Summer.)
‘What are you doing to me, PL Kane? I’ve got editing to be getting on with, but I accidentally read the first few pages of Her Last Secret and couldn’t stop! I think my heart might be broken. Cracking thriller...’ (Jo Jakeman – Bestselling author of Sticks and Stones and Safe House.)
‘A dark, twisty tale with an emotional heart.’ (Roz Watkins – Bestselling author of The Devil’s Dice and Dead Man’s Daughter.)
‘Shout out to this author for bringing all this to the light and having the discussion of those who overstep their boundaries in more than one way. As a survivor of abuse it's crucial that those who are abused are not lost.’ (The Secret Book Sleuth)
‘I have said it before and I will say it again…I LOVE a good thriller!!! And I loved this one. One thing I really appreciated about this read was the complex storyline, although the case appeared straight-forward, its complex layers make for a compelling and page turning read. The question on everyone’s tongue was, “WHO KILLED JORDAN?” Well, well, well, buckle in for a fast-paced ride because this is one hell of journey of discovery. The protagonist, a grieving father, drives the story through a guilt-driven and tragic point of view – and is definitely one that grabs the readers’ attention and gets them on board… The over-arching narrative and characters make for a quick and intense read. I would definitely pick up another one of Kane’s books.’
‘This is a story of a family tragedy and a murder mystery. A tale of loss, grief and guilt after the death of Jordan…the what if’s and maybe’s . This is not a police procedural or thriller, it’s gripping murder mystery with an emotional heart. I thoroughly enjoyed it.’ (Book Wormery)
‘You all know that thrillers and crime mysteries are my absolute fave genre, and it’s been too long since I had a good one to get my teeth into! I absolutely loved Jake and the idea of a normal civilian investigating a crime (I hope he will get a book 2, I have lots of ideas for this!!) He has to really dig deep into himself to uncover the truth about his daughter and my heart broke for him! This book is full of secrets, some big, some small, and it has a couple of really strong plot twists. There’s lots of darkness and danger and I held my breath more than once! The plot twist at the end though is more than I could have asked for!! I've seen a review saying that one part of this story was a bit too far-fetched, but as I am closely linked to a real-life detective, I know that this isn’t the case! (sadly) and I loved the fact that I didn't see this twist coming at all! There are side plots to the main storyline of friendship, love and forgiveness and I really liked the characters! I especially liked Sam (can she go into book 2 please?) Overall thoroughly enjoyed this one, it’s a 4.5 star for me!’ (Mrs Feg Fiction)
‘The death of a child, your own child, is the worst possible experience a parent can go through, even more so when your child is brutally murdered. Jake and Julie are completely devastated by the murder of their daughter Jordan. The only comfort is the fact the police already have the murderer in custody. Bobby was found covered in his girlfriend’s blood, but he still insists that he is innocent. Her parents, in particular Jake, find it difficult to reconcile their present with their past. Jake has to deal with the new man in her life and the new father figure in his daughter’s life. A man he takes an instant dislike to – is it just jealousy? One of the most poignant elements of this story is guilt. Jake realises that there is no going back – no do over as a father to his daughter. He wasn’t there to protect Jordan or to give her advice. Instead the separation from wife and home also resulted in the father and daughter relationship being severed. He points the finger straight at his ex-wife. Why didn't she pay more attention to what Jordan was doing and who she was seeing? It’s an easy way to deal with your own sense of guilt, I suppose. Blame someone else, because the reality is so much more painful than Jake wants to acknowledge. It’s an emotionally charged domestic noir – fraught with guilt and regret. Kane plots a crime, but turns the story into a compelling tale about relationships, broken homes and families.’ (Cheryl M-M’s Book Blog)
‘This book brought me to tears. It is a story told from the POV of the grieving father, his turmoil, guilt, grief are all described so well that you feel his pain. You become invested, in his fight for justice and the truth. You want him to put to rest all the regret he feels for not being in his eyes a better father. His fight for the truth takes him on a dark lonely path, alienating people in his desperate search. He is haunted by the ghost of his daughter and he knows that while ever her murderer is out there she won’t rest in peace. The first suspect seems to be the one, but is he? Jake is not totally convinced. Jake takes on those that want the death wrapped up as soon as possible leaving him convinced there is some form of conspiracy. The book charts his seemingly self-destructive path to the truth, and we the reader are grieving alongside him as he struggles on. The tension, pace and depth make it an engrossing book and one I finished in one day. Totally moved by the description of Jake’s thoughts and feelings, it could have made for hard reading, but for me it was also uplifting and poignant. The final truth when it is revealed is such a shock not only to him but to me as I never saw it coming. A different take on a crime novel by using the POV of the grieving family over the detectives searching for the killers make it a fabulously powerful book.’ (Books Behind the Title)
‘This is a fantastic character-driven book, highlighting the fractious relationship between a teenage daughter, before her murder, and her now divorced parents. The detailed account of their grief tore through me as a parent of a teenage girl myself, and having been a similar teenager to Jordan back in the day made me empathise with her too. Starting with a slow but steady pace it picks up once Jake starts investigating and my favourite character, lawyer Sam Ferrara, is introduced. In she waltzes to get Jake released from the cells and gives the book a little light relief from all the darkness. I loved her attitude, her sharp perceptiveness and her sense of justice in wanting answers even if it could hurt her client who is the main suspect in Jordan’s murder. A dark domestic crime thriller with a really strong plot that delivers some nice unexpected twists and another author to add to my booky radar.’ (Melanie’s Reads)
‘This was my first time delving into anything written by this author. We are immediately thrown into the gruesome discovery of the body of Jordan Radcliffe, daughter of Jake & Julie. All evidence is pointing to her boyfriend Robert “Bobby” Bannister but Jordan’s dad Jake feels something is off with him having committed the crime. Thrown into the equation is the fact that Jake didn’t have a great relationship with his daughter in the later years of her life, so trying to find out anything about her life and her friends proves a little difficult for him. Emotions are high between Jake, his ex Julie and her new husband Greg. Why can't Jake seem to get on with Greg? And old feelings are being stirred up between himself and Julie which isn’t helping... Jake does have a good friend in Matthew though, the police officer on the case. But he is a man on a mission to solve his daughter’s murder while trying to deal with his grief on his own. Grief that at times is too much for him to handle… A gripping read that will have you turning the pages quite quickly...’ (Book Reviews For U)
‘Poor Jake was really tortured by the past and his actions and, even though he rather brought it all upon himself, I had sympathy for this poor grieving father who has lots of regrets and guilt and was unable to protect his little girl when it counted most and save her from being murdered. This was an entertaining, well-written book and I really liked the way the plot developed and we got to know more about Jake and Jordan. The story was a bit slow paced at first but it was good to build up a picture of events and see things from Julie and Jordan’s viewpoints. Then things ramped up as Jake got nearer the truth and found himself in some dark and dangerous situations. There were lots of interesting twists and turns and a surprising back story is revealed that I wasn’t expecting! Overall, an enjoyable, quick read and I’ll be looking out for more of P.L. Kane’s books in the future.’ (Locky Loves Books)
‘I’ve seen this book scrolling across my social media feed and decided to give it a shot. The title alone caught my attention and I did some digging and discovered that the author PL Kane is actually Paul Kane. Since I have a couple of his books under my belt, I was ready to dive in. The set up for the book is a good one. A father gets a message that his estranged daughter was murdered. He goes back home to find out what happened. As he digs, some of his daughter’s darker secrets come to light. The more he digs, the less he likes what he finds, until he gets to her final secret, and it is one that can tear the whole town apart. Overall, this was a fun and fast read… The main character, Jacob Radcliffe, is one you want to see succeed, and some of the people in his way you really want to see get theirs… Would I recommend this book to a friend? Yes. Would I but this book for someone who likes the genre? Yes. Will I read anything else the author comes out with? Most definitely. 4 bookmarks out of 5.’ (Darren Purdue)
‘I think it is the characterisation where Kane’s writing excels. It certainly raises this above your standard crime thriller fare. Jake and Jules are so well fleshed out, they feel real. These are two ordinary people who have had to deal with an extraordinary situation. Fans of television shows like Broadchurch and The Killing, and I count myself amongst them, should seek out this novel... Part psychological drama, part character study, Her Last Secret is a captivating and intense experience.’ (The Eloquent Page)
‘I think I have quite a gooey heart, this book, a pure murder mystery, had me quite emotional at times… My first book by author PL Kane, I too wanted to know who killed this child who was so troubled in life that she was cutting herself. My insides twisted as the family life unfurled. I felt sad for the parents for their loss of love and relationship, and the way they lost their only child. The story was quite a domestic drama… The twist shook me and made this book come alive. I loved the rush of excitement, the heartbeat rising with every page, and the ending which caused a surge of adrenaline. It was this twist which invigorated me and made this book a fun read. I had tears at the end of the book for the daughter they had lost…’ (Shalini’s Books & Reviews)
‘The story gets off to a dramatic start with an opening chapter which sets the scene for what is to come in this cleverly thought out murder mystery. It would seem almost from the beginning of the murder investigation that the perpetrator of Jordan Radcliffe's murder is pretty much decided, however, Jordan’s father, Jake, is determined to leave nothing to chance as he searches for more evidence, determined to put right all the wrongs he feels he is responsible for in Jordan’s short life. Her Last Secret is not so much a police procedural, although the investigation into Jordan’s death certainly features, but rather this is more about the guilt of those who are left behind who feel that they could have done more, been more, helped more and who in the face of such profound sadness feel that the only way to assuage their guilt is do everything possible to catch whoever is responsible. (Jaffa Reads Too)
‘This book kicks off with an eerie prologue playing out Jordan’s last moments alive written from her perspective. From there we’re introduced to Jordan’s mother, her estranged father and what appears to be an open and shut case that sees her current boyfriend as the perpetrator of her murder. However, her father believes there’s more to it and takes it upon himself to delve deeper into the details, taking on the investigation himself, getting into trouble along the way but ultimately uncovering the real truth. Kane combines all the best parts of a crime thriller with all the heartbreaking elements of a family tragedy. One minute Jake was investigating his daughter’s death and the next he was experiencing all the pain and loss you’d expect in such a situation. The added complication that Jake was divorced and hadn’t seen his daughter in three years made that splintering feeling even more real. I was torn between wanting to follow the case, to discover the truth, and wanting to explore the heartache of his loss and the confusion within the family dynamic. The storyline kept me guessing right up until the last minute with each plot twist a shock, both with the case and with the personal side. Even each chapter had me wanting to carry on reading because there was usually an unanswered question, a cliffhanger or a massive plot twist. So I just had to read the next chapter (and the next!)… I’m really looking forward to reading Kane’s next book!’ (Lotte’s Library)
‘Just mind-blowing! PL Kane’s debut is truly a masterpiece, that tells the story of a father who loves his daughter so much, when she is murdered he sets out to find out what really happened – just remarkable. In this nail-biting, cleverly-written thriller, the characters are just fantastic. The character I loved the most was: Jake, who is the father of Jordan. He goes on a mission to find the real killer and to investigate what really happened to his daughter, the secrets. What he finds out about his daughter was just shocking! Other characters who were brilliant were: Jake’s ex-wife, Jules, and DC Mathew “Matt” Newcomb, a cop. What I loved about this brilliantly-written, gripping thriller, was it takes you on a journey to find out what really happened to the person you love and how you would do anything to bring the killer to justice. An outstanding debut thriller, that is truly not just good but an outstanding murder mystery thriller, a race against time on a mission of your life. Author PL Kane is truly a fantastic story-teller. Highly recommended, Five Stars!’ (Surjit’s Books Blog)
You can buy the book here, here and direct from the publishers here.
The Storm ‘I received a copy of this novel from the author in exchange for an honest review. This is my first foray into a Paul Kane novel (I’ve heard about his books before just never got around to picking one up) and I was not disappointed. The writing was superb, the characters were well developed (I even found myself having a few I was genuinely rooting for), the story was fast-paced and even gave me goosebumps at certain points. I don’t get scared easily, and I will say that this novel has points where I actually gasped because of how the author weaves the words and creates the descriptions of the creatures, but also the actual characters jump off the page right at you like in a 3D movie. I completely enjoyed this novel and will be picking up more novels by the author as soon as I can. Highly recommend.’ (Leigh Farina. 5* Goodreads)
‘When a storm arrives at the tourist spot of Willerton Castle, visitors and staff alike find themselves having to take shelter. But it’s more than the rain they’re hiding from; strange creatures are also falling from the sky, vile slimy and tentacled things that show no mercy and exist solely to destroy. Paul Kane’s latest will sound familiar to anyone who’s ever watched a monster movie, or read horror stories like The Mist, but there’s a charm that makes it stand out while paying respect to and toying with everything the reader is expecting. Our hero is Keegan, a military veteran with a troubled past. Naturally he’s misunderstood, in particular by Gemma, the love interest who finds it difficult to completely trust anyone. Add to this the young boy Dillon, tormented by prophetic visions, and you’ve got what could be a cliched collection of characters. Not in Kane’s hands, though; various points of view allow the reader into the heads of all his protagonists, sharing their doubts and fears, their hopes and dreams. As some of them are picked off, there is genuine sadness to be felt; we never linger too much, but Kane’s tight prose is enough to tell us all we need to know and get the emotions flowing. The pace never falters either, with wave after wave of increasingly powerful creatures attacking. There are some wonderfully grisly deaths at the various appendages of these monsters, and just when you think you’ve seen it all, along comes another, culminating with the biggest and meanest of all. The Storm is a story told with great relish, and the author’s enthusiasm is transferred to the reader; yes, we may have seen these tropes many times before, but they feel fresh here, while at the same being imbued with a sense of nostalgia for similar tales. Above all, it’s huge fun and an absolute delight to read; a superb slice of escapism that is, ultimately, a story of love, sacrifice and courage in the face of adversity.’ (Starburst, 9* review)
‘Nightmarish monsters sit in tandem with our world. There they are waiting evermore, waiting to break through the thin veil between their world and ours. When Keegan, an ex-soldier and con, first braves the storm, as it strikes the castle where his construction crew are working, the last thing he expects is a battle against unfathomable monsters. Creatures that look like they’d be more comfortable in the ocean, zap, bite, devour hapless tourists as they make way for the greatest evil. The storm has brought an annihilation. The Storm is a bite-sized smack upside the head. The short novel punches wildly and quickly while gruesomely taking out characters that had just become the reader’s friends. With a Lovecraftian edge The Storm invokes sea-like monsters that are simultaneously familiar and disturbingly foreign, to unleash a ferocious horror. Paul Kane uses his gift of masterful character development to narrate the story from a multitude of personalities: from a gifted young child to a torn and lovelorn tour guide, to an old war veteran, to a Spanish tutor, to a young pair of newlyweds and many more. Each character is so well developed that watching them die is heartbreaking. The Storm’s beautiful cover artwork from Ben Baldwin sets the scene for the darkness – and the monsters, oh the monsters! – within the pages. It’s a story for those craving the feeling of their heart beating faster or a desire to perch precariously on the edge of their seat, but don’t have time for a full novel. This shorter tale brings a nightmare to life in the time it would take to dream it.’ (Aurealis)
You can buy the book here, here, or from the publisher here.
Her Husband’s Grave
‘A gritty, pacy thriller but with an emotional depth that puts this ahead of the pack. Characters you want to root for combined with a clever, twisty plot, makes this novel unputdownable.’ (Sam Carrington, bestselling author of One Little Lie and I Dare You)
‘A very enjoyable crime thriller... Well-crafted and suspenseful – had me gripped right to the end.’ (Jenny O’Brien, bestselling author of Silent Cry and Darkest Night)
‘I thoroughly enjoyed the storytelling and I loved Robyn as a character, even though her sometimes pig-headed behaviour gets her into trouble. For content, brilliant storytelling and enjoyment value I give this novel a full five stars and would definitely read another Robyn Adams novel should there ever be one. A gripping murder mystery and crime thriller that kept me guessing right up until the bitter end!’ (SM Hardy, author of The Evil Within)
‘A gripping page-turner that drew me in from page 1, and kept me guessing. I thoroughly enjoyed it!’ (Amanda Brittany, bestselling author of Tell the Truth and Traces of Her)
‘To start things off, PL Kane was able to bring the drama throughout the entirety of the book. There was rarely a moment where something wasn’t happening that had me trying to figure out the answers! Although the characters weren’t really my favourite people, mostly Robyn, her personality really lent itself to the predicaments she would find herself in. There were many times where she frustrated me, but I really don’t think the story would have worked if I had liked her. This story jumps between multiple viewpoints. We get to read from both Robyn and Vicky. What I liked about PL Kane’s writing style, was that the characters built off of each other very well, often repeating phrases or transitioning through a similar theme or motif… The mystery and criminal investigation side was interesting to read. It was not like the usual crime reads that I find myself diving into. Her Husband’s Grave focused on the more obscure of clues and required more patience from the law enforcement as things fell into place. Her Husband’s Grave was a mystery that tested the strength of family and loyalty and that proved just how challenging it can be to bring justice to light.’ (The Literary Archives)
‘My thoughts about this cleverly-written, tense, gripping thriller: it was outstanding. PL Kane’s Her Husband’s Grave is truly an unbelievable masterpiece. What I liked about the story was it gave me goosebumps while reading. When it was revealed who killed Vicky’s husband – just fantastic! Author PL Kane’s writing is truly unbelievable, I loved how he has written a powerful story that is not just outstanding but it is brilliantly written, with a nail-biting ending that surely packs a punch. The character I loved the most in this gripping tale: criminal psychologist Robyn Adams who was fantastic. I loved how she goes out and investigates the murder of her cousin Vicky’s husband, and the reveal of who killed him was fantastic. A powerful dark and twisted thriller that is truly remarkable, highly recommended. Five Stars!’ (Surjit’s Books Blog)
‘Simon was found dead on the beach, and it was up to Robyn, the criminal psychologist, to find the elusive thread which would lead the cops to the killer. A good murder mystery by author PL Kane. The premise was exciting, and the writing kept Robyn in focus. The interpersonal relationships that she developed with her cousin and niece touched my heart. The investigation was sporadic in the first half with Robyn getting rebuffed at her every attempt to help the cops. The threatening notes were a nice touch…The ending was a pleasant surprise.’ (Shalini’s Books & Reviews)
‘Robyn Adams is a clinical psychologist, she’s on a break recovering from events during her last case. She receives a call from her cousin, Vicky. Her husband has just been found dead. So, Robyn rushes to the area to help Vicky and find out what had happened to Simon. But it’s not that easy, as she begins to investigate she receives threatening notes…now her life is in danger. But why? Can she find out who killed Simon before it’s too late? Her Husband’s Grave is a twisty, intense psychological thriller that will have you hooked from the very first page…utterly gripping!’ (The Bookwormery)
‘We already know that Kane can combine a crime thriller with a family heartbreak but in this novel he manages to weave in a psychological element complete with an extensive and complex backstory – mastery! This created a dark, intense and twisted plot! This book really packs a punch in the opening chapters! I love that we get such an insight into the shocking backstory of Robyn, it feels like we’ve already read a full novel about her before we even get started on this one. Having such a fully established character added depth and a layer of complexity that I really enjoyed. You could see how this history, along with the clever way that Kane shares additional flashbacks, really influenced how Robyn questioned and saw the world in front of her. It also heightened that emotional reaction to the events happening. As I said before, this multi-layering of approaches meant one minute we were experiencing those raw human emotions and just how real they were, then we were processing the twisted psychological moments, while in the next minute puzzling over the crime details. This constant change in focus kept me hooked pretty much throughout. I think the only time the pacing dipped a little was during the middle of the book when Kane needed to do some fact/world building in order to deliver the impressive latter half of the book, which was totally worth it. I was kept guessing right up until I was reading the plot unfold and loved all the twists and turns. I honestly thought I had it figured out at one point until everything was thrown into uncertainty again. This was, for the most part, a fast-paced and easy to read book. Kane structures his chapters to finish in such a way it entices you to read the next, be that with plot twists, more questions or gut-wrenching events, making it hard to put down. Although it is definitely a standalone story, for those that have read Kane’s previous novel – Her Last Secret – there was a very small but incredibly interesting link. I’m wondering if a third book might reveal more… I’ll be keeping my eye out!’ (Lotte’s Library)
‘This book is intriguing and engaging all at once. I have been gripped by this one from the very beginning and found this book completely impossible to put down. This is my first read by this author, but after completing this book, it definitely won’t be the last! This book is a great read as a standalone novel, although I am keen to read more… The author has done a fantastic job of keeping me interested and engaged in the book. The characters in this book are both likeable and questionable. Vicky is the grieving character and turns to drink and lashing out at others. Whereas Robyn is very impulsive and emotional. I have definitely been pulled into this one. I have been pulled in by the developing romance present, this is always a welcome addition to the thriller. I adore how this has been written, it is clever, tense and completely gripping. This is definitely a strong four star read for me which I highly recommend.’ (Little Miss Book Lover 87)
‘Oooh, I do love a good psychological thriller and this was one very good psychological thriller indeed! There are certain ingredients in a good thriller. The plotline has to grip you very early on. As do the characters, love or hate them you have to want to find out what happens to them. What makes them tick and, of course, what secrets they hold. These boxes are all ticked here! Robyn is quite a complex character. She assists the police in tracking down and convicting serial killers. Something that has put her in grave danger in the past. She’s seen evil head on and after she has helped bring it in, she then has to try and live with the experience. She is certainly damaged and dealing with her own demons and perhaps the chase is merely a distraction for what is at work in her own head. When her cousin’s husband is found dead, she is pulled back to the coastal village where she spent many summers growing up. A place with many memories and not all of them good. Her cousin Vicky has called for her help but Robyn feels a deep sense of unease upon returning. Someone doesn’t want her there and they certainly don’t want her digging around in police matters. But just what lengths will they go to to stop her? Past secrets come back to haunt her and again her life is on the line and this time she could quite possibly lose everything. Kane has written a great many books and he certainly knows what he is doing, this novel still managed to maintain a freshness and a sense of not knowing how it will turn out. It kept me guessing and the twists and turns had me turning those pages. It is an entertaining and exciting thriller, thoroughly enjoyable and gripping. I wonder if we might see more of Doctor Robyn Adams? I certainly hope so! A super read and I look forward to reading more.’ (Tales Before Bedtime)
‘This is the first book by Paul Kane I’ve read and I’ll definitely pick up more of his work. I love a good murder mystery, although I very rarely get it right! The story follows criminal psychologist Robyn Adams as she is recovering from a traumatic experience in her latest case. Robyn is at breaking point and just when she thinks she has no one, her estranged cousin Vicky calls asking for her help. Vicky’s husband, Simon, has been found murdered and partially buried in the seaside town she grew up in. Robyn has no choice but to return to her hometown and face past traumas. Neither of them could have predicted what would come next. This one was definitely a slow burn, the first half of the book is all about setting the scene and introducing the characters. Golden Sands is such an eerie seaside town with lots of secrets…the author sets the scene well and brings the reader into the lives of its residents. The story jumps between multiple POV’s, mainly Robyn and Vicky. I enjoyed learning about Robyn’s line of work, she has worked on some of the most gruesome cases and it was interesting getting into the mind of a serial killer!... I didn’t see the ending coming and liked how everything was wrapped up nicely. Overall if you are a fan of crime fiction and are looking for a creepy murder mystery with twists and lies then I recommend giving this one a go.’ (Read in the Clouds)
‘This isn’t your typical fast-paced thriller, this is more an in-depth view of the psychology that comes with crime. With the main character Dr Robyn Adams being a consultant psychologist who has previously worked on high profile cases, she seems the perfect person for her cousin Vicky to contact when her husband Simon is found dead. Unfortunately Robyn’s meddling is not wanted by the local police or by the person sending her threatening notes. Very Scooby Doo. This book opens with a heart attack, a watch and a body, so as soon as I started reading I was sucked in. I was then given Robyn’s harrowing back story and the fallout she is dealing with from previous cases. A small coastal village with connections to Robyn’s past was the perfect setting as what comes with that is often a small village mentality that is not accepting of non-locals interfering. With the use of regular thriller tropes to keep the story flowing, it still had me guessing as to who was behind it all.’ (Melanie’s Reads)
‘Her Husband’s Grave was a tightly plotted thriller based around a psychologist Robyn who has returned to her “summer home” of Golden Sands at the bequest of her cousin Vicky. Vicky’s husband has been found murdered and buried on the beach. There are a lot of twists and turns in this book and once the author had set the scene, they just kept on coming right to the very end. I really enjoyed the final twist at the story’s conclusion. A lot of crime fiction nowadays has a protagonist who is damaged in some way. However, Robyn still came across as approachable and empathetic whilst still being completely messed up. I think that because a lot of her mental health problems revolve around a previous case you can understand why she would act the way she does. I think there is a lot more hiding under her surface though and could easily see this becoming a series. Is this going to happen Paul?? I really enjoyed the plot and there are a few stand out scenes for me! I loved the library scene and the one where Robyn is a peeping tom! They both made me laugh. They were good counter-balances to some of the darker scenes in the book. I can’t say too much as I don’t want to spoil the plot for you guys. I don’t know why but the setting of Golden Sands made me think of Scarborough. It’s the right location and some things like the castle, the funfair, and pubs being taken over by chains just made me think of my hometown. If you are looking for a great thriller to spend a sunny day reading then this is the book for you! It’s compelling from the opening scene, the pace ramps up in the second half of the book and it’s just a great thriller. I could spin platitudes aplenty but why make it complicated. Basically, it’s a 4 star read.’ (Books by Bindu)
‘I love a thriller that I just cannot unpuzzle for the life of me. When I was invited onto this tour, I was beyond excited and I was right. It was a great read. When Robyn’s cousin calls asking for help, despite having not seen each other for years, she is family and goes to her aid. Vicky’s husband has been found dead and buried on the beach, a place that once held such fond memories for the cousins as they grew up. Robyn is determined to help solve this case, after all she has the experience of supporting the police. It’s not as simple as that, as things often aren’t. She is met with people who think she is of no aid to them, her own problems from before and the fact someone really doesn’t want her there digging around. This was really clever, I felt like it kept me hooked until the very end, I literally could not put it down. As a reader, in hindsight the hints are there, but there is no way I was getting the answers on my own. The characters were flawed with their own issues they were battling and I enjoyed that, they had so many other emotions other than grief to deal with as the cousins tried to reunite. The cast of supporting characters are all well-developed and all have a relevant part to the story. The narrative itself in places was dark and very, very twisty. I really think this is one people should be checking out because it’s not like anything else. I really felt in the dark with this and for me that is what made it such an enjoyable reading experience.’ (Afternoon Bookery)
‘An enjoyable thriller, where one person’s growing paranoia threatens to unravel everything around them. Robyn needs a break, moving straight from a serial killer case that could have killed her to a more personal one involving her family members has a detrimental effect on her mental wellbeing and sends her spiralling. Her past resurfaces and her relationship with her cousin threatens to fall apart completely. Complicating matters is her rocky professional agreement with the local police and her decision to try and solve the murder on her own. The case takes a back seat to Robyn’s growing crisis and becomes more of a book about her not managing her issues and how dangerous that can be. I found this book interesting and enjoyable as it was more than the average thriller it initially appeared to be.’ (Ramblingmads)
‘This is a psychological suspense thriller (my fave genre). It follows Dr Robyn Adams, a criminal psychologist who has worked with the police to catch some of the UK’s most notorious serial killers. She is recovering from a recent traumatic event linked to one of these killers, when she gets a call from her estranged cousin Vicky. Vicky’s husband has been found dead and she desperately needs Robyn’s help. Reluctantly Robyn travels back to her hometown of Golden Sands, desperately wanting to help her cousin, but dangerously unaware of the trouble she’s about to find herself in. This is a great crime thriller which I really enjoyed. I like Paul’s writing style very much, there’s lots of description to the seaside town of Golden Sands and it really helped to set the scene. I enjoyed Robyn’s character, she’s definitely a little bit broken as she’s been through an awful lot, and I liked how her past experiences gave a gritty edge to her character. This isn’t the sort of murder mystery you’ll be able to figure out. The author takes you down so many different avenues that you won’t get an inkling of whodunnit until it’s upon you, and that’s a rare thing in my opinion! I got some Ann Cleeves vibes from this book, it might have been the seaside setting, but I love Ann Cleeves so that was a big thumbs up for me. This was gritty in places, but not hugely scary so I’d recommend it if you enjoy murder mysteries, but don’t like too much horror. Overall 4 stars from me. Another great book from PL Kane with all the right twists and turns of a good thriller!’ (Mrs Feg's Fiction)
‘This was a fabulous read, and extremely gripping. A lot of crime fiction nowadays has a protagonist who is damaged in some way. However, Robyn still came across as approachable and empathetic whilst still being completely messed up (aren’t we all?). I did want more from the ending but I’m putting that down to greed. I highly recommend this novel to any tightly-plotted thriller lovers.’ (@BookishBonnie 5*)
‘I am loving the book. Can’t put it down!’ (Chelsea, Mrs Moreton Home, Instagram book blogger)
‘I couldn’t put it down! Would most definitely rate it 5/5.’ (Tia Cole, Instagram book blogger)
‘I loved the characters of Robyn and her “niece” Mia. They were really well written and the author was clearly fond of them. It’s an easy 7/10.’ (Sitting by the Bookcase)
You can buy the book here and here.
The Gemini Factor: 10th Anniversary Edition
You can buy the book here, here, and from the publishers here.
The Family Lie
‘PL Kane has built a tinderbox of a novel. As its mystery is revealed, Kane fans the flames until the tension grows white-hot.’ (AJ Gnuse, author of Girl in the Walls)
‘Brilliantly clever and wonderfully plotted. Confirms Kane’s growing reputation as a top, top talent. Made me genuinely jealous not to have written it myself.’ (David Mark, bestselling author of the DS McAvoy series including Dark Winter, Cruel Mercy and Cold Bones)
(Louise Mumford, bestselling author of Sleepless)
‘Hugely atmospheric, full of suspense and surprises, Paul Kane’s The Family Lie will keep you guessing to the end, and I mean right to the end! A truly sinister thriller about small town secrets and lies.’ (Carole Johnstone, bestselling author of Mirrorland)
(Rebecca Millar Editorial) ‘This gave me definite Hot Fuzz vibes – small towns give me the creeps. So insular and sinister – which this small rural town definitely is. Mitch has no idea what’s going on when he returns to Green Acres to put his late father’s affairs in order. The fact his father may have been murdered, the utterly useless local police, his weird aunt and uncle. He needs answers but getting them proves deadly. Thank goodness for his psychic sister Bella – the true hero of the book – Cat the cat, and Bella’s copper pal, because Mitch is out of his depth. Gripping and sinister, this is a really clever, enjoyable thriller about insidious evil and why you need a cat. Also, cults, small town strangeness and secrets.’ (Rambling Mads)
(Books and Bobs)
(@kels_reads 4*)
(Lizzie’s Little Book Nook) ‘I rather enjoyed that! The Family Lie is pretty creepy with an underlying hint of menace and the town of Green Acres is definitely somewhere I would not want to visit! Its oddness reminded me of the setting of Royston Vasey from The League of Gentlemen but the characters in The Family Lie are more threatening in a duplicitous kind of way. Although it has quite a gruesome and intriguing beginning, it took me a little while to get into the story as it flicks back and forth between Mitch and his sister Bella. When their father dies, Bella refuses to return to Green Acres so Mitch is the one who goes back home to arrange his father’s funeral. Mitch has just quit his job in the police force but he sniffs out something sinister about his father’s death and begins to investigate, but someone seems intent to stop him. I loved the character of Bella and her psychic ability which added a supernatural air of mystery to the whole proceedings. There is so much more to Bella’s story than meets the eye and I loved discovering everything about her. It’s odd but I didn’t really take to Mitch as much as Bella, although I loved Mitch’s interactions with the cat, but I think perhaps I just found Bella to be a more interesting character. Chilling and intriguing with a hint of the supernatural, anything could happen in The Family Lie which makes it impossible to predict and difficult to put down. I enjoyed it; it’s an entertaining, disturbing and imaginative crime thriller.’ (The Book Magnet 4*)
(Brown Flopsy)
‘Police officer Mitch Prescott answers a call one evening to be told that his father Thomas has died in the night. A fire has spread through the forest and all that is left is a body on the ground. He must now go back to the hometown he has done his very best to avoid and sort out his father’s affairs and lay him to rest. He doesn’t relish this at all and soon becomes suspicious when it looks as though his father was in fact murdered. While he’s there, the home he grew up in is broken into and he receives warnings to leave which all point to the fact that Thomas had become involved in something dangerous and which has ultimately killed him. Mitch is determined to get to the bottom of his father’s death. What was he involved in? The Family Lie starts off with a bang – it really grabbed my attention from the very beginning and I couldn’t look away! Mitch as a character is flawed and there were a few moments that I didn’t like him much, but that made things interesting. I enjoyed the chapters as told by his sister Bella which added a spiritual aspect with descriptions of witchcraft making the story so much more than a standard crime thriller. I was eager to find out what happened to Thomas and couldn’t guess the ending which I was pleased about! The book is entertaining and the eerie setting adds so much atmosphere. Thomas was clearly in possession of a dangerous secret despite his dementia and I couldn’t wait to find out just what that secret was! A thoroughly gripping read.’ (Jera’s Jamboree)
(Hannah’s Book Club 4*) (@sarahlouisehope 4*)
‘This is a fantastic thriller! I was scared, some scenes were quite a shock in this story with an amazing writing style. I loved every page. Plenty of mystery and drama in the story to keep you guessing, plenty of things happening and more clues, with every chapter a suspense. The characters I loved and in every chapter there was a new scene and mystery plot. Loved it.’ (@rhianyddmmorris 4*)
‘I found this book quite intriguing. I’ve never read a fiction book on cult personality before, so a first for me. The book started off with a whammy and I was instantly thinking “wow wtf?!” However, rather than the galloping thrilling rollercoaster I had anticipated, it was a slow burn that revealed its murky evil at the end…’ (@bookswithacuppa)
(@BookishBonnie 4*)
‘The unexpected (not mentioned in the synopsis) supernatural and cult themes, which I won’t say too much about for fear of any spoilers were like nothing I’ve ever read before and for that I’ll remember this story for a while to come, they definitely added real substance to the story! There are a few twists to the story, neither of which I saw coming and at times the author really built up the suspense to the point if I was watching it play out on the television I’d probably be hiding behind a cushion!’ (Emma’s Little Library)
‘Okay. So this book wasn’t exactly what I was expecting but I really rather enjoyed it. I like a book that tilts things on somewhat of an angle, where the root cause of a problem isn’t just about the everyday criminal fraternity… The book opens in a very intriguing, if somewhat disturbing, way. None of it is gratuitous, but how can you start a story with a man literally on fire, without making readers sit up and wonder just what the heck is going on? It certainly worked for me and I was immediately in need of finding out the whys and wherefores of the situation, something which the author slowly reveals to both us, the reader, and Mitch, the son of the all too recently deceased. A (very recently) former, copper, Mitch knows that he needs to get to the bottom of his father’s death, particularly when it seems that the local police are far from interested, even though everything points towards foul play. As Mitch soon learns, things in his home town are both the same and yet very, very different, and that leaves us with a whole host of suspects. (Jen Med’s Reviews)
The Gemini Factor 10th Anniversary Edition (reissue)
First published by Encyclopcalypse, May 2022. ISBN: 979-8829618674, Trade Paperback, £15/$18.99.
You can buy this book here or here.
The Gemini Effect ‘After reading The Gemini Factor I could not wait to read The Gemini Effect and what a sequel it is! Talk about gripping, it really was, and I must admit I was up into the early hours of the morning reading it as I had to find out who the killer was... and nope I did not see this one coming, which made me love it even more. Paul has seriously smashed this one and now I really, really can’t wait to see what the next Gemini book will bring. If you are looking for a “gripping, have you at the edge of your seat intense, can’t put it down” kind of story this is definitely one for you!’ (5*Helen Brannigan, Amazon)
‘I’m back, and you’re probably thinking Nat, what have you got in store for me today? Trust issues, because that’s what Paul Kane is giving me. I’ve already got issues with trust, Paul. You’re not f**king helping… So, we go into the second book in the Gemini series. I finished The Gemini Factor, if you’ve seen the review you know how much I frickin’ love Paul Kane. He is king! So, obviously I have now had the chance to sit and absorb and devour this book. This is The Gemini Effect, which is the second part in the series. And we end up revisiting with some brilliant characters from book one, Deborah is back… If you haven’t read The Gemini Factor *spoiler* she has kiddies. If you are determined to read The Gemini Factor, I would pause the video now, go away and read it, then come back to me. Because book two is… intense and we end up following Debs as she’s got her life together, she’s a writer now, she lives on the coast – she hasn’t been back to Norchester since the Gemini case. She’s got her two kids to raise, she’s got her daughter Isobel going through her teenage strop phase; she’s got her hands full. So when Rosy, the pathologist from book one, comes to her and goes, “So, yeah, we have a problem,” Debs is already aware of this because her two kids have basically inherited their dad’s powers to connect with the victims of the Gemini killer. So it’s very hard for Debs to think this is a copycat, because the kids have described to her the scene of the first murder. That is some next level nightmare material right there. These kids don’t have to worry about the monster under the bed, they literally see the monster when they’re asleep. These kids are going to have next level trauma to deal with. Rosy comes to her and goes, “Look, shit’s going down in Norchester again. I need you to come and I need you to help, because you were the one who beat the Gemini killer originally. You’re the best, the most organised person, you know your shit. You’re a great detective, can you come out of retirement and consult on this case?” So Debs can’t say no. Weird stuff starts happening off the bat, she starts seeing Jack’s ghost, the kids start having nightmares that are vividly connected to the crime scenes… We have some great new characters coming in there, including Vinny the librarian’s son, who I loved. Glover, who seems to be doing everything in his freaking power to piss Debs off, and I’m livin’ for it, because the back and forth is just funny as hell! Then you’ve got the characters from the previous book making a reappearance, so you’ve got Clark, the lovely young detective… I’m not going to give anything away, I’m really not. But y’know what? Her last boss turned out to be the twin brother of the Gemini killer, so I understand her trust issues. About Glover, about her kids, about the past, about the real truth behind what happened down in the cells where the Gemini was holed up. I understand why she’s reluctant to share what she knows and what she learns, because the girl has every reason to have trust issues. Paul, you’ve given me trust issues big time, I swear to God. It’s gripping, enduring, the characters are fantastic, the story pace is on point, as always, the detail in the mythos itself, the history about actual twins and the Gemini in general. Creating a whole ritual and creating this cult that basically worships the Gemini… genius move, my friend. It was so hard for me to put down that book, because the best part about it is, you know when you go into a series and, say it’s been like forever since you read the first book and you go, crap I’m going to have to go back and re-read the first book to catch up and remember where I am. No, no. Paul does these little recaps throughout the story to remind you, I mean it’s not hard for me to remember because it was one of those books that was solidly on my brain, constantly… But I honestly believe that this is my favourite now, out of all of Paul Kane’s books, and that’s hard – try topping, just trying to top Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell, a big massive like… The fact that it topped that, in creativity, emotional connection, in pace, in action, in gore – in sheer detail alone and character development, as well as world-building. He’s on point. I’m jealous! The world-building and the development of the story, the way that he interconnects everything so seamlessly… I’m freaking jealous. He. Is. Brilliant! Hands down, my favourite book of Paul’s. And now… making me wait for book three! Why do you hate me, Paul, why do you hate me? Give me book three!’ (Nat Whiston Reviews)
The RED Trilogy (Omnibus Edition) First published by Hellbound Books, September 2023, Ebook, trade paperback £16.12/$23.27. ISBN-13: 978-1953905628. Jacketed hardcover £29.99/$35.99. ISBN-13: 978-1953905635
‘Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Well, you might be after reading this trilogy. The RED Trilogy by Paul Kane is a gripping, jaw-dropping trilogy set that is going to have you coming back for more. Before you even get past the prologue of book one your jaw is going to be on the floor, eyes bugging out of your head, and your mind is going to absolutely be whirring. Brace yourself, because you’ve been warned! RED kicks things off with a jaw-dropping prologue that is literally going to have you thinking “WTH did I just read?!” Of course, you will hardly be deterred from delving deeper into this story as you eagerly dig deeper to find out what happens next. It would seem that Paul Kane is an expert at making things appear to be one thing instead of what they truly are, because this book is packed with them. Ready to meet the FMC? Well, Rachael is a young woman who helps care for people in their homes. She’s good at her job, she’s just really forgetful of things. That’s going to land her in some bad situations in this book – which you’ll see. However, it won’t be entirely her fault. When you’re being hunted... well, simply doing anything in this case is going to land you in trouble! This book and the entire series are a collection of insane page-turners. At first, you’ll think...where does the “fairy tale tie in?” Wait for it, my friend! Wait. For. It!! We thought the same thing when we started reading this book, but it’s coming! The wonderful thing of it is that it continues to be tied into the story in book two. You start getting flashbacks, memories, and so much more. So, think that you’re going to be putting this book down for a minute? Taking a breather for a minute? Ha! Guess again! The RED Trilogy is packed with horrific goodness and we absolutely ate it up. Yes, we’re a horror fan, and all you have to say is “I have a horror book... wanna check it out?” And we will come running! This dark and deliciously evil twist on Little Red Riding Hood is to die for. You’ll be trying to devour this book before it devours you. So many excellent twists, tons of surprises, and drama that won’t let you down. Readers who are horror fans? This one’s for you!’ (5* Bunny’s Reviews)
‘The RED Trilogy offers readers a horror-filled, twisted take on the Red Riding Hood fairy tale with a lot more blood, gore and fear. The first book is a short novella that begins with Rachael Daniels, a carer who is looking after an old lady. One day when she is on her way to work, weird things start to happen. Rachael is attacked by... a human? A big dog? A wolf? These wolves are a lot different as they are able to shapeshift into humans and change faces which makes their prey a lot more vulnerable and there are a lot more surprises to come! There is a lot of killing and gory blood imagery throughout as Kane sets a new and updated lore of wolves that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. The second book introduces four new characters who are a group of wolf hunters trying to save the human race and stop the wolves from taking over, and the third book offers us an apocalyptic setting which brings the surviving characters all together for one last battle with a climactic ending! Each book adds new characters to the series but they are all connected in some way which really adds to the complexity of the books. The chapters are also shared between many of the characters’ POV which adds yet another layer to the series and gives the reader more backstory and insight to the motives and thoughts of certain characters. There are also flashbacks which tie in to the fairy tale and all these aspects come together to create a brilliant trilogy that you won’t want to put down. RED is an exciting, gruesome trilogy that turns the fairy tale on its head and provides readers with a dark and scary series that will leave you hungry for another bite.’ (Gemma’s Bookshelf)
‘I said yes to this book based solely on the cover, and I’ll say a few things about the first book/part so I’m not spoiling too much. As expected, it does have some nudity, sexual scenes, and violence. To put it in perspective in the first 6 pages we read a love scene go horribly wrong; this sets the tone for the book. What I appreciate is if this is off-putting, it’s early on and lets the reader decide if they want to continue. After this, like any good slasher-esque media, the reader recognizes the high tension but it takes a while for the characters to catch up. We jump perspectives throughout the first part. We get to see through the eyes of the killer. “He imagined what it would be like to run his tongue up and down her back, slavering down it, panting as he grew more and more excited – until he could stand it no more and had to see the red. Always the red.” pg 50 I like the fact that Rachael makes mental lists, it makes her stand out as a character. “If it had been one of her mental lists it would have read: 1) tackle the lad with the knife and get the bag or 2) run – get to Tilly’s place as fast as you can, calling the police along the way.” pg 93’ (Sly Fox Reviews)
‘Well I really enjoyed this book, I’ve never read anything to do with a Werewolf/shifter before so this was new to me. Anyway I really liked this book, it’s fast-paced and I was hooked. As the name suggests this is a trilogy of books and if you are a horror fan you will love this, or if you fancy trying something new this new year have a go at this, you won’t be disappointed. Think of this as a twisted version of Little Red Riding Hood, but with blood – lots and lots of blood!’ (5* @bookshelf_wonders)
‘This was a quick read. I was reminded of The Thing and Red Riding Hood as I read this. Fast-paced and the writing style reminded me of Clive Barker’s. I would recommend to any of his fans.’ (@rav.ingbooks)
‘It’s mother**king werewolves baby!!! I love werewolves. I need more werewolves in my life. Paul Kane is an amazing author and I couldn’t recommend this more.’ (@free_the_bookshelf)
‘For those of you not afraid of the big bad wolf, you should be! This dark reimagining of Little Red Riding Hood will have you gripped from the beginning. No slow build here, just hit with an instant shovel to the face! Rachael has moved to the city to become an actress. While waiting for her big break she takes on a role as a carer. After a big night out with her friend, she wakes up with the hangover from hell, and a nagging feeling she has forgotten something. She realises she forgot to drop her favourite patient’s medication off, and despite her living in a rough part of town, Rachael decides to make the trip to deliver the meds. Remember, no good deed goes unpunished! From here on in, Rachael finds herself in the middle of a terrifying hunt, as the hunter or the hunted? Not only is this concept great, but the story between all three is so coherent and executed really well. The writing is brilliant, not only did I feel Rachael’s hangover, but I actually felt sorry for one of the “mutts” at one point. Imaginative, great characters, and absolutely impossible to work out what is coming next. Trust no one, doubt everything and always carry a mirror!!!’ (5* @vickies_book_obsession)
‘This is not the Little Red Riding Hood we grew up with. This is a lot gorier and scarier. Rachael is a good and believable female protagonist. I enjoyed seeing her evolve throughout all three books. The writing was beautifully dark and emotional. Violent. The world-building was perfect. The plot was darker than the original story. I definitely enjoyed Paul Kane’s take on this fairytale.’ (@alyssas_book_obsession)
‘Oh my god. What a book! I have always been a werewolf/shifter fan. I’m not talking about those romance books (although I have read a couple) but I’m talking Dog Soldiers werewolves and I have been dying to find a brilliant, heck even good, werewolf tale. There’s been a few but this one was amazing! If you like your creature features bloody, violent and well written you have come to the right place. Now we know I don’t like spoilers of the plot overall so I am going to focus more on the characters, writing and a little sprinkle of the plot. First of all the characters. I loved Rachael, she was such a good character, not necessarily morally but she was believable and I loved seeing her evolve through the novels. In fact all the characters were brilliant but Rachael was just, well I wish a lot of female protagonists were like her. The writing was just perfection. Equally gritty and emotional, beautiful but dark and oh so violent. Like I’ve said previously I adore tales of werewolves and the like and this one did not disappoint. If you are a bit squeamish this might not be the one for you but it is certainly worth it. But beyond the viscera the writing in general is just top tier. From descriptions of the surroundings and scenery to the characters and their interactions it was just perfect and suited the plot brilliantly. Finally the plot or plots. Well they are brilliant too. I loved the reworking of a classic fairy tale we all know and love and how Kane managed to turn this even darker than the original. I adored the world and lore he built up around it. The pacing and tension of each book was just perfect and kept me on the edge of my seat so that I had to know what happened next. If you are a fan of werewolves or dark retellings this one is one you will devour. I am not sure how I haven’t read more of Kane before now but I will definitely be reading more going forward! (5* @whatyoutolkienabout)
‘Not the Little Red Riding Hood of our childhood! This is fast-paced, blood dripping horror. I loved Kane’s twist on a very classic horror trope. Book 1 definitely gave Red Riding Hood vibes, but as the series progressed, he offered us end of the world, apocalypse, and werewolf vibes. I absolutely loved reading this series!’ (@bookaholic_reviews)
‘Think of the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Now think of it written in a much darker, violent, bloodier, gorier way…but still somehow also beautiful and emotional at the same time. That… is The RED Trilogy. In this trilogy you’ll follow the main character, Rachael, through three novels as she interacts with werewolves (Dog Soldiers) in an amazingly built world. The mental scenery and character development were great! I believe this is the first I’ve read of Paul Kane’s work, and I admit, I’m impressed! It’s a very well written retelling of the classic fairytale but in a way that really suits fans of darker fiction, like myself.’ (5* @quiet.im.reading)
‘This book was absolutely amazing! I’m into werewolves and this book brought a fresh take on werewolf stories. Some points played on my anxiety (in all the best ways), and I think I audibly screamed a couple times. This was a fun and wild ride. Paul Kane’s storytelling is great. This man can weave a terrifying story, and I loved every second!’ (Goodreads Chelsea Warren 5*)
‘This book consisted of three horror stories. I thought the individual stories were an ideal length, that meant this book would be a good choice for readers who like to read in chunks or segments. I enjoyed the “red” theme, and how it intensified as the book progressed; I thought that was quite clever. While I was reading this book, I felt an odd combination of fascination and fear. I found the antagonist’s behaviour distasteful, and yet, I couldn’t stop turning the pages. I felt emotionally involved, as though I was running away from this antagonist, this creature that the author created and brought to life on the pages.’ (Goodreads, Kelly Marie Purdy 4*)
‘This dark version of Red Riding Hood gripped my attention from the very first pages and didn’t let go. I loved the main character, Rachael and I found myself really invested in her story. This book was dark and gory… just as a werewolf tale should be! This was my first book by Paul Kane and I’m looking forward to reading more! If you’re looking for a horror spin on a classic fairytale, check this one out!’ (Goodreads, Stacy Kraut 4*) To buy this book click here.
The Wet First published by Hellbound Books, August 2024, Ebook and trade paperback £15.99/$17.99. ISBN-13: 978-1953905932
‘I am a man of great honesty when it matters so I must admit that I have never read Paul Kane. However, I knew the name because he’s essentially the professor of all things Hellraiser (one of the greatest horror IPs of all time)… So what is The Wet? The Wet by Paul Kane takes readers (and a well rounded cast of characters) on a chilling journey to the storm-battered seaside resort called Sable, where nature’s fury seems… let’s say almost supernatural! In this early novel, recently uncovered from Kane’s archives and written in his early twenties, he paints a tale of suspense and horror that is both a nod to the classic horror novels and movies of the ’70s and ’80s – his writing style is cinematic! This early writing was not just a bottom-drawer manuscript but a page-turning story inspired by Kane’s experiences as a shy, overweight kid who avidly consumed horror as read in his introduction. As a writer and horror junkie myself, I love seeing the influences of other creatives. In The Wet introduction he shares in his influences such as movies like The Blob, The Abyss, The Fog, and it’s safe to say a slice of Jaws. I firmly believe that our influences create the foundation of our creative futures. If you lose that foundation you end up writing something that resembles a shambling zombie of a story. It appears from the beginning of Kane’s writing journey to now, he has never lost it! Kane’s ability to craft a compelling story with a textured atmosphere is evident in this early work. His characters are well-drawn, each weighed down by backstories that add depth to the unfolding horror. It’s honestly remarkable to me that Kane was able to create such robust characters (i.e. Jason Harding) in his first novel. The Wet is a gripping and atmospheric novel that you can feel. It not only showcases Paul Kane’s early talent but also serves as a testament to his enduring influence in the horror genre. Fans of classic horror and Kane’s later works will find much to love in this rediscovered gem.’ (The Graveyard Machine)
‘So well written, drew me in and had me hanging on to find out more the whole way through!’ (@anovelconcept 5*)
‘Are you a fan of the horror genre? If so, The Wet by Paul Kane is a must-read for you. This chilling novel immerses you in the eerie seaside village of Sable, where a storm transforms the familiar landscape into a nightmarish setting. The story follows characters like Jason Harding, who struggles with the loss of his son, and Rob Woodhead, who returns home to face his past. Kane does a great job of creating a tense and creepy atmosphere that keeps you hooked. The storm isn’t just a backdrop, it adds to the characters’ emotional struggles and makes the story more intense. If you enjoy horror stories that mix real feelings with supernatural thrills, you’ll really enjoy The Wet. The Wet will undoubtedly satisfy your craving for a gripping and thought-provoking horror experience. This book is definitely worth picking up.’ (@chapter.capture_ 4/5)
‘An anomaly has disturbed the quiet village. At first it seems as though that’s all it is... until it’s not. This horror novel follows three POVs and how their lives have taken a very bad turn. Very gory, very lengthy, very good!’ (@bookbabevee)
‘#TheWet is a story that follows multiple characters, all drawn together by a storm – and things spiral from there. The influence of classic horror movies is hard to miss, and it adds a nostalgic edge to the story. I enjoyed the multiple POVs, with each character’s baggage adding depth to the unfolding horror... There’s definitely gore, but it’s not overwhelming. The real horror comes from the eerie atmosphere and the way small, unsettling details gradually build up. The conclusion worked for the story, but some readers will be left with more questions than answers. Overall, it’s a solid horror novel that embraces classic themes and delivers a slow-burn creepiness. Fans of atmospheric, character-driven horror with ’70s and ’80s vibes will find something to enjoy here!’ (@IsHaunted 3.5/5)
You can buy the book here, here, here, and here.
Signs of Life First published in pocket book size, limited edition print run, by Crystal Serenades September 2005. Second edition published with internal illustrations from Ian Simmons by Rainfall Books, April 2006. Trade paperback, £6.99. Novella Nominated (shortlist) for the British Fantasy Award, 2006. ISBN: 0-9549923-7-7 Featuring: ‘Well Told Tales’ An Introduction by Stephen Gallagher; ‘Signs of Life’; ‘The Bite’; and ‘Who’s Been…?’ ‘This is one area where Kane shines, his sense of character: each and every one is real, and as such the reader immediately latches onto them, realising there’s no good or bad person, just shades of grey in between, with the occasional point of redemption… Signs of Life has a tremendous build-up, that is paced just right.’ ‘The Bite is pure Books of Blood horror; a grand guignol tale…This is a superbly paced story, where Kane racks up the tension.’ ‘ Who’s Been… starts off as a Ken Loach-updated version of Goldilocks, all kitchen sink and unemployed alcoholics. But as the story closes in, the horror aspect kicks into gear, where Kane walks that fine line between real and supernatural horror.’ (Dark Horizons) To buy this book, click here
Dalton Quayle and the Curse of King Tuti Fruiti In Amityville House of Pancakes Vol. 3 Published by Creative Guy Publishing. Trade Paperback, December 2006. £9.95 ISBN: 1894953355 To buy this book click here
The Lazarus Condition Published by Tasmaniac Publications, July 2007. Hardback Edition (Signed by Paul Kane, Mick Garris and Dion Hamill) ISBN: 978-0-9803868-1-3. $150.00 AUD. Trade Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9803868-0-6. $22.95 AUD. Featuring: ‘Believe It Or Not’ Introduction by Mick Garris; ‘The Lazarus Condition’; and ‘Dead Time’. ‘Few of us fear werewolves, vampires, or even Norman Bates. But that end of the road we all travel and its mystery and inevitability give each of us pause. The health and well-being of my family and friends play a much bigger part in my own nightmares than Freddy Krueger ever did. Paul Kane understands that… There are moments of violence that jump out at you here, but it is the quiet interaction between Life and Death that concerns Kane in his novella: its raison d’etre… An absorbing tale of terror that takes you in a direction that I didn’t expect… Paul Kane has crafted a nifty little story with that greatest of gifts: the element of surprise.’ ( Mick Garris, Creator of Masters of Horror) ‘Paul Kane’s The Lazarus Condition is a wonderfully unsettling tale of resurrection, self-recrimination, and our reluctance to confront issues of both mortality and immortality. Humanity leaves behind the remains of our loved ones and walls of our hearts as best we can from feeling their absence, sometimes as easily but always with as much necessity as a snake shedding its skin. Paul Kane holds up a mirror to show us just how frightened of the end we really are and how much of human nature is involved in moving on after loss. He’s here to remind us that none of us is ever really ready to leave this life...and certainly not ready to come back and answer for what we might have done while living it. An excellent novella, backed up with a quick jolt short story called Dead Time, which is, in some ways, the other side of the coin. Paul Kane has offered you a dark and contemplative gift. I recommend you take it.’ ( Christopher Golden – Bestselling author of Buffy: The Lost Slayer , Hellboy: The Dragon Pool , The Myth Hunters , Prowlers and The Boys are Back in Town) ‘The American title for the early British horror film The Quatermass Experiment was The Creeping Unknown, and that would be a very apt alternative title for Paul Kane’s excellent novella. But the Quatermass analogy is more appropriate than simply that: like Nigel Kneale, Kane describes an extraordinary event in the lives of every day people, the sort you meet in the pub or the supermarket….By maintaining an almost prosaic style, Kane ratchets up the tension throughout the novella, deliberately leading the reader in false directions… The Lazarus Condition is a gem, and well worth seeking out.’ (Dreamwatch Presents Total Sci-Fi 8/10 review) ‘The Lazarus Condition is an excellent read. Unsettling, and at times moving, littered with religious undertones, the story focuses on themes of loss, grief, and the impact it would have on someone if the long dead arrived on their doorstep. It also avoids the clichés of many zombie stories. Kane draws you in with sharp, active prose. Sit, read and enjoy!’ (HorrorScope)
‘Tasmaniac have really outdone themselves with The Lazarus Condition, and have pretty much jumped out of the trenches and gone over the top in a clear demonstration of going beyond the call of duty... Kane has taken the zombie sub genre, put it through a spin rinse with various dyes, and given us a completely new design on what can be done with the walking dead. I’m always up for a story centring around the big Z concept and Kane doesn’t disappoint. There’s some twist and turns coming at you during the course of the novella with the final revelation being completely different to expectations...The reader is thrust into a world where the dead are coming back to life, and Kane remains unapologetic about doing that. Initially I was wondering if zombie Matthew Daley was heading home for dinner, in a sort of Romero fashion, but Kane isn’t going to make it that easy on the reader...Without giving too much away there’s one hell of a shock ending coming that I didn’t pick up on. .. It’s a pretty decent strategy and Kane freaking nails it like a wild Friday night up the Cross. The Lazarus Condition is more than another pulp zombie book put out by a Yank publication in order to ride on the shirt tails of the current upsurge in support of all things zombie, Paul Kane’s novella is going after something far more grandiose in design. ‘If The Lazarus Condition is the main course in a five star restaurant then the short story Dead Time is the intoxicating dessert...We’re talking a yarn from the post-apocalyptic ashes that once again gives a different spin to the zombie genre. Paul Kane is certainly keeping the reader on his or her toes. Expect the unexpected would be my advice.’ 9/10 Star Review. (Scary Minds) Buy this book from the UK here Or from the Publishers here
Dalton Quayle Rides Out Published by Pendragon Press, August 2007. Trade Paperback, £5.99 ISBN: 978-0-9554452-2-4 Features: ‘Introduction by Tom Holt’; ‘ Dalton Quayle’s Wet One’; ‘ Dalton Quayle Rides Out’. ‘A tenth level master in the way of the joke.’ (Tom Holt - Bestselling author of Snow White and the Seven Samurai.) ‘The result is like being machine-gunned with silliness…Ultimately we reckon Quayle deserves to ride again!’ (DeathRay Magazine) ‘If you miss the turn into Baker Street you just might find yourself here. Ripping yarns with a spiffing sense of fun!’ (Double British Fantasy Award winning author of Night of the Triffids and The Dalek Factor, Simon Clark ‘Dalton Quayle is a particular treat, just one of which can somehow spoof Sherlock Holmes, the Cthulhu Mythos, the films Lair of the White Worm, Aliens and even Monica Lewinsky all in one go. Tremendous fun!’ (Jeffrey Thomas, author of the Punktown novels including Deadstock ) Buy this from the publisher here
RED Published by Skullvines Press, December 2008. Trade Paperback, ISBN: 978-0-9799673-5-1. Introduction by Tim Lebbon, cover artwork by Dave McKean. ‘In RED Kane reveals himself to be a sensitive writer, someone who has a solid grasp of relationships and who isn’t afraid to use that knowledge. His characters feel like real people, and that’s essential if you’re going to pit them against such a foe. He makes you care about them. Then he sends them out into the darkest parts of this urban jungle… So get ready to take this journey through a very modern fairytale. It has teeth, but not just at the end. These days, the path itself is full of dangers.’ (From the Introduction by Tim Lebbon - New York Times bestselling author of The Everlasting and Fallen)
‘Kane is well respected in the United Kingdom with his short story collections such as Alone (In the Dark), FunnyBones (one of my personal favourites) or his novellas Signs of Life, The Lazarus Condition and his novel The Afterblight Chronicles: Arrowhead – getting praise from such giants of the genre as Clive Barker, Simon Clark, Jeff Mariotte and Graham Masterton... RED is a tale about Rachael Daniels, a caseworker travelling through the modern jungle – a crime-ridden, gang-banging city – to help an elderly lady. RED not only tips its hat to “Little Red Riding Hood,” but “Peter And The Wolf,” and “Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?” and every werewolf type motif in between... This time around Kane puts a twisted horror spin to it, with even a fair amount of social criticism thrown in for good measure; due to mature themes, you’ll want to keep the kids away from this one... Kane does an incredible job of combing horror and humour into one tasty morsel.’ (Cemetery Dance Magazine)
‘Kane expands on the “Little Red Riding Hood” mythos with a sharply-written novella that pits a descendent of the classic fairy tale character against the “real” creature of the same story. But make NO mistake: this isn’t for kids! You can tell Kane had a real ball twisting time updating “Riding Hood”, especially in how he has crafted this new, psycho-sexual “wolf.” For the sake of not ruining anything else, let’s just say RED is a real BLOODY good time.’ (Horror Fiction Review)
‘RED is a gleefully gruesome tale that moves at an excellent pace. Its length is a joy, reminiscent of a line from another fairy tale: “Not too big, not too small, just right.” Paul Kane does a rip roaring rendition of the Red Riding Hood story… He has the gift of summing up a situation in a sentence. RED is wonderfully written; it is easy to sink one’s teeth into it and devour it with relish.’ (Hellnotes)
‘Paul Kane offers up a fantastic adult re-working of the classic children’s tale. A blood thirsty novella that you will devour in a single sitting and be left hungry for more. Beware though, this is not the Little Red Riding Hood you remember as kid, RED is something much...darker’ (Kevin King – ‘Dave McKean: Collector’ Site)
‘RED by Paul Kane is a modern-day retelling of a classic fairy tale. The character of Rachael Daniels is one that many can identify with. The monster is a terrifying hunter who has the ability to shape-shift. He is intelligent, patient, and always hungry. He is the sort of monster that does not need any supernatural powers to make him terrifying, however the added abilities make him even more dangerous. It is entirely believable that he has been doing this for centuries in cities all over Europe because he is so smart and clever, and one is reminded of tales of a dark Trickster character from legends around the world when reading this story. The suspense builds from the very fact that the reader has some idea of what is going to happen. When the woman is murdered in the restaurant bathroom, the reader knows that is not the end and is left to wonder what horrors are still to come. The whole story builds up to a rather fascinating climax…This is a good scary story for those stormy nights or bright days. It is strong enough to terrify either way and will stay in your mind for days afterwards. Stories like this don’t come along very often, as all readers know.’ (Kerri Silva, Horror Bound Magazine)
‘Paul Kane likes to skew known fairy tales and classic horror legends and give them an abrupt overhaul. Sometimes taking an old familiar character and planting them into our modern times or perhaps the future. Such is the intent with RED. It is a novella of a more modern Little Red Riding Hood and an intimate portrayal of the Big Bad Wolf. This time, Little Red also has gangs and dangerous urban environments to battle on her way to Grandma’s. Unlike a werewolf, this wolf-being is a menace no matter what phase of the moon. He runs rampant from town to town, city to city, quietly stalking victims undetected. He’s a master of camouflage, perfectly mimicking his victims loved ones, to strike when they’d never expect. When their defences are a million miles away. The wolf normally chooses his next meal based on convenience and availability. That is until he catches a glimpse of her. The one. The first and last meal to ever get away from him. Will the twenty-four year old heroine of RED, Rachael Daniels, get away from him in this lifetime, too? We hope so. Or does evil win at the end of this fairy tale? I enjoyed having both characters’ perspective in RED. Though I wouldn’t have minded a longer novel, I do admire Kane’s style of bare-bones storytelling. He strips out a lot of the extra things that can sometimes weigh down a good book without sacrificing the important points.’ A- (Alesha Brunell, G.A.S.P. etc.com)
‘Once upon a time, there was a British speculative writer named Paul Kane, who was well respected in the United Kingdom… Then one day, Kane wrote a devilish little novella named Red and decided to get it published across the pond, in a faraway land called America... He even dared to do a retelling of the popular Grimm Brothers fairytale “Little Red Riding Hood” but this time around puts a twisted horror spin to it… The novella is bloody brilliant -- clever, classy and bound to chill you to the bone.’ (Michael McCarty, Horror World)
‘Paul Kane’s an author I’ve kept my eye on ever since his short fiction began appearing regularly in the genre small press in the late 1990s. Over the last few years his output has been unnaturally prolific and of a very high standard… RED is a contemporary take on the classic fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood…Kane cleverly uses the various characters and victims as visceral pathways and bridges for the beast. He plays with both the reader and Rachael, lulling us as it engineers its course towards her, circling her literally through the flesh and blood of those she encounters in her daily life. As it shapeshifts it takes on their personas as best it can, convincingly over short time spans (which is normally all the time it needs) it charms and confuses, until ultimately it is unable to hide its true nature as its century-spanning hunger and lust for revenge explodes from behind the thin facades it creates in scenes of bone-crunching ferocity. As with the beast, so with the book: over 70 impactful pages, and without wasting a word, Paul Kane has enriched the werewolf mythos with a seamless re-imagining of a hypnotically suggestive fairy tale, embellishing it with the harsh, alluring scent of an ages-old psychosexual predator who easily rivals that other undead villain from Eastern European folklore, the vampire. A relentless and grisly fairy tale for dark times, Red is filled with the blackest blood from the deepest parts of our bodies, and is thoroughly recommended. (Mathew Riley, BookGeeks)
‘In RED, Paul Kane’s very modern take on a centuries’ old tale, Red Riding Hood is Rachel Daniels, a pretty young woman with a big heart and a terrible taste in men, who undertakes a mission of mercy to take some medicine to an old lady who lives on a council estate in a bad part of town. She meets a few disaffected youths on the way, which is threatening enough, but something else is stalking her – a creature that is snuffling out the familiar scent of an adversary from the distant past and who is eager to taste the blood that was denied to it all those years ago. From RED’s shocking first chapter through wicked twists and turns to the end, the story surprises, intrigues and beguiles you. Paul Kane’s taut, muscular, yet descriptive prose conjures up disturbing images in your mind that you won’t be able to dislodge for months. Kane’s writing is frighteningly realistic. Not only are you are there with Rachel for every moment of her ordeal, but you also inhabit the shape-shifting monster’s mind – privy to his motivations and his side of the story. RED is a beautifully visceral, dark tale and if any novella was ripe for a film adaptation, it’s this one.’ (Barbie Wilde, Female Cenobite in Hellbound: Hellraiser II and author of The Venus Complex)
Buy this from the publisher here To buy RED as an Amazon Kindle version, click here. Or from Horror Mall here
Pain Cages
‘Like some other authors I’ve reviewed recently, Paul Kane has proven impressively prolific during his career, with 16 titles produced in the last 10 years, to say nothing of a couple non-fiction titles and several anthologies he’s edited... Pain Cages focuses on longer works, gathering four novellas, two of which are original to this collection. In his Introduction, Stephen Volk says that after reading this book “…you’ll realise ultimately that though the rough path through Paul Kane’s world involves a lot of pain and anguish, the pain isn’t what the journeys are about. Not really.”
‘A collection of four excellent horror novellas and not a weak story among them! “Pain Cages” – This is the story that really marks Paul Kane out as the natural successor to Clive Barker. A cleverly written tale with a kicker at the end that I never guessed. Would not have looked out of place in the aforementioned Mr. Barker’s Books of Blood. “Halflife” – a tale of the hunter and the hunted; gripping! “Signs of Life” – strangers and star signs on a train. “The Lazarus Condition” – Matthew comes home to visit his Mum...seven years after he’s died. For me this was the strongest story in the collection, interesting characters and ideas, and a narrative that leads you along but keeps you guessing. Very moving at times.’ (Andy Angel, Good Reads)
‘Creakers’ Published by Spectral Press, March 2013. Chapbook. Introduction by Sarah Pinborough, Cover by Neil Williams. ‘Creakers is a story that does what a great spooky story should. It makes you shiver and then makes you think. It aches with all that comes from growing up and facing the things that haunt us, and yet also, there is a kernel of hope at its core. It blends the fears of adulthood with the terrors of childhood and takes you on the journey of growing up all over again.’ ‘Kane’s story is tautly written, with an introduction by Sarah Pinborough. But I would not advise reading it alone, at night, in a creaking house…’ ‘I might have thought a story with as many uses of the word “creak” would have irritated me, but it didn’t. I was too wrapped up in the horror of it all, especially one scene involving a sleeping bag that made my skin crawl off my bones as I read it…Ghost story fans are in for a treat.’ ‘From its spine-chilling opening in the house, this muscular tale holds the interest throughout with crisp prose and chills, and I enjoyed Ray’s developing friendship with an attractive, lonely neighbour. As well as character development, this element also served to balance the haunting moments with some cold light of day. I found the overall concept familiar, but the piece still builds to an assured – if not breathtaking – finale…the author keeps us guessing as to whether events are concrete, psychological or supernatural, or even a combination of them all. And tip-toeing around a scary house at midnight by torchlight is always a blast in safe hands like Paul Kane’s.’ ‘As an experienced house re-builder, Ray knows that those old places that make noises in the night are called Creakers, so he expects some noise during the night, but not this much. The noises and the things crawling over him at night are not normal. The reader can feel his growing tension and fear as the noises and creaks in the house grow and grow. The story falls into that nice tradition of anthropomorphic horror, in which objects take on human personification and become the objects of horror, bringing back painful memories of his home, his childhood and his Mom. Filled with squirmy uncomfortable imagery, this is cheap as chips chills! Give it a go.’ ‘Paul Kane is quite a diverse and highly regarded writer, perhaps known primarily as an author of dark fantasy and science fiction and for his editorial work (The Mammoth Book of Body Horror). Here, Kane uses the old fashioned quiet horror/ghost story as his foundation, slowly crafting a totally modern, yet Victorian mansion of a tale. The character of Ray is well fleshed out, revealed in a calculated fashion, his blue collar voice nicely realised and actually key to the underpinnings of the story. Kane’s prose here is tight and non-fussy; again, this augments the believability of the narrative.’ ‘This is well done, with some nice spectral effects to disturb the reader, such as the invasion of insects and the phantom lovemaking in Ray’s mother’s bedroom. The characters are competently drawn, with Ray’s troubled past put over effectively by suggestion, and his burgeoning romance with amiable neighbour Pam convincingly rendered.’ The story itself isn’t anything ground breaking or earth shattering in anyway; it’s a simple tale of one man who’s troubled childhood comes back to him. But it doesn’t have to be more than that. We learn enough about Ray to want him to beat his adversary. We know enough about the house that we want to know how the next chapter in its life will begin. There’s a lot going on in this finely crafted short story, and I would be hard pressed to find something this enjoyable in such a small package any time soon. Using great language and description to create a spooky atmosphere, Paul Kane’s Creakers is a must read for anybody, not just fans of horror. VERDICT: 92%’ Visit the Creakers page at Spectral Press here.
‘The Curse of the Wolf’
Visit the publisher page for the book here
‘The Case of the Lost Soul’ Published in The Mammoth Book of Sherlock Holmes Abroad, edited by Simon Clark. Constable & Robinson/Running Press, April 2015. Trade Paperback, ISBN: 978-1-4721188-2-0. To order this book, click here
Flaming Arrow First published by Abaddon in the UK, May 2015. Original E-Book Novella, with artwork by Sam Gretton, £2.99. ‘The story is set some years after the events in the original trilogy, which was itself set in the near future after The Cull had decimated the population and the world was turning to a second Dark Age. Robert Stokes (The Hooded Man) and his family and friends are firmly ensconced in Nottingham Castle, while his peace-keeping force is doing just that both at home in Europe but as you would expect, there are forces at play trying to take control and take any power back from Robert and the new King. There is a lot going on here…and I am limited to what I can tell you because…well, y’know…spoilers! Sufficient to say though Paul Kane makes a great job of carrying on the story and setting up quite a few possibilities for future stories. The tale is very Robin Hood based but is not a direct futuristic retelling, more a reimagining of the legend… The Robin Hood story has been a big thing for me for as long as I can remember so I am always wary when people start meddling with it but with Paul Kane’s Hooded Man series he has done a great job…and Flaming Arrow is an excellent addition to the series. Highly recommended. 9/10.’ (Andy Angel, Sci-Fi Bulletin)
‘I was very happily surprised when I first got hold of a copy of Paul Kane’s first novel for Abaddon Books, Arrowhead. I’ve been a follower of the tales of Robin Hood since I was a very young man, being captivated by the Robin of Sherwoodtelevision series primarily. It was clear from Kane’s novel (and its equally enjoyable sequels) that he also felt a kinship to that series and there are strong links between it and these entries in the Afterblight Chronicles. Paul Kane’s latest entry in the post-apocalyptic series is an ebook novella titled Flaming Arrow… Straight away, the reader is drawn back into the post-apocalyptic shared world that Abaddon have created with their Afterblight Chronicles series. The tale is bookended by a glimpse into the future, with a small child (who has grown up for the most part without parents and has little working knowledge of the world) meeting an old man who determines to tell the boy a story… Kane’s writing style is fluid and detailed. While not quite on the level of Ian Fleming, there is enough “real world” detail here for the reader to pick up on and recognise (or be able to check up on) without ever stopping the flow of the story being told. Action scenes are well presented, being both detailed and visceral where necessary. Kane is not afraid to back away from the realities of combat or brush over the results of violence. Flaming Arrow follows two strands as the Hooded Man himself has responsibilities beyond his own band of followers by this time. One strand follows Robert as he takes part in an inspection tour of European facilities, the other follows his adopted son, Mark, who has been left in charge of the Rangers. Both strands are interlaced and include Kane’s use of the mystical elements as inspired by the Robin of Sherwood series. These somehow don’t seem out of place in this post-apocalyptic world, which always surprises me when reading Kane’s books. While this is a great novella to read, I would definitely say that any potential readers need to pick up the previous trilogy by Paul Kane. While standalone from the wider series, as a continuation of Robert Stokes and his allies, these three books are essential reading… I was left with a feeling of wanting to know more, which I guess was the point. This is an excellent way to pass the time on your commute or while enjoying the summer sunshine.’ (Geek Syndicate, 4/5 review) To buy the novella click here
First published by Pendragon Press in the UK, September 2015. Original E-Book Novella, with artwork by Ian Simmons, £4.99.
Features: ‘Introduction by Guy Adams’; ‘ Dalton Quayle’s Ice One’; ‘ Dalton Quayle and the Bric-a-brac Man’. ‘Dalton Quayle and the Bric-a-brac Man (Pendragon Press) finds author Paul Kane in comedic mode, with two novellas aimed at the reader’s funny bone. After an amusing introduction by Guy Adams we get into things proper with “Dalton Quayle’s Ice One (Cyril)”, which despite the book’s title is in fact the longer and more substantial of the two works on offer. Dalton Quayle is, to all intents and purposes, a parody of Sherlock Holmes and his adventures are related by sidekick Dr. Humphrey Pemberton, who has a sideline in selling the stories to dubious publications. The two are contacted by government agent Alicia Yoyobitch, who wants them to investigate a series of mysterious occurrences in the Arctic, which is the cue for a parody of The Thing, with references to The X-Files, Lovecraft and a load of other genre classics (and not so classic sometimes). There’s a similar feel to title story “Dalton Quayle and the Bric-a-Brac Man” with the silly sausages summoned to the suggestively named Sillyisle to investigate the disappearance of a young girl called Rowena, in a parody that takes as its template The Wicker Man (and I’m anticipating everyone guessed that from the name “Sillyisle”). The aristocracy are up to no good again. While each novella contains a plot, they are not to be taken seriously, just skeletons on which Kane builds his comedy. These stories are, to make no bones about it, highly amusing, with delightful characterisation and various running jokes, such as Pemberton’s unrequited love for housekeeper Mrs Hudsucker or his questionable choice in snow gear. You can have a lot of fun spotting the many and various genre references, and there is some witty wordplay on offer. If I have any reservations it’s that rather a lot of the humour hinges on Pemberton being a complete idiot who misinterprets absolutely everything that is said to him, which while entertaining at first eventually becomes a bit tiresome. On the other hand, you’ll probably find yourself anticipating how the booby will respond next time, so it is a very minor complaint and not something that seriously detracts from enjoyment of the work. In conclusion, these novellas slip down a treat and will bring a smile to the face of all but the most curmudgeonly of readers.’ (Peter Tennant of Black Static)
First published in the UK, January 2016, part of ‘The Refuge Collection’. Original E-Book Novelette, with cover artwork by Edward Miller, $0.99.
‘The UK’s Paul Kane shows his award-winning style with the story of a P.I.’s search for a missing boy, a search which takes him on a detour to Refuge where the authorities are less than helpful. But P.I. Mickey owes it to the parents of the kid, so he perseveres with his investigations, only to uncover a twist from his own past…Volume 2 of The Refuge Collection doesn’t disappoint: it’s compelling and creepy, crammed with gritty unforgettable stories from some of horror’s best.’ (Lee Murray, Goodreads)
You can buy The P.I.’s Tale here and The Refuge Collection Volume Two where it is reprinted here. All proceeds go towards helping with the Refugee Crisis.
First published by Stormblade Productions in the UK, January 2016. Print & E-Book novelette, with artwork by Steve G. Santiago, £4.99/£2.10
‘Paul Kane is an excellent master of vivid description; he uses words beautifully to evoke the mental image of a scene. With his fast moving narrative, I was soon embedded in the story. Angela’s family background and history are swiftly and succinctly dealt with, giving you just enough information to get a brief snapshot of her life and understand the dynamics, grinning at all the comparisons and links to the original fairy-tale. The overall premise IS the story is Snow White. All the elements from the “original” are there but Paul Kane has brought them into the modern world with a bang! (Fluffy Red Fox Horror Blog)
‘No matter what our age, we all love fairy tales. There is something primal about their nature, they hint at a world beyond the pale, a world that despite the logical way of our adult brain works still has the power to haunt and chill us on a cold winter’s night…Snow from Paul Kane is a modern reworking of the classic fairy tale Snow White, a clever, well written adult version of the much loved classic story. (Jim Mcleod, Ginger Nuts of Horror)
Which brings me to the latest incarnation of the Snow White tale by writer Paul Kane simply titled Snow…What I loved most about this retelling were the characters. Angela is a sympathetic heroine who you find yourself rooting for right from the start. Without giving anything away I’d say don’t expect a prince charming to come in and save her at the last minute because Angela doesn’t need one. She’s a strong character by herself, but she does have some new “friends” that do lend her a helping hand. I also enjoyed the wicked stepmother Ruth. I felt bad for Ruth and Uncle Robert. Paul gives them both a background that the reader can relate to as well. I found myself understanding why they would turn into such monsters. You should always love the villains as much as you love the heroes and that’s one of the reasons why I found Ruth so interesting. Paul also creates wonderful visual imagery through the use of such colours as red and white. They play an important part in the story just as much as the characters. He uses them to provide some very interesting symbolism throughout the story. Another aspect that I enjoyed were the little nods to the original story Paul would throw in from time to time. Like when Robert brought Angela’s bloody coat as proof that she was dead. And how Ruth would constantly keep Angela out of the public “eye”… Fun stuff! Paul Kane has another winner on his hands with Snow. This is the third book of his I’ve read and every one of them has been a complete joy. He’s a writer that has the wonderful ability to put his own spin on previous stories and make them fresh and new. He’s definitely on my top ten favourite author’s list. I’m so stoked for Sherlock Holmes and Servants of Hell!’ (10/10 review by Rob Ridenour, Clive Barker Podcast)
To buy this book click here.
First published by Abaddon in the UK, August 2016. Mass Market Paperback, Cover Art by Sam Gretton. Featuring: ‘Fall Out’ by Simon Guerrier; ‘Children of the Cull’ by Cavan Scott; ‘Flaming Arrow’ by Paul Kane. To buy this book click here.
First published by SST in the UK, August 2016. Signed Lettered Hardback (with original remarque by Glenn Chadbourne), ISBN: 978-1-909640-79-5, £39.95. Limited signed paperback, ISBN: 978-1-909640-80-1, £8.95. Cover Art by Legendary Jaws & Empire Strikes Back artist Roger Kastel.
First published by Horrific Tales in the UK, September 2016. Hardback, £12.99. Cover Art by Ben Baldwin. ‘Gee, Paul Kane had a lot to do with this latest book release. I only say this because his most recent release was the outstanding Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell which I heaped praise on here. The Rot is completely different and cements Kane as one of the top writers in the genre of dark fiction, in my opinion. First thing to admire about this novella, published by Horrific Tales Publishing, is the artwork from Ben Baldwin – quite superb and really gets the juices pumping for a tale of grim, desperate post-apocalyptic fiction. The story is told in the first person via a series of blog recordings by ex-pilot Adam Keller. A man experimenting with a new body suit called a S.K.I.N. As testing commences things take a sudden and drastic turn for the worst and Keller is forced into a desperate situation. There is a lot to like about The Rot. Adam Keller is a great character, there are no zombies as such and the idea of the S.K.I.N is original and very interesting. It is a grim and dark book filled with dread and hopelessness and just when you think that there is maybe a glimmer of light at the end of the long tunnel, Kane pulls the rug from underneath your feet, plunging you deeper into a world that is literally falling apart. There are some memorable scenes of gore and Kane manages to pack a lot into this novella without overcrowding it. Aside from Keller, there are only brief appearances by other characters and the ones that do feature aren’t around for very long for a variety of different reasons. The ending to this sad tale is really the icing on the cake and delivers a real punch in the guts after an absorbing and draining read. Paul Kane is a writer whose latest work I will always seek out. He shows a consistency with both the quality of his storytelling and the originality of his ideas. Another great read and another tick in the box for the impressive Horrific Tales Publishing.’ (The Grim Reader)
‘The Rot is written in the style of a journal. In it, we follow an ex-RAF pilot, Adam, who – because of an experimental suit – finds himself immune to a disease that seems to affect everyone and everything around him. He calls this “The Rot”. It’s bleak in the way The Road is bleak. Everything is Adam’s enemy and it is all he can do to survive…The story is solid… The dialogue is intelligent and the descriptions vivid. I got a sense that Kane wanted the book to ask philosophical questions, especially near the end.... The Rot is a strong speculative horror novella and worth a read.’ (Terror Realm)
‘The Rot is the tale of one man trying to survive the end of life as we know it. Paul Kane has deftly combined elements of The Road and The Crazies to create a desolate world where nothing can be trusted. The Rot is bleak, there is no other way to describe it. This story had me hooked from the start. Told as a series of recorded journal entries made by Adam as he travels across an ever-changing landscape, trying to survive the crazed people and animals. Adam is slightly sarcastic and likeable, I kept hoping that he would make it to a safe place and find other survivors, or even the slightest glimmer of hope for a happy ending. I highly recommend this hopelessly grim 4 star read.’ (Horror Maiden)
‘In recent months I’ve already had the opportunity to review two excellent horror novels from Horrific Tales Publishing – after these, I could barely wait for their next publication, titled The Rot, already available for purchase since the end of September; an excellent post-apocalyptic thriller from writer Paul Kane, another star of the horror genre, who is yet to be known in the Hungarian horror community, but already has over 60 novels, including a few award-winners in his portfolio. The Rot starts out pretty clichéd – a mysterious virus gets unleashed, which destroys the majority of living beings, and the main character is recording audio logs, hoping that there are other survivors out there, who can use the files to improve their chances. However, the majority of these clichés disappear in a few pages – neither is our hero the typical survivor, nor the virus a variant of the well-known zombie disease. Adam didn’t survive thanks to a mysterious immunity or outstanding survival instinct – he is an ex-airforce pilot, who was the subject of several scientific experiments, requiring human test subjects. A few days before all hell broke loose, his body was shielded with the SKIN – a nanotechnology-based ultimate survival tool, which, besides increasing the owner’s vitality, stamina and regenerative capabilities way beyond ordinary, can also indefinitely recycle the products of human metabolism, making the owner capable of surviving without food or drink even in the least habitable environments The virus itself is also unique in its own way – during the novel we never find out, what exactly caused the extinction of the human race, whether it was a biological experiment, or the planet’s final answer to the pollution and overpopulation. The virus is not a simple disease – more like a contagious rot, which destroys any organic or inorganic matter, attacking living beings without any premonitory signs (starting with the nervous system, stripping down the victim to its most primal animal instincts), crushing buildings and turning water into poison. The tragedy is beautifully quick and cruel – the end simply happens, erasing everything and everyone without a trace – and the only survivor can do nothing else beyond observing as a lonely and devastated spectator, as the entire world is destroyed in only a few weeks. Naturally, the obligatory elements of similar stories appear – the band of unlikely survivors, the scientist searching for the cure – however, Kane ends these plotlines in a more cruel and cynical way than George R.R. Martin does with the elements of classic fantasy and folktales. The Rot doesn’t use simple scare scenes, it’s not even a horror novel in the traditional sense. It simply introduces the writer’s vision on a possible apocalypse – a vision where the reward of the luckiest (or unluckiest) is to watch as everything rots, perishes. Like the previous publications from HTP it’s not a heavy, or deep horror story – but an incredibly entertaining, well-written one, with some very interesting twists for fans of this genre. Highly recommended.’ (Cinegore, 8/10 – read original Hungarian review here)
‘When is a zombie novel not a zombie novel? That’s a question horror fans have been arguing over since the undead first crawled out the grave. It is a matter that has thrown up some great debate over the years. Personally, I’m of the opinion that it doesn’t matter, the only real issue is “is it a good book?” Paul Kane’s The Rot, the latest in Horrific Tales premium novella series, is certainly a zombie novella by any other name. The world has gone to rot, both literally and figuratively thanks to some unknown pathogen that has the dual effect of turning all those it infects into crazed self-mutilating rampant killing machines reduced to their most animalistic nature. Where the tribalism of humanity has been reduced to the most basic pack mentality, with hordes of the rotted hunting out the last few remaining survivors of the human race. Kane expertly introduces us to secondary characters throughout the story and we feel the pain that Adam feels as their fates are laid down on the page. There is a section near the end of the novella that is truly heartbreaking, and the narrative style of the book adds an extra layer of emotional depth to an already emotive section. (Ginger Nuts of Horror)
‘Introducing Paul Kane’s novella we have fellow author, Tim Lebbon, who offers up an appetite-whetting four-page introduction in which he talks of his and our draw to apocalyptic fiction, how Kane’s offering takes us down a whole new path, and the careful balancing act at play within the novella. It’s a fabulously praise-filled foreword that sets the mood perfectly for the bleakness to come. I use the word “bleak” but trust me, there’s a hell of a lot more to Kane’s novella than just a bleak apocalyptic vision where humanity is gradually reduced to nothing. Yeah, it’s fucking depressing at times. Emotions are conveyed in the rawest, most delicate and damaged of states. Yet at times there’s also the beginnings of hope – clawing at the grit and grime – attempting to break through. There’s so much honest-to-god humanity within the pages – you feel crushed and cut down, only to be resuscitated and nursed to some iota of health…at which point the incessant cycle starts up again. The story itself is written via our protagonist – Adam Keller’s recorded version of events, recalled over the three months following the outbreak to where he is now. Undoubtedly one of the novella’s key strengths is the prose of this first person narrative. It helps deliver that much-needed human element. There’s an honesty to the dialogue. A believable voice. It pulls you in – putting you behind Keller’s eyes and inside the character’s head. (DLS Reviews)
‘Adam is a fighter pilot chosen to test a self-sustaining skin suit. It re-circulates all his water and waste so the wearer doesn’t need to eat or drink. It was meant only to be worn for one week, but when the world falls apart, it is the only thing keeping Adam from the rot that is infecting the world. Some contagion has entered the world, turning men and women into mindless and ultra-violent madmen. But it isn’t just the people, it’s all things. Buildings and machines are decaying, even the very ground is disintegrating. Adam may be the only man left untouched, protected by his suit. The cause is unknown and he may be the only one left to find a stop to the destruction, if he can survive. There is a feeling of I Am Legend by Richard Matheson. The bleak separateness of the landscape and everyone out to kill him. Has the world simply evolved and now Adam is the outsider, trying to hold onto the past. The listener doesn’t know. One might be tempted to call this a zombie novel, but the infected people are not dead, just maddened by the disease, though they do act like them. The dark hopelessness of the novel is quite compelling and fits a certain genre. It is a quick listen, but feels full, the world well described and Adam well developed as the reluctant last man on Earth. The novel is performed by Chris Barnes. He does an excellent job, catching Adam’s moods and intense loneliness. He does more than simply read the book, he acts, and it is well done. There are few other character voices, but they are done well and easily differentiated. Excellent. The Rot fits into several categories at once: Zombie, Sci-Fi, Horror and Dystopia. It is a dark novel with literary overtones and will appeal to this audience well. An excellent book that leaves the listener thinking about it long after its completion. Recommended!’ (AudioBook Reviewer 4.5/5)
‘The Rot is a great post-apocalyptic read. The cover is awesome. This is my first time reading Paul Kane, but it won’t be my last. I like his style and prose. There are several things that stand out about this novella. First, The Rot is packed with vivid scenes. Second, it feels like an original story. Third, it stands out because of the way the story is told.
(Cedar Hollow Horror Reviews, 5/5 stars)
To buy this book, click here, here, here, here or here.
Beneath the Surface Written with Simon Clark. First published by SST in the UK, November 2017. Signed Lettered Hardback (with original remarque by Glenn Chadbourne), ISBN: 978-1-909640-81-8, £49.95. Limited signed and numbered hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-909640-70-2, £24.95. Cover Art by Steve Crisp. Buy this book from the publisher here or here.
Blood Red Sky
First published by Silver Shamrock in the US, March 2020. ISBN: 978-1951043070. $10.99 / £8.45 Cover by Keelan Patrick Burke.
‘Blood Red Sky by Paul Kane will be the seventh book to be published by Silver Shamrock Press, and this offering will further cement them as a solid publisher of great horror fiction. I enjoyed the novella and will read it again. The characters were well-established, the plot engaging, and the author did a good job of maintaining tension and suspense up to the end. The story is a coming-of-age tale set in an apocalyptic landscape. I'm giving this one four stars… I enjoyed reading it, and I will be buying a paperback copy when it gets released on March 10, 2020.’ (S.D. Vassallo over on Goodreads)
‘I’m always game for a good “End of the World” scenario, but in the last decade or so, the Apocalyptic offerings have been, oh, I don’t know…. 9 billion percent zombies? All zombies all the time? Dammit, Blood Red Sky is refreshing! Not a zombie as far as the eye can see. I love it! I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love a good zombie story, but I need a little variety, you know? After what feels like a hundred million years of every apocalypse story trying to ape The Walking Dead, while those showrunners (can’t speak to the comic cuz I haven’t read it) are scrabbling to keep hold of some sort of semi-cohesive narrative, I feel like I just want a break from that. I need other end of the world fare. Give me war, drought, aliens, germs, whatever. Just cool it on the zombies for a second. Like, a few offerings a year is fine – it doesn’t have to be everything forever. But, I digress – shocking, I know. So, back to Paul Kane’s fun, zombie-free take on the apocalypse. But strap in, cuz in pirate speak, thar be monsters. I don’t actually know if that’s pirates, or just old-timey maps, but…go with it, yeah? See, the end of the world happens – all the adults are dead. Killed by monsters. And for reasons that aren’t immediately apparent, the monsters don’t screw with kids. They have to be nearing full maturity before they are at risk. The central cast of characters are Becky, her brother Cam, Ethan, and his cousin Faith. They all feel surprisingly well fleshed out considering this is a novella, not a full-length novel… Faith is a young genius, and is therefore invaluable in the fight against the monsters. She is always busy not only creating weapons, but also conducting experiments on the monsters using first dead tissue taken from them, and later from live samples. She’s clearly got the potential to be a lifeline for humanity at some point – if she can manage to stay alive, safe, and in a place that is conductive to her research – a tall order at the end of the world.’ (Mediadrome)
‘I will say this about Paul Kane: nearly every book I read by him takes a few fantasy tropes and spins them into his own. Blood Red Sky is no exception. In his newest, the author tackles the well-trodden paths of survival in a world ravaged, where the adults are no longer the apocalypse’s saving grace. It’s up to the children to band together and face the evil that has infested their world… under a darkening blood-red sky, of course. We are introduced early on to a group of kids. Each one is fleshed out bit by bit, including segments interspersed within the narrative that detail the moment that the invasion and destruction began. What invaded, you may ask? Was it aliens, or zombies? Maybe some undiscovered breed of cryptoid? Maybe it was some Lovecraftian horror unleashed by a meddling fool? Well, one kid has a name for them: TROLLS. Yep. You read that right. While there are certain characteristics of the enemy described, Kane doesn’t dwell on the details too much. Written from the children’s perspectives, they do not know how or why any of this has come about – only that the adults were the first to feel the impact. They are in survival mode. One girl (a child genius, of sorts) named Faith, has been studying them. She has reached a point in this research that requires the capture of a live specimen. And with the introduction of a few new additions to the group… that’s the start of the shit hitting the fan. I will admit, through the first half of this book, it reads almost like YA fiction in some ways. That’s not a bad thing, just was a bit unexpected. Maybe that’s a testament to Kane delving into the head of the teenagers and letting them be, well, kids. As the book begins to build and head towards the final chapters, though? The death and heartbreak they suffer helps solidify that perhaps, it was intentional. Kane does excel in getting into their heads. The drama. Love. Their growing suspicion with one another. Being forced to grow up in a world gone awry. All of this is well-done and is indeed the point of the story, not the “Trolls” themselves. My only gripe, while reading, was a personal one. I kind of wanted more detail of the how and why of it all. Maybe a few more vivid descriptions of the carnage. But, upon wrapping up the final pages? Those quibbles melted away. It made sense why there weren’t these long flourishes of detail… and let’s face it: If there were no adults around, no scientific community with funding to research and analyse this particular apocalypse? Those very details that I felt were lacking would be missing, in a story viewed through the eyes of a determined and inexperienced group of teens. The last chapter or two, made me see that – in a way I didn’t expect. Well done. All in all, a fresh take on an old favorite. And honestly, sometimes that is what a reader needs. An interesting and unique novella. There are plenty of unanswered questions but room to expand upon. (Kane does enjoy doing series, after all.) Viewing the hell that their town has become from their perspective, works in a lot of ways (despite the YA vibe in the beginning). And it works better, in some respects, after the story comes to a close. Keep watching the skies. Beware of the hue, as the sun hides behind the clouds. Most of all, listen for the ear-piercing screams in the distance. And remember: If you don’t stick together… you’re destined to die apart.’ (Kendall Reviews)
‘There’s a shift in perception partway through that really makes you look again at what’s going on. It’s a nice piece of plotting. I enjoyed it... The ending is pretty wild!’ (Well Read Beard, YouTube)
‘I really enjoyed this... A different take on post apocalyptic. It’s more about the characters’ relationships with each other, past traumas... Definitely think you should check this out.’ (Brad Proctor, YouTube) You can watch the full reviews by clicking on the below.
‘I loved the fact it drops you in the middle of the action... You’re wanting to see the kids survive... A solid read, it’s got a lot of good thrills, a lot of good suspense to it. I definitely recommend it!’ (Written in Blood, YouTube) You can watch the full review below:
‘I read horror all the time and write about a lot of it, but the more I read, the more I realize that usually with horror, shorter is better. There is obviously a lot of examples of good, long horror novels – IT is one of my all time favorites – but sometimes a short intense horror book can pack just as much of a punch as something longer. Blood Red Sky by Paul Kane is exactly the kind of short but intense book that grabs the reader by the throat and drags them, unrelentingly through the story until they come out on the other side broken, battered, beaten, but happy that they were given the opportunity to take a ride with the characters as the world changed around them. There is a lot going on in this story in spite of its length, but it’s written to perfection. This is a coming of age story and, as I mentioned above, IT is one of my all-time favorite novels and Blood Red Sky has a lot of parallels with the King epic. The story follows a group of kids; teenagers as well as elementary school age kids. The idea behind the story is that all of the adults are gone and have been killed by these large monsters which our group of kids call trolls. First of all, why are there not more books that feature trolls? Second, the trolls were awesome monsters and set up some very intense scenes in the book. But the trolls are merely a backdrop for the actual story which is the journey our group of kids have and the in-fighting that occurs in their small group as they attempt to survive in a world without adults helping them along. (HorrorBound)
‘This is a post-apocalyptic yarn, which read against the background of global lockdown, and the Covid-19 outbreak, seems very close to home in spirit if not in actual facts. The story is told through the eyes of a quartet of teens, our main protagonist Ethan, his brainy younger cousin, Faith (who makes home-made bombs in a shed – gotta love this gal), Becky with whom they meet up, and Becky’s older, protective somewhat sullen brother, Cameron. These four find a base, (ironically named the White House – really liked that touch), go scavenging for food, fight off the Trolls, and try to plan a future. There is a touching scene where beans on toast for tea is described as a luxury to be revelled in, in this back to basics new world, with no convenience stores. There are flashbacks from each of the characters inserted throughout… with each being given a backstory as to where they were when the world turned to cheese and the arrival of the Trolls – named thus by Ethan due to their leathery grey skin – and the culling of the adults. Only the children and teens are left, and now the Trolls are hunting them, too. The quartet of teens are joined by two newcomers, Donna, and Liam – a smooth-talker with lots of charm. Their arrival changes the dynamics and loyalties of the group in ways which lead to betrayal and death. The message here is clear: not all the survivors are fighting for mankind’s common good. Who can you trust? I found it easy to get into the story, was grabbed by the sense of danger, by the bravery and resourcefulness of the kids. I particularly enjoyed the character of Faith, so bright, so young, only eleven-years-old and a chemistry whiz with attitude… There are some exciting individual hair-raising action scenes, where the kids face the Trolls. One, in a small village store, was particularly vivid. I would probably have liked more description of the Trolls, but that could just be me. You are never sure of the Troll’s agenda, their numbers, or their how intelligence… Fast-paced, exciting, believable, likeable characters are fighting the enemy within and without for survival. There’s no easy ending but a definite hope for the future. A story for our times for teens.’ (Horror Tree)
‘Given the cover and the repute of the publisher, I jumped into Blood Red Sky without knowledge of what I was getting into. Paul Kane drops us right into the middle of a post-apocalyptic nightmare. We get to know a group of teenagers who are scavenging for food and doing whatever it takes to survive. Kane jumps back and forth mid-chapter between the present and the onset of the world-changing event of the sky turning, well, blood red and large, aggressive monsters wreaking havoc. The cast of characters that we spend the story with refer to these monsters as Trolls. Paul Kane expertly sprinkles in details throughout this novella’s runtime about the origin of the Trolls. We get glimpses of their genesis combined with theories from some of the characters, both part of the core group and outsiders who join later. If it all seems a bit random and obscured, rest assured that there is a grand plan in the works which makes itself apparent to the reader by the time the credits roll. An argument could be made that this novel fits neatly into the mantle of YA. The story focuses more intently on the characters ranging from around ages 10-17, and despite their constant looming presence, relegates the monsters to the background in favor of character and group dynamics. The gore is present, but relatively light compared to other similar monster novels and the lack of strong language leads the reader to believe that the author sought to create a work that would appeal to a wide readership. Blood Red Sky establishes a world and setting that could reappear in future instalments, though as far as I know it currently is a standalone work… This was a quick, enjoyable read that puts the focus more on the people facing hard times than the hard times themselves.’ (Dead Head Reviews)
Photo 10854793 © Haveseen - Dreamstime.com Confessions First published in three parts in the PL Kane Newsletter October-December 2021
Corpsing First published in three parts in the PL Kane Newsletter, December 2021 – January 2022.
Coming of Age
(Originally published as Blood Red Sky). First published by Crossroads Press/Macabre Ink May 2022. ISBN: 978-1637897805, £9.60/$11.99.
You can buy this book here or here.
Murder on the Golden Sands Express
First published in three parts in the PL Kane Newsletter, September – November 2022.
The Sorcerer’s Incantation Oak Tree Books/Andrews/Chinbeard. Oct 2024. Kindle £4.99, Paperback ISBN-13: 978-1837919048
‘For fans of 80s TV series Robin of Sherwood, a new novel featuring some of the character from the third series including Richard O'Brien's Gulnar, Clive Mantle's Little John and the Sheriff of Nottingham played by the wonderful Nickolas Grace. Told from three different points of view, the story is set during the events of series three and fleshes out Gulnar's back story. As a huge Robin of Sherwood fan, it is always great to have new material and this is a very entertaining tale.’ (Wendy A 5* Amazon review) You can buy this book here
Alone (In the Dark) Published by BJM Press, January 2001. Chapbook. Featuring the stories: ‘Alone’; ‘Biorhythms’; ‘In the House of Magritte’; ‘Net Curtains’; ‘The Last Temptation of Alice Crump’; ‘The Weeping Woman’; ‘Pay the Piper’; ‘The Cyclops’; ‘Sabbat’; ‘Master of the White Worms: A Dalton Quayle Adventure’; ‘Remembrance’; and ‘Eye of the Beholder’...Plus the Song Lyrics: ‘Dangerous World’. ‘ Its twelve stories cover a fair range, from visceral horror through edgy urban nightmares to offbeat notions like a man taking conscious control of his autonomic body functions, or a tour through the image-filled House of Memory of the artist Magritte. Kane is best when taking risks with these bizarre flights of imagination.’ (David Langford, SFX Magazine) ‘Paul Kane has an outstanding imagination, which puts him in a class above most of the small press writers on the scene today. This collection will, hopefully, be the first step towards getting him the recognition he so richly deserves. Check it out, this could well be the start of something big.’ (David Price, Terror Tales Online)
Touching the Flame Published by Rainfall Books, July 2002. Trade Paperback, £8.99/$13.99 ISBN: 0-9540877-4-7 Featuring: ‘Burnt Fingers’ an introduction by bestselling author Simon Clark; ‘The Torturer’; ‘Astral’; ‘The Face of Death’; ‘Shadow Writer’; ‘Prey’; ‘Star-Pool’; ‘Visiting Hour’; ‘Facades’; ‘At the Heart of the Maze’; ‘The Bones Brothers’; ‘Nightlife’; ‘The Hypnotist’s Gaze’; ‘Grandpa’s Chair’; ‘The Disease’; ‘Blackout’; ‘St August’s Flame’; ‘The Persistence of Dali’; ‘Eye of the Beholder; and ‘Melted Wax’ story notes by Paul Kane. ‘Wonderfully dark and satisfying.’ (The Dark Side Magazine) ‘‘I’ve read several Paul Kane stories before and find his writing style to be consistently good, and his tales very entertaining. He stands out as one of the better writers I’ve read... This collection supports my continuing belief that Paul Kane is a talented writer, one I expect will only go from strength to strength in the years to come.’ (Eternal Night) ‘On a par with what the big boys are cranking out these days.’ (SF Reader)
To buy Touching the Flame, click here, here or here
FunnyBones Published by Creative Guy Publishing, August 2003. Trade Paperback, $11.99/£6.99 ISBN: 1-894953-14-2 Featuring: ‘Introduction’ by Pete Allen of CGP; ‘Oliver’s Twist’; ‘Master of the White Worms’; ‘A Suspicious Mind’; ‘The Bones Brothers’; ‘Yibble’; ‘Dracula in Love’; ‘The Sheepshank Revelation’; ‘The Ugly’; ‘The Last Temptation of Alice Crump’; ‘All the Rage’; ‘Temple of Deadly Danger’; ‘Spells Trouble’. Reprinted January 2005 (CGP - 4003) Trade Paperback $12.95/£7.50/$17.95 ‘Horror fans with a sense of fun will enjoy this collection of short stories from Paul Kane. In his third offering to the bookshelves, FunnyBones sees Paul depart from his usual world of dark fantasy - to inject a wicked sense of humour into his tales of horror. Bringing together stories like “Dracula in Love” and “The Bones Brothers” - along with a gruesome twist on the lyrics of Elvis Presley’s “Suspicious Minds” - the author terrifies whilst tickling the funny bone. Supernatural crime-fighting hero Dalton Quayle, already a firm favourite with Kane fans, also puts in an appearance in this new collection.’ (The Derbyshire Times) Buy this book from Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.com, Amazon in Canada and Barnes and Noble
Master of the White Worms The Q-Files Vol. 1 . Published by Creative Guy Publishing, August 2003. E-Book Extra. ISBN: 1-894953-17-7 Featuring: ‘Master of the White Worms’; ‘The Sheepshank Revelation’; ‘Paul Kane in Conversation with Amanda Edwards’; ‘Paul Kane Gallery’; ‘Don’t Mention the War’ (Non-Fiction Article). ‘What can I say? This book is bloody brilliant… I can only say I wish there had been more of Dalton Quayle.’ (Susie Hawes, The Sword Reviews) ‘ Author Paul Kane’s story, “Master of the White Worms” manages to inject into the classic “Penny Dreadful” a simultaneous dose of humor, mystery, punnery and schlock horror, conjuring up the best parts of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, H. P. Lovecraft, and P. G. Wodehouse. From the cigar-smoking soon-to-be widow Mrs. Meadows to the buxom and befuddled assistant Mrs. Hudsucker, even the supporting characters in Kane’s tales have a certain magical quality...not unreminiscent of circus midgets, two-headed snakes or the famed bearded lady. A genuine joy to read, Kane’s Pemberton and Qualye stories bring back the grand tradition of armchair detectives while restoring a chuckle to oft-dry Victorian-style fiction.’ (Ted Magnuson, author of The Moses Probe - reviewing for KnowBetter.com) ‘“Master Of The White Worms” and “Dalton Quayle And The Sheepshank Revelation” are the memoirs of Doctor Humphrey Pemberton and the adventures of Dalton Quayle, the most famous of supernatural detectives. All three are smile raisers. Rating: 5 Stars.’ (Michael McCarty The Dark Krypt) To buy this title, click here
Dalton Quayle and the Temple of Deadly Danger The Q-Files Vol. 2 . Published by Creative Guy Publishing, November 2004. E-Book. ISBN: 1-894953-16-9 $4.25 ‘If the title reminds you of “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom,” it should, and a familiar whip-cracking fellow named Harrison even makes an appearance, along with his pet worm Reggie, in this Dalton Quayle, Dr. Humphrey Pemberton, tale.
Buy this e-book here
Schattentänzer Horrorerzählungen (German Release) Published by Eloy Edictions, January 2006. Trade Paperback, 14 Euros. ISBN: 3-938411-03-1 Featuring: ‘Verbrannte Finger’ by Simon Clark; ‘Der Folterer’; ‘Astral’; ‘Das Gesicht des Todes’; ‘Shattenschriber’; ‘Beute’; ‘Sternteich’; ‘Besuchszeit’’; ‘Fassaden’; ‘Im Herzen des Labyrinths’’; ‘Die Bones Brothers’; ‘Nachtleben’; ‘Der Blick des Hypnotiseurs’; ‘Opas Sessel’; ‘Die Krankheit’; ‘Verdunkelung’; ‘Der Flame des Sankt Augustus’; ‘Die Beharrlichkeit Dalis’; and ‘Im Auge des Betrachters’. Buy this book from the publishers here
The Shadows Trilogy Published by Screaming Dreams, E-Book, December 2007. Cover artwork by David Magitis. Features: Introduction by Paul Kane; ‘Shadow Writer’; ‘Blackout’; and ‘The Convert’. Visit the Screaming Dreams page for this here Download this directly by clicking here
Peripheral Visions Published by Creative Guy Publishing. Trade Paperback, October 2008 $14.95 / £8.95. Cover art by Les Edwards. ISBN: 978-1-894953-53-5 Featuring: ‘Cause and Effect: An Introduction to Paul Kane’ by Christopher Fowler; ‘Strobe’; ‘Guilty Pleasures’; ‘Suit of Lies’; ‘The Opportunity’; ‘Homeland’; ‘Remote’; ‘Nightmare on 34th Street’; ‘Yin and Yang’; ‘Check-out’; ‘Biorhythms’; ‘Kindred Spirits’; ‘R.S.V.P.’; ‘Life Sentence’; ‘1, 2, 3…1, 2, 3’; ‘Dig (This)’; ‘The Anniversary’; ‘The Convert’; ‘Life-like’; ‘The Procession’; ‘Reunion’; ‘The Protégé’. ‘Paul Kane is a young writer with a lot to say and a burning need to say it. Reading these stories is a bit like watching a Twilight Zone marathon – one witty, surprising, ingenious story after another, each one delivering its shock of fear, pity, astonishment, or irony before giving way to the next little amazement. Also, I’m impressed by the range of Paul Kane’s imagination. It seems there is no risk, no high-stakes gamble, he fears to take. In this collection, a flipped-out Santa Claus encounters the police a breath before Yin and Yang get down and dirty. Kane’s foot never gets even close to the brake pedal .’ ( Peter Straub – Bestselling author of Ghost Story, Mr X, Lost Boy Lost Girl, In the Night Room and Black House, with Stephen King)
‘How big is the rock I’ve been living under to have missed out on such a wonderful talent?!? What sets this collection apart from all the others is its undeniable creativity and originality. You won’t find tired retreads of common genre themes; hell, you won’t even be able to pigeonhole Kane into any one genre. Peripheral Visions runs the gamut from horror to suspense to dark fantasy, and the author nails each and every one of them. Take, for instance, “Yin and Yang”. Never before have I read a more eloquent story about the dichotomy of the forces of nature. It was not only my favorite story of the collection, but is one of the best short stories I’ve ever read. Kane also gives readers a liberal dose of thrills and chills…. And I can’t finish this review without praising Kane on his ability to write top-notch short-shorts. I don’t recall another author being able to pack so much story in so few words. Three pieces -- “The Opportunity”, “R.S.V.P”, and “The Protégé” – only cover six total pages of the book, yet they pack a wallop seldom seen by stories of this length. Paul Kane has a helluva toolbox at his disposal – characterization, visualization, creativity, success with multiple themes and genres, the ability to tell a good story at any length. Simply put, the man is wildly talented. I give Peripheral Visions a 9 out of 10 and highly recommend grabbing a copy.’ (Andrew Monge, Horror Drive-In)
“Strobe” and “Biorhythms” were memorable for their unexpected transcendental theories. “Biorhythms” had a grotesque and lethal ending but was incredibly happy and spiritually exhilarating. There were also some classic Edgar Allan Poe/Alfred Hitchcock-styled, bizarre tales such as “Suit of Lies”, “Homeland” and “the Anniversary” to mention just a few. “Remote” and “Guilty Pleasures” were both fantastic. “Guilty Pleasures” was about a guilt demon that haunts sinners, threatening to drive them mad. “Remote” was a vivid story about out-of-body experiences going one step further; the ability to affect things while in remote locations. I like that Kane is not afraid to take sharp turns or end with the villain as the victor. He can make you believe the story could end happily and then it turns lethal. Or put the victim in a dire predicament and then shove them to a blissful state for eternity. I also admire his ability to quickly introduce familiar traits in people to give them instant dimension. I think several of his stories could have expanded to exciting and easily popular novels and/or screenplays. For this reason, I will always look forward to reading more from Kane.’ A- (Alesha Brunell, G.A.S.P.etc.com)
‘The stories all start out in real life, then end somewhere horrifyingly closer to home. Any reader will find it difficult to read this without looking over his shoulder to check on the shadows in the corner and what they’re hiding. Each of these stories are thought-provoking, disturbing, and stay with you after the book is over. You will find yourself looking at people differently, wondering what they could be capable of doing. You may even wonder what you are capable of doing. Paul Kane is a wonderful writer who is following in the footsteps of the man to whom this collection is dedicated – Clive Barker – and he will carve out his own niche someday soon amongst fans of horror.’ (Kerri Silva, Horror Bound Magazine)
‘‘It’s very hard to classify this book. Paul Kane’s short stories are a mixture of different genres with a strong leaning towards the inner space of the mind. These stories particularly are brilliantly conceived and written. Paul Kane has a very economic style of writing but he can pack so much into a few pages. His words are well chosen, his plots clearly and concisely outlined. The seven-page “Strobe”, for instance, sets up an overpowering addiction to a flashing light in the first couple of pages then tracks the degeneration through stronger and stronger lights until the final…whatever… is reached… He is also good at turning the conventional ideas on their head and examining the outcome… I found “Life Sentence” particularly poignant. It explores the possibility that, as life-prolonging technology improves, dying may become illegal, as may even wanting to die. Paul manages to convey the desperation of wanting to die and the utter futility of trying. He gives the whole euthanasia debate a new, subtle, vicious twist. And the most chilling story of all is the shortest – “Protégé”. Because each story is so different in its plot and approach this is a very easy book to come back to later. Each story explores a new idea and if, like me, you like to read in short bursts between other demands on your time, this book is very easy to enjoy. Ghosts, zombies, environmentalists, obsessives, blackmailers – they are all here in their own little beautifully crafted stories. This is a book worth reading for its good stories and for Mr Kane’s incredible imagination.’ (Bob Estreich, Synergy Magazine)
To order Peripheral Visions click here
The Adventures of Dalton Quayle
To order The Adventures of Dalton Quayle click here.
Shadow Writer
To buy this book from the publishers click here
The Butterfly Man and Other Stories
‘Despite his friendly demeanour, Paul Kane is a vicious man; as exemplified in the gut-wrenching twists concluding his stories, where he cheerfully shreds apart our hopes and expectations for the protagonists’ survival with gleeful abandon. Nowhere is this more evident than in Paul Kane’s latest collection The Butterfly Man and Other Stories, which comprises eighteen of his short stories. As any writer will tell you, short stories are a vastly different narrative art-form to a conventional full-length novel; requiring concise prose, tight plotting, and often a focus purely on character. It is a testament to Paul Kane’s writing ability that all of the stories constantly remain fresh and his characters are always distinct from one another. (One Metal Magazine)
‘My first exposure to Paul Kane’s work was the rather brilliant post apocalyptic remix of Robin Hood that he wrote for Abaddon Books as part of the Afterblight Chronicles series. The trilogy was set in my adopted hometown of Nottingham, and I loved every minute of it... The Butterfly Man & Other Stories contains eighteen horrific tales that should delight any horror fan. I have been sat here for the last half an hour trying to decide which of the stories were my favourites, a near impossible task when all of them are so damn good. After much umming and ahhing here, in no particular order, are my personal picks from this collection:
(The Eloquent Page)
‘When I think of butterflies it brings to mind gentle, attractive creatures that bring a splash of colour to warm, sunny days. Despair, urban decay and violent death? Not so much. Paul Kane’s collection of horror stories may have a bright and cheerful-sounding title, but its insides are more than macabre enough.
(Warpcore SF)
‘There are times when reading books for this blog, that I feel kind of embarrassed. This is one of those books, for an author who has been as widely published and prolific as Paul Kane, I’m embarrassed to say that prior to this collection...I had never read any of his work. Yes I had heard his name mentioned by those more in the know than I am. The Butterfly Man collects some of Paul’s finest works from recent years plus the addition of ”The Cave of Lost Souls”, Paul’s very first published short story. The 18 stories here range from the very light hearted to some very deep, harrowing and moving tales.
‘When I first received Butterfly Man for review, I planned to read just a few stories a day, as the collection has 18 stories and appears quite long. But once I started, I was transfixed. I ended up spending the entire day reading. And once I finished, I probably could have rattled off synopses of every story, without looking at the book again once – they’re that unforgettable... Five of the stories here are originals to the collection. “The Greatest Mystery” is the first. Narrated by Dr. Watson, this is a Sherlock Holmes tale with a particularly sinister twist....As it’s written true to Dr. Watson’s voice and is a fitting addition to the Holmes legend, I believe that if you like Sherlock Holmes, you’ll like “The Greatest Mystery.”...
‘I chose to review Paul Kane’s seventh collection for this edition of The Short Review because I felt it might present something different, a challenge, to me as a reader new to fantasy/horror; a thick, bubbling brew which includes comic horror, the surreal, vampire literature and straight horror. OK, it’s not the sort of stuff I read every day, but would it be enough to entice me into the circle of fans? Looking at the online image of the extraordinarily beautiful cover, I thought it might be possible...The elements I expected are all in there, fighting for supremacy – tormented souls, ghosts, angels, avenging spirits from beyond the grave, the Spirit of Death, monsters of the night, side by side with chocolate-box sexy women...
To buy the signed edition from the publisher click here and for the unsigned edition click here
The Spaces Between ‘A collection filled with delights of the macabre and the mystical!’ (From the Introduction by the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Bitten and Thirteen, Kelley Armstrong)
You can buy The Spaces Between in the UK here and in the US here
GHOSTS ‘Kudos to Paul Kane! What a powerful volume added to his ongoing oeuvre, a diverse and wide-angle on the eternally fascinating dark side.’ ‘This collection from Spectral Press brings together 16 short stories on the subject of ghosts and hauntings from one of my favourite modern horror writers, Paul Kane. Also included here is the film script for Wind Chimes as well as the story itself (which I’ll come to later). (Terror Tree)
‘GHOSTS is a collection of sixteen stories and one poem from Paul Kane, drawn from his back catalogue and based on the theme of, well, ghosts. The suitably atmospheric cover is by Les Edwards and it is, of course, another beautifully produced book. It’s a strong collection of stories, written in clear, precise prose – there aren't too many stylish flourishes here, this is straightforward story-telling… It’s difficult in these post-modern times to make a ghost story scary and the tale that probably best achieves this is “Homeland”which uses the haunted house trope to good effect. Dickens provides the starting point for two of the stories in the collection. “Humbuggered”is an updated version of A Christmas Carol which didn't quite work for me, whereas “Signals”was my favourite story in the book. The story it references is “The Signal-man”– which just happens to be my favourite Dickens ghost story (and which is definitely the best of the BBC’s adaptations). I was a little apprehensive starting Signals – a high risk of sacrilege and all that – but actually really enjoyed this clever sequel to the original. GHOSTS is the first in Spectral’s Collections series and provides a strong start to what will hopefully be a long line to come.’ (Dark Musings)
‘I’m embarrassed to admit not knowing much about the work of Paul Kane, but let’s face it: you can’t read everything. So I came to his hefty collection of short fiction with no preconceptions, beyond a simple awareness of his high rating shared by readers and fellow writers. My ignorance had the serendipitous effect of providing a fresh perspective. As Nancy Kilpatrick writes in her Introduction, Kane explores a wide variety of ghostly manifestations, each written with inventive verve and eclectic personality so lacking in much recent “ghost fiction,” which seems reliant on bad TV and movies and “clever” gimmicks. I’m pleased to report this collection has none of those failings, and can’t remember when I’ve more enjoyed a single-author collection. ‘Too, such narrative diversity showcases Kane’s adaptability. “Homeland,” wherein a gruff clean-up crew tasked to handle the residence of a deceased hoarder, literally have their hands – and fears – full. (Having once worked in disaster-restoration, this really chilled me.) Kane is adept at fusing physical detail with emotional, bringing his settings to life, no matter how unpleasant. In “Funeral for a Friend,” we are reminded that the passed-on can be unwilling to pass over the sins of the living…a morality tale for the New Shallow who’re too busy to live. “Wind Chimes” is a lacerating tale of loss, redemption, and…never mind. Kane’s own script for what became a short film, directed by Brad Watson, ends the book, and even includes a Watson Intro. The book’s front-matter helpfully (for late-comers like me) lists books published – and edited – by the author.’ (William J. Grabowski, Beware the Dark magazine)
‘Has one or two stories that maybe should have been left out, but is more than made up for the fact that “Funeral For a Friend” blew me out of orbit and is a sublime piece of writing and shows why Paul is a much needed author in this genre of ours.’ (8/10, mini-review by Johnny Mains, editor of Best British Horror)
A compilation of supernatural tales that lift the curtain on the ever-present spectre of death and what may lie beyond. After the death of a hoarder the crew sent to clean up his house encounter more than they bargained for… A hotel room with a deadly secret… A selfless charity worker who is visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve who hope to persuade him to change his ways… An unexpected guest at a funeral… Social media updates from beyond the grave… GHOSTS is an enthralling collection of stories – some with a humorous touch, some thick with heartbreak and some which will chill to the bone – all of which will trouble the reader long after they have finished the final page. Although in theory short story collections are designed to be dipped into, this one is as compelling as a novel and no sooner has one story ended than the next drags you into its sphere of influence. The protagonists of all these stories are immaculately drawn – convincing and very realistic with foibles and neuroses like the rest of us. This makes it all the more shocking when they come up against the unexplained and the downright terrifying. In some of the stories the supernatural element is an extrapolation of very real human tragedy – the death of a parent or child – and in others it has a terrifying life all its own. Two of the stories here are sequels to perhaps a couple of the most famous ghost stories of all time – Dickens’s A Christmas Carol and “The Signal-man”. Some might consider it audacious to tackle these but they both work superbly – Humbugged as a dark comedy in which the ghostly visitors are attempting to get Scrooge’s descendant to stop being so compassionate and Signals as a grim tale of inevitability and destiny with an atmosphere as oppressive as the original and a circular logic about it which is as satisfying as it is horrifying. A haunting selection of tales that all feel like classics, GHOSTS will probably draw the reader back to it again and again…’ (Chris Limb, The British Fantasy Society)
MONSTERS Published by Alchemy Press, July 2015. Trade Paperback, £10.99 ISBN: 978-0-9929809-7-9, Signed limited hardback edition with free ‘The Weeping Woman’ DVD, £20. Introduction by Nicholas Vince, cover artwork by Clive Barker (cover design by Christian Francis). ‘Question: What is the first thing you think of when the word “monster” is used? Is it the old black and white hammer films? Video nasties of the 80's? Or something else completely? Whatever it may be there will be something in this collection for you… There is enough diversity to keep you hooked for “just one more” and you can’t always be sure where that “just one more” will be taking you. There is humour here, in places, but the darkness is never far away. A prime example being “Guilty Pleasures” which tells of a Guilt Demon visiting people with, as you might expect, guilty secrets, whispering in their ears. The demon itself came across, to me, as a more of a cheeky rascal type than an evil hellspawn, but the ending certainly dried up the chuckles. “Guilty Pleasures” is followed by “Speaking in Tongues” which, again, had a vein of humour in the way the lead character interacts, unwillingly, with people but the reasoning behind it all is Body Horror at its best (see what I mean about diversity). There is “old school” horror here (“Nightlife”, “Dracula in Love”), Body Horror (the aforementioned “Speaking in Tongues”, “The Disease”), and all points in-between. Plenty for everyone – and cover art by Clive Barker!... I think it is safe to say Paul Kane is one of my “go to” guys for horror shorts and this is a worthy addition to his oeuvre. If you've read his works before you will want to own this and if you are new to him this is as good a starting point as any.’ (Ebookwyrm, 5/5 review)
‘Monsters is a well-written and thoroughly enjoyable collection of stories. I loved all the different ways the author interprets the idea of monsters. The collection contains stories about common horror monsters including werewolves, vampires and zombies. The author writes about these well used creatures in fresh and interesting ways. One of the best examples of this is the zombie story, “Pay the Piper”. I loved how the traditional take about the Pied Piper and the idea of zombies blends in this story. The collection contains a triptych of werewolf stories; three stories dealing with the same characters at the start, middle and end of the collection (“Nightlife”, “Half-Life”and “Lifetime”). These stories were among my favourites. Others included “The Disease”, “A Chaos Demon Is For Life”, “St August’s Flame”, “Guilty Pleasures”, “Speaking In Tongues”and“Rag And Bone”. I enjoyed all of the stories but these stood out a little more. Monsters is an excellent collection of horror stories.’ (Book Lovers’ Boudoir 5 Star Review)
‘Paul Kane shits books: eight novels, seven novellas, nine short story collections, and thirteen edited/co-edited books. Best known for his Hooded Man series, retelling Robin Hood in a post-apocalypse world, Monsters collects together 17 stories and a dark ditty that have mostly been written for genre magazines and other collections over the past 16 years. They say don’t judge a book by its cover – but when the cover art has been painted by Clive Barker, it’s certainly worth a second glance. The monster on the cover – all rainbow whorls, grinning teeth and eye sockets – stands side on, looking over its right shoulder at the reader. Standing out against a jaundiced background, it is watching us as we watch it – seemingly posing the question, “Who exactly is the monster here?”…“St August’s Flame” deposits a random businessman with lots of money in an Egyptian desert in the middle of a storm. He quickly finds himself at a monastery during Earth Hour (candles only, folks), and somewhere in the catacombs beneath there may or may not be the eponymous flame (doing my best to avoid spoilers here). When the businessman finally gets his hands on it (oops) it reveals a lot more of the future than he, or indeed anyone else, can handle. Three connected stories – “Nightlife”, “Half-Life”, “Lifetime” – trace the melancholy arc of a werewolf from the North of England and his rapidly shrinking social circle. There’s real pathos here as we watch all the main characters, despite their many lycanthropic advantages and all that goddamn hair, (spoiler alert) right royally fuck up their lives and those of everyone they come in to contact with. “Keeper of the Light” is an original take on the diligent lighthouse keeper – it’s Earth Hour here too – as the protagonist fights to keep the lights on, and other things with sharp teeth at bay. Another favourite was “The Weeping Woman”, which teaches us the important lesson that one should never, ever, under any circumstances, help one’s fellow citizens, especially when they have poor personal hygiene. Kane is clearly at his best when plot-driven. Characterisation is generally brief, protagonists being clothes horses upon which to hang plot twists of varying degrees of originality. But when he is on form there are strong ideas here to raise the heaviest of eyebrows, and make you turn back to that monster on the front cover for company.’ (Scream Magazine)
‘A rare thing for a collection of short stories to all hit the mark. There’s usually a dud or two lurking somewhere in the volume. Yet, Paul Kane’s Monsters delivers on all counts with a macabre collection of horror shorts that kept me entertained for hours. That said, there’s normally a few stories that stand out above the others and in this case it’s a collection of three that follow the story of a young group of lads originally out on the pull – or is it a hunt? But of course, things aren’t always what they seem. And that’s the beauty of Monsters: there’s always a twist to be had, something you don’t quite see coming. The cover art, by the way, is by Clive Barker, and nicely encapsulates the strangeness of the collection. If you’ve read anything else by Paul Kane (I’d recommend Sleeper(s)) then you’ll be familiar with the ease in which he writes and the life that he breathes into his characters. Sign of a great writer. But the general mark of a good book, especially a good horror, is the ability of the story to stay with you long after you’ve read it. Something of a cliché in this day and age, perhaps, but nevertheless true. After I put this book down and went about my day, I found myself often thinking about werewolves, vampires, cuddly demons and the rag and bone men of yesteryear. Which to this jaded horror fan is no easy feat. In summary: buy this, read it and remember what it’s like to be scared of monsters!’ (Neil Buchanan, Stormblade Productions)
‘Starting with cover art by Clive Barker, followed with an introduction from Nicholas Vince and ending with a collection of great monster tales, Monsters is a perfect book to sit with when you want a bit of well-crafted gore added to your day. There are no half-ass stories here, they’re all top-of-their-game pieces brought together for the delight and derangement of the readers. With Monsters Paul Kane proves that he’s not only a great novelist, but also a great writer of short stories as well. I highly recommend this book to any fan of horror, any time, anywhere.’ (Zero Signal Magazine)
‘To a new world of gods and monsters! To put it simply I’ve always loved monsters. From the first time I saw Boris Karloff in the 1931 classic Universal Studios monster-fest Frankenstein I was hooked and my obsession only grew from there. If anything was related to monsters I had to have it. Godzilla, King Kong, Dracula, The Mummy, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, and Frankenstein (my personal favorite) all became my heroes… This brings me to writer Paul Kane’s wonderful short story collection Monsters which I connected with immediately as soon I saw the cover art which was done by none other than Clive Barker himself. It’s obvious from the first story Paul has a wonderful grasp of the monster genre and knows his shit when it comes to telling a good story. There’s not a tale in this collection that I didn’t like, and I’m not just saying that to plug Paul’s book. This relit my love for monsters in a big way and it also took me back to my childhood when I first started falling in love with this stuff. It also inspired me to pull out my Universal Monster Legacy Blu-ray Collection and I’ve been watching that non-stop the past few days. The most important thing a writer can do for the characters in his stories is to have the reader relate to them, whether it’s the humans or the monsters. Paul Kane pulls this off brilliantly in every story. Sure, some of the monsters in these stories are evil incarnate but they aren’t mindless killing machines, they do have a purpose in everything that they do regardless if we find their actions are incomprehensible… It was a pleasant surprise that he went so deep with them instead just telling a good scary yarn. The stories that I enjoyed most out of the collection varied in tone but that’s the reason I loved them so much. “A Chaos Demon is for Life”was probably the sweetest demon story that I’ve ever read. It made me want to play with my pets after reading it. “Keeper of Light”was probably the scariest and most disturbing of the bunch. The main character from this story, Harry Ingle, is a new fictional hero of mine. The funniest story was “Speaking in Tongues”. This story was obviously a nod to Clive Barker’s“The Body Politic”. The story I found myself relating to though the most was “Dig (This)”. It made me think of reading the old EC Comics when I was a kid and remembering the times when I was a teenager getting in trouble with my friends and doing stupid things, hanging around places we knew we shouldn’t have. Of course Paul puts a nice supernatural twist on this one that I really enjoyed. I didn’t see it coming. Paul Kane’s Monsters promises exactly what the title says. If you love monsters then you’ll love this book. You get zombies, werewolves, vampires, demons, possessed tongues and so much more. This book is a winner and it will definitely make my best of 2015 list at the end of year. 10/10.’ (Rob Ridenour, Clive Barker Podcast)
‘Paul Kane’s Monsters has the distinction of a cover by no lesser talent than Clive Barker. After an introduction by Nicholas Vince extolling the virtues and abiding appeal of monsters, we get “The Ugly”, a pithy little poem that further examines our attitude to such creatures, showing how over time they are transformed from something monstrous into sideshow freaks. The collection proper kicks off with “Nightlife”, the story of quiet librarian Neil, who is looking forward to a night out with his mates, only said mates are a pack of werewolves. It’s a story that sells the reader a dummy, making us sympathise with Neil, the dullness of his life and the background from which he came, so that we understand all too well his desire to let rip on occasion, and then having so deftly wrong-footed us reveals what “let rip” means in this context. Gus, the protagonist of “The Disease”, is afflicted by an illness that seems beyond the scope of science, but he is the first of many, the prelude to a quantum shift in mankind’s existence. Harrowing in its detailed description of the onset of the illness and its symptoms, the story subtly intrudes a subtext about the human condition and the true nature of the disease inflicting the world. Lightweight, but well written, the next story takes the form of a letter sent to Kane by an academic with details of an obscure tome that contains a full description of the witches “Sabbat”. It’s intriguing, as the narrator rightly concludes, but doesn’t really go anywhere; is the background to a story, rather than the story itself. In “Dig (This)”, a story with a strong E. C. Comics vibe going on, three teenagers decide to dig up a corpse in an isolated graveyard, with dire consequences. It’s pure horror, a tale in which setting, characters and gore effects are all well done and guaranteed to entertain the reader of a certain predisposition. As the title might suggest, there’s a rich streak of black comedy running through festive tale “A Chaos Demon Is For Life…”, with Kane going engagingly over the top and having a grand old time referencing numerous monster movies in a romp of a story that is pure pleasure to read. A man seeks “St August’s Flame” and the visions of the future that it provides, but after an intriguing setup the story doesn’t really deliver on its early promise, instead giving us a get into the coffin free card. Harry is one of the last survivors, a “Keeper of the Light” in a world of universal darkness, and with ravenous creatures lurking in the dark, the story offering us a novel vision of the apocalypse, one reminiscent of Hodgson’s epic The Night Land. Kane works on a more intimate scale though, with the upsetting of this existential apple cart mostly the backdrop in a story detailing one man’s sense of loss and defiance in the face of hopeless odds, so that we can identify with what is taking place on the page. “Dracula in Love” seeks the help of a psychiatrist to deal with his condition, but the course of true blood does not run smooth in this delightful, tongue in cheek tale that engagingly satirises celebrity and the psychiatric profession. In “Half-Life”, the second in a trilogy of connected stories, we revisit werewolf Neil, who is now married and detached from his old gang, but the arrival of a hunter in their lives forces him back into “the life”. It’s a story that grabs the attention instantly, dealing with themes of growing up and reconciliation to who you really are, what you really want, and how the desire for revenge can undo us, but despite these reflective aspects it never stints on the action, with murder and mayhem committed to the page. “Guilty Pleasures” details some episodes in the professional life of the Guilt Demon, a being that preys on the feelings of others, and who possibly might have misgivings of its own, or perhaps not. It’s a fun story, surprisingly so given the subject matter, but Kane offers us the balm of seeing the guilty pay for their flaws. James starts “Speaking in Tongues”, which mostly consists of swearing at everyone he encounters, but this is only setting the stage for a minimalist take on Barker’s “The Body Politic”, with the real appeal of the story in the payoff. An African expedition meets a fate worse than death when they discover the “Star-Pool”, the story building effectively and then delivering its twist ending, one with implications for all of mankind. “Rag and Bone” is the story of a philanderer getting his well-deserved comeuppance, a piece with plenty of wet work thrown into the mix, but underlying that a conception of the rag and bone industry that gives it an almost mythic status and offers a unique and original monster for the reader’s entertainment. I’d like to see Kane do something more with this creation. A man on an isolated country road stops to help “The Weeping Woman”, the story a simple gotcha tale, but satisfying despite its lack of any real substance. “Pay the Piper” gives us an alternative version of the Hamelin story, with zombies instead of rats as the menace that the piper can dispel, but there is somewhat more to this piper than meets the eye, Kane filling in his back story to reveal a surprise twist, an ending that I saw coming but which wasn’t any the less satisfying. Eric, the protagonist of “It’s All Over…”, is a horror writer haunted by guilt over the break-up of his marriage and the ghost of his dead wife, who comes to the door every night begging to be let in. The story is another fine exercise in the school of just desserts genre writing combined with a gotcha end note. Of particular note is Kane’s depiction of a self-absorbed and obsessed man with an ego the size of a small planet and no sense of what is truly of value in his life until it’s much too late. And finally, after twenty five years away, Neil returns to his old town in “Lifetime”, helping save a group of young werewolves from both the hunters and their own natural desires to rend flesh, becoming a mentor of sorts to pack leader Troy. It’s an absorbing tale, one that touches on issues of personal responsibility and respect for others, but doesn’t commit the cardinal sin of preaching at the reader. And it’s a great way to drop the curtain on a collection that is never less than entertaining and on occasion offers us that bit more. ’ (Peter Tennant, Black Static #50)
‘Unless genre readers have been living in a fall-out shelter for the past thirty years, Paul Kane’s affiliation with (and great affection for) Hellraiser is no secret. He is quoted by Barker himself as “the resident Hellraiser expert”. But if it still remains unclear then fear not, there are unmistakable nods to this affiliation early on in Kane’s collection, Monsters. A terrific Barker painting stalks the cover, for example, while an introduction from Cenobite Nicholas Vince tells us that monsters come in all forms, with humans often pushing in ahead of the amoral queue. There is always a danger that such franchises cast mighty shadows over the original works of those associated with them. So it was of interest to this reviewer to see if this was the case when reading Kane’s latest offering. With the exception of the tale “Lifetime”, Monsters is a collection of reprinted stories spanning a 17 year period in Kane’s extensive career. Despite the convoluted publishing timeline there is a surprising consistency in the writing, proving that these tales may well be a mixed bag but they remain as relevant today as the respective decades in which they were written. The narrative is strong and assured, as you would expect from someone of Kane’s calibre, mesmerising the reader with the ease of a sales assistant who has mastered the art of hypnosis. Reviews are inherently subjective, especially when applied to collections. But this reviewer argues that this is part of their appeal, much like the songs on an album, some resonate more than others. Kane’s whimsical approach to storytelling apparent in “Dracula in Love”, “A Chaos Demon is for Life”, and “Guilty Pleasures” is delightful, at once blending humour and poignant satire. In “Dracula in Love”, the titular count seeks out therapy to address his infatuation with a young woman duped into visiting his castle. Love-struck and off his game, Dracula is advised to talk things through with his beau, with a deliciously dark and humorous outcome. In “A Chaos Demon is for Life …” the parents of a young boy summon a demon for his Christmas present, only for it to run amok in a quirky story laced with outlandish action and Dhalesque imagery. “Guilty Pleasures” is a poignant, delicate tale that tells of a guilt demon and its cynical influence on the lives and decisions of ordinary people. It ends on an ironic, philosophical note, and the story themes do linger in the psyche, easily making it my personal favourite from the collection. “Keeper of the Light” is a sombre, atmospheric tale of a world slowly succumbing to a perpetual darkness that hides terrible things, kept tenuously at bay by a failing system of lighthouses. This is a brooding, powerful story with an ending that leaves the reader with an ambiguous feeling of dark hope. Overall, Monsters is a solid collection, reaffirming Kane as a writer of quality, a celebration of his longstanding ability to create unique worlds of fear and whimsy. It leaves no doubt that, far from being lost in the shadows of the Hellraiser mantle, here is a writer basking only in a light of his own making.’ (The British Fantasy Society)
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The Dead Trilogy
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The Spirits of Christmas You can buy this book here and here.
Shadow Casting: The Best of Paul Kane Published by SST Publications, December 2016. Trade Hardcover, £19.95 ISBN: 978-1-909640-85-6, Signed limited hardback edition with remarqued audio CD, stories read by Philip Lunt, £26.95 ISBN: 978-1-909640-84-9. Introduction by Muriel Gray, cover artwork by Vincent Chong. ‘It’s no surprise that his career has been so fruitful and celebrated in such diverse ways, from his unique collaborations with the master of horror Clive Barker, to clutches of award-winning short stories and novels, screenplays and adaptations. Paul Kane has left a very big and important mark indeed. It’s a trail of success wider than the wake of a car ferry… Bloody brilliant!’ (From the introduction by Muriel Gray, bestselling author of Furnace and The Ancient)
‘Shadow Writer – a creepy tale that reminded me of a story I’d read (and loved) by Brian Lumley many years ago… It was a great choice for an opening story, and by the end of it, I did feel a little disconcerted and the hairs began prickling around the base of my skull when I realised (too late...) what Mr. Kane has done with this tale… Strobe – a short psychological tale that explores the questions, “What if I found my drug?” Imagine if you’d found that something that flipped all your switches, turned you on, truly expanded your mind and let you “touch infinity” all at once. And then imagine if that drug was freely available to you... Rag and Bone – shows Kane’s versatility in switching from essentially a psychological thriller to this one, apparently effortlessly. And I loved the underlying mythology – the urban myth – which in some ways reminded me of Clive Barker’s “Midnight Meat Train.” Unsurprisingly, given that this is Paul Kane I’m reading. Biorhythms – Geez, this story reminds me of myself when I was a purely fitness-focused twenty-something. You know, one of those “the body and mind are temples” types. I imagine a lot of research went into this tale of a man in search of perfect control of his identity and all that makes him human. Yin and Yang – A tale that deals with the personification of Yin and Yang; what would they look like in human form? At times dark, at others sad, even humorous, but as the opening sentence warns us, “The end of the world, the end of the universe, began with a kiss.”… Men of the Cloth – It seemed to me that for this story Paul Kane draws on the literary influences of Ramsey Campbell: it is certainly Campbellian in terms of the theme and style of writing, although it is also reminiscent of Clive Barker’s Rawhead Rex (the movie, not the short story)… The Butterfly Man – If you’d just had a baby and thought he may not have much time on this earth, you’d treasure every moment you had with him. And so does the mother in this story that asks the simple question, “what if time really did fly by?” but it gets complicated by the fact that for everyone else, time is a fairly normal parameter... Homeland – A very creepy tale about possessions, and what they make of us. In this case the possessions have become a hoard. One man’s treasure, but seen as trash by the environmental clean-up crew brought in to “tidy up” after an old man’s death. Very cinematic, I couldn’t stop reading this one. A Chaos Demon is for life – What could be better than to give a child his very own puppy for Christmas? Why, give them a chaos demon instead! Watch as their relationship builds and blossoms, marvel as the little tyke (called Freckles) grows and experiments, working out whether a DVD tastes good or not... hilariously reminiscent of Clive Barker’s “The Yattering and Jack”. Dead Time – I’m not a fan of those movies or stories where there’s a load of z.... you know, z.... zom.... those undead things that shamble about looking for brains. Except I loved this, as I did Cockneys vs Zombies and Sean of the Dead. That’s how much! Signs of Life – Is our life determined by the stars? Do people who believe the zodiac and forecasts they read truly believe their fate is pre-destined, or do they follow the path the newspapers mark out for them so that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy? A very interesting idea about how several lives are affected by their star-signs, culminating in a significant meeting of their paths, perhaps as foretold in the stars... They Eye of The Beholder – What begins as an apparent Lovecraft-style tale soon becomes a generational tale of life, birth, death, their meaning and purpose, or lack of. It also hints at what influence “The Controllers” might have on all of the above... The Beholder being one of those supreme beings that are hinted at and referenced elsewhere in Kane's work.’ (Steve Dillon, creator of The Refuge series)
‘A few months ago I introduced you to The Rot, a post-apocalyptic novella from writer Paul Kane, which mixed the classic subgenre with some unique elements and twists. In the past we’ve received the majority of our foreign literature from Horrific Tales Publishing, however, after The Rot review, Mr. Kane sent us a press release of his latest book, titled ShadowCasting, which amongst many of his most successful stories also contains the story “Dead Time”, adapted for the Fear Itself series (as New Year’s Day). If I have to name a book with a similar structure to Shadow Casting, my closest guess from recent memory would be Clive Barker’s Books of Blood, mostly because of the different subgenres represented by the tales, spanning from horror to fantasy through dark humour… It contains 12 stories altogether, and picking any of them as better or worse than the others would be a near impossible challenge. Still, just to list some of my favourites: “Shadow Writer” is immediately a good start, where the protagonist gets invited to interview his favourite horror author. However, his journey to the secluded master proves more and more menacing, and the meeting is about something much more than a simple interview. Another story, “Biorhythms”, is a prime example of body horror with its main character trying to get complete control over every single process and movement in his body, to handle them like everyday activities, and although he succeeds, controlling his body becomes much more challenging than he ever dared to imagine. Lastly “Men of Cloth” is a nice tribute to classic gothic cinema, featuring a family returning to the father’s old birthplace, an isolated, small village in England, of which his mother refused to speak; following his father’s death, they left for America during his early childhood. This wasn’t a coincidence as the family has a lot to learn about the strange, twisted local folklore, and the things it made the villagers do… Of course, all the other stories are similarly unique, unusual, either paying tribute to a well-known subgenre, or twisting it beyond surreal (the only reason I didn’t place “A Chaos Demon is for Life” among the others above is because spoiling a single word of it would be a crime). Despite the different styles and structures, Kane’s writing remains on a consistent level through the stories, creating chilling, unnatural beings, sympathetic protagonists and surreal, comical situations with the same success… In summary, Shadow Casting only enforced my opinion based on The Rot, that Kane is one of the most promising modern authors, and I can only hope that sooner or later we can see some of his works on Hungarian shelves. For fans of the Fear Itself series, the book is more than worth it if only for the “Dead Time” story, but even for those who are not part of that fanbase, Shadow Casting is a very unique, high quality compilation, worthy of any horror reader’s attention.’ (9/10, Cinegore)
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Nailbiters Published by Black Shuck Books, March 2017. Trade Paperback, £10 ISBN: 9781543090789, Signed limited hardback edition with free ‘The Opportunity’ DVD, £25, ISBN: 2370000504920. Introduction by Paul Finch, cover by Steve Shaw.
‘Paul B. Kane’s Nailbiters is one of the most thrilling short story collections of the year, because it contains many tales of crime and psychological terror. The author delivers such delicious chills and thrills with his stories that readers will be instantly captivated by their disturbing atmosphere. I’m glad I had an opportunity to read Nailbiters, because it’s an excellent collection. I have to confess that I’m not very familiar with the author’s stories, so Nailbiters served as an introduction into his fiction. I can mention that this collection was a memorable reading experience that left me wanting more, because I found all of the stories good and kept turning pages in order to find out what happens at the end of each. It’s been a while since I’ve read this kind of fiction in such a thrilling format. The contents can be classified as crime fiction, thriller fiction and psychological horror fiction, but on the whole they can be classified as dark fiction. These genres seamlessly interlink with each other in some of the stories, because the author blends them on purpose to awaken feelings of terror and unease in his readers…These stories have several elements in common, but all of them are original, thrilling and inventive. Many of them are intriguingly disturbing, because the author writes boldly and unflinchingly about serial killers, disturbed people and death. Here’s more information about some of the stories and my thoughts about them… Grief Stricken: I found this revenge story fascinatingly unsettling, because the author offers readers a glimpse into the darkness that may be found inside all of us. Check-out: The author writes perfectly about Janet and her life. He paints a stark and bleak picture… It was chilling (and touching) to read about how Janet felt about her life and her work, because all the years of neglect and mental abuse seemed to have scarred her. This story is an excellent example of a psychologically effective story that is difficult to forget once you’ve read it. The Opportunity: A well written short story about a stalker who’s waiting for the right opportunity to do something nasty. Cold Call: A story about Martin who works at CompliCalls and sells things over the phone and becomes the target of a person who begins to make calls to him. This story has an excellent and chilling ending. The Torturer: Here’s a word of warning to squeamish readers: If you’re easily shocked or have a weak stomach, you should perhaps think twice before reading this story, because you may find it shocking and disturbing… Gemini Rising: This is one of the best and most memorable serial killer stories I’ve ever read, because it has a deeply disturbing feel to it. The Anniversary: This brilliant story gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “for better or worse, in sickness and in health”. I enjoyed the ending very much, because the author has a wonderfully pitch-black sense of humour. 1, 2, 3...1, 2, 3: This is an interesting and a different kind of a story about OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder).The Greatest Mystery: This story is an excellent and inventive take on Sherlock Holmes stories and demonstrates the author’s writing skills. I’m happy to say that this is one of the best Sherlock Holmes stories I’ve read to date. Baggage: A well written story with a satisfyingly twisted ending. Graffitiland: An excellent and interesting story with a touch of noir. There’s something about this story that reminds me a bit of the Sin City graphic novels and films. The Protégé: The ending of this short story is fascinatingly brutal... Nine Tenths: Ren is a thief who breaks into an apartment and finds out that he’s made a big mistake. I liked the ending of this story very much… Blackout: A gripping story about Kelly and her fear of the dark. This story has some of the best descriptions of what it feels like to be alone in the dark I’ve seen in ages, because the author writes about how Kelly reacts to being alone in the middle of a blackout and starts to imagine things. The Cyclops: One of the best stories in this collection… A Nightmare on 34th Street: I think that readers will find this Christmas story intriguing and memorable, because it’s something different. It’s not your normal kind of a Christmas story… Sin: The references to the film Seven add a nice touch of style to the storyline. This excellent and surprising story is one of the highlights in this collection and will impress many readers… (Rising Shadow)
‘In this latest collection of short fiction from Paul Kane, the focus is mainly on the contemporary situation and the horrors that can stalk everyday lives for a variety of reasons. Many of the stories are an exploration of why seemingly normal people carry out abnormal acts. Although most of these stories are seen from the point of view of the perpetrator there isn’t necessarily a sense of having been cheated by not being told the thought processes of how they reached the situation the reader sees them in. Partly that is because the conscious mind is not always in control and reason is not what is driving the actions. Despite what may be thought, horrific crimes are not usually planned in detail. Grief is a powerful emotion and people often act irrationally under its influence but it can get out of hand as in “Grief Stricken” in which a husband feels the need to punish a surgeon for his wife’s death during a routine operation. The grief in “The Torturer” only comes clear at the end of the story but also results in irrational and horrific actions. Under stress, minds can create fantasies and in “Remote” the protagonist has detached himself from reality, believing that he is an agent on a mission. The desire for revenge isn’t always associated with grief. Sometimes the victim doesn’t even understand why he has been selected. So when in “Cold Call”, a call centre worker hangs up on a potential client he is surprised that the man wants revenge for his perceived rudeness. Obsessions can be a cause of aberrant behaviour. Janet, the check-out girl in “Check-Out” is obsessed with Mark, who once made the mistake of making her think she was important to him. Now she is determined that he will notice her properly. Sebastian in “Gemini Rising” has different kinds of obsessions. He wants to know who his real parents are and after discovering a passion for cutting up initially dead bodies transfers his obsession to twins. OCD is an obsession rooted in the idea that if patterns are not observed, then disasters will happen. In “1,2,3,…1,2,3” Michelle has proof of it, even when Josh tries to show her otherwise. Fear, too, is strong emotion and although fear may be induced in many of Kane’s victims it is the fear of change that makes Beryl in “The Anniversary” behave the way she does as her husband of twenty-nine years threatens to leave her. Fear of the dark is fairly universal. For Kelly in “Blackout” having the light go out on a night when she is alone in the house brings all those fears to the surface, to the extent that she is irrational. “The Cyclops”, too, is a story about fear though in this case it arises from a misconception and illustrates the need for relationships to be taught in schools. Horror, as the news keeps showing, can occur in unlikely places, where you are meant to be safe. “A Nightmare On 34th Street” shows that even a visit to Santa’s Grotto on Christmas Eve can prove very hazardous…Also amongst these offerings are a couple of police procedural stories as cops are not immune to having nasty things happen to them… And since the creations of Arthur Conan Doyle are now out of copyright, Kane has added to the “Sherlock Holmes” franchise with “The Greatest Mystery”. All writers would like to see their work on screen. “The Opportunity” is an atmospheric piece showing a felon stalking a woman with the clear intention of murder. Lewis Copson made it into a short film and the script is reproduced here. While we hear horror stories of what scriptwriters do to stories, in this case, seeing both the original and the script it is clear that the latter is faithful to the former and the film itself may well have enhanced the atmosphere. To add to his versatility, this volume is book-ended by poems. Paul Kane is a good writer and for the reader, this is an excellent book to dip into.’ (SF Crowsnest)
To buy the trade paperback and hardback click here and for the Kindle click here.
Death Published by The Sinister Horror Company, July 2017. Trade Paperback, £8.99 ISBN: 978-1-99974-0-8, Limited hardback edition with free ‘One for the Road’ DVD, £20, ISBN: 2370000545657. Introduction by A.K. Benedict, cover by Les Edwards.
‘Death is author Paul Kane’s collection of ten short stories and one play, all with a central theme of mortality. From its title and subject matter, you’d be forgiven in thinking this is going to be a set of grim tales, seeing characters encountering a cloaked figure with a scythe, or walking into a bright light. In every single one of the stories, Kane toys with the usual clichés or avoids them altogether; there are also laughs to be had, with a wicked sense of humour on display from start to finish. Be warned if you’re in a public place – nobody expects a giggle from someone reading a book with the grim reaper on the cover. The standard of writing remains high from start to finish, although two highlights stand out. “The Return of Mortis-Man” is a pulp superhero tale packed with thrills and spills, as well as some truly poignant moments, a story that will have anyone familiar with comics raising a wry smile all the way through it. It has numerous obvious inspirations, yet remains utterly unique. “The Lazarus Condition” appears to be almost superficial at first, as police attempt to solve the return of a man who has risen from the dead and taken it upon himself to visit his elderly mother. This causes understandable problems, but what could have easily been a standard procedural with a twist is made into so much more; packed with depth and emotional resonance, it’s incredibly moving. Kane possesses the ability of making readers care about his characters, even in the shortest of these stories, and can get us on their side in just a few words. He’s adept at pulling the rug out from under anyone who thinks they’ve got the twist ending figured out, whether it’s by adding a second turn of the screw or going in a completely different, yet fitting, direction. Death is a first-class collection from a first-class writer, one who can create moments of great terror and amusement, one after the other. An absolute delight from start to finish, it’s a superb introduction to anyone who hasn’t read Paul Kane’s work before and will surely appease his long-term fans as well.’ (Starburst magazine, 9/10)
‘There’s not one filler in there. Just quality story after quality story, each showcasing Kane’s incredible ability at adopting different styles and genres. The creativity on show throughout the collection is exceptional. Each story reflects a whole new idea, often incorporating many layers and intricate avenues for Kane and the reader to explore. However, for me at least, the collection’s key strength is with the prose, dialogue and execution within each story. “The Lazarus Condition” is nothing short of a masterclass in how to make an unbelievable story believable. Honestly, Kane’s writing is that good. We’ve also got tales full of imagination and unique flare, such as with “Lifelike”. Then there’s the high-octane thrills and spills of “Mr. D”, along with Kane trying his hand at some over-the-top superhero antics in “The Return Of Mortis-Man”. Trust me, the list goes on. However, one thing’s for sure with this collection: you will not be bored. The entertainment factor alone is through the veritable roof. There are so many characters to get to know, so many devious plots, so many faces of the ultimate companion in life: Death.’ (DLS Reviews, for the full in-depth review analysing each story click here.)
To buy the Kindle click here and for the trade paperback click here.
The Life Cycle Published by Black Shuck Books (Shadows Series), November 2017. Trade Paperback, £5.00 ISBN: 978-1979170390, cover by Steve Shaw.
You can buy this book here and here.
Published by Cycatrix Press, October 2017. Trade Paperback, £15.99/$17.95 ISBN: 9781545576199. Introduction by Nancy Holder, cover by Zach McCain.
To buy this collection just click here or here.
Kane’s Scary Tales Vol. 1
Published by Things in the Well, May 2018. Trade Paperback, £10.99/$15.29 ISBN: 9781980952503. Hardback, £20, ISBN: 2370000452047. Introduction by Angela Slatter, cover by Les Edwards.
‘A handful of classic fairy tales are given a modern, twisted makeover in this creepy collection by Paul Kane. I’ve always wondered how fairy tales ended up being gentrified by the likes of Disney into material peddled to youngsters, as the original stories were certainly not the sort of fare you’d typically read to your children. Paul Kane has gone one step further and taken classic fairy stories and given them a contemporary, adult spin. After an introduction by writer Angela Slatter, looking at the role of fairly tales, Kane starts with “Snow”, where Snow White is a uni student and tumbles into an underground cavern populated by bat-like beasties rather than dwarves. “Who’s Been…?” substitutes porridge with a box of Frosties (and some unforgettable bears), while in “Giants” the magic beans are recreational drugs. “Sin” takes on Cinderella with a bold subversion of the crystal slipper and longest story “Sleeper(s)” is Sleeping Beauty with hazmat suits. As Angela Carter proved with her The Bloody Chamber (later made into the movie The Company of Wolves) and TV shows like Once Upon a Time, fairy tales are too good to be the sole domain of kids, and Kane subverts the popular tales with some nice alternative takes, while emphasising the ever-present abusive parents and dysfunctional extended families. Each story hits the ground running, with a pace that feeds you enough to get you up to speed and then sprints forwards. It’s unlikely you’ll leave any of them mid-tale, as you’ll want to finish them in a sitting. Verdict: Grimmer than Grimm, Paul Kane’s twisted variations on tales as old as time are a joy to read, and even if you think you know how they will end, the happily ever after might be a little different to how you imagine.’ (Sci-Fi Bulletin, 8/10)
‘Fairy Tales. We’ve all grown up with them. Our childhoods would not have been the same without them. Maybe even our adult lives, as well. They are a part of every culture, life lessons wrapped up with a nice little bow; stories we tell children to warn them of the evils of the world and to entertain. While Disney and the modern world have taken many elements away from the original tales and glossed over them with song and dance numbers and pastel paints, the core of the truths within always are dark and brooding. Waiting for one fatal slip to expose their sharp fangs and glistening claws. Thankfully, Paul Kane revels in those shadowy bits and Kane’s Scary Tales: Volume 1 twists them for our reading pleasure. Between the pages are five stories that pay homage to some classics, ranging from Snow White to even Goldilocks. Each tale is unique and original, wearing the influences on their sleeves proudly. There are even a few connections to each other, if you pay attention. The collection kicks off with “Snow”, which has some wonderful passages throughout. Evil stepmothers really are the focus here and Ruth definitely fits the bill. It’s the moment that Snow is introduced to the “dwarves” that really got me interested. These are not the Sleepy and Bashful variety: these are sightless monstrosities scavenging in the deep underground caverns. Scrounging around in the dark with only the light of her cell phone, will she survive to confront her evil stepmother?... Next, is “Sleeper(s)”. This Sleeping Beauty-inspired story takes the idea of a sleeping sickness spiralling out of control, with plenty of military and survivor elements to satisfy some of the zombie/post-apocalyptic fans out there. Though the road it travels is well-worn, the descriptions of the Sleepers and details of their infection make this story very unique. “Sin” takes the form of a police procedural, tracking down a serial killer. Bits of the film Se7en get entangled with Cinderella and I really liked the cop-noir retelling of a man falling in love with a blonde who had travelled to the wrong side of the tracks, seeking respite from her home life. Yep. Stepmother strikes again. “Who’s Been…?” is deceptively simple, just like Goldilocks herself. Cue a girl with a horrible home life and a trek into a house she shouldn’t be in. Who owns the house and will she make it home in one piece? Let’s just say that some sharp teeth and claws are involved and not entirely as expected. Last, but not least, we have “Giants”. While my least favourite story personally, there is some wonderful imagery at play in this Jack and the Beanstalk tale of Big Business and shady dealings. Kane’s writing style with these tales is almost conversational, which depending on the reader will either resonate with them or it won’t. But, if they think back to the stories which inspired them, at least one of the five stories between the pages will hit home. My two personal faves were “Sleeper(s)” and “Sin”. “Snow” was a beautiful introduction to this collection and I think if the readers enjoy that story they will slip into the others almost immediately. Vivid descriptions and easy-to-read, Kane’s Scary Tales: Volume 1 works on the same level as a devilish bedtime story: its simplicity makes your mind wander as you drift off to sleep. The world can be a horrifying place, but fairy tales can come true. Sometimes, in ways that you didn’t expect. Shadows have a funny way of lingering, like a kiss in the dark.’ (Kendall Reviews, 4/5 stars)
‘We’ve all read books of fairy tales and watched movies about them on TV. Some were Disney versions that took much of the darkness out of the original stories in order to mass market them. Others were intentionally crafted to add the darkness back into the stories in order to scare the pants off of the audience. Well folks, Kane’s Scary Tales Volume 1 is part of the latter category, thankfully. If you’re just as sick of beautiful princesses and comically evil witches and wizards, Paul Kane has the book you’ve been looking for. They’re bloody, gritty and, pardon my language, fucked up. Since those are the criteria I look for in a good (or great) book, I thoroughly enjoyed reading these stories. From the abused version of Snow White, which includes some monstrously awesome dwarves, to the zombified Sleeping Beauty, through a tale about a prostitute named Ella whose street name is Sindy, going on to Who’s Been…? whose bears are, perhaps, lycanthropes, ending with a secret lab full of possibly-partly-human creatures in Giants… Blood is guaranteed, death is certain and a feral enjoyment is definitely on the books. If you don’t read these Scary Tales with a demented glint in your eye, you’re probably not getting, and missing, the point.’ (Mass Movement Magazine)
‘The imaginatively titled Kane’s Scary Tales Volume 1 collects 4 short stories and the novella, Sleeper(s)… Snow is certainly a fun and gruesome retelling of Snow White where a young girl is seemingly left for dead, only to return with some new friends to wreak havoc on her abusers. This is a dark, dark take on the classic fairy tale and it starts the collection off superbly. It’s fast-paced and was very satisfying even on a second read. Sleeper(s) on the other hand is a lot more plodding. It isn’t bad at all, it just broods and takes a little while to get anywhere. It isn’t my favourite Kane read, but still, it is enjoyable for the most part and fans of post-apocalyptic tales should latch onto it with ease. There is a definite Se7en vibe to Sin (What’s in the box?) in what turns out to be a dark take on Cinderella with elements of noir creeping into the storytelling. It’s a pretty solid tale that I quite enjoyed… Similarly with the Goldilocks influenced Who’s Been…? which sees a young girl on the run from her wretched homelife stumble across a seemingly empty house. The story takes a vengeful turn as our young protagonist returns home with her new-found friends in tow. Claws and blood feature in a bloodthirsty finale. A fun tale, for sure… Fairy tales are stories cloaked in darkness and Paul Kane has done an admirable job of reworking these to appeal to horror fans.’
(The Grim Reader)
‘Fairy tales have been around for centuries, and many storytellers have used them as a template for their own visions, with varying and contrasting intentions, from the sinister nature of the Brothers Grimm stories to the sweetness of a Walt Disney animated feature. Horror writer Paul Kane is the latest do to this, putting a frightening spin on five of these well-known stories, offering twists and turns that may surprise even the most cynical reader. An introduction by Angela Slatter sets the scene, providing atmosphere and whetting the appetite for what’s to come. Right from the start, Kane doesn’t mess about. His prose is straight and direct, throwing us into the world of each story, quickly defining characters with deft skill before cracking on. While some of the stories rattle along at a speedy pace, he never loses sight of who these people are or their motivations; Kane ensures we care for these characters, and they are never lost or warped simply for the purposes of the plot. The titles themselves are a giveaway as to which fairy tale is being made scary, but there’s great fun to be had in the knowledge that certain characters will make an appearance. In Kane’s hands, they’re not what readers may expect; we’ll meet seven miners, for instance, who are far from Dopey and Bashful… All bar one of these stories have been published before, but are collected together here for the first time. The standard is consistently high, meaning it would be difficult to pick a favourite, but special mention should go to the tale based on Sleeping Beauty, which never sacrifices character for plot, despite its intense pace. It’s a shame this isn’t longer as it would make a great novel, but perhaps leaving the reader wanting more – thanks to an enigmatic ending – is the author’s intention. Overall, this is a fantastic collection with every story fulfilling its potential and breathing new life into the familiar by making it strange and unsettling. We certainly won’t look at Cinderella in the same way again...’ (9/10, Starburst)
You can read an extract from the beginning of Scary Tales here, and order the book here, or here, or visit the publisher's site for hardback copies here.
Published by Black Shuck Books, July 2018. Hardback, £20. Introduction by Simon Bamford, cover by Dominic Harman.
You can buy a copy of More Monsters here
Lost Souls Published by Shadowridge, October 2018. Trade paperback, £12.99/$16.99 Introduction by Jason Arnopp, cover photography by Michael Marshall Smith. ISBN-10 1946808962. ISBN-13 978-1946808967.
You can buy Lost Souls here and here.
The Dead
You can buy The Dead here
The Controllers Published by Luna Press, March 2019. Trade paperback, £9.99. Introduction by Richard Christian Matheson, cover art by Ben Baldwin. ISBN-10: 1911143697 ISBN-13: 978-1911143697
First published by Things in the Well, June 2019. Paperback, £7.99 / $10.37
Featuring: ‘Introduction to The Rainbow Man’ by Rachel Caine; ‘The Rainbow Man’; ‘A Chaos Demon is for Life; ‘Kindred Spirits’; ‘White Shadows’; ‘Remembrance’; ‘Shells’; ‘Grandpa’s Chair’; ‘The Rainbow Coat’.
‘Eight stories lurk between the covers of this latest collection from horror author Paul Kane, this time adapting his name to P.B. Kane for a Young Adult audience. While the name may have changed, the quality of stories is exactly what those who’ve read his other work would come to expect; the chills still remain, able to play on fears of young and old alike. (Starburst magazine)
The Colour of Madness: Official Movie Tie-In Featuring: ‘Men of the Cloth’; ‘St August’s Flame’; ‘Rag & Bone’; ‘Pay the Piper’; ‘Thicker Then Water’; ‘The Procession’; ‘Words to the Wise’; Extras including pieces by Paul Kane and director Andy Collier, script extract and behind the scenes photos from the film.
‘The literary press would have you believe that author Paul Kane is the second coming in the world of horror writing. His Arrowhead trilogy was well received and a fantastically forward thinking touch of sci-fi/fantasy that brought Robin Hood into a post-apocalyptic nightmare. Since then he has steadily built up a body of work that has gained him accolades from some of the genre’s biggest names. But in his new book The Colour Of Madness, Kane has really upped the ante and believe me when I say that the hype is very real. A tie-in with the forthcoming movie of the same name, there is lot to unpack here, including extracts from the script, other short stories and production photos. But the bread and butter of the whole thing is the Men of Cloth novelette which inspired the film. The film might be set in Norway, but the original work is based in good old Blighty, as Lance and Shelley, the couple who are the focal point of the story uproot their family for a journey across Britain to find “home.” Having been in and out of foster care from a young age, Lance has a sense of not belonging and a wish to find out more about his roots. But an uneasy welcome at a mysterious village indicates that sometimes you are better off not digging up the past and home isn’t always where the heart is. The Colour of Madness is as imaginative as it is spine-tingling. You just can’t help but get drawn into the mystery as it unfolds with a very Wicker Man-esque sense of quirky wickedness. The suspense-filled story is nearly impossible to put down and it will shred your last nerve. If it plays out on the screen as Kane intended, then we are all in for a cinematic treat, but until the world returns to some sense of normality and we can actually go to the movies, immerse yourself in The Colour Of Madness and fall under the thrall of the new king of horror…’
You can buy the book here and here.
Traumas Featuring: ‘Introduction by John Llewellyn Probert’; ‘Speaking in Tongues’; ‘Borrowed Time’; ‘Biorhythms’; ‘Facades’; ‘The Escaped’; ‘In Hyding’; ‘The Jigsaw Family’; ‘Cravings’; ‘A Night With Nicole’; ‘The Scarred’; ‘Enflamed’; ‘In Pieces’; ‘Pleasures of the Flesh’. You can buy Traumas here, here, here, or here.
Darkness & Shadows Featuring: ‘Introduction by M.R. Carey’; ‘Of Darkness and Light’; ‘Shadow Writer’; ‘Blackout’; ‘The Convert’; ‘Shadow Boxer’; ‘Keeper of the Light’; ‘Shadowplay’.
You can buy Darkness & Shadows here, here and here.
The Naked Eye
Published by Encyclopocalypse, May 2021. Cover by Christian Francis. E-book, Trade Paperback and Hardback (variant cover) ISBNs: 979-8743546534; 979-8747439733.
‘The prolific, versatile, award-winning British author Paul Kane returns with a collection of eight novelettes, four of which are reprints and four previously unpublished. Kane is a veteran in the area of dark fiction and it shows, because all of the included stories are graced by a firm, enticing narrative style, imaginative plots and well-shaped characters. As always, among the included pieces, I have my own favourites… “The Curse” is a superb, insightful tale portraying a life-long relationship between a man and a woman, never becoming a true love story, but just a tormented series of fleeting, inconclusive encounters. “The Queue” is a powerful allegory of what is awaiting us when we sin and break the rules, gripping the reader’s attention from the outset to the very end. With “Pure Evil” we are back to sheer horror in a vivid piece showing how dangerous it is trying to manipulate a man’s character and brain. The extremely enjoyable “Another Life” depicts how a female werewolf has to learn her lessons the hard way until she meets a potential mate. Just a few examples of Kane’s great storytelling ability, apt to entertain and disquiet the reader. Isn’t that what we horror fans want?’ (SFBook Review)
‘This is my first encounter with Paul Kane’s writing and I must say I will be hunting out more! There are a different range of stories in this collection from a young girl who hunts monsters, to superhero origins. However, not only are there a different range of stories, there are various layers of horror. Some of them reminded me of Roald Dahl’s Tales of the Unexpected, whilst others like “Pure Evil” are more visceral. My standout stories of the collection were “White Shadows”, and I would definitely like to read more about these monsters that live in the snow and make people disappear, and I think was my other favourite was “Maddy the Monster”. I loved this tale of monsters who had been genetically made to fight a war. However, I did enjoy all of the stories. They were immediately engaging and hooked me in, making me want to get to the end of the story to see how it would unfold. I listened to the audio version of this book, which was narrated by inimitable R.J. Bayley who really showed his vocal prowess in this book.’ (Fantasy Book Nerd)
Buy The Naked Eye here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Tempting Fate
Published by Crossroad Pres, October 2022. Cover by Erik Wilson. E-book and Trade Paperback. ISBN: 978-1637897317. Featuring: ‘Paul Kane: Horror Master. Introduction by Tim Waggoner’; Last Rights; The Turn; Séance; Tempting Fate; The Secret Box; Reunion; Mind the Gap; Drawing a Line; The Scoop; Giants; Mr D; Waking Beauty; The Invisible Boy; Graffitiland; Pain.
Buy Tempting Fate here, here, here, and here.
Nailbiters – Hard Bitten Published by Encyclopocalypse, March 2023. Cover by Christian Francis. E-book and Trade Paperback. ISBN: 978-1959205951. Featuring: ‘Introduction by Martyn Waites; Benched; Her Last Secret: Jordan’s Diary Extract; The PI’s Tale; The Shadow of Death; Confessions; The Case of the Lost Soul; Strands; Corpsing; The Scarred; Nightmare on 34th Street: introduction and audio script, by Brennan Storr.
‘This is a truly stellar collection of horror stories there’s a guy who likes to serial date and although he is usually the one dishing out pain, this time he’ll be the one receiving it. There’s a PI who is looking for a missing boy who gets plagued by spiders and falls in love and this time the PI doesn’t get his man. You have many truly interesting stories in this anthology, I started reading it the first day I downloaded it and before I knew it half of the book was read, which was kind of bittersweet because that meant I only had half of the book to go. Some stories are very short and some are quite long but all are very interesting. I think Mr. Kane did a great job and although I have never read his books before, being a big fan of short horror stories and good horror writers I will definitely be looking for his books in the future. This is definitely a book any horror fan would love.’ (Janalyn Prude. 5* Goodreads) ‘Nailbiters – Hard Bitten by Paul Kane (Volume II) is a collection comprised of crime & psychological terror. The stories were fun, often exhilarating and extremely dark at times, and kept me continuously “flipping the pages” of my Kindle to get to the next story sequence. The author maintained the psychological theme while allowing each tale to be drastically different than the last. From characters, setting, plot or perspective I was really happy NOT knowing what I was going to get as I read forward, allowing for this book to be all the more interesting for readers who are drawn to short stories and anthologies! Quick Mention: Some of the chapters are written in handwriting and scripted fonts versus standard type fonts, and they allow for me to be fully immersed in the subject matter and present story. It’s so cool, and I very much appreciated this added and thoughtful flare! Favorite Chapters: “The PI’s Tale (A Refuge Story)”, “The Case of the Lost Soul”, “The Scarred”, “Strands”.’ (Casey S. 4* Goodreads) ‘A good collection of crime stories by the versatile and prolific Paul Kane. (Mario Guslandi. 4* Goodreads)
‘Hard Bitten is the latest Nailbiters collection from horror author Paul Kane. Fans will know they’re in for a treat, but this time it’s something different to what we’re used to; this group of nine short stories and an audio script are tales of crime and psychological terror, some of which tie into the author’s thriller novels written under the name PL Kane. Others possess a small sense of the supernatural that Kane does so well. The stories presented here will run readers through highs and lows of emotions, thanks to the characters that Kane has created; protagonists make plausible decisions, while villains have believable motivations, all driving their plots. We’re in good hands here – manipulated, of course, for Kane’s usual deft twists are still very much in evidence – and although the usual tropes of the genre are necessarily adhered to, they’re used to create satisfying scenes and surprising conclusions; there’s nothing cosy about Kane’s crimes. The detectives featured are an achievement, while his Sherlock Holmes feels like it came from the pen of Conan Doyle himself. The duo involved in the Golden Sands mystery stood out from the crowd, and if ever a pair of literary cops could take the TV world by storm, it’s these two who made that story arguably the best of a superb bunch. This, along with the others, shows Kane’s versatility as a writer and had this reviewer reading long into the night. All in all, fantastic stuff from a fertile and unique imagination.’ (Starburst, 4*)
‘A follow up to his 2017 Nailbiters collection, Paul Kane’s Hard Bitten contains nine, mostly reprinted, stories featuring psychological horror and crime noir. As with all collections, specific stories will resonate with individual readers perhaps more than others. Below are my personal favourites and a quick snapshot as to why: “Benched” – A sexual predator roams the internet dating scene with a view to exploiting as many partners as they can, but will such hedonism come at cost? Kane has delicious fun dismantling the narcissistic elements of the 21st Century dating scene and, like an uneasy voyeur, the reader has a ringside seat. “The Case of the Lost Soul” – In this Sherlock Holmes crossover, we see the prestigious investigator hired to solve the case of a recently deceased industrialist who is suddenly seen walking around London. With his 2016 novel Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell, Kane has a proven track record of making Holmes work well against a horror backdrop, and he does it again here in his own inimitable style. “Strands” – In the collection’s only original tale, a young woman incarcerated in the loft by her fanatical mother writes her memoirs on pieces of paper squirrelled away from her notebooks. The achingly beautiful innocence as she rationalises her mother’s behaviour demonstrates why Kane is considered one of the most esteemed genre writers in the business. There is also an intriguing “extras” section where we find the script for radio play Nightmare on 34th Street adapted by Brendan Storr. What makes this story interesting is that it pretty much encapsulates the essence of Hard Bitten as a whole, and that is the seamless blending of crime and psychological horror that Kane does without any apparent effort. Overall, the collection works well despite the varied themes and, in some instances, the strong links to Kane’s previous crime works, but in doing so provides a great introduction to his alter-ego as a hard-boiled, police procedural writer. Thriller fans will certainly enjoy the gritty noir and psychological elements made all the more powerful by Kane’s seasoned prose and fast-paced, albeit insightful, narrative. Recommended reading for sure.’ (Dave Jeffery, Phantasmagoria Autmn 2023)
Buy the book here, here and here.
‘Omg!! Undead tales galore! Two favourite shorts from this collection were “Pay the Piper” and “The Corpse Identity”. Loved the novella, “Planet of the Dead”. Highly recommend!’ (4* ZZ Jenn Reads)
‘Being that I do enjoy zombie stories here and there, when I had the opportunity to read this collection from Paul Kane, I took it and I'm glad I did! Zombies! impresses, even if it’s just for the wide variation and depth of the stories. But luckily, the writing is good too! Some of the tales that stood out the most for me were: “Dalton Quayle’s Living Dead” (aka “The Voodoo Hullabaloo”) – First off, I love the word hullabaloo. Other than that, though, this is a Sherlock style type story with zombies and a very funny main character. 4* (Char’s Horror Corner)
‘Ah Zombies! Always a modern classic, and having had a renaissance may not be our monster of choice now, but a bit like themselves that’s probably not going to stop them for long. There is something modern life recognises in the zombie – the loss of identity, the monotonous routine we all follow and how crowds of people can be something alien and inhuman when acting as the mob that I suspect means we will eventually find new stories for them. Into which Paul Kane has now published a fine and varied collection of zombie fiction to entertain and scare us, worth a look if you enjoy these biters! “He Is Legend” – why yes that title is indeed a sign of the story that it homages. But Kane imbues this with a British sensibility as zombies attack the UK and one man finds himself alone in a city trying to find a way out of this. Kane though creates pathos as our narrator diarises how he lost his wife and child in the attack. There is a sense of a ticking clock as he thinks he may find a cure, but the zombies have other ideas. Very entertaining and grows unexpectedly sombre towards the end. “Dig (This)” – a very fine and startling tale as three teenagers who love to visit a graveyard decide the most logical thing to do would be to dig up a corpse. Kane makes you see the teenagers as people first before subtly dropping the other shoe and the story gets more macabre and nastier as things go very, very horribly wrong. Neatly explained too! “Dalton Quayle and the Teatime of the Evil Resident Living Dead aka The Voodoo Hullabaloo” – Why, yes that title does suggest this tale is tongue in cheek and it’s a faux Victorian supernatural adventure filled with puns and characters not understanding one another. It is very, very funny and well worth a read! “Pay the Piper” – This story feels suspicious as a Piper who looks familiar deals with an undead menace. He tells his story and things become a lot clearer. Deliciously dark. “Planet of the Dead” – This is a SF novella of a doomed space mission going to an alien planet that looks dead. While a plotline we all know means doom, what I enjoyed is how Kane here delivers character; you care about the people in danger and it had a unique explanation for what is going on. Throw in escapes, tension and fights to the death, there is very little to complain about. Fun will be had. “The Face of Death” – a ghoulish doctor enters a morgue for his secret experiment. The strange start heralds some dark revelations; and we get to understand but not warm to our main character as we discover what he has done and why. A fine supernatural coda to the collection. This is a very entertaining and impressively varied selection of zombie tales that demonstrate Kane’s versatility and knowledge of the genre. It is never repetitive and yet clearly in love with the subject matter. Well worth a look!’ (Runalong the Shelves)
‘Not your average apocalypse! Forget what you think you know about the zombie apocalypse. Paul Kane hits the idea of the undead from all sides and even creates brand new ways to think about life after death. If you're still stuck in the debate about whether or not zombies run, take a breath and read Paul Kane’s Zombies! There's so much more to undead resurrection than we realized.’ (5* Jim Dodge, Amazon)
‘The living dead return in this collection from Paul Kane, proving there’s still much life in the old flesh-eaters by looking at them in a variety of ways. The book begins with an unsettling poem that has a sinister steampunk theme, creating an appropriate atmosphere for the stories that follow. Each has a different take on the sub-genre – ranging from a single creature rising from its grave to a future full of them and, despite the author wearing his influences firmly on his sleeve, there’s great fun to be had in knowing what’s to come; to Kane’s credit it’s not always when expected, and tension remains throughout. The writing is versatile, as always, packed with neat twists and suitably shocking moments. There’s much humour to be found, too, particularly in the Dalton Quayle story. It’s a Holmesian romp that has its tongue firmly through its cheek, laced with gore and laugh-out-loud innuendo worthy of Sid James. It’s cleverly done and despite tipping a wink to its audience, there’s genuine jeopardy throughout. The poem and two other stories are new to this collection, some of which go back to 2001, proving that Kane’s talent to disturb and grip the reader has never diminished, finely honed over the years. As the introduction states, horror fiction has its cycles, but it’s good to know that authors such as this have flown the genre’s flag for decades now and will continue to challenge expectations and deliver stories that pack an emotional and visceral punch.’ (4* Starburst)
‘Today I’m reviewing a zombie collection from Paul Kane, a writer I’m sure many of you know and love. I didn’t realise how long it had been since I last read a zombie book until I picked this one up… or how much I had been missing them. Despite the smell. There were only two stories in this book that didn’t appeal to my personal tastes. Considering that themed collections tend to get a bit samey, especially when the theme is something like our undead friends here, I was very impressed with how unique each story was. Despite the central theme, there truly aren’t any two stories alike between these pages. From a wink to Matheson’s I Am Legend, to long form poetry, to other worlds, and twists on familiar childhood tales, this collection explores a variety of subgenres, plots, and writing styles. My favourite stories were ”We Have Become Mechanical”, which opened the book, ”Dalton Quayle and the Teatime of the Evil Resident Living Dead”, and ”Pay the Piper”. The latter was by far my favourite, on account of how deliciously sinister it is. In Zombies! you’ll find humour, rotting corpses, science fiction, and horror, amongst many other things. I’d recommend it to fans of zombies, of course!’ (Happy Goat Horror)
You can buy Zombies! here or here.
Even More Monsters First published by St Rooster Books, September 2023, Ebook and trade paperback £16.39/$20. ISBN-13: 979-8859240890
Featuring: Introduction by Anne Bobby; ‘To Save Us All’; ‘Another Life’; ‘Cravings’; ‘Snow’; ‘Hoodies’; ‘Lifeline’; ‘Master of the White Worms’; ‘When Push Comes To Shove’; ‘Words to the Wise’; ‘Prey’; ‘The Crimson Mystery’; ‘Beneath the Surface’ written with Simon Clark; ‘Proof of Life’.
Dark Reflections First published by Black Beacon Books, December 2023, Ebook and trade paperback £10.99/$11.99. ISBN-13: 978-0645247152
Featuring: Introduction by Kim Newman; ‘In Hyding’; ‘Signals’; ‘Life Sentence’; ‘’; ‘Humbuggered’; ‘The Greatest Mystery’; ‘Dracula in Love’; ‘Heartless’; ‘Masques’; ‘Paw People’; ‘Thicker Than Water’; ‘The Grey Room’.
‘Dark Reflections collects twelve stories from Paul Kane, all of which are based on pre-existing works within the horror genre. By asking the questions “what if?” or “what happened next?”, each of them finds an answer that can be comfortingly familiar or entirely unexpected, but always delivered by Kane’s usual skill and respect for the original texts as he takes readers beyond their final pages and into unexplored territory. They are not only tributes but – as Kim Newman states in his introduction – love letters from the author, showing why such classics are read again and again, their characters remaining a part of popular culture for so long. The sources of some stories can be initially obscure, while others are obvious from their titles, but both types make for a good read. There’s delight in guessing correctly, while prior knowledge of what’s being referenced helps the author twist expectations to provide memorable moments and satisfying surprises. Kane’s a prolific writer, and he’s one who doesn’t stand still, imbuing this collection with a variety of styles; the darkness is always there, of course, but it’s tempered with a modern approach and humour that catches the reader off-guard to provide a superb experience. As such, there isn’t a weak tale among them. Picking a favourite would depend on the mood at the time, but for this reviewer, “Dracula in Love” stands out; it manages to be laugh-out-loud-funny while making the titular character both sympathetic and terrifying… A triumph for its author. Kane thanks the publisher, Black Beacon Books, for being willing to release the book and we should too, as this dark dozen are perfect accompaniments to the works that inspired them.’ (5* Starburst)
‘All the stories are in conversation with each other. It’s a delight to see how influences, themes and authors cross paths with each other sometimes separated by many years. It’s usually my unofficial rule to avoid comparing a book with another book. Or author. I like to make you see a book as it is and not carry any expectations of other reads but I’ll make an exception in this case as Paul Kane in their new collection Dark Reflections has assembled a great collection of tales honouring their favourite pieces of fiction. Inventive and respectful it creates a highly enjoyable reading experience: In this collection we get… “In Hyding” – a refreshing, different take on the case of Doctor Jekyll. In this we get Hyde’s view of events and it has the interesting angle of suggesting Hyde is a lot more than a simple experiment gone wrong. A menacing, coaxing voice that uses the original tale in different ways. “Signals” – a tragic ghost story as a young woman haunted by past incidents watches TV traffic cameras in her job. This story is a modern take on a classic ghost story and for me actually gives the lead character a past and presence beyond simply the unlucky person in the story. Beautifully delivered. “Life Sentence” – a world where death is impossible yet some still crave it. This story has an SF feel and uses another classic tale to create the world we visit but the interesting angle Kane has is why would someone still want to die? The final scenes are haunting in a very different way to most horror tales. “Humbuggered” – Eric, one of the kindest men alive who would likely give you his own coat, is haunted by his inspirational mentor and told he will have three visits this Christmas Night. Yes it’s a spin on A Christmas Carol but here about not doing good! There is a rationale to all of this and it is both cheeky and yet still linking to the earlier days in unexpected ways. Tempting fun! “The Greatest Mystery” – a supernatural Holmesian tale that captures the feel of a classic case but here where random murders without motive are everywhere. I like tales that remind us Holmes is not simply an arrogant robot and the reveal as to the cause of events is surprising. “Dracula in Love” – a comedic tale of Dracula meeting a therapist to discuss the potential first ever time he is in love. This story throws in lots of vampire jokes and references and is playful. Who gets a happy ending? I will let you decide! “Heartless” – one of my favourites with nods to a classic ghost story as a tough but passionate police woman tries to solve the brutal murders of two young children. It captures the grim feel of a procedural but slowly supernatural elements take over. It’s delivered really well and yet very faithful to its source tale. “Masques” – a brilliant doctor comes up against a truly horrible infection that kills within seconds. He is haunted by a party. Here Kane updates a classic Poe tale and offers an unusual link to the original story. It’s vivid, downbeat and unnerving horror. “Paw People” – a lovely piece of character narration as our tortured soul explains their obsessional hunt for one object that has caused so much pain. Kane explores the wicked side of getting your wishes granted and this one is very much for you to work out the object causing the trouble. “The Grey Room” – a fascinating ghost story within a tale of a supernatural investigator and his friends where he regales this latest weird case. Lots of references but this story is quite unnerving and yet satisfyingly solved and explained. I’ve had loads of fun reading this collection and as well as the joy of working out the inspirations, Kane is delivering good and highly enjoyable stories that stand on their own two feet even if the source material was taken away. A fine spooky collection for these dark nights!’ (Runalong The Shelves)
‘In this collection Paul Kane takes tales from some of literature’s finest and most respected writers and turns them on their heads. Some are sequels, some told from a different viewpoint and all of them are equal to or better than the original stories. For those, like me, who like their fiction darkly delightful, you will absolutely adore Dark Reflections.’ (Jim Dodge 5* Goodreads)
‘I enjoyed most of these stories which extend, elaborate or explore some of the classics of horror and suspense. Kane does a great job of mimicking the styles and tones of these well-known works, the majority of which I was familiar with. For the most part, it was fun to revisit these established worlds through a different author’s lens. By far, the stand-out piece for me was “Masques”, followed by “The Grey Room” and “Signals”. I’ve never read any Kane before this collection, but he has a long and impressive publishing history. I’m keen to read some of his standalone original novels as his writing is accessible, visual and well-paced. If you're a fan of horror and suspense classics, you’ll have fun with these stories!’ (Zane Pinner 4* Goodreads)
‘Like Rumpelstiltskin, Paul Kane takes the straw and spins it into gold, giving us new perspectives on the human experience. A truly wonderful read!’ (5* Amazon review)
‘Paul Kane presents a thrilling and suspenseful collection of stories, offering me the exhilarating opportunity to review yet another remarkable addition to his illustrious career. I had no idea there was a name for songs that replied to one another: “Answer Songs”. The storytelling equivalent of this is the “What ifs” and what happens next. This collection is a homage to the classics, taking a tale beloved by all and turning it on its head. It’s no secret that I love an excellent reimagining, a refreshing take on a much-loved tale. He starts this with “In Hyding”. We get a new and fresh take on Jekyll and Hyde in the monologue teeming with Hyde’s disdain for his counterpart, and you can almost feel the unsettling atmosphere as if you are listening to him. The need for utter chaos, the drive to be free of the shackles. I love how Kane brought forward the idea that Hyde had always been living in the depths of his subconscious waiting. He wasn’t just created in the change; he was before it, a more primal need within the human psyche. This tribute to the dark classics of literature is a perfect ensemble of stories that reflect love and respect for the genre’s Masters. As Kim Newman states in the introduction, these are very eloquent love letters, not just to the notable names of the horror genre but also to other genres. For example, Charles Dickens’ “The Signal Man”, was brought into the modern-day setting with Paul’s character, Robin Dean. Each story takes the original and gives it a new lease of life, but not everyone will know the story’s counterpart unless familiar with the various tales entwined in this 242-page beast. But that did not put me off. If anything, it made me more curious to discover the origin. Paul Kane takes his craft seriously. He honours the original lore and material whilst also making it his own. “Life Sentence” had to be my favourite purely for how thought-provoking and influential the story was, the aspect of Frankenstein’s method succeeding, and the ramifications for society that Paul beautifully constructed. The ending of that one guarantees not a dry eye in the house. “The Greatest Mystery” was child’s play for a seasoned master; he knows how to execute a Sherlock Holmes-style story of his very own. Having already proven this with Sherlock Holmes and The Servants of Hell, this supernatural take became my number two of the collection. “Dracula in Love” was a delightful and refreshing change of pace. Vlad, in the psychiatrist’s chair, provided a fun read. “Heartless” was another story that took some aspects of the original “Lost Hearts” by MR James. It still holds together the main details of the ghost story but adds a strong female character with a profound understanding of loss. What I genuinely appreciate about Paul’s writing is his versatility. This collection has a story for every reader, and the diversity and adaptability of each tale make the book a compelling addition to your reading list.’ (Nat Whiston, Big Hits Radio’s Sunday Service/Phantasmagoria)
‘Paul Kane’s collection Dark Reflections is a gem of a book which manages to look forward and backward at the same time. These are not retellings of stories by classic writers, they’re sequels and homages. Not many authors would take on the works of Dickens, Lovecraft, Stoker, Poe, Shelley, Doyle and others besides in the first place, let alone generate original adaptations (as opposed to being wholly derivative) of their works. For instance, it opens with a story from the first-person perspective of the Hyde of Jekyll and Hyde infamy which makes you wonder what sort of darknesses are floating around in all of us. I went in to this without looking ahead to see what author was coming up next because I didn’t want to colour my readings ahead of time. So it was a particular joy to me, as a Lovecraft fan, to see a piece inspired by “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” – not a direct sequel but a continuation of the universe. And having somehow only recently discovered that Dickens had written ghost stories, seeing one of his appear in this collection was also great fun. I liked that while these are clear homages they are by no means deferential (as a writer myself who loves all these writers there is always the fear that you’ll emulate too closely). Kane writes confidently in a variety of styles which keeps the collection fresh and interesting. There are some really great supernatural pieces like “Masques” and “The Grey Room” but also lighter tones such as “Dracula In Love”, which is as much a tribute to the Boris Karloff era as it is the source material (and nothing wrong with that).You don’t need to know the classics to enjoy this and anybody who loves a good ghost story should definitely have this on their shelves.’ (Author and publisher David O’Mahony, 5* Amazon review)
To buy Dark Reflections click here
The Roads Less Travelled First published by Crossroad Press, July 2024, Ebook and trade paperback £10.87/$13.99. ISBN-13: 978-1637891070 Featuring: Introduction by Philip Fracassi; ‘Red-Nosed’; ‘The Scratching’; ‘Bounty’; ‘Shadow Boxer’; ‘Laurel House’; ‘Grief Stricken’; ‘Ghost Walk’; ‘Disexistence’; ‘In Pieces’; ‘The Spirits of Christmas’; ‘Murder on the Golden Sands Express’; ‘Funeral for a Friend’; ‘Bonus Story: Echoes’; ‘Bounty Audio Script & download’. You can buy the book here, here, here, and here.
Shadow Writers Vol. 1 Published by Rainfall Books, September 2002. Trade Paperback, £7.99/$12.99. ISBN: 0-9540877-5-5 Featuring: ‘In the Shadows’ Introduction by Paul Kane; ‘Behind the Painted Face’ by John B. Ford; ‘The Mask’ by Alison L.R. Davies; ‘To Make You King’ by Mark West; ‘The Power’ by Paul Melniczek; ‘Sibling Rivalry’ by Hertzan Chimera; ‘Living Doll’ by Peggy J. Shumate; ‘Make It Rock & Roll’ by Lisa Negus; ‘Soul Searcher’ by Derek M. Fox; ‘Beachcomber’ by Robert D. Rowntree; ‘Trophy’ by Shannon Riley; ‘Decay’ by Quentin S. Crisp; ‘The Journeyman’ by David Price. ‘There are some absolute gems of short fiction here. If this book is anything to go by then it’s fairly safe to say there should be good times ahead for anyone who reads horror.’ (Eternal Night) To order Shadow Writers Vol. 1, click here Read a review here
Shadow Writers Vol. 2 Published by Rainfall Books, December 2003. Trade Paperback, £7.99/$12.99. ISBN: 0-9546178-2-7 Featuring: ‘ShadowTime’ Introduction by Paul Kane; ‘Dead Eye’ by Amy Grech; ‘Whizz’ by Paul Finch; ‘Chalice’ by Sue Phillips; ‘Scar Tissue’ by Neal Asher; ‘Pretty Enough’ by Suellen Luwish; ‘They Wait’ by Simon Bestwick; ‘The Afterthought’ by Sarah Crabtree; ‘The Hungry Ones’ by Joe Rattigan; ‘Exploration’ by Steven Deighan; ‘Cain’s Moon’ by Susanne S. Brydenbaugh; ‘The Heart of Darkness’ by Eddie M. Angerhuber; ‘Schism’ by Steve Gerlach. To order Shadow Writers Vol. 2, click here To read a review of Shadow Writers Vol. 2 click here
Terror Tales # 1 Published by Rainfall Books, August 2003. Trade Paperback, £12/$16.99. ISBN: 0-9540877-6-3 Featuring: Editorial Introductions, ‘Life After Death’ by John B. Ford and ‘Do Have Nightmares’ by Paul Kane; ‘In the Company of Demons’ by Teri A. Jacobs; ‘Under Mock Orange’ by Scott Thomas; ‘Where They Went Wrong’ by Christopher Fowler; ‘Quayle the Bibliophile’ by Mark Samuels; ‘Seen But Not Heard’ by Joe Rattigan; ‘Plastipak Ltd’ by Neal Asher; ‘In the Flesh’ by Sarah Crabtree; ‘The House of Solemn Children’ by Michael Cisco; ‘The Skull’ by Eddie M. Angerhuber; ‘Lonely Hearts’ by Steve Harris; ‘Forests of the Night’ by Michael Pendragon; ‘Kane’s Korner Special: Birmingham Report’ by Paul Kane; ‘Me, My Bike...And the Inevitable’ by Simon Clark; ‘The Insect Assembly’ by John Paul Catton; ‘Sound Bites...?’ by Derek M. Fox; ‘Dark Family Values’ by Stanley C. Sargent; ‘Images of Angels’ by Sue Phillips; ‘Dark Debate’ with Lisa Negus, Robert D. Rowntree, Stephen Gallagher, Simon Clark, Paul Finch and Tim Lebbon; ‘Book Reviews: Stranger and From a Buick 8’ by Paul Kane and Derek M. Fox; ‘Film Reviews: Darkness Falls and 28 Days Later’ by Christopher Teague. ‘An enjoyable book featuring many good stories by a bunch of fine writers.’ (Alien Online)
Terror Tales # 2 Published by Rainfall Books, May 2004. Trade Paperback, £12/$16.99. ISBN: 0-9546178-4-3 Featuring: Editorial Introductions ‘The Taste of Pure Evil’ by John B. Ford and ‘Horror R.I.P?’ by Paul Kane; ‘Bleed for Me’ by Marie O’Regan; ‘Victoria’s Secret’ by Michael Marshall Smith; ‘Drop Dead Gorgeous’ by Sarah Crabtree; ‘The Other One’ by Paul Finch; ‘Blueskin’ by Lisa Negus; ‘Comparative Anatomy’ by Stephen Gallagher; ‘Know Thyself’ by Tim Meads; Kane’s Korner, ‘Zombies’; ‘Sent Down’ by Gemma Files; ‘The Spirit of Rock and Roll’ by David Price; ‘The Tripod’ by Jeffrey Thomas; ‘Sermon’ by F. Paul Wilson and John B. Ford; ‘Time to Scare Gramma’ by Peggy J. Shumate; ‘Book Reviews: Nobody True and About James Herbert’ by Paul Kane, ‘Conscience’ by Martin Roberts; ‘Exclusive extract from ‘Conscience’ by John Skipp; ‘Small Press Focus: Earthling Publications - Interview with Paul Miller and Reviews of Godhead Dying Downwards, Brotherhood of Mutilation, Exorcising Angels and Babylon Falling’ by Paul Kane; ‘Film Reviews: May’ by Tim Meads, ‘Alien: Director’s Cut and Scary Movie 3’ by Christopher Teague.
Terror Tales # 3 Published by Rainfall Books, February 2006. Co-edited by John B. Ford. £12. ISBN: 0-9549923-5-0 Featuring: Editorial Introductions by John B. Ford & Paul Kane; ‘The Causeway’ by Stephen Laws; ‘I’m Always Here’ by Richard Christian Matheson; ‘Blast from the Past’ by Simon Clark; ‘A Short Guide to the City’ by Peter Straub; ‘Whispers’ by Marie O’Regan; ‘The Tripod Pt 2’ by Jeffrey Thomas; ‘Kane’s Korner: Moonstruck’ by Paul Kane; ‘Where it Roots, How it Fruits’ by Chaz Brenchley; ‘Feels Like Stephen King’ by Steve Deighan; ‘0.5 MG’ by Conrad Williams; ‘The Happy Misanthropist’ by John Travis; ‘What Elroy Did On His School Holidays’ by Jonathan Oliver; ‘The Summer House’ by Vicki Yates; ‘A Slave of Melancholy’ by Mark Samuels; ‘Bus Driver’ by Kevin Anderson; ‘Dead to the World’ by Allen Ashley; ‘Book Reviews: The Water Room by Christopher Fowler, In This Skin by Simon Clark, Invasion of the Body Snatchers by Jack Finney and I Am Legend by Richard Matheson. To order this book, click here
Top International Horror Published by Rainfall Books, February 2004. Trade Paperback, £8/$12. ISBN: 0-9546178-3-5 Featuring: ‘White Knuckle Ride’ Introduction by John B. Ford and Paul Kane; ‘Third Shift’ by Kevin Anderson; ‘Grandfather’s Faces’ by Michael T. Huyck Jr.; ‘Nightmind’ by Darren Franz; ‘The Invite’ by Mary Romano; ‘The Creeper’ by Alexis Child; ‘The Withering’ by Bruce Golden; ‘Three Silver Bullets’ by John Ludlow; ‘The Screaming At Hexenkoph’ by Sherid Adams Signs; ‘Rideby’ by Thomas Stone; ‘The Boy in the Corner’ by Phil Locascio; ‘Clutter’ by Karole M. Svitak; ‘Craven’ by Destiny West; ‘The Perfect Varnish’ by Thomas Wagner; ‘Thrust’ by Melissa Patterson; ‘Remembrance’ by Christopher Fulbright; ‘The Hidden Room’ by Eddie M. Angerhuber. To order this book, click here
BFS Calendar 2005 British Fantasy Society Publications, co-edited by Marie O’Regan. £7.99 Featuring: Cover artwork by Les Edwards; Introduction by Clive Barker; ‘January’ by James Barclay and Alfred Klosterman; ‘February’ by Kim Newman and Chris Leaper; ‘March’ by Graham Joyce and Lara Bandilla; ‘April’ by Steve Lockley and Michelle Blessemaille; ‘May’ by Neil Gaiman and Russell Dickerson; ‘June’ by Cherith Baldry and David Bezzina; ‘July’ by Chaz Brenchley and Steve Lines; ‘August’ by Katherine Roberts and Tina Roberts; ‘September’ by China Mieville and Bob Covington; ‘October’ by Juliet E. McKenna and Kathy Hardy; ‘November’ by Jon Courtenay Grimwood and Ian Simmons; ‘December’ by Mark Chadbourn and Sarah Zama.
FantasyCon 2004 British Fantasy Society Publications, co-edited by Marie O’Regan. Featuring: ‘A Year in the Chair’ by Nicki Robson; ‘Suspension of Disbelief’ by Jeff Gardiner; ‘I, Robot’ by Paul Kane; ‘Robert Holdstock - A Lifetime of Creativity’ by Sandy Auden; ‘An Interview with Neal Asher’ by Paul Kane; ‘Muriel Gray’ by Marie O’Regan; ‘Lord Dunsany’ by Jeff Gardiner.
Dark Horizons #47 Edited by Marie O’Regan. Published by the BFS, Spring 2005. Featuring: ‘The Stone Circle’ by Barry Woods; ‘The Black Lake’ by Tony Richards; ‘Abattoir Girl’ by Allen Ashley and Andrew Hook; ‘Manny and the Monkeys’ by Simon Woodward; ‘The White Witch’ by JPV Stewart; ‘Harrowfield’ by Neil Williamson.
BFS Horror Calendar 2006 British Fantasy Society Publications, co-edited by Marie O’Regan. £8.99 Featuring: Cover Artwork by Paul ( Lord of the Rings) Campion. January ‘Evil Clowns’ by John Connolly and James Ryman; February ‘Old Dark House’ by Stephen Laws and Lew Lehrman; March ‘Demons’ by Muriel Gray and David Magitis; April ‘Vampires’ by Christopher Fowler and Mike Bohatch; May ‘Zombies’ by Simon Clark and Bob Covington; June ‘Magic’ by Clive Barker and Paul Campion; July ‘Medical Horror’ by Stephen Gallagher and Russell Dickerson; August ‘Death’ by Neil Gaiman and Ian Simmons; September ‘Haunted Woods’ by Ramsey Campbell and Michelle Blessmaille; October ‘The Corpse’ by Poppy Z. Brite and Michael Ian Bateson; November ‘Supernatural Painting’ by Graham Masterton and Lara Bandilla; Demember ‘Werewolves’ by Kelley Armstrong and Lizzy Shumate.
Albions Alpträume: Zombies (German Release) Published by Eloy Edictions, January 2006. Co-edited byWalter Diociaiuti. 13 Euros. ISBN: 3-938411-04-X Featuring: ‘Zombies’ An Introduction by Simon Clark; ‘The Beach’ by Tim Lebbon; ‘Night After Night of the Living Dead’ by Christopher Fowler; ‘Face at the Window’ by Stuart Young; ‘Starky’s Town’ by Simon Bestwick; ‘Risen Wife’ by Mark West; ‘A Force of Evil’ by John B. Ford; ‘The Burning Doorway’ by Simon Clark; ‘Beautiful Stranger’ by Tony Richards; ‘Life Sentence’ by Paul Kane; ‘Raw Materials’ by Derek M. Fox; ‘Somebody in the Garden’ by Paul Finch; ‘Salvation’ by Maynard and Sims. Buy this book from the publishers here
Dark Horizons #48 (Fiction Co-editor) Edited by Marie O’Regan and Jenny Barber. Published by the BFS, Spring 2006. Featuring: ‘The Ones We Leave Behind’ by Mark Chadbourn ; ‘Caw’ by Alessio Zanelli; ‘Masquerade’ by Debbie Bennett; ‘Salastor’ by John Howard; ‘Flowers in the Cellar’ by Lavie Tidhar; ‘Baby’ by Simon Messingham.
The British Fantasy Society: A Celebration British Fantasy Society Publications, co-edited with Marie O’Regan, September 2006, £11.99 ISBN: 0953 868 16 8 Featuring: Introduction by Stephen Jones; ‘The Luxury of Harm’ by Christopher Fowler; ‘Lost Souls’ by Clive Barker; ‘Whisper Lane’ by Mark Chadbourn; ‘The Man Who Drew Cats’ by Michael Marshall Smith; ‘The Cycle’ by John Connolly; ‘Days of the Wheel’ by Peter Crowther; ‘Now You See Him, Now You Don’t’ by Juliet E. McKenna; ‘Progeny’ by Mark Morris; ‘The Sustenaince of Hoak’ by Ramsey Campbell; ‘Every Day A Little Death’ by Chaz Brenchley; ‘This is Illyria, Lady’ by Kim Newman; ‘Ashputtle’ by Peter Straub; ‘Webs’ by Neil Gaiman; ‘The Raffle’ by Simon Clark; ‘Scarrowfell’ by Robert Holdstock; ‘Building Sixteen’ by Brian Aldiss; ‘Dust’ by Richard Christian Matheson; ‘Sundance’ by Robert Silverberg; ‘My Repeater’ by Stephen Gallagher; ‘Partial Eclipse’ by Graham Joyce; Afterword by Paul Kane and Marie O’Regan; plus personal recollections and stories about the BFS and FantasyCon by the contributors. ‘If Interzone imposed the reviewing methodology used by governments to assess the efficacy of public services – evaluating the whole in terms of the average of scores given to each of its components – Kane and O’Regan’s celebration of the British Fantasy Society would top the league table of fantasy anthologies. There is certainly much to commend it. There isn’t a single duff story: none of them merits less than a B and several are worthy of an A+.’ (Interzone Magazine) Buy this book here
FantasyCon Souvenir Programme 2008 British Fantasy Society Publications, co-edited with Marie O’Regan, designed by Lee Thompson. Cover artwork by Dave McKean. Featuring: ‘Welcome’ by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane; ‘FantasyCon Anecdotes Part One’ by Peter Crowther, Sarah Pinborough, Steve Volk and Michael Marshall Smith; ‘To the Death’ by Christopher Fowler; ‘Dave McKean’ by Neil Gaiman; ‘Dave McKean Biography and Bibliography’ by Dave McKean and Paul Kane; ‘Dave McKean: A Gallery of Works’ by Dave McKean’; ‘Karl Edward Wagner Special Award: Ray Harryhausen’ by Stephen Jones; ‘The Long Fingers of Dr Who’ by Simon Gurrier; ‘Ghosts of India Extract’ by Mark Morris; ‘Not So Obvious: An Appreciation of Christopher Golden’ by Tim Lebbon; ‘Christopher Golden Bibliography’ by Christopher Golden and Paul Kane; ‘Baltimore Extract’ by Christopher Golden; ‘Fallen Extract’ by Tim Lebbon; ‘Christopher Fowler’ by Roger Gray; ‘Christopher Fowler Bibliography’ by Paul Kane; ‘The Victoria Vanishes Extract’ by Christopher Fowler; ‘James Barclay’ by Mark Yon; ‘James Barclay Bibliography’ by Paul Kane; ‘FantasyCon Anecdotes Part Two’ by Paul Cornell, Christopher Fowler and Simon Clark; ‘Ravensoul Extract’ by James Barclay.
Hellbound Hearts Pocket Books(Simon & Schuster), co-edited with Marie O’Regan. Cover artwork by Clive Barker (‘Vestimenti’ Cenobite). September 2009, $16.00/£10.76 ISBN-10: 1439140901 ISBN-13:978-1439140901 Featuring: ‘Foreword’ by Clive Barker; ‘Introduction: Raising Hell, Again’ by Stephen Jones; ‘ Prisoners of the Inferno’ by Peter Atkins; ‘ The Cold’ by Conrad Williams; ‘ The Confessor’s Tale’ by Sarah Pinborough; ‘ Hellbound Hollywood’ by Mick Garris; ‘ Mechanisms’ by Christopher Golden and Mike Mignola (illustrated by Mike Mignola); ‘ Every Wrong Turn’ by Tim Lebbon; ‘ The Collector’ by Kelley Armstrong; ‘ Bulimia’ by Richard Christian Matheson; ‘ Orfeo the Damned’ by Nancy Holder; ‘ Our Lord of Quarters’ by Simon Clark; ‘ Wordsworth’ graphic insert by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean; ‘ A Little Piece of Hell’ by Steve Niles; ‘ The Dark Materials Project’ by Sarah Langan; ‘ Demon’s Design’ by Nicholas Vince; ‘ Only The Blind Survive’ by Yvonne Navarro; ‘ Mother’s Ruin’ by Mark Morris; ‘ Sister Cilice’ by Barbie Wilde; ‘ Santos del Infierno’ by Jeffrey J. Mariotte; ‘ The Promise’ by Nancy Kilpatrick; ‘ However…’ by Gary A. Braunbeck and Lucy A. Snyder; ‘ Tis Pity He’s Ashore’ by Chaz Brenchley; ‘Afterword’ by Doug Bradley; ‘Special Bonus Material: Wordsworth Graphic Short Story Original Script’ by Neil Gaiman.
‘With an introduction from Clive Barker himself, this anthology of short stories inspired by Pinhead and his merry band of Cenobites has obviously won respect where it matters most. Even more impressive, however, are the number of heavy-hitters involved in this project, each of whom gives their own well-informed spin on all things Hellraiser. From The Stand director Mick Garris (whose “Hellbound Hollywood” brings fear to a film set, and even references Candyman) to 30 Days Of Night’s Steve Niles (who documents some graphic fleshfilleting in “A Little Piece Of Hell”), this is far from a quickly bashed-out horror hack-job. Another highlight is Barbie Wilde’s “Sister Cilice”, which offers a uniquely female spin on the mythology. Other members of the fair sex (including Buffy novelist Yvonne Navarro and Otherworld author Kelly Armstrong) also take a bash but Wilde, who played the Female Cenobite in the movies, tells the most insightful tale. Then there’s “The Cold” by Conrad Williams, best known in cult circles. Williams manages the impressive task of bringing Barker’s supernatural sadomasochism into a more grounded, “real world” scenario and it proves to be one of the most compelling and well-realised shorts on offer here... For any Barker buff Hellbound Hearts should provide more pleasure than pain.’ (Four Star Review in SFX magazine)
‘Kudos MUST go to Paul Kane and Marie O’Regan who have pulled out of the bag a magnificent clutch of tales and have managed to coax from the authors many rich, dark and some truly frightening stories that have added a new and complex light to an already vastly complex universe. It’s a great read and I hope that Pocket Books, the publishers, commission a second volume soon. 9.5/10.’ (Johnny Mains, All Things Horror) ‘ It is truly amazing how Clive Barker’s work could go on to inspire so many different terrifying tales. Each and every one is worth reading and it was painful to try and pick out just a few to talk about when all of the stories are so stellar. Each of the authors captures the aesthetic and themes of the Hellraiser mythos, all the while tweaking it just enough to make it their own. What truly makes this anthology so exciting is how many different directions authors can go with Barker’s legacy. From Native American lore to the future of science behind “Shadow DNA”, there is really no limit to how writers can reinterpret and retell the Hellraiser mythos... Horror fans that relish shocking literature as well as Clive Barker and Hellraiser fans are sure to enjoy Hellbound Hearts. Don’t torture yourself, get your copy today!’ (Fatally Yours) ‘The stories collected in Hellbound Hearts remain true to the nightmarish mythology that inspired them. They are subtle and suggestive, violently unrestrained, and penned by writers perfectly suited to the task. Kane and O’Regan have done a wonderful job. Hellbound Hearts will delight and disturb the fans of Hellraiser, and those who first discovered The Hellbound Heart in George R. R. Martin’s Night Visions 3. Hellbound Hearts is highly recommended.’ (Jason Rolfe, HorrorBound)
‘Hellbound Hearts is collection of Hellraiser influenced stories that’s dear to my heart. Being a fan of Barker and all things Hellraiser, I must say it’s great to see that the legacy or mythos is being carried forth... I come out of this book feeling as if the writers dug deep to pull out these stories of damnation and suffering. There is a black abyss that lies deep in the hearts and minds. Hellbound Hearts is a doorway into that notion. Hellbound Hearts will sit proudly next to all things Cenobitovian and Barker, whether directly inspired or indirectly awakened it stands on its own as a collection to have.’ (HorrorNews.net)
‘I love collections, I love Clive Barker and I love Hellraiser! I love this collection! This book of stories inspired by Clive Barker’s Hellraiser mythos has some great stories from the likes of Tim Lebbon, Christopher Golden, Conrad Williams, Simon Clark and many more. The number of British authors providing stories is amazing, and just goes to show the power of the horror genre in the UK. My personal favourite is Simon Clark’s story, but I have to say that I really enjoyed the mini comic provided by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean, just a shame it’s printed in grainy black and white. The original script is also included, providing a great insight into comic writing. An original collection which goes to show the depth of Barker’s Hellraiser universe.’ (Adrian Brady, Morpheus Tales)
‘Since the release of the original film in 1987, the mythology of the Hellraiser universe has shot its blood-stained hooks, chains and more into several other forms of popular culture and media, including video games, comic books, jigsaws, Funko Pop! dolls and, as you would naturally expect, prose. In fact, Clive Barker himself discusses the whole concept of “mythos” in his Foreword (Doug Bradley also provides an Afterword) to this spin-off anthology edited by Paul Kane and Marie O’ Regan. With regards to the Cenobites of this imagined world, surely the most fascinating aspect of them would have to be their backstories – indeed their personal mythos – something that we as viewers began to taste properly with the first three sequel films. Added to this, to set the (mis)adventures of these sadomasochists from Hell to historical – or even future (1996’s Bloodline) – backdrops is so utterly enthralling and adds so much weight, context, timelessness and presence to the monastic demons in question. This is handled expertly in some of the tales selected for Hellbound Hearts, namely Sarah Pinborough’s dark fairy story “The Confessor’s Tale”, set, it appears, in the old Russian Empire still under Tsarist rule, while Simon Clark’s sublime “Our Lord of Quarters” sees the unholy action take place in Constantinople in the early fifteenth century. Of the other highlights in this very strong anthology, which also consists of short pieces by Neil Gaiman and Richard Christian Matheson, there are many, including Peter Atkins’ excellent opener, “Prisoners of the Inferno”, concerning a lost and apparently cursed old film, “Hellbound Hollywood” by Mick Garris, about a washed-up movie director who winds up in a house in London fans of the Hellraiser series will know very well, and Sarah Langan’s brilliantly bleak apocalyptic parable “The Dark Materials Project”. Also worthy of note are Tim Lebbon’s “Every Wrong Turn”, “Orfeo the Damned” by Nancy Holder, “Mother’s Ruin” by Mark Morris, Nancy Kilpatrick’s “The Promise” and “Tis a Pity He’s Ashore” by Chaz Brenchley, along with appropriately dark offerings by Cenobite actors Nicholas Vince and Barbie Wilde, “Demon’s Design” and “Sister Cilice”, respectively. Truth is, there are no bad stories included here – certainly not from a technical point of view – although each individual reader will obviously have their own personal favourites, and, as you would expect from an anthology based around Clive Barker’s The Hellbound Heart and its screen incarnations, there’s some brutal, twisted stuff on display, but if you’re a fan of the series you wouldn’t really have it any other way, of course...’ (Trevor Kennedy, Phantasmagoria Magazine)
Buy this book here, here or here.
Terror Tales # 4 Published by Rainfall Books, December 2009. Co-edited by John B. Ford. ISBN: 978-0-9563991-0-6 Featuring: Editorial Introductions by John B. Ford & Paul Kane; ‘12 Bolinbroke Avenue’ by Peter James; ‘A Reel Devil’ by Roger Gray; ‘Harlequin Valentine’ by Neil Gaiman; ‘Charlie’ by Eric Steele; ‘The Man Who Collected Barker’ by Kim Newman; ‘The Hand of Glory’ by Simon Clark; ‘Kane’s Korner: Buffed Up’ by Paul Kane; ‘Haven’ by S.D. Hintz; ‘Falling Into the Arms of Death He Found A Beautiful Place’ by Jeff VanderMeer; ‘Ritual’ by Ann Wood; ‘Drifting Apart’ by Peter Crowther; ‘Circus A Go-Go’ by Carl Carter; ‘Discards’ by Tony Richards; ‘Voices Through the Walls’ by Lee Clark Zumpe; ‘Shirts’ by Allen Ashley; ‘Blizzard in Blue’ by John Saxton; ‘A Quiet Weekend Away’ by Mark West; Book Reviews: Stone Cold Calling by Simon Clark, Moontown by Peter Atkins, The Adventures of Mr. Maximillian Bacchus and His Traveling Circus by Clive Barker; Film Reviews: Splinter, 100 Feet and Midnight Meat Train.
Alt.Fiction 2010 convention booklet, co-edited with Marie O’Regan, designed and typeset by Marie O’Regan.
FantasyCon 2011 Souvenir Programme, co-edited with Marie O’Regan. Cover design by Paul Kane, internal design and typesetting by Marie O’Regan.
FantasyCon 2011 Pocket Programme, co-edited with Marie O’Regan. Cover design by Paul Kane, artwork by Les Edwards.
The Mammoth Book of Body Horror Constable & Robinson, co-edited with Marie O’Regan. March 2012, £7.99 ISBN-10: 1780330391. ISBN-13: 978-1780330396 Featuring: ‘Introduction’ by Stuart Gordon (Director of Re-Animator and From Beyond); ‘Transformation’ by Mary Shelley; ‘The Telltale Heart’ by Edgar Allan Poe; ‘Herbert West: Re-Animator’ by H.P. Lovecraft; ‘Who Goes There?’ John W. Campbell; ‘The Fly’ by George Langelaan; ‘Tis the Season to be Jelly’ by Richard Matheson; ‘Survivor Type’ by Stephen King; ‘The Body Politic’ by Clive Barker; ‘The Chaney Legacy’ by Robert Bloch; ‘The Other Side’ by Ramsey Campbell; ‘Fruiting Bodies’ by Brian Lumley; ‘Freaktent’ by Nancy A. Collins; ‘Region of the Flesh’ by Richard Christian Matheson; ‘Walking Wounded’ by Michael Marshall Smith; ‘Changes’ by Neil Gaiman; ‘Others’ by James Herbert; ‘The Look’ by Christopher Fowler; ‘Residue’ by Alice Henderson; ‘Dog Days’ by Graham Masterton; ‘Black Box’ by Gemma Files; ‘The Soaring Dead’ by Simon Clark; ‘Polyp’ by Barbie Wilde; ‘Almost Forever’ by David Moody; ‘Butterfly’ by Axelle Carolyn; ‘Sticky Eye’ by Conrad Williams. ‘Here we have an anthology that squeezes the best out of body horror the way that puss can be squeezed from a necrotic wound, and all for our perverse enjoyment of this disturbing and oh so dark craft. Each story has been exquisitely crafted by the undisputed masters of the genre. And, to be frank, it’s impossible not to like. From the poetic prose of Mary Shelley, the drug induced hysteria of Poe, the wild, paranoid ramblings of Lovecraft, to the brutal honesty of David Moody. This book will drag up feelings of dread, shock and revulsion upon its reader. Even to hardened horror fans such as ourselves, the Mammoth Book of Body Horror still manages a nasty surprise or two. So who’s in it? Short answer: everyone. It opens with Mary Shelley’s“Transformation”, a tale of body swapping with a twisted dwarf-like creature destined to go wrong. Starting off with the likes of Shelley – better known as the creator of Frankenstein, as if you needed telling – reminds us where the concept of body horror has its roots. Although earlier myths and legends of bodily dismemberment abound, Shelley is one of the first to get it down in short story form. From here we’re introduced to Edger Allen Poe’s“The Tell-Tale Heart” and from there we jump to Lovecraft’s“Re-animator”. The next stopping point is “Who Goes There?” by John W. Campbell and its worth pointing out that this is the tale that inspired three films, most notably John Carpenter’s The Thing and finding it here is like running into an old friend from out of town. A real treat. There are far too many stories to go into in much depth for the purpose of this review. Highlights include, Stephen King’s “Survivor Type”: how much a man is prepared to sacrifice when washed up on a desert island. “The Body Politic” by Clive Barker: guaranteed to ensure you will never look at your hands the same way again. Ramsey Campbell’s “The Other Side” dips into a surrealist horror that has the trademarks of an acid trip gone horribly wrong – or, cough, so we’re told. Brian Lumley’s “Fruiting Bodies” will stay with you long after the lights have gone out. Neil Gaiman injects a dark sense of humour with his short story “Changes”. And so the stories go, each exploring the fear of what can go wrong with our bodies: the unseen menace of a brain tumour, the creeping doom of cancer, the fear of being different, and the secret pleasure of standing out from a crowd. (Starburst, 10/10 review)
‘Oozing sores, wandering hands, sticky eyes and legs that fall off are just some of the gory corporeal glories you can expect from Mammoth’s latest collection. This 25-story compendium gathers tales of “transformation, mutation and contagion” from genre royalty including Clive Barker, HP Lovecraft, Stephen King, Mary Shelley and Edgar Allen Poe, along with writers who though less familiar are often just as compelling. The stories offer icky pleasure for those fascinated with a subgenre concerned with the body turning against itself. Some are funny and disgusting (Richard Matheson’s nuclear fallout nightmare ‘”Tis The Season To Be Jelly!”, Barbie Wilde’s bowel-with-a-brain-of-its-own yuk-fest “Polyp”); some smartly satirical (Neil Gaiman’s excellent cure-for-cancer vision “Changes”, Christopher Fowler’s fashion industry cautionary tale “The Look”); some depressing and disturbing (Nancy A Collins’ horrific, lingering “Freaktent” and Stephen King’s stand-out gross-out “The Survivor Type”). For horror movie buffs it’s a must-have, pulling together the original stories which inspired The Fly, The Thing and Re-Animator. “The Fly”, a far closer blueprint for Kurt Neumann’s 1958 version than it was for Cronenberg’s version, is poignant rather than repellent, while John W Campbell’s ice station paranoia piece “Who Goes There?” (the longest piece in the collection), is a masterpiece of tension building. Only Lovecraft’s “Herbert West – Re-Animator” – a morbidly humorous necromancy myth – jars in its originally serialised format, with each short chapter beginning with a full recap of the previous ones – though Re-Animator director Stuart Gordon sheds further light on this in a warm and fascinating intro.’ (Four Star Review in SFX Magazine)
One of the things that many long-time readers wonder about as they grow older is whether the stories that thrilled them as youths will remain available to be discovered by today’s young horror readership. Volumes go out of print, stories are forgotten or neglected, and an entire generation can miss out on, say, W W Jacob’s “The Monkey’s Paw”. It is therefore with some delight that Kane and O’Regan have reprinted some classics here that have been away from our shelves for too long. After stories by Mary Shelley, Poe and of course H P Lovecraft’s “ReAnimator”, all of which can be found in collections in any high street bookshop, The Mammoth Book of Body Horror begins to show its real worth with reprints of John W Campbell’s “Who Goes There?” and George Langelaan’s “The Fly”... A tiny funny by Richard Matheson “Tis the Season to be Jelly” is next, followed by Stephen King’s “Survivor Type”, the tale of a surgeon stranded on a desert island and having to resort to increasing acts of self-mutilation in order to stay alive. Stories by Robert Bloch, Ramsey Campbell and Brian Lumley follow. Lumley’s “Fruiting Bodies” is a deservedly award-winning tale of rot and decay in a crumbling seaside village, while Bloch’s story concerns a man who finds he has bought the secret residence of silent actor Lon Chaney (which comes complete with makeup case and haunted mirror) and Campbell’s is the tale of an unhappy teacher who keeps seeing the figure of a dancing clown on the other side of the river to his flat. Needless to say, when he decides to investigate further the consequences are (bodily!) horrific, and it could have led to the inspiration for a famous J K Potter illustration, but you’ll have to read the end of the story for yourselves to find out which one. The book concludes with a number of stories that have been specifically written for the volume. These are by a mixture of authors both familiar and unfamiliar. Of the eight stories it came as no surprise that one of the stories was by old hand Graham Masterton, “Dog Days”, who delivers a deliciously outrageous tale of one man and his dog (not to mention the girlfriend). However, no more will be said about it so as not to spoil the surprise. David Moody was another surprise with his very well written and entertaining EC comics-style story “Almost Forever”. The following tale, Alice Henderson’s “Residue”, starts off a bit unsurely, but as it goes on it evolves into a whole bundle of alien-style fun and it comes highly recommend. Overall, then, Kane and O’Regan’s Mammoth Book of Body Horror is a very fine read indeed. There were only a couple of stories that didn’t work, and the only real criticism is that the book ends on a rather grim downer of a story that really isn’t in keeping with the tone of the rest of the book at all. Otherwise, it’s a book that works beautifully as an introduction to the genre for those who aren’t that familiar with it, offering a fine selection from many of the very best writers the genre has ever had, as well as a decent mix of new tales... if one were to recommend a good horror anthology to a friend who wanted to see what good horror stories were like, this would instantly come to mind. It does our beloved genre proud and there’s no greater praise than that.’ (This Is Horror)
‘A gripping collection which offers for the first time a chronological overview of the popular contemporary sub-genre of body horror, from Edgar Allan Poe to Christopher Fowler, with contributions from leading horror writers, including Stephen King, George Langelaan and Neil Gaiman. The collection includes the stories behind seminal body horror movies, John Carpenter's The Thing, David Cronenberg's The Fly and Stuart Gordon's Re-Animator. When you consider just how many of these Mammoth Books are published each year, it really is amazing that the quality of the stories presented in this edition are of such a high standard. It is a testament to both the writers and the editors... The table of contents reads like a dream team of authors. How the editors decided on which six authors names were featured on the front cover I don't know... I normally have two ways in which I attack an anthology, the first is to go to my favourite author, and the second is to start at the beginning, I usually do this when there are no authors that I am familiar with. TMBODH threw a spanner into the working of this process, I just didn't know where to start... Barbie Wilde's story “Polyp”... is a wonderfully disgusting story, that manages to both shock the reader and make them giggle. Barbie has created a brilliant twist on the creature feature genre. I really enjoyed how the tale went from being a very personal story into an apocalyptic cliff hanger. After reading this story which in all reality was chosen at random, I knew this book was going to be great read. I'm going to skim over most of the first half of the book, the stories here are all classic of the genre...One thing I will say, is having these stories altogether in one volume is brilliant Of the other stories my personal highlights were Christopher Fowler's “The Look”, this really was a chilling, and uncomfortable read into the darker side of fashion, and just how far a fashion designer will go to get the look. Simon Clark's, “The Soaring Dead” reaffirmed my love for his writing, the twist ending of this story about greed, property, and an ancient mysterious plague was brilliant piece of story telling. Honourable mentions must go to David Moody's “Almost Forever”, and “Black Box”, by Gemma File.... The Mammoth Book of Body Horror is a must buy for any horror fan. You would be hard pushed to find a more comprehensive, and satisfying anthology of horror stories this year.’ (Ginger Nuts of Horror)
‘It's surprising that a history of body horror in literature hasn't been done before now – so thanks to Marie O' Regan and Paul Kane for this treasure trove of stories, ranging from some classics in the genre, “The Tell-Tale Heart”, “Survivor Type” and “The Body Politic” to some stories that will almost certainly become classics of their time – the absurdist, very entertaining shocker “Polyp” to the brilliantly executed “Sticky Eye” - one of my favourite new stories in this anthology... A corker of an anthology - always a pleasure to read “Survivor Type” again and an honour to finally read “Who Goes There?” by John W. Campbell – the basis for The Thing and, if I'm not mistaken, this is one of the very first appearances of this short story in an anthology. 9.5/10.’ (Johnny Mains, Occasionally Horrific)
‘Body horror is the sub-genre of the horror entertainment world that deals with the more gooey and sticky side of things. You know what I mean? Stuff such as John Carpenter’s The Thing, most of David Cronenberg’s output and that classic from Brian Yuzna, Society, are fine examples. Films in which something is happening (usually in full coloured, brightly lit rooms) to you or your friend’s body. Films that take pride in showing every gory, juicy, bloody and gruesome detail of brutal and often very painful metamorphoses. This delicious compendium of 25 of the very best Body Horror stories covers the entire history of the sub-genre in written form by re-introducing us to such respected stories as John W. Campbell’s “Who Goes There?” (which has been filmed as The Thing From Another World (1951), inspired The Thing in 1982 and the prequel effort from last year) as well as truly classic pieces such as Mary Shelley’s “Transformation”. I’ve not read a lot of Clive Barker’s work but his entry “The Body Politic” has inspired me to right this wrong. His story concerns a man whose hands have a life of their own and though it reminded me of some classic B-movie fodder it’s his charismatic style that gives it a polished, witty and dark edge. “Region Of The Flesh” by Richard Christian Matheson is a very short but inventive descent into madness and melancholy. “Tis The Season To Be Jelly”, from his dad Richard Matheson, is just bizarre with some precious moments of dark comedy. Would love to see this one as a 5-minute short. More comedy arrives in the-form of Graham Masterson’s “Dog Days”, which is a bit predictable but huge fun and again one that reminded me of those fabulous monochrome B-movies from the 1950s. Stephen King’s “Survivor Type” is a more straightforward piece of horror and is as detailed as any work that this prolific author has written. Packed with character background, King tells the story from the point of view of Richard Pine who is alone on an island. His descent into madness plus the terror of self mutilation and drug consumption is told with a wicked sense of macabre humour. Stand out is George Langelaan’s “The Fly”. I’m a fan of the cinematic interpretations of this story, but had never read the original piece. This is subtle horror with a neat body horror injection that is subtle yet effective beautifully written and worthy of several readings. The introduction by Stuart Gordon, the man who gave the world Re-Animator (the story that inspired it, “Herbert West – Re-animator” by H.P. Lovecraft is also in this book) tells of his first introduction to the world of Lovecraft, his thoughts on The Thing and the chat he once had with Wes Craven in a toilet. By putting these stories together in one handy volume, Paul Kane and Marie O’Regan have given we horror fans a very welcome present, a collection of memorable and disturbing tales that, thanks to their boldness, will give us many sleepless nights. More please!’ (The Dark Side Magazine)
‘With a name like Mammoth Book of Body Horror, you can reasonably expect a high proportion of gruesome to be contained within – and yes, there is. But where this anthology really excels is the variety of horror tales presented – from classics by Mary Shelley, Edgar Allan Poe and H.P. Lovecraft to more modern fare from the likes of David Moody, Michael Marshall Smith and Nancy A. Collins... “The Body Politic” by Clive Barker delivers a concept that is both creepy and just a bit clever. It tells the tale of what happens when hands develop independent thinking and stage a revolution against their body oppressors. The thought of all those hands scuttling around is likely to stick with you long after you’ve finished reading and Barker’s delivery manages to make you side with the hands against the unpleasant protagonist. (Jenny Barber, Shiny Shorts)
‘“25 stories of Transformation, Mutation and Contagion” runs the tagline for this collection, and it does exactly what it says on the uh… tin. Comprising of a selection of classic tales by established authors (Lovecraft’s ‘Herbert West – Reanimator’, George Langelaan’s ‘The Fly’ & Stephen King’s ‘Survivor Type’) and newer scribes (Neil Gaiman’s ‘Changes’, Barbie Wilde’s ‘Polyp’ & Christopher Fowler’s ‘The Look’), editors Kane and O’Regan have done an excellent job of selecting a variety of intelligent and well written stories which cut to the quick of our deepest fear; that our own bodies can revolt against us, by disease or design. The anthology covers a variety of styles from the eloquence of Poe’s ‘The Telltale Heart’ to Wilde’s grotesque ‘Polyp’, which borders on black humour, with its notion of a cancerous polyp which gains sentient intelligence and escapes from its host’s body. Other authors pursue a less gory and more indirect approach to mental and physical corruption, such as the aforementioned Fowler’s acerbic take on the world of Fashionista body modification, Axelle Carolyn’s rather beautiful tale of burn induced metamorphosis, ‘Butterfly’, and both Conrad William’s ‘Sticky Eye’ and Nancy A. Collin’s ‘Freaktent’ which for spoiler reasons I won’t say any more on, other than I found these two tales the most disturbing of all. (Mass Movement Magazine)
FantasyCon 2012 Souvenir Book Co-edited with Marie O’Regan. PS Publishing, Hardback, September 2012. Cover art by Edward Miller. Featuring: ‘Joe R. Lansdale’ by Stephen Gallagher; ‘The Folding Man’ by Joe R. Lansdale; ‘Muriel Gray’ by Christopher Fowler; ‘Shite-Hawks’ by Muriel Gray; ‘Dancing with Euripides: Brent Weeks’ by Alasdair Stuart; ‘The Black Prism’ by Brent Weeks; ‘Mary Danby - Frightener’ by Mike Ashley; ‘The Engelmayer Puppets’ by Mary Danby; ‘Special Stuff: The Perfect Career of Mark Gatiss’ by Mark Morris; ‘The Vesuvius Club’ by Mark Gatiss; ‘Robin Hardy: A Fantasist in a Wicker Wonderland’ by John L. Probert; ‘The Wicker Tree: The Devil Makes a Call’ by Robin Hardy; ‘Your Master of Ceremonies… Tim Lebbon’ by Christopher Golden; ‘The Deification of Dal Bamore: An Echo City Story’ by Tim Lebbon.
FantasyCon 2012 Pocket Programme Co-edited with Marie O’Regan. Paperback, September 2012. Cover art from The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories by Women (Constable & Robinson/Running Press). Featuring: ‘Welcome to FantasyCon’ by Paul Kane and Marie O’Regan; ‘Welcome Back, Jim! (James Herbert)’ by Stephen Jones; Thursday-Sunday Grids/TimeTables; FantasyCon 2012 Panellists; Film Programme; Masterclasses; Royal Albion Maps; Entertainment; Book Launches/Signings/Parties; British Fantasy Awards 2012 Nominees; Readings.
A Carnivàle of Horror: Dark Tales from the Fairground PS Publishing, co-edited with Marie O’Regan. Hardback, September 2012, £19.99. Cover art by Ben Baldwin. Featuring: ‘Introduction’ by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane; ‘Something Wicked This Way Comes’ by Ray Bradbury; ‘A Flat Patch of Grass’ by Muriel Gray; ‘Some Children Wander By Mistake’ by John Connolly; ‘Spurs AKA Freaks’ by Tod Robbins; ‘Tiger, Tiger’ by Rio Youers; ‘Blind Voices’ by Tom Reamy; ‘Mister Magister’ by Thomas F. Monteleone; ‘Twittering from the Circus of the Dead’ by Joe Hill; ‘The Pilo Family Circus’ by Will Elliott; ‘Face of the Circus’ by Lou Morgan; ‘Escardy Gap’ by Peter Crowther and James Lovegrove; ‘The Circus of Dr Lao’ by Charles Finney; ‘In the Forest of the Night’ by Paul Finch; ‘All the Clowns in Clowntown’ by Andrew J. McKiernan; ‘Nine Letters About Spit’ by Robert Shearman; ‘To Run Away and Join the Circus’ by Alison Littlewood. Buy this title from PS Publishing here
Beyond Rue Morgue First published by Titan in the UK, July 2013. Co-edited with Charles Prepolec. Mass Market Paperback, £7.99 / $17.99 Featuring: ‘Introduction’ by Paul Kane and Charles Prepolec; ‘The Murders in the Rue Morgue’ by Edgar Allan Poe; ‘The Sons of Tammany’ by Mike Carey; ‘The Unfathomed Darkness’ by Simon Clark; ‘The Weight of a Dead Man’ by Weston Ochse & Yvonne Navarro; ‘The Vanishing Assassin’ by Jonathan Maberry; ‘The Gruesome Affair of the Electric Blue Lightning’ by Joe R. Lansdale; ‘From Darkness, Emerged, Returned’ by Elizabeth Massie; ‘After the End’ by Lisa Tuttle; ‘The Purloined Face’ by Stephen Volk; ‘New Murders in the Rue Morgue’ by Clive Barker.
‘Where would we be without the works of Edgar Allan Poe? He basically created a genre, and his works have gone on to influence and inspire millions and even still to this day, his work is as relevant as it was when it first hit. So, when I got the opportunity to check out Titan Books’ Beyond Rue Morgue: Further Tales of Edgar Allan Poe’s 1st Detective, I pretty much jumped at the chance. So, as I’m sure many of you are aware, Poe originally released his short tale “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” in Graham’s Magazine in 1841, and the tale is included in the anthology… The tale itself pretty much created the term detective, and without this, we would not have such icons as Sherlock Holmes or even the adventures of one Hercule Poirot. So, the anthology itself continues the legacy of C. Auguste Dupin, as further tales are brought forward by some of the best authors of today, including, Clive Barker, Mike Carey, Simon Clark, Joe R. Lansdale, Jonathan Maberry, Elizabeth Massie, Weston Ochse & Yvonne Navarro, Lisa Tuttle and Stephen Volk. The stories in the anthology vary as the adventures Dupin continue, as he faces some new enemies, some human and some are more supernatural, but either way, the stories included are intriguing, and if you love the character or are simply new to Dupin, I think you will love this and find them totally engrossing. It’s not only a great book filled with great stories, it’s an awesome tribute to Edgar Allan Poe, the man who basically created the first literary detective for the world to see, and Paul Kane and Charles Prepolec, who put the book together have done a fantastic job at incorporating the stories from such great authors… It’s a fascinating read with some great short stories which just flow so well. I will tell you now, you will have a hard time putting this sucker down once you’ve picked it up.’ (Horror-Movies.ca 5/5 star review)
‘The stories continue the adventures of “ratiocination” of Dupin. We also follow his grandson, who becomes a Pinkerton detective and even his great-granddaughter. Yes, there’s a Sherlock Holmes connection too. This may upset some readers but Beyond Rue Morgue brings in the supernatural. In fact, we go a bit Cthulhu. I don’t mind at all. I feel it’s in keeping with the spirit of the character and of Poe. Besides, I enjoyed the story. Beyond Rue Morgue: Further Tales of Edgar Allan Poe’s 1st Detective was put together by the editors Paul Kane and Charles Prepolec. Kane is a sci-fi, fantasy and horror author who co-edited the horror anthology Hellbound Hearts. Prepolec is a freelance writer (and reviewer!) who’s worked on the Sherlock Holmes anthologies Gaslight Grimoire and Gaslight Arcanum. If you combine all those genres then it’s little surprise you come up with an anthology like Beyond Rue Morgue. Beyond Rue Morgue manages to be tightly focused on Dupin and his line and yet broad in scope. I’ve got to recommend this book.’ (Geek Native)
‘Great stories from this anthology – and there are quite a few – include “The Sons of Tammany” by Mike Carey, which features Boss Tweed and good ole fashioned American political corruption. Or “The Purloined Face,” which takes the interesting step of stating that Edgar Allen Poe did not die in Baltimore, but lived on in Paris and worked detective cases as Auguste Dupin – as well as mentoring a burgeoning detective by the name of Sherlock Holmes. But the real gem of the anthology is “New Murders in the Rue Morgue,” by Clive Barker. Barker’s story takes the often-repeated trope in the anthology of having one of Dupin’s relatives be the star, but, unlike the others, has that as less a feature, and more a bonus… Aficionados of Poe and mystery will probably want to pick this one up.’ (Bullet Reviews)
‘Before there was a Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, there was Edgar Allan Poe’s C. Auguste Dupin the sleuth from Paris, France… Editors Paul Kane & Charles Prepolec have brought together an amazing group of award-winning authors to the table featuring new adventures of Auguste Dupin by Mike Carey, Simon Clark, Joe R. Lansdale, Jonathan Maberry, Elizabeth Massie, Weston Ochse & Yvonne Navarro, Lisa Tuttle and Stephen Volk… It’s plain fun to read new stories and see how modern writer’s take of Poe’s iconic character. If you don’t have time to read a 500 page novel, might I suggest reading a collection of short stories: Beyond Rue Morgue – Further Tales of Edgar Allan Poe’s First Detective.’ (Retrenders)
‘The book is detailed in beautiful Halloween colours of orange, black and white… The intricate stories manage to continue the epic story of Dupin alongside his grandson and even great-grandmother. However, Beyond Rue Morgue manages to bring in something that readers have never had the luxury of experiencing until now, the supernatural! The new addition is blended seamlessly into the tightly focused stories and delivers an overall satisfying experience for readers. The anthology not only includes modern touches but contains the original short tale by Poe, “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”, that was released in 1841. The original story followed C. Auguste Dupin who tries to connect the clues between two murders in Paris. The original story made way for the detective novels of today such as Sherlock Holmes. The intriguing and well-written stories continue the adventures of Dupin from a group of talented writers who manage to blend what we loved from the original story with modern day touches. If you love a good detective novel, then pick up Beyond Rue Morgue: Further Tales of Edgar Allan Poe’s 1st Detective and check out these fascinating stories for yourself. ‘ (BGG After Dark)
‘Beyond Rue Morgue is an inspired celebration of one of fiction’s most enduring characters. Eight contemporary writers deliver new short stories and the collection is book-ended with two reprints. The first reprinted story is, of course, “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”, Poe’s classic locked-room mystery in which Madame L’Espanaye is found in her fourth floor Parisian apartment with her throat cut and her daughter throttled and partially stuffed up a chimney. The unnamed narrator, present in all of Poe’s Dupin stories, describes Dupin’s process of ratiocination leading to the solving of the mystery. It proves to be as weird as it is inventive… Beyond Rue Morgue is clearly more a playful pastiche than a critical appraisal of Poe’s writing, but its stories are never less than entertaining and are of a standard that most similar Sherlock Holmes collections struggle to match. And if they lead new readers back to Edgar Allen Poe and his “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”, so much the better.’ (Crime Fiction Lover)
‘Contrary to how it may seem, Sherlock Holmes was not the first literary detective. That honour belongs to Edgar Allan Poe’s Le Chevalier C. Auguste Dupin, who was a detective before the word “detective” was even invented… Now, over 170 years after his debut, the character’s legacy continues, as he returns in an anthology of new stories by top tier writers titled Beyond Rue Morgue: Further Tales of Edgar Allan Poe’s First Detective… The anthology features the original Poe story as well as 9 other stories, each in a very different style, but all connecting to Dupin and the macabre mystery he debuted in. Who are the authors? The list includes names like modern horror classic Clive Barker, Joe R. Lansdale, Stephen Volk, Lisa Tuttle, Elizabeth Massie, Weston Ochse & Yvonne Navarro, Jonathan Maberry, Simon Clark and renowned comic book author Mike Carey. It’s a very exciting pantheon of writers (gathered by editors Paul Kane & Charles Prepolec) and almost everybody brings something really unique to the table. (Trash Mutant)
‘Dupin is exceptionally intelligent, eccentric thinker who takes in all the evidence of a case that others might overlook, and manages to logically dismiss all the alternatives before coming to the correct conclusion. He was solving gruesome and complex crimes long before the likes of Sherlock Holmes came on the scene, and yet is a character of much less fame when compared to well known fictional detectives such as Holmes or Poirot. This book is a collection of short stories that pays tribute to Dupin…. I think my favourites of the stories in this collection were the ones that explored the legacy of Dupin’s long lost relatives and their inheritance of his crime-solving skills, more than the ones that featured Dupin himself… For me this wasn't just the discovery of a literary detective I had yet to read, but also of many authors I hadn't read before. A very interesting book to dip in and out of, especially for fans of old fashioned crime and unconventional detectives.’ (Bookshelf Butterfly) ‘A collection of adult fan-fiction (without, of course, the negative connotations), Beyond Rue Morgue: Further Tales of Edgar Allan Poe’s 1st Detective is exactly what it sounds like: a group of talented writers dreaming up stories of Dupin, the other mysteries he could have solved and more… Beyond Rue Morgue is a great collection of short stories of new, re-imagined adventures for Dupin – ranging from old-school mysteries told in first person to stories with subtle commentary on race and media, to introducing the audience to both Dupin’s grandson, to “meeting” Edgar Allan Poe – and introduces an unusual and creative connection with Sherlock Holmes, creating some ~super meta~ situations (“The Purloined Face” by Stephen Volk is highly recommended). It is a good read for both new fans and old Dupin readers, containing fascinating stories that are just as interesting as the original three. For fans of detective stories, the authors within these pages don’t disappoint. Many of the stories leave you thumbing the pages in anticipation, wanting to know what’s going to happen next, who the killer or the thief was. Beyond Rue Morgue offers an interesting and unique homage to the world’s first literary detective, doing so while respecting the original work and the man behind it. It proves that Le Chevalier has not been forgotten, that his legacy still exists, and that fans are as intense and dedicated as ever. I recommend this anthology to Poe fans and new adventurers in the mystery department, as well as those who just like to dip their toes in the detective pool but don’t want to commit to an entire book.’ (Paper Droids)
‘Let’s start with the good ones, because when I speak of the good in this book, it’s remarkable. My personal favourite came in a story titled “The Gruesome Affair of the Electric-Blue Lightning” by Joe Lansdale. Being a fan of the Victorian styled horror (meaning Frankenstein, Dr Jekyll, and the like), I had absolutely no qualms with this story. The author’s voice, the sheer reality of his characters contrasted against his fantastical story, gave me the chills up and down. A tad gory, but as long as you’ve got a strong stomach or a weak imagination, you’ll see it through. But this was not the only tale to receive high marks. As far as sticking to the pacing and set of a Dupin story went, the award goes to “The Unfathomable Darkness”. Though “The Sons of Tammy” claimed to set itself in the 1890s, it read to me as the classic 1930s gumshoe story, which kept me in arms because of his intriguing perspective of Dupin – the first pages read him as a dumpy detective, but trek on! Once the boiler gets hot, the author writes a character reminiscent of the original. (Geek News Network)
‘A fascinating collection of short stories from various authors paying homage to the first detective in literature. Before Sherlock Holmes deduced his way onto the page, Edgar Allen Poe created a cool, analytical mind that found solving murders to be the height of fun. Chevalier C. Auguste Dupin was detecting before the word “detective” was even coined. He has a similar mind to Holmes, to the point that you have to wonder if Doyle was a Poe fan… The ones that really stuck with me are probably “The Sons of Tammany,” which takes Dupin to New York; “The Weight of a Dead Man,” which follows the grandson of Dupin, a Pinkerton detective trying to track down a Caravaggio; and “The Purloined Face,” possibly my favourite, where Sherlock Holmes is the apprentice to Edgar Allan Poe posing as Dupin. Connecting Holmes to Dupin was brilliant and it illustrated the similarities between the two whilst suggesting that Holmes learned it all from the best. But what I loved most about it was having Poe become Dupin after faking his own death and the exploration of the demons that Poe carried from his past. Of course, each of the other stories is captivating in its own right. Each one has something that will keep you reading until the very end. There are a few that get a bit outlandish… but none of them are all-out bad or poorly written. Edgar Allan Poe fans will no doubt enjoy seeing one of his most famous characters given new life and the respect he deserves for founding many of the tropes of the detective genre. Mystery fans will love following Dupin’s deductions and trying to guess ahead of him. If you like a bit of horror, there’s plenty of that too. Beyond Rue Morgue is an excellent collection for anyone who loves a bit of mystery in life. And occasional apes.’ (With An Accent)
‘An anthology of stories based around the very first mystery detective, Le Chevalier C. Auguste Dupin, created by Edgar Allan Poe. Dupin famously featured in “The Murders in The Rue Morgue” (1841), then went on to star in two more investigations, “The Mystery Of Marie Roget” (1842) and “The Purloined Letter” (1844). The anthology includes the original 1841 story and Clive Barker’s sequel, “New Murders in The Rue Morgue” (which was first published in his Books Of Blood series) to bookend the stories. Contributors include: Stephen Volk, Clive Barker, Mike Carey, Simon Clark, Weston Ochse, Yvonne Navarro, Jonathan Maberry, Joe R Lansdale, Elizabeth Massie and Lisa Tuttle. Even before opening the cover of Beyond Rue Morgue, my black little heart was jumping for joy – well as much as it could, given its decrepit state – from the roster of genre names on the cover. What an absolute treasure trove of authors! Full respect is due to editors Paul Kane and Charles Prepolec for not only the choice of subject, but also such a stellar contents list! “Chevalier Dupin is a man who methodically preserves memories of the sights, sounds and odors produced by the horrors of this world, as I would methodically place books on my library shelves. He is the consummate archivist of the accoutrements of tragedy.” This singular description, by Simon Clark, absolutely nails why Dupin made such an impact at the time Poe released his short stories about the detective. He deduces the truth of the situation from the facts available to him, applies logic and comes up with a solution. He was the modern detective using forensics before they were even invented. Re-reading the original tale, “The Murders in The Rue Morgue”, is to be reacquainted with an old friend. A friend who has not been visited for quite some time and is overdue a social call. I have not read the stories and poems of Poe for way too many years, and this collection has reignited the spark of wanting to explore the lesser known Poe. As such, I have ordered the Wordsworth edition of Tales Of Mystery And Imagination, and am looking forward to making the acquaintance of old friends, once more. Walking the same tightrope between thrill, suspense, horror and barely restrained genius, each of the writers in this collection takes the central concept of Poe’s detective, and writes a tale with him as the focus using their own unique skills. From the original which has spawned the anthology, which launches Dupin, he is then taken from France all around the world, via a vast range of talents and genres. Ending with a modern twist on the tale, via Clive Barker, it is possible to see Dupin’s footsteps walking through the streets of New York, Paris, Arizona, in his parlays with Sherlock Holmes, meets his own creator, and returning, in the final tale, to Paris, his original stomping ground. It is pure joy to read these tales by authors I highly admire, and respect, and the way they convey their acknowledgement of Poe’s underrated genius (in my mind, at the very least, he is a genius) yet give it a twist with their own inimitable flare. The nameless narrator stays in place, focussing the attention in the titular, book loving detective, whilst we, the reader, step into the role of sidekick and confidante. It is such a pleasure to read a collection with heart, as this one is. It would have been easy to slap Poe’s most famous tale on the front and wring any old story out of it. However, here the editors have commissioned some truly outstanding fiction which pays homage to a grand master of horror and dark literature. I suspect that Poe will have a more recognisable currency with the release of contributor Stephen Volk’s Under A Raven’s Wing as well as forthcoming Mike Flanagan adaptation of “The Fall Of The House Of Usher”. In the meantime, I recommend seeking out the back catalogue of these other nine writers, as well as the works of the two editors. Of particular note is the The Dark Masters Trilogy by Stephen as well as the classic Roger Corman films which I believe are available on Amazon Prime, or possibly Britbox?’
(Rachel Readit)
Order Beyond Rue Morgue at Amazon UK here, US here or from the publishers Titan here
Dark Mirages Vol. 1: Film & TV First published by PS Publishing in the UK, October 2018. Hardback, £20. ISBN-10 1786364123. ISBN-13 978-1786364128.
Featuring: ‘Introduction’ by Paul Kane; ‘HRXX End of the World’ by Smith & Jones; ‘Dracula’ by Stephen Gallagher; ‘The Last Post’ by Axelle Carolyn; ‘Prime Time’ by Peter Crowther; ‘The Seven’ by Muriel Gray; ‘Dead Man’s Hand’ by Stephen Laws.
‘Dark Mirages is a collection of mostly unmade horror film or TV treatments and scripts from a selection of luminaries including Stephen Gallagher, Stephen Laws and Muriel Gray. The collection opens with a treatment for Hellraiser HRXX End of the World written by Smith and Jones, which brings Pinhead and the Cenobites into the 21st century and pays great tribute to Clive Barker’s creations. A cult run by a successful businessman stalks the streets of London, taking people to use in their ritual magick. A strange book that appears to be bound in human skin turns up, and then someone in the cult is given a strange puzzle box and the Cenobites are unleashed once again. Stephen Gallagher’s BBC Dracula script introduces us to a slightly different Dracula – still vicious and cold, but while he still has an aversion to sunlight, it doesn’t immediately turn him to dust. He still drinks blood, mesmerises mortals and moves to London to build a new vampiric empire. Axelle Carolyn’s The Last Post is the only entry that actually made it onto celluloid (a short film, starring Jean Marsh). A beautiful, haunting tale of lovers from the First World War who never met but are reunited in death. My favourite in the collection has to be Dead Man’s Hand, by Stephen Laws, a TV movie that was sadly never made. A family are renovating a house in a coastal town, and after a mysterious pair of ivory dice are found on a nearby beach, a presence awakens in the house. Laws builds the tension fantastically, keeping the reader on the edge of the seat as strange occurrences happen. Builders have accidents, an unseen presence prowls the house, bad dreams haunt the wife, and the family dog goes missing. Whether you’re an avid fan of horror movies, or just enjoy the occasional bit of terrifying cinematic blood-letting, this excellent and eclectic collection won’t disappoint. It’ll thrill, it’ll chill and you’ll want to read it with the lights on.’ (British Fantasy Society)
‘Fans of the Hellraiser series will be well-represented at the outset of the book in which Michael Marshall Smith and Stephen Jones present a potential script for a sequel to Hellraiser. The script, written in 2007, sought to honour Barker’s original vision and largely disregards a number of dissatisfying sequels (as is in fashion recently) and shows a great deal of appreciation of the original film and surrounding universe. Stephen Gallagher’s Dracula script is also of interest, particularly since the BBC have now given the go-ahead to the vision of Mark Gatiss and Steven Mofatt’s Count. Lastly, Stephen Laws’ Dead Man’s Hand offers a script which I could easily envisage as an ITV 3-part series, offering an escalation of tension within a “classic ghost story” format. The book is a must for people who are interested in horror screenwriting, featuring moments where the writers reveal why they have made certain choices and clarify their intentions. This, alongside the engaging stories within the scripts, make it an excellent choice for horror fans who want new visions of existing characters, or one-off stories within the genre.’ (Scared Sheepless)
You can buy Dark Mirages here.
Exit Wounds First published by Titan, May 2019. Co-edited with Marie O’Regan. Mass Market Paperback, £7.99 / $10.37 Featuring: ‘Introduction’ by Paul B. Kane and Marie O’Regan; ‘The Bully’ by Jeffery Deaver; ‘Dead Weight’ by Fiona Cummins; ‘Like a Glass Jaw’ by Mark Billingham; ‘On the Anatomization of an Unknown Man (1637) by Frans Mier’ by John Connolly; ‘The Pitcher’ by Sarah Hilary; ‘Disciplined’ by Martyn Waites; ‘The Consumers’ by Dennis Lehane; ‘Voices Through the Wall’ by Alex Gray; ‘Wet With Rain’ by Lee Child; ‘Happy Holidays’ by Val McDermid; ‘Fool You Twice’ by Steph Broadribb; ‘Lebensraum’ by Christopher Fowler; ‘Dancing Towards the Blade’ by Mark Billingham; ‘Kittens’ by Dean Koontz; ‘Take My Hand’ by A.K. Benedict; ‘Dressed to Kill’ by James Oswald; ‘Booty and the Beast’ by Joe R. Lansdale; ‘The New Lad’ by Paul Finch; and ‘The Recipe’ by Louise Jensen.
‘An impressive collection… Proves how excellent crime short stories can be!’ (The Times)
‘The quality of the 19 entries is top-notch... Every entry is well-written, suspenseful, and peopled with fully developed characters – a tribute to the editors’ judgment.’ (Starred, featured review in Publishers Weekly)
‘An all killer, no filler collection showcasing the very best modern crime fiction has to offer!’ (Love It! Magazine)
‘I always find short story collections hit and miss so I don’t write a huge number of notes in case I can’t find something to write about. Instead I score each story out of 10 and hope that one or two tales stand out. That only becomes a problematic system when you review something as utterly glorious as Exit Wounds which is full of top-notch tales. From my rudimentary scoring the 19 stories garnered five set of top marks, four scores of 9, and four of 8 points. The rest, bar one story which had no affect on me at all, scored very solid 7’s which is a remarkable return for such differing stories. A lot of the authors I recognised, like you will, and was already excited to read. The book opens with Jeffery Deaver for goodness sake and, contained within the contents, you’ll read stories by Val McDermid, Lee Child and Dean Koontz, but you will also discover authors you haven’t read yet and end up trashing your credit card ordering books by these writers as you need more than just a few pages from each of them. (The Dream Cage)
‘Oh I do love me a good crime story and Exit Wounds, a wonderful collection of short stories from some of the top names in Crime Fiction, is absolutely full of them… Here’s what you can expect: If there is one thing in the book world that is misunderstood and completely underrated, for me it has to be the short story, or, in this case the short story anthology. I know that some people feel short stories don’t allow them to get to know the characters, that they aren’t meaty enough, but for me they are the perfect, bite-size way to get your fix of your favourite author or to find an author who may be completely new to you without having to commit to a long term relationship aka “the novel”. They are perfect for a quick shot in your lunch break, on your daily commute or that ten-twenty minute wait you have while you are waiting for your tatties to boil for dinner. (Jen Med’s Book Reviews)
‘If you are a fan of mystery, crime or thriller then this collection of tales from the modern masters of crime is for you! Working as a collection, it reminded me of the old mysteries which were often gathered together in print (think Arthur Conan Doyle etc). The cover of this is explosive and eye-catching, whilst the tales within are intriguing and gripping, with clever strokes of plot twists and brushes of tension. One of my favourites was “Dressed to Kill” by James Oswald, about the Scottish detective Inspector McLean!’ (Mummy is Reading…Books)
‘Featuring both original in-universe stories and rarely seen reprints, this collection of 19 masterful short stories brings together some of the genre’s greatest living authors. Tony Hill and Carol Jordan take on a delightfully twisted killer in Val McDermid’s “Happy Holidays.” In Fiona Cummins’ “Dead Weight,” an overbearing mother resorts to desperate measures to keep control of her teenage daughter. And in Dean Koontz’s “Kittens,” a young girl learns the truth about how her pets have been dying and devises a horrible revenge. Tense, twisted and disturbing, Exit Wound is a visceral and thrilling collection showcasing the very best modern crime fiction has to offer.’ (Book Reporter)
(Blue Book Balloon)
‘Crime stories are often staring at us from the shelves and series and stand-alone thrillers are a constant part of life. But we often forget that there is a tradition of the crime short story, just think of the Holmes canon. While you don’t get the thrill of the wider investigation and the slow building tension, a short story can just go for the jugular, the mood or even a simple mystery. In this anthology the editors Paul B Kane and Marie O’Regan have assembled a great collection of stories based around an exit wound – be it actual or metaphorical… (Runalong the Shelves) I love that each story is markedly different but all on the theme of crime – and all with a decidedly (and delightedly) dark twist! I liked that each had its own spin on “crime”, and featured every kind of character, from serial killers and unhappy, controlled teenagers to beaten, vengeful wives. The way you get to almost sample the writing style of various different authors is a great way to discover a new crime author… though the authors in this anthology are really big names, so you’ve probably already read something by most of them before! The stories are absorbing and intriguing, though some provoked really strong emotions in me… Overall, I highly recommend this anthology for any crime fan, particularly if you’re a short story fan – but even if you’re not usually, like me. I hugely enjoyed Exit Wounds and will be buying it as a present for various reader friends who I know will also really enjoy it.’ (5/5 Snazzy Books)
‘I haven’t read a short story anthology in ages and when I saw the line-up for Exit Wounds published by Titan Books, I jumped at the chance to read and review. There are nineteen tales of mystery and crime and the authors are: A.K. Benedict, Mark Billingham, Steph Broadribb, Lee Child, John Connolly, Fiona Cummins, Jeffrey Deaver, Paul Finch, Christopher Fowler, Alex Gray, Sarah Hilary, Louise Jensen, Dean Koontz, Joe R. Lansdale, Dennis Lehane, Val McDermid, James Oswald and Martyn Waites. (Bookshelf Butterfly)
‘I will be the first to admit that I don't tend to read many short stories and this is something that I would like to rectify, so when Exit Wounds arrived through my letterbox, I was delighted to try something a little different. From serial killers picking off their prey to those hell-bent on revenge, this collection of crime stories from some of the best in the business grabbed my attention at the very first story and every one thereafter. Dark, twisted, and with characters that got under my skin in just a few pages, Exit Wounds is a must-read for short story and crime fiction fans the world over. (Books of All Kinds)
‘Edited by Paul B Kane and Marie O’Regan, when the cover of a new book of short stories is emblazoned with the names of some of the best-selling and award-winning crime fiction authors – Lee Child, Val McDermid, Dean Koontz, John Connolly, Dennis Lehane and Jeffery Deaver, with even more inside – you know you’re in for a treat. Editors Paul B Kane and Marie O’Regan assembled 19 of the English-speaking world’s best mystery writers and asked them for stories that include an exit of some kind – death, abandonment, escape – and of course the damage that sudden departures leave in their wake. The result is the entertaining Exit Wounds. There’s nary a dud in the collection, and just a few of the stories are highlighted below. From the Department of Clever Twists comes Jeffery Deaver’s story of the bullying of a suspect in a string of serial murders. Not only is his life under a microscope, this threatening jerk won’t leave him alone! In “The Pitcher” by Sarah Hilary, a journalist visits an obscure Spanish taverna on England’s west coast only to find the place isn’t what he thinks it is, nor, fair to say, is his visit. You also may be deliciously surprised by James Oswald’s aptly named “Dressed to Kill”. The particular pathology of parent-child relationships is the basis for two stories. The opening line of Fiona Cummins’s “Dead Weight” is “You’re not going to eat that, are you?” which tells you all you need to know about this mother-daughter combat, er, relationship. And Dean Koontz’s “Kittens” takes this trope to a grisly extreme. There’s an Edgar Allan Poe-ish vibe to “On the Anatomization of an Unknown Man (1637)” about an apocryphal painting of a vivisection lab by Dublin author John Connolly. “Take My Hand” by AK Benedict involves something Poe would have loved, a Hand of Glory. If you don’t know what that is, you might want to Google it. A sure-fire conversation-stopper. Also at the creepy end of the spectrum is Martyn Waites’ “Disciplined”, about a man very good at one thing: following orders. It begins, “It was swallowing the needle that changed everything” and takes off from there. Paul Finch’s “The New Lad” recounts the experiences of a policeman, first day on the job, assigned to watch a crime scene alone overnight outside a derelict mental hospital. In the woods, no less. I thought I’d have to stop reading, the tension got so acute… The characters in some of the stories have different strategies for taking justice into their own hands – for better or, in the case of Val McDermid’s “Happy Holidays”, for worse. Florida apprentice bounty hunter Lori Anderson is featured in Steph Broadribb’s story, “Fool You Twice”. (In real life, Broadribb trained as a bounty hunter in California.) I really enjoyed Mark Billingham’s coming-of-age story, “Dancing Towards the Blade”, about a young man who’s lived in two totally different worlds – in Africa and England – and who is absolutely not who his London tormentors (those bullies again!) think he is. Crime goes way wrong in Joe R Lansdale’s amusing “Booty and the Beast”. Lansdale lives in the American southwest, so when he talks about fire ants, he knows whereof he speaks. Enough said. Finally, you may feel you’ve encountered the welcome shade of Raymond Chandler in Dennis Lehane’s surprising story “The Consumers”: “When she let (her hair) fall naturally, with its tousled waves and anarchic curls, she looked like a wet dream sent to douse a five-alarm fire.’ (Crime Fiction Lover, 5 star review)
‘The cover featuring names of some of today’s best-selling crime fiction authors – Lee Child, Val McDermid, Dean Koontz, Mark Billingham and more – signals good reading ahead. Highlights: From the Department of Clever Twists comes Jeffrey Deaver’s story of the bullying of a suspect in a string of serial killings and Sarah Hilary’s The Pitcher, in which a journalist visits an obscure Spanish taverna and smacks into the unexpected. The opening line of Fiona Cummins’s “Dead Weight” – “You’re not going to eat that, are you?” – says all you need to know about these mother-daughter duelists. There’s an Edgar Allan Poe vibe to “On the Anatomization of an Unknown Man (1637)” by Dublin author John Connolly. “Take My Hand” by A K Benedict involves something Poe would have loved, a Hand of Glory. If you don’t know what that is, Google it. A sure-fire conversation-stopper. Dennis Lehane seems to be channeling Raymond Chandler in this line from “The Consumers”: “When she let (her hair) fall naturally, with its tousled waves and anarchic curls, she looked like a wet dream sent to douse a five-alarm fire.” In Paul Finch’s “The New Lad”, a brand new policeman is assigned to watch a crime scene overnight. Alone. Outside a derelict mental hospital. In the woods. Excruciating tension!’ (Victoria Weisfeld’s Bookblog)
‘It must be difficult to write a short story, especially if you’re used to writing big blockbusters, such as these renowned authors: Jeffery Deaver, Val McDermid and Lee Child to name a few. Keeping the plot tight, but still trying to offer the reader the suspense and thrill of a longer form but tightly woven together in a short story. Well by goodness have these renowned authors smashed it by producing some exquisite crime, in bite-sized and easily digestible chunks! Is it difficult to die? Killed by suicide, your daughter, friend or an anonymous person…or even a possession?! These short stories are all associated with an end…death/murder in some way (Exit) and the fallout from that, be it pain or the unknown (Wounds) these small insights give themselves to a great title! The editors’ choices and running order is ingenious, all are different, some weird and unusual and some offer a more traditional thriller – but in the end it’s a fabulously curated anthology and the editors should be praised in comprising such a unique collection of the best crime writers about. The first story by Jeffery Deaver “The Bully” is masterfully written as expected, and the level of minute detail he is able to lace within the tale is astounding. Loved how he turns the story upside down, caused the end product to be an unforgettable and incredibly deft read. There are also more unusual stories, autopsies for example and with some being more dark and realistic than others. I was immersed in “Like a Glass Jaw” by Mark Billingham and “The Pitcher” by Sarah Hilary – both of which enraptured me from start to finish. I also enjoyed the tense thrill-ride of “The Consumers” by Dennis Lehane – hiring a killer to do a job you just cannot fulfil yourself made for an entertaining read. Val McDermid did not disappoint either with a DCI uncovering a murderer in her usual suspense-filled style, and a detective with a strange unsolved double murder. I think the penultimate short story “The New Lad” by Paul Finch though, was my personal favourite, it was an outstanding piece of short fiction – strange, quirky, thrilling and unpredictable, which in turn is a true reflection of the complete collection of crime stories. This collection of strange short stories is an outstanding read, that you can dip in and out of without worrying about losing the plot. I will certainly be reading more of the less known authors’ other work. Anyone who enjoys crime fiction will, I’m sure, be enthralled and captivated by the talent on show within Exit Wounds – a crime anthology with serious punch!’ (Storgy Magazine)
Wonderland First published by Titan, September 2019. Co-edited with Marie O’Regan. Mass Market Paperback, £8.99 / $14.95 ISBN: 9781789091489 Featuring: ‘Introduction’ by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane; ‘Alice in Armor’ by Jane Yolen; ‘Wonders Never Cease’ by Robert Shearman; ‘There Were No Birds To Fly’ by MR Carey; ‘The White Queen’s Pawn’ by Genevieve Cogman; ‘Dream Girl’ by Cavan Scott; ‘Good Dog, Alice!’ by Juliet Marillier; ‘The Hunting of the Jabberwock’ by Jonathan Green; ‘About Time’ by George Mann; ‘Smoke ’em If You Got ’em’ by Angela Slatter; ‘Vanished Summer Glory’ by Rio Youers; ‘Black Kitty’ by Catriona Ward; ‘The Night Parade’ by Laura Mauro; ‘What Makes a Monster’ by LL McKinney; ‘The White Queen’ Dictum’ by James Lovegrove; ‘Temp Work’ by Lilith Saintcrow; ‘Eat Me, Drink Me’ by Alison Littlewood; ‘How I Comes To Be The Treacle Queen’ by Cat Rambo; ‘Six Impossible Things’ by Mark Chadbourn; and ‘Revolution in Wonder’ by Jane Yolen.
‘The 1865 novel Alice in Wonderland has been the source for a great many stories and spin-off ideas (it helps that it’s so old that the work is in the public domain). Titan Books’ latest anthology, Wonderland, is the latest in a long line to use Lewis Carroll’s classic bit of literary nonsense as a source for other more interesting ideas. It’s edited by those masters of horror, Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane, who have been responsible for some cracking scary stories themselves. Wonderland is thus slanted in the direction of the deliciously dark. O’Regan and Kane have assembled a collection of some of the most interesting creators of spooky tales in the industry, and each of them hang a lovely yet grim fairytale around Alice’s story. Let’s go down the rabbit hole and take a look at some of the tales this collection has to offer. M.R. Carey’s contribution, “There Were No Birds to Fly”, spins a new take on the The Walrus and the Carpenter as a tale of post-apocalyptic survival. This is rather refreshing given how over-analysed that particular poem has become. Genevieve Cogman, who is better known for spinning tales of alternate realities, turns Alice’s story into a post-war spy drama. It’s splendidly played and well-paced, yet appropriately dark. Doctor Who writer Robert Shearman takes a valiant stab at emulating Carroll’s unique style of storytelling to regale us with “Wonders Never Cease”, a story of Alice after her adventure…The way the stories are ordered has clearly been carefully calculated, tempering the reader’s mood as they flit from tale to tale. Juliet Mariller explores Carroll’s style with “Good Dog Alice”, a canine retelling that feels on theme yet strangely out of place with the more shocking stories in the collection. Still it’s grisly enough, and we're a sucker for stories with dogs in them. Angela Slatter gives us a more hard-boiled and American take on the character…it’s still a fun and fascinating read. Lilith Saintcrow, who is best known for her urban fantasy work, surprises us all with a cyberpunk tale. It’s very apt, working perfectly well with Alice’s world, and it’s also rather cheeky. One of the things that makes this collection fascinating is seeing how various others try to imitate the source material. This never fails to delight, especially if you’re familiar with the author’s work. Overall, Wonderland is a really interesting collection of tales, one that will amuse fans of Alice and genre fiction alike.’ (Starburst magazine)
‘Just as the name suggests, Wonderland: An Anthology consists of a wondrous collection of fantastical short stories inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. They’re all worth the attention but it could take me pages and pages to review each story individually, so I will instead highlight some of my favorites. The book begins with an introduction by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane that provides a quick look at all the ways in which Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland has been adapted over the years since its original publication in 1865. This classic novel has inspired movies, books, video games, and music, and it’s had a long-lasting and impactful influence in pop culture. The first story I would like to address is Juliet Marillier’s “Good Dog, Alice!” This short story left me speechless but with a satisfied smile flitting about my cheeks. It tells the tale of a young, nameless girl that owns a dog named Alice. The girl is warned about that name since only troublesome folk carry those five letters around. The girl trains her dog to crunch (eat on command!) and, with the help of a “Drink Me” potion, she executes her revenge on a tutor that has placed too many a hand on her young body. There’s something deeply satisfying about someone getting their just desserts. Next up, in Angela Slatter’s “Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em,” Alice is transported into another time-period entirely. Gone is the sweet, curious girl we all know and love. She’s been replaced by a being who transcends time and space and is stuck in the limbo of agelessness. She is tired and vengeful and hoping to rid the world of Rabbit. The impatient rabbit from the classic has also been replaced by someone who uses bodies as currency and leaves an unnatural transgression of nature in his wake. Out of all the stories in the anthology, I felt that this one jumped out the most. The story struggles against its seams, and it left me begging for a full-length novel that I can drink up, without worries of shrinking or expanding attached. Through “Black Kitty” by Catriona Ward, we experience a more innocent albeit dark presentation of magic, the looking glass, and Alice. In this story, we see Wonderland through the eyes of Dinah the cat. Despite Alice not being the central character, the recurrent themes of Wonderland are there: a world in organized chaos, longing for escape, and magic. This is a tale I didn’t know I needed in my life. My definitive fave is one written by Laura Mauro. “The Night Parade” is a wonderful retelling of a dive into Wonderland. This time, there is no Mad Hatter, no Red Queen, no White Queen, and no Cheshire Cat. Instead, we have the Kitsune, Kappa, Tanuki, and Yokai. Japanese mythology permeates Wonderland in a way that suits it. The mystical and magical elements of Japanese lore blend in and enhance the disquieting tone of Wonderland, and turn the landscape into a murkier, more dangerous world of magic. If I could have a Japanese retelling of this classic, I’m sure I would favor it over the original. Mauro’s storytelling is captivating and persuades you to keep on reading. She pulls a veil over your eyes, one through which you can only see the smallest glimpse of what is going on… Mark Chadbourn, author of the short story “Six Impossible Things,” writes about the aftermath of a family torn apart by an older man, named Charles Dodgson, taking pictures of Alice Liddell and then wanting to marry her. The story is raw and heart-wrenching, and is written in a simple language riddled with repetition, which only furthers the sense of despair. This book’s one true hidden gem is one which is called “There Were No Birds to Fly” by M.R. Carey. Where is Alice? I asked myself. We cannot have Wonderland without Alice, but can’t we? M.R. Carey would beg to differ. You’ll find yourself lost in this tale of the Walrus and the Carpenter. Unique and underexplored, you’ll enjoy diving into their chaotic psyche. This anthology does a great job of adapting the characters and the themes behind Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland into many different genres, such as westerns, love stories, mysteries, thrillers, sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, and alien riddled worlds. Even with the continual recycling of characters, at no point do you get tired of it. They are killed off but reborn into a diversity of personas. There’s something about Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland that is so truly timeless, and this book makes a wondrous example of it.’ (Her Campus)
‘This array of stories is as myriad, mind-bending and magic as Alice’s adventures themselves, but with modern updates including the macabre and the nightmarish. Edited by award-winning writers, Paul Kane and Marie O’Regan, eighteen story-weavers have joined forces to build a new series of adventures. Fans of fantasy and horror will be familiar with the line-up, with a range of established writers, including M.R. Carey, Juliet Marillier & L.L. McKinney. Before beginning Wonderland, I refreshed my fond memories of Caroll’s texts with a re-read, then, feeling excited, I jumped down the rabbit hole. And I wasn’t disappointed. Most of the writers have opted to write about Alice herself. We have various alternate Alices, including Western noir Alice, robot Alice, and world-destroyer Alice, and indeed some of these stories are very strong. In particular, “How I Comes to be the Treacle Queen” by Cat Rambo showcases a socialist Alice, who after being thrown down a treacle mine by the White and Red Queens, befriends the treacle miners and learns about their conditions. Robert Sherman’s “Wonders Never Cease” follows Alice into a modern office, where she becomes a mother who wants to give her daughter a Wonderland of her own. Both Rambo’s and Sherman’s stories capture the heart and whimsical humour that made Caroll’s work a masterpiece and really stand out as the best Alice-orientated stories. However, the strongest stories are those that are influenced by a detail from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, whether it was a poem, line, or side character, in the story, or even a historical fact about the author. Juliet Marillier’s “Good Dog, Alice!”, about a wee girl who finds size-changing berries and feeds them to her dog, takes a sinister and heart-breaking, yet important, turn. “The White Queen’s Dictum”, by James Lovegrove, shows a ghosthunter who believes in six impossible things before breakfast (while desperately wanting one of them to be ghosts). Mark Chadbourn’s emotional story, “Six Impossible Things” follows the child that Caroll based Alice on, as she finds that being the star of fiction isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. The surprise story, meaning one I wasn’t expecting to enjoy, came from Rio Youers, purely as I wasn’t keen on his latest novel, The Forgotten Girl. However, his story “Vanished Summer Glory” is about Alice’s missing brother, whose grieving wife discovers her husband has been receiving visits from a certain white rabbit… With varying point-of-views and engaging prose, Youers has managed to create an emotionally-charged yet humourous story that looks at grief and identity. But the most outstanding story was “There Were No Birds to Fly” by M.R. Carey. To discuss it in any depth would be to spoil it, so I will just note that Carey’s input is eerie, layered, and quite frankly brilliant. His inspiration from Wonderland is creative and engaging in a way that differentiates it from the other stories. To top the anthology off, it is bookended with fantastic poems by Jane Yolen. The opening poem prepares us for battle in Wonderland as we charge our way through the woven layers of the stories within, whereas the end poem serves as a fitting closing curtain to the masquerade. Due to the mish-mash of topics and ideas, it’s expected that not every story will resonate and, as with most anthologies, there are highs and lows. However, overall the quality of Wonderland is consistently high, and I suspect lows will come about from personal taste, rather than poor writing… With monsters, mirrors, enough dream-like familiarity to make you feel cosy and enough nightmarish difference to make you feel uneasy, Wonderland is thoroughly entertaining and inspired. So, make yourself a cup of tea (oh, why not make it a mini tea-party?) and lose yourself in the rabbit hole of this delightful anthology.’ (Sublime Horror)
‘Edited by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane, Wonderland encompasses a wide range of genres (fantasy, folklore, horror, contemporary) formats (poetry and prose), and styles which readers can pick and choose. Alice gives plenty of material to work with having first come into creation centuries ago and the authors chosen for the project came back with a wide scope of interpretations. And while some of my author preferences are going to show on my favorite stories, I can’t help but love what I love. L.L. McKinney and M.R. Carey don’t dare disappoint. Both take readers on quite the fantastical, horrific and unique turn during their time in Wonderland. When evil cretins from Alice’s world terrorize London, Bodie is there to defend it in McKinney’s “What Makes A Monster”. McKinney is a perfect fit to this anthology, currently in the midst of an Urban Fantasy retelling of Alice in Wonderland. Carey’s turnabout in “There Were No Birds to Fly” is a psychological horror with characters from Alice’s canon story, but decidedly no Alice. Instead, the Walrus and the Carpenter take front and center in a story centering around fear and insipid human weakness that fuels nightmares. Wonderland is a stellar addition to the Alice foray. It is also one of three reasons this fall has been served well by anthologies.’ (Novel Lives)
‘There are eighteen brand new stories by well-known authors, including M.R. Carey, Genevieve Cogman and Catriona Ward. Poems by the wonderful Jane Yolen also bookend this volume. These are all different approaches to the Alice in Wonderland mythos, including horror renderings. Horror style Wonderland is actually very fascinating because most people think of only Jabberwocky as it’s written. Here, we can have a post-apocalyptic atmosphere, alien and changing constantly every time you look at it. This is a little more like the American McGee Alice games, just off of normal to be eerie and bizarre. The opening story, “Wonders Never Cease” has as its opening line “It should go without saying, but not all the Alices survived.” It’s a chilling start, bringing to mind some aspects of the Resident Evil movie franchise. Other than that, what we have is a Rashomon-style telling and retelling of a story, spinning down with surreal twists until we’re almost back at the beginning all over again. I particularly like Genevieve Cogman’s “The White Queen’s Pawn,” because I always love stories that shift reality just a bit. This takes a real Charles Dodgson and Alice, years after his book was published, and gives an alternate explanation as to why it had been written in the first place. “Dream Girl” by Cavan Scott starts off as an apocalyptic Wonderland, with characters and part of the land itself disappearing piece by piece. By the end, we have an explanation for the entire story, which inverts the entire genre into a new one. (Telling would be spoiling, and it’s worth the read!) Juliet Marillier’s “Good Dog, Alice!” gives a young girl the chance to save herself from a potentially dire fate, and pulls in Marillier’s expertise with the time period and details of the house. I’m not a fan of Westerns, but Angela Slatter’s “Smoke ’Em If You Got ’Em” is very well done, transporting Alice to Arizona as she chases the Hare and helps the locals. Laura Mauro’s “The Night Parade” brings Alice to Osaka as Airi, searching for a lost child amidst the shrines and torii. The Night Parade refers to the procession of yokai moving between worlds, and any humans looking at them would die. In spite of the dangers, Airi hopes to save the child and bring her back to Osaka, dodging yokai with clues from the bakeneko, a cat demon. These are wonderful and imaginative stories, with a variety of genres to satisfy every fan of Wonderland.’ (Girl Who Reads)
‘When I noticed this new set of short stories inspired by Alice in Wonderland I immediately begged a copy to read… Some stories pick up the psychological elements I find intriguing such as Alison Littlewood’s “Eat Me, Drink Me” where a woman who is getting married has doubts and imagines how much easier it would be to become her pet rabbit. This reminded me of Tim Burton’s film version which opens at a garden party where Alice’s engagement is to be announced. Tiring of being primped and made “acceptable” to the restrictive society gathered in the garden, Alice follows the white rabbit into a maze where she escapes into Wonderland. This underlying theme of the what is acceptable female behaviour is echoed elsewhere in the anthology; in Juliet Marillier’s story “Good Dog, Alice” Dorothea’s grandad warns her against calling the dog Alice because creatures with that name can be prone to “wild escapades” and in George Mann’s “About Time” a girl called Lucy has visited Wonderland as a child, but now she’s a grown woman shouldn’t such childish pursuits be set aside? (The Lotus Readers)
‘As a huge fan of the originals, I was blown away when a copy of this popped through the letterbox. I absolutely adore the classic stories by Lewis Carroll – they have in so many ways inspired not only my love of reading but of adventures and all things wild and fantastical so it’s lovely to be able to return to Wonderland and glimpse the characters in a new light. M.R. Carey, George Mann, Genevieve Cogman and many more have written such vibrant and daring stories. Some are historical, others sci-fi. Some are dark and chilling and others are moving and poignant. I loved the diversity of the stories and the way the old characters seem to be celebrated and cherished with every word. I really can’t recommend it enough. I spent a weekend utterly absorbed. “Vanished Summer Glory” is about a psychiatrist grieving the loss of his sister and his journey in finding peace. It’s a moving and heart-wrenching tale that was without a doubt one of my favourites. “Dream Girl” is another favourite. Wonderland is disappearing. The Cheshire Cat has vanished, along with hundreds of other creatures. Nothing is as it was. The Hare and Hatter are sent out to find a way of saving Wonderland and helping their friends. This is a fabulously inventive tale with a modern day spin and a twist at the end that is pure genius. I won’t go into them too much because I don’t want to ruin them for anyone. These are just a couple of my favourites. This anthology offers a fresh and riveting glimpse into new Wonderlands. I loved it. Brimming with pure imagination and an obvious joy, love and appreciation for Carroll’s creations, just turning the page is an adventure. I didn’t know what was on the other side. And I loved every minute of it. Grab a copy of this as soon as you can.’ (Ronnie Turner’s Blog)
‘Before you dive down the rabbit hole be prepared for the weird and wonderful tales inside this anthology inspired by Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland by CS Lewis. Fans of Alice are sure to enjoy this as a wonderful array of authors take inspiration from her tale and put their own individual twist on it. Some are weirder than others, some creepy and others even sad. Robert Shearman leads the way with weird and sad in “Wonders Never Cease” where Alice has returned from Wonderland and sets about getting a new life, but she seems to struggle with reality. Then Juliet Marillier has the ever so slightly disturbing but highly triumphant “Good Dog, Alice!” which tells the tale of a young girl called Dorathea and her puppy Alice who helps her out of dangerous situation. “About Time” by George Mann is a tale of growing up and passing the mantle onto someone younger. “Vanished Summer Glory” by Rio Youers is rather sad but I liked how it ended. “Black Kitty” by Catriona Ward had a wicked air about it and it’s one I wished was longer. I would really love to delve more into that world and the story behind it. And I really liked “The White Queen’s Dictum” by James Lovegrove, it’s the one that is furthest from Alice’s tale but really drew me in and when it dawned on me what was happening I thought it was brilliantly done. There are so many more tales enclosed but these are the ones that stood out the most to me. Wonderland really is an intriguing anthology of the weird and wonderful. I think a lot of you will enjoy it too. Wonderland is out now!’ (Not Another Book Blogger)
‘There’s something strangely compelling about Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and no matter when you read the story it still has that strangely dystopian edge which is quite, quite chilling. In this anthology of stories, the idea of Wonderland is explored in detail. The stories, all written by authors at the top of their particular genre, allow a wider interpretation of the story in fantastical fiction which range from poetry, to prose, and back again. The nineteen interpretations all have Wonderland as their theme but the tales are all very different, some are inspired by history, others by poetry, as in the Jabberwocky, another by the wild, wild west and there’s even a story inspired by Japanese folklore. I’ve really enjoyed dipping into and out of this book, picking a story here and there and finding something which sparks my imagination in all of them. I have a couple of favourites, “Six Impossible Things” by Mark Chadbourn, and “Good Dog, Alice” by Juliet Marillier, but, of course, all the others have something special to offer. Wonderland is a clever anthology which doesn’t seek to rewrite, what is after all, an absolute classic, but which rather gives us an absolute feast of clever stories which reinterpret Wonderland in all of its fantastical glory.’ (Jaffar Reads Too)
‘Wonderland collects 20 brand new short works (18 stories, plus two poems from Jane Yolen) inspired by Lewis Carroll’s classics, that run the gamut from luminous to terrifying, with every shade of wonder in between. Whether looking at Wonderland from a historical perspective or diving into its text as presented by Mr Carroll himself or re-setting the proceedings in different times and places, these 20 inventive gems carve out new space in our collective psyches for Wonderland to inhabit… My favorites of the collection were probably the least traditional, going all out with a sci-fi bent, as M.R. Carey’s “There Were No Birds To Fly” and Cavan Scott’s “Dream Girl” did. The period pieces definitely gave them a run for their money, though. I loved Genevieve Cogman’s “The White Queen’s Pawn”, as well as Juliet Marillier’s “Good Dog, Alice!”, both set in a post-Victorian Britain somewhat askew from the one we inhabited. I also adored the more far-flung adaptations, particularly Angela Slatter’s “Smoke ’Em If You Got ’Em” and L.L. McKinney’s “What Makes A Monster”, the latter so much so that I’ve requested her full-length novel, A Blade So Black (set in the same universe as the story) from my local library. The hallmark of a good short story collection, after all, isn’t just to satisfy, but also to whet the readers’ appetite for more of the writers’ works. Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane have done an amazing job curating this anthology.’ (The Frumious Consortium)
‘Wonderland from Titan Books collects together nineteen pieces of work that take inspiration from Carroll’s work. Writers that include M.R. Carey, Jonathan Green, Angela Slatter, Rio Youers, and Genevieve Cogman, to name a few, use the original books to craft tales that span multiple genres, including horror, western, and sci-fi. This is what makes Wonderland such a joy to read. The stories within span so many genres and settings that it’s almost impossible to find at least one that won’t leave you entertained. “There Were No Birds To Fly” by M.R. Carey is an incredibly creepy horror tale, set in a world where nightmare creatures stalk the streets, searching for those that they are somehow connected to. Each creature takes on the form of their person’s worst fear, and will keep following them until they can get close enough to kill them. The story follows a group of survivors, trying to make their way to a new hiding place, and sees them slowly picked off one by one by the awful entities. Just over twenty pages long, the story might be short, but Carey manages to craft a very well realised apocalypse within these short pages, and you’ll find yourself dragged deep into the horror. (The Trans-Scribe Blogspot)
‘Alice Liddell lives! Well, in the book Wonderland: An Anthology of Works Inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Alice has come to life several times in many different incarnations and each one made me look at this character in a different way each time. It is not just Alice in these adventures, all of the usual suspects appear and there was even something to think about regarding the Queen of Hearts (you will just have to buy the book and read the story to see what I am talking about). The list of authors that contributed to this anthology is a veritable who’s who in the fantasy genre. The best part of an anthology where different authors have contributed is I became aware of other authors to check out, and I now have several leads for something different in my reading repertoire. This anthology is perfect for fans of the original work by Lewis Carroll, as well as fans of the movies. If you are not familiar with either of these, read this book and you will want to be! 5 very enthusiastic bookmarks out of 5!’ (Nine Toes Loves Books)
‘Wonderland is a solid 350+ pages of content, comprising 18 stories and two poems from an array of names extremely well-known in the worlds of fantasy and YA literature, comic books and screenwriting. The stories themselves range from whimsical to dark, from historical to futuristic, and whilst some retain only a tenuous connection to the source material others stick very closely to it. There should be something here to please every Alice fan, but don’t venture in expecting merely new adventures for Alice: this is a very different rabbit hole you’ll be jumping down.’ While The Sassy Geek went through and rated each story in detail, concluding: ‘As soon as I read the description for this one I was pretty excited! I’m a big fan of retellings, especially Alice in Wonderland retellings, and horror. So an anthology of horror based Alice re-imaginings sounded fantastic! I was pleased with a good majority of the stories and I had a blast reading this, horror and “Alice” were definitely a great combination.’ (4/5 Set the Tape)
‘Having never read Lewis Carroll’s books, I’m sure there are plenty of references and Easter eggs in this collection that I just missed outright. That said, I enjoyed many of these stories and think they stand up on their own, regardless of your familiarity with the source material. M.R. Carey’s contribution, “There Were No Birds to Fly” was suitably dark & creepy, and had an almost zombie apocalypse vibe to it. I’ve never read any of his short fiction, but he’s such a great storyteller, and I liked what he did here. “The Hunting of the Jabberwock” by Jonathan Green was an absolute blast, and ended up being one of my favorites in the collection. It’s whimsical without being too cute, and really funny on top of it. It’s basically epic/heroic fantasy, and comes with a killer twist! This was awesome! Rio Youer’s entry, “Vanished Summer Glory” was really unique & bittersweet. It touches on some heavy themes including terminal illness, loss, and mental health. I’m really curious to read some more of his work going forward! I think it was a tie for my most favorite story in the collection. The first one in the book, chronologically, is “Smoke ’Em if You Got ’Em” by Angela Slatter. This one grabbed me straight away and I just ate it up. It’s essentially a Wonderland Western, with Alice slugging whiskey & carrying a six-shooter as she tries to track down Rabbit! This was a goddamn delight! I think “The Night Parade” by Laura Mauro is easily the most atmospheric & beautifully written tale here. It takes place in Japan, and while the connections to Wonderland weren’t that readily apparent to me, they became clearer as the story went on. This one is dark and weird and dangerous… Mauro’s prose is absolutely gorgeous and I just loved this one! Like any short story collection, there are some I loved way more than others. But there are some serious gems here and I think Wonderland would be a must-read for huge Alice fans! And even if you’re like me and all you can remember is being terrorized by the cheesy 1985 Jabberwocky, this is still an enjoyable collection!!’ (The Grimdark Dad)
‘Anthologies also make for excellent books to dip in and out of depending on your mood, and with each of the stories only being an average-chapter-length they’re perfect to read for any length of time. In being so short, the pace of each of these individual stories is very high, though mostly this isn’t at the expense of detail. I found most of the stories in this anthology set the scene well enough for me to feel engaged, and provided enough action that the story felt worthwhile… Overall I’m awarding this 3.5/5 – it can be a quick or a long read depending on how many stories you want to read (I read them all in one go), and all of them are well written, well-paced, and well thought out.’ While Tracey Drew Books said: ‘I love a retelling. And Alice has been a story that catches the imagination of so many of us. There’s the fantastic wonderland realm, all the characters and adventures Alice encounters. One of the most fascinating things for me is that everyone finds a different twist, or moment, or character to draw from. Wonderland is a collection of 19 Alice inspired short stories and poems. Ranging from historical to wild west to Japanese folklore to sci-fi, there is an Alice for everyone in this book. It was an absolute delight to experience each new Wonderland, every one becoming my a new favourite. So grab your best teacup and be careful what you eat in Wonderland…’ And Novel Knight had this to say: ‘As a collection, I found Wonderland to mirror the myriad of possibilities one might expect from work inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I’m a huge Wonderland fan and loved reading each rendition of pieces of the original story… Wonderland covers everything from poetry to snapshots of reinvented Wonderlands to full-blown stories condensed to mere pages. I loved that the genres were varied as much as the interpretations, including a piece inspired by Japanese folklore that I particularly enjoyed for the portrayal of the Cheshire Cat, poetry to begin and end the anthology, and a curious Wild West Wonderland. As a lover of all things Wonderland, I can definitely say I recommend this anthology overall… If you love Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, I can’t think of a reason not to pick up Wonderland!’ (Sammy’s Shelf)
‘The opening poem “Alice in Armor” by Jane Yolen is empowering and fierce, and is followed by “Wonders Never Cease” from Robert Shearman. There are some excellent narratives and creative interpretations in this collection that make this a must-read for any fan of Alice and her a Wonderland. What is impressive is that with a keen eye a reader can collect clues and trinkets from Lewis Carroll’s original stories throughout this anthology, as though hunting treasure on a map; a place name here, a symbolic reference there. It’s a remarkable feat. To whet your appetite, here is a snippet: “She’d never told anyone about it of course – not even her grandma. Wonderland had been her secret.” No spoilers. Just read it!’ (Mummy is Reading)
‘All of these stories are linked to Alice in different ways, be it through a familiar character: Alice herself, the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter or perhaps even the Cheshire Cat; or a familiar place: falling down a rabbit hole or stepping through a looking glass maybe. Perhaps the link is just a throwaway phrase or a chance to visit a part of Wonderland that you’ve never explored before. I love how different each of the stories are, some are spooky, others are introspective but most of them are as weird as the tales they’re based on. As with any anthology there were some stories I loved and a few that didn’t resonate quite so well but overall I thought the quality of the stories was very high and a few particular highlights were “The White Queen’s Pawn” by Genevieve Cogman, “Dream Girl” by Cavan Scott, “Good Dog, Alice!” by Juliet Marillier (my favourite of the collection), “The Hunting of the Jabberwock” by Jonathan Green and “Smoke ’em if You Got ’em” by Angela Slatter. This is the perfect collection for Alice in Wonderland fans, there really is something for everyone and it’s a great book for dipping in and out of when you want something quick to read.’ (Feeling Fictional)
‘When I heard an entire anthology was being released of dark fantasy and horror stories themed around Alice and her adventures, I couldn’t get my hands on a copy soon enough! I’m so pleased to say that it was everything I hoped it would be. Many anthologies are full of hit-and-miss pieces, but Wonderland is a genuinely solid collection of stories – I really don’t think the average Wonderland lover will be disappointed by hardly any of these tales.’ (Howling Libraries)
‘Storytelling-wise each of the mentioned stories is a small gem. Some of the stories are clearly stronger than others, but all of them are good and worth reading. Many of these stories tell about Alice, or perhaps I should say that they tell of alternate Alices, because the authors have created their own unique versions of Alice that are quite different from each other. I can guarantee that you’ll be surprised by what the authors have in store for the reader in this regard. The prose in all of these stories is excellent and evocative. I was positively surprised that the authors have managed to capture the magic, wonder and whimsiness of Wonderland with their writing and have done their best to write immersive and memorable stories… One of the things that impressed me about these stories is how insightful and thought-provoking some of them are and how they make the reader think about what is going on. Although these stories are entertainment, they have a surprising amount of depth. I strongly recommend this anthology to readers who want to read something fresh and unsettling, because the stories are intriguing and fascinatingly original. Please, don't hesitate to take a literary plunge into Wonderland, for you’ll be rewarded with marvellous stories that will take you by surprise.’ (Rising Shadow)
(Blue Book Balloon)
‘I think most people are somewhat familiar with the original stories. My first introduction to Alice, I’m fairly sure, was via the Disney animated film, and to be honest I’m not convinced if I’ve even fully read the original stories. I really must rectify that soon (would love a MinaLima to design an edition btw). The genre-bending children’s fantasy has definite horrific aspects and many a joke has been made about what Carroll was on when he wrote these tales. They are true classics, and have been a springboard for many a spin-off or retelling both on film, and on the page. The majority of the works in this anthology are short stories although these are bookended by two poems by Jane Yolen. The second of which I preferred. Some of the tales may be better appreciated by people who are familiar with the originals but despite this most can stand alone. I was only familiar with 3 of the names associated and so I had the pleasure of being introduced to other authors, some of whose other work I am now likely to seek out as a result. There is something for everyone in here… Thank you to Titan for the gifted review copy and to editors Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane for bringing this together.’ (Books, Occupation, Magic)
‘Can we just take a moment to appreciate this gorgeous cover?! Okay? Done? Good… The writing in each story is so whimsical and I felt like even the horror stories had a little bit of magic to them. I found myself liking the historical fiction stories more than the others, they were just so beautifully written… Any fan of Alice In Wonderland will want to read this!’ (Lau Reads)
‘Wonderland is an anthology of short stories inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I didn’t need to know anything else about this book to know that I desperately wanted to read it. Although I’m not always a huge fan of short stories and I will always prefer to read a full-length novel, they were fun to dip in and out of and interesting to see the authors’ takes on the original Alice. The anthology blends together stories which fit into a myriad collection of genres, from horror to fantasy to historical. Some were much better than others but I always find with short stories that although you don’t always connect with every single one, there’s usually something for everyone. There are some really great writers included in Wonderland such as M.R. Carey, Mark Chadbourn, Genevieve Cogman, Jane Yolen, Juliet Marillier, Lilith Saintcrow, James Lovegrove and Catriona Ward. Each have given their own unique take on a different aspect of the classic novels.’ (A Dream of Books)
While had this to say: ‘There is something about Alice and her adventures in Wonderland that have captured people’s imagination since the original book by Lewis Carroll was first published in 1865. With many screen adaptations since and plenty of Wonderland inspired books, it is clear that there are so many possibilities with the Wonderland universe simply because it is so unusual and a fantastical escape from normal humdrum life. I was super excited to be offered the chance to read and review this Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland inspired anthology edited by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane. It was in May of this year that I got through Exit Wounds, a crime anthology edited by O’Regan and Kane so I was intrigued for a new set of stories with such an open theme. (Bookshelf Butterfly)
‘As I was named after the titular character from Wonderland, I’ve always had an affinity to the Alice figure – especially when it comes to her imagination. So when I was sent this collection by Titan, I was eager to read it. Bringing together stories from M.R Carey, George Mann, Lilith Saintcrow and more, I was impressed with the stories that came from the different authors’ imaginations, and how they’ve taken aspects of the Alice novels and adapted them. Blending together short stories and poetry, I found myself having favourites (as I’m sure most readers of short stories do) and some that I wasn’t as keen on. Edited together by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane, this is a great book for fans of the Alice story, especially if you know the stories as well as I do. Small characters from Carroll’s novels get given main character status, and whilst there is a character of Alice throughout most of the tales, she doesn’t always have to be the main character – something that I found refreshing.’
‘Wonderland is a brilliant anthology taking inspiration from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. These 19 stories range from science fiction, horror, fantasy, poetry, and historical fiction. Written by 18 authors: Jane Yolen, Juliet Marillier, Lilith Saintcrow and M.R. Carey, to name a few. Each of these 18 authors bring a new and creative take on the world, characters and magic of Wonderland in these 19 tales.’ (Sarah’s Book Life 4/5)
‘Time for an admission dear reader, I hated Alice’s adventures as a kid. The characters, while memorable, had no depth and the plot is loose and ultimately I found it more disturbing than a wonderous – letting maths and fun be combined is a dangerous place, but I still find it an unsettling world and the whole basis of horror stories is a world where something else that isn’t logical takes hold so perhaps these are the first children’s gentle horror tales? Adding in the dark mystery surrounding Lewis Carroll’s real-world inspiration for Alice and his relationship with the sisters involved, it’s possibly suggestive of something even more menacing. In Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane’s new anthology a whole host of authors take this unsettling premise and combine it into such a stunning set of stories that I did not find a single one I did not enjoy…An absolutely fascinating and high-quality collection I think is going to speak to anyone who likes their fantasy or horror with a sense of weirdness. Please track this down and read it you will enjoy this trip to Wonderland’s many worlds and characters and it makes me appreciate the idea of Wonderland so much more.’ (Run Along the Shelves)
‘Titan Books has just published a new anthology all about Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Featured in Wonderland: An Anthology are 18 authors who wrote short stories about their take on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. While some may fill the classic fantasy theme, others delve into historical and darker topics…Reading through Wonderland: An Anthology was very interesting and intriguing. Seeing authors’ different takes on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is truly wonderful. I didn’t expect some of the stories I read to get so dark in tone, while others were more focused on history and the tales of Wonderland. If you’re any fan of the movies, book, or even American McGee’s Alice games, the anthology is perfect for you. It features all the great aspects from the universe of Alice, but re-imagined and told in different ways.’ (Geekisphere)
had this to say: ‘The conceit of this collection, Wonderland, is to ask several authors to send their considerable imaginations down the rabbit hole, visiting Wonderland in their own unique ways. It is fun to read all the different takes, to see the tropes of Wonderland deployed over and over, to uncover new characters and recast old friends. In this collection we get versions of Alice that range from technological-dystopian revolutionary to wild-west detective; from a computer simulation to a biographically informed literary character who explores her past traumas and future capacity to cope. This collection features phenomenal writers whose work we’ve all enjoyed. It is bookended with poems by Jane Yolen, we get a piece from Robert Shearman and Laura Mauro. There is so much to love in this collection, but unfortunately I have room to love on only a few. “The White Queen’s Spy” by Genevieve Cogman is told from the point of view of a future fascist spy in training. She and her boss have invited an elderly Alice to an interview over the course of which we learn that Alice had been trained as a spy during the XX conflict and was trained to summon “hysterical strength,” at will. Because of this she can perform heroic deeds and then have little memory or trauma associated with her assignments. The point of view character wants this ability so she can better serve the new British fascist government. The hyper-nationalism disguised as patriotism will resonate with readers on both sides of the Pond. There’s so much to love about this story from its villain-in-the-making point of view, to the feminist subversion in the idea of hysterical strength and then the twist that reveals the old woman’s cunning and the source of her powers. This is a fantastic story whose form is as subversive as its hero. “Vanished Summer Glory” by Rio Youers has an alternating point of view, Rosemarie and Before. A mystery unravels as Rosemarie confesses the story of her husband’s decline and disappearance to her therapist. This story is so lovely as a meditation on loss and how we grieve. Sometimes stories find us when we need them, and I needed this story this week after we lost our beloved next door neighbor to cancer. Even losses that can be somewhat anticipated never fail to take us by surprise. Rest in wonder, Larry… “Black Kitty” by Catriona Ward is a total gem of a story, with spectacular writing. This story is as delightful as taking an actual trip to Wonderland yourself. Here we see the darker side of Wonderland through the perspective of Kitty, one of a pair of twins who are coming of marital age in Wonderland and whose youth and privilege has exempted them from the game… In some of these stories the joy comes from seeing the writer’s imagination working in a way that makes sense to you – the delight comes from recognition. In others, like Cat Rambo’s story, the mystery of how they came to deploy the Wonderland characters and themes and turns of phrase are a true delight… This collection is a must have for the Wonderland lover in your life. It doesn’t give any free passes to the original Wonderland or its creator. Wonderland will complicate your understanding of the original story in a worthwhile way.’ (Fiction Unbound)
‘If there is one thing I love about collections, it is the broad expanse of stories on display. Wonderland gives many authors a chance to put their spin on Alice in Wonderland – some dark, some delightfully odd and some, just try their best to nail the strange, fairy tale quality of Lewis Carroll’s classic stories. Let’s take a peek into the strange looking glass…and see what lies in wait for adventurous readers. There are more than fifteen stories within, alongside some fine poetic pieces. Some are authors you may have heard of, some not so well-known. What is interesting to me, is how going in without any preconceived notions of their author “voice”, it really helps to sell some of these tales. Especially the handful that really nail the vibe of Alice and spin it into their own wacky trip down the rabbit hole. And most of these have an odd, off-kilter quality to them, whether it’s in the narration itself by paying homage to the fantasy elements or really digging through the shadows to find what lurks there… Some of these are best read not knowing anything, and the variety of approaches really works – you never know what angle the next story is going to take. It makes the collection a strange trip itself, especially when you read a few back-to-back, for even fuller effect. A hefty bit of credit to the editors (Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane) for finding a wide range of talent and letting their imaginations run amok. Honestly, job well done. A bit of something for every reader… So, here are three of my favorites from this collection, in no particular order: “Smoke ‘em If You Got ‘em” by Angela Slatter. This tale was unexpected. It is a down-and-dirty western, wrapped up in all the gritty tropes you would expect from that genre. Alice, moseying into town, in search of Mr. Rabbit. He’s not a nice bunny in this tale. The town has a problem with missing children – and sometimes, much worse. It’s a nice little revenge tale – original despite the familiar trappings. Yeah, Rabbit and his goons are right bastards, to say the least… “Vanished Summer Glory” by Rio Youers… This story is like a polar opposite in many ways to some of the others. This is probably the saddest and most bittersweet thing I have read in a while. There is plenty of honesty on the page, and that in itself, makes it all the more magical. It explores the beauty of shared childhood experiences within a Wonderland, and the distance and longing for a return to that magic and strangeness as time goes on. Which is the greater thief? Time or distance? It’s beautiful and effective. Well done. Damn. So many unique stories here… “What Makes A Monster?” by L L McKinney… This story felt like a tiny thread in a large tapestry. I always enjoy “monster hunter”-style stories, and also a big fan of 19th century London locales and backdrops. The characters are nicely written and there’s plenty of action in the pages. It’s fun, with a great villain to take down... Plenty of ideas of my own sprung to mind when reading this piece (As a writer myself, I love when that happens.) Okay, so that’s three of my faves – but there is plenty to like in this collection. It was actually hard to pick which ones to write about. We have end of the world scenarios, with monsters gnawing at your heels. Satirical takes on famous characters with a sly wink and smart writing. Evil lurking under beds, in shadows and some controlling the world below from towering office buildings. AI. Ghosts. Dead babies stuffed in rabbit holes. Nonsensical riddles. Explosions and terrorism. Jabberwocks. It may not be “horror” on its face, but it is there in most of the stories. Plenty of dark fantasy to love here. Fans of Alice in Wonderland are bound to find a fave or two. Even non-fans can enjoy it, I think. (Knowing details of the material does give some of the stories added appeal, though.) A unique collection, with enough variety to satisfy readers of all types. And that is one of my favorite things about anthologies: you never know what the next story will be. Tick. Tock. You don’t want to be late, do you? Take a trip to Wonderland – but keep an eye on that white rabbit. Fall down that hole, and try your best to ignore the maniacal screams in the distance. “OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!”’ (Brian Bogart, Kendall Reviews)
‘The prolific, versatile, award-winning British author Paul Kane returns with a collection of eight novelettes, four of which are reprints and four previously unpublished. Kane is a veteran in the area of dark fiction and it shows, because all of the included stories are graced by a firm, enticing narrative style, imaginative plots and well-shaped characters. As always, among the included pieces, I have my own favourites… “The Curse” is a superb, insightful tale portraying a life-long relationship between a man and a woman, never becoming a true love story, but just a tormented series of fleeting, inconclusive encounters. “The Queue” is a powerful allegory of what is awaiting us when we sin and break the rules, gripping the reader’s attention from the outset to the very end. With “Pure Evil” we are back to sheer horror in a vivid piece showing how dangerous it is trying to manipulate a man’s character and brain. The extremely enjoyable “Another Life” depicts how a female werewolf has to learn her lessons the hard way until she meets a potential mate. Just a few examples of Kane’s great storytelling ability, apt to entertain and disquiet the reader. Isn’t that what we horror fans want?’ (SFBook Review)
‘Welcome to a fresh and exciting look at the world of Alice, with an anthology of short stories inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, with an introduction by the editors Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane. I think the first thing to say about this wonderful collection, which holds true for every anthology I have read from Titan Books, is that it amazes me how much variety in style and content there is incorporated in these stories, coming as they do from the same source material – the imagination of a talented author truly holds no bounds and many of the writers who have contributed to this collection are huge literary names. Here there are stories of Dystopian nightmares full of death; macabre horror tales dripping with blood; fantastical fables with an ironic twist; historical themed magical realism with a quirky look at famous murderers; alien invasions that slice through the notion of the civilised human mind; and even rootin’ tootin’ westerns that will make you think very differently about the white rabbit – and everything in between – exploring a myriad of aspects based on Alice’s adventures and the characters she meets. Some are metaphorical looks at coming of age, some are thought-provoking examinations of the human psyche, and some are profoundly shocking, but each and every one is superb in its own way and will hold you spell-bound…This book is absolutely brilliant and the perfect mind-bending, spine chiller for spooky season, so if you are after a sideways look at a world you thought you knew well then head down the rabbit hole or through the looking glass, and prepare to be gripped! Incidentally, the audio version of this book is astoundingly good too, and is beautifully narrated by a cast of voices who vividly bring these tales alive. Daytime reading/listening recommended!’ (Brown Flopsy Book Blog)
Cursed First published by Titan, March 2020. Co-edited with Marie O’Regan. Mass Market Paperback, £8.17 / $8.00 ISBN: 978-1789091502 Featuring: ‘Introduction’ by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane; ‘Castle Cursed’ by Jane Yolen; ‘As Red As Blood, As White As Snow’by Christina Henry; ‘Troll Bridge’ by Neil Gaiman; ‘At That Age’by Catriona Ward; ‘Listen’ by Jen Williams; ‘Henry and the Snakewood Box’ by M.R. Carey; ‘Skin’ by James Brogden; ‘Faith & Fred’ by Maura McHugh; ‘Wendy, Darling’ by Christopher Golden; ‘Fairy Werewolf vs. Vampire Zombie’ by Charlie Jane Anders; ‘Look Inside’ by Michael Marshall Smith; ‘Little Red’ by Jane Yolen & Adam Stemple; ‘New Wine’ by Angela Slatter; ‘Haza and Ghani’ by Lilith Saintcrow; ‘Hated’ by Christopher Fowler; ‘The Merrie Dancers’ by Alison Littlewood; ‘Again’ by Tim Lebbon; ‘The Girl From The Hell’ by Margo Lanagan; ‘Castle Waking’ by Jane Yolen.
‘Editors Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane have gathered together eighteen short stories and two poems, all based around the theme of a curse. We may think we know what to expect – modern takes on the folk tales that have been with us for centuries, a new spin on the Brothers Grimm – but even when this is the case, the authors adapt the tropes for their own ends, to produce works of an incredibly high standard. Some of the stories create new monsters, which often prove too human for comfort; others have new styles of hex for the modern world, trouble for even the most mundane of people. There isn’t a rotten apple in this crop, most of which are new to this collection, sitting alongside some old favourites from the likes of Neil Gaiman and Christopher Fowler. The same theme may run throughout, but there’s a wide range on offer that will have readers shocked, sad or even laughing. There isn’t always an obvious moral message, and the reader is often left with food for thought, maybe contemplating “what if?” along with a sense of wonder and entertainment that begins right from the very first page and never fades. The standard is so high that it creates a need to keep reading; just when you think you’ve been able to pick a favourite, another comes along, bringing a feast of ideas. The editors have assembled a fantastic collection here, one that offers an array of talent and is packed with stories that are all worthy of a return visit. Cursed is an anthology that certainly lives up to and surpasses expectations, with each tale creating its own unique atmosphere, treating the reader to unexpected developments and characters that will delight and thrill and ultimately satisfy. There is that sense of wanting more (as with all great fiction), but – as many of the stories will tell you – we have to be careful what we wish for.’ (10/10 Starburst)
‘A curse is a wish gone sour, twisted sideways, and stuck into the softest spots. Titan’s Cursed collects twenty skin-crawling, tooth-grinding scary and sensuous stories and lyric poems that revive traditional fairy tales and create beautiful new horrors as well. In many entries, magic pervades real life; trolls, fairies, and spirits brush shoulders with unsuspecting people. In Catriona Ward’s “At That Age,” a pair of creepy twins emit “a strange, delicate scent … like the fruit bowl at home when those little flies start hanging over it.” Normalized magic increases the spooky factor of stories like “New Wine,” suggesting that life could go sideways at any moment. The wrong word is enough to invite danger here; Cursed revisits well-loved tales about Snow White, Peter Pan, and Little Red Riding Hood alongside a smattering of modern stories. Many entries pay homage to traditional images, incorporating otherworldly visitors, poison, and unexpected powers. However, these tales’ deliberate amorality suggests that, for modern magic, curses are a matter of chance. Bad luck is equal opportunity and could happen to anyone. Curses are portrayed as natural disasters or a necessary evil, as when heartbroken Jack trades places with a maybe-malevolent beast in Neil Gaiman’s “Troll Bridge.” The troll diagnoses Jack’s innate troll-ness, his selfishness and inadequacy. After a lifetime of failure, Jack chooses the bridge, setting the creature free. Monsters, hexes, and mythology mingle with everyday people, suggesting that the veil between daily life and certain doom is much thinner than presumed. Curses arrive as punishment, but are not linked to any particular misdeed. Jane Yolen’s eerie poems about haunted castles bookend the stories. Cursed is an excellent collection whose unforgettable, spooky images invoke the magic of daily life.’ (Foreword Magazine)
‘I picked this one up yesterday and I TORE through its 20 short stories in no time!... The stories included in this book range from the mythical and fantastical to some set in modern times and each of the different authors managed to give their own unique spin to a) either widely known fairy tales or by b) crafting new ones that were no less magical. I also loved how gritty, dark, deep and disturbing some of them were. This was sooo right up my alley because I've been getting so tired of “fairy tale endings”! This was a brilliant collection of all things dark and mysterious. It's a 4* rating from me!’ (A Hobbits Books)
‘Here in this book you’ll find unique twists on the fairy tale conceit of the curse, from the more traditional to the modern – giving us brand new mythologies as well as new approaches to well-loved fables. Some might shock you, some might make you laugh, but they will all impress you with their originality. I love this book and was blown away by the cover, but Neil Gaiman is what made me want to be on tour with it.’ (Ghoulish Spirit)
‘There are 20 short stories all together and each one was a uniquely crafted narrative with the authors putting their own spin on curses. I loved seeing each author’s take on a curse and really enjoyed each story! My favorites were probably “As Red As Blood, as White as Snow” by Christina Henry, “Listen” by Jen Williams and “Again” by Tim Lebbon. Cursed is a dark, twisty compilation of curses of varying degrees. I think there is something for everyone in this.’ (Shelf Rate’s 4/5 *)
‘I’ve been luxuriating in Cursed, an anthology of #FolkTales and #darkfairytales (just released by Titan) these past weeks. And let me tell you that you are in for a moody and atmospheric treat, should this be your kind of read. It has the brilliant #TrollBridge from Neil Gaiman. Alison Littlewood weaves her sinister spritely magic in #TheMerrieDancers (she of the brilliant Mistletoe fame). Charlie Jane Anders brings her best monster game in #FairyWerewolfvsVampireZombies. Catriona Ward serves the sleepless nights with #AtThatAge. Whatever you like to get your teeth into, one of your bites is bound to curse you.’ (Contrary Reader)
‘Cursed is a short story collection that is definitely not for the faint of heart... It’s so deliciously dark and creepy that you cannot do anything else but keep on reading, IN THE BEST WAY! (Though I have to say, not all of them are REALLY creepy but they’re all definitely mysterious.) Most of the short stories genuinely felt like you’re reading an entire book rather than a story of under 30 pages, which was awesome! Besides that, I had so much fun figuring out which fairy tale was being retold and what the new twist on it was. If you’re in the mood for dark stories (for example during Halloween!!), I’d highly recommend picking this up! And be careful not to walk beside the path... who knows what you’ll find… Overall rating: 4*’ (Zoe Readsx)
‘To start with, on the whole, this collection is WAY darker than I had anticipated. I guess I was somewhat anticipating a sort’ve creepy yet whimsical feel to the stories (and there are some that feel that way), but dang…there’s some outright horror in this collection, for sure!! And to be clear, I don’t consider myself any kind of authority on fairy tales and/or stories about curses. Some of the stories in this collection are likely retellings of old fairy tales, or at least contain more than a few nods to those stories. And plenty of those references probably went straight over my head. But anyway! Looking back through this, it’s really the first short story (there is one poem before it) in this collection that stands out the most for me: “As Red as Blood, as White as Snow” by Christina Henry. It’s a diabolically clever take on Snow White, with a sort’ve epic fantasy meets horror vibe, and a Prince Charming that’s the stuff of nightmares. This story really set the tone for the whole rest of the anthology!... This is now the third Titan anthology in a row that I’ve read that features an awesome story by Angela Slatter. This one is called “New Wine”, and it’s about a rich kid (well, he’s like nineteen or so) and the woman his father hires to be his (the boy’s) tutor/caretaker/friend/etc…there’s a lot of backstory given in a short amount of time, but this is an awesome story. It reminded me very slightly of a particular Stephen King story, but I’m not saying which one! M.R. Carey is one of my favorites, and I’m betting his entry here, “Henry and the Snakewood Box”, was a lot of fun for him to write. It’s sort’ve a play on the genie in a bottle, only the genie is a demon and kind of a manipulative asshole. Ha! All in all, this is a solid collection… overall the vibe of this book is really dark & creepy, and in addition to the stories by authors I love, it was a great introduction to some new-to-me authors!’ (Grimdark Dad)
‘I’m sad that I didn’t have enough time to read more of this collection in time for my blog tour stop, but I’ll definitely be dipping back into it in the future. This small sampling was excellent, and I can’t wait to read the other stories!’ (Books, Bones & Buffy)
‘I love fairytales, dark fairytales, fairytale retellings and short stories. So my enjoyment of this collection was a given. I wouldn’t expect anything less. Some of my favourite writers have stories in Cursed including Neil Gaiman, James Brogden and Tim Lebbon. You know what to expect with such high calibre writers, dark delights. I also enjoy the work of Jane Yolen. What impressed me was the depth and range of stories. They were all very different even though they shared similar tropes and themes. Some of the stories are retellings and some are original. The best stories were “Troll Bridge” by Neil Gaiman, “At That Age” by Catriona Ward, “Henry and the Snakewood Box” by M.R Carey and “Skin” by James Brogden. There’s something to delight every fantasy / fairytale / horror fan. 4*’ (Book Lovers’ Boudoir)
‘Cursed: An Anthology of Dark Fairy Tales, edited by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane, is a wondrous collection of short stories. Its pages hold words by the likes of Neil Gaiman, Charlie Jane Andrews, M.R. Carey, and Alison Littlewood. The anthology’s premise is a treasure trove of stories about curses and hexes. In one way or another – even if they might not seem like it – they deal with them before, during, and after curses. How are our lives shaped by hexes that ruin lives or small, evil wishes that cause daily inconveniences? How do we remedy the magic of the day-to-day by merely calling it “unusual” when really, larger-than-life forces are at work? The book flowed seamlessly and soundlessly. It was a masterpiece in its editorial storytelling. One story precedes its natural debutant, and it was easy to shift from one story’s tone to the others. The many styles of the various authors found within this anthology complemented each other. It was lovely – and jarring in the best way – to have a story with mostly colloquial language (“Fairy Werewolf vs. Vampire Zombie”) and then change into the reverent prose of (“Haza and Ghani”). The book also cleverly started with a poem and ended with another: this sets the reader’s tone and then slowly, gently released the reader with a curse…’ (Her Campus)
‘Last year, this editing duo released the Wonderland anthology, which I raved about. It was a gorgeous collection and I had so much fun with it that, when I had the opportunity to read and review this new anthology, I jumped at the chance. I’m an absolute sucker for dark fairy tale retellings and many of the authors in this lineup positively excel at the craft. Cursed kicks off, after a quick poem from Jane Yolen, with the story “As Red as Blood, As White as Snow” by Christina Henry, and if you know me, you already know Christina is one of my favorite retelling authors of all time. She has designed a solid portion of her writing career around taking old stories and giving them new life – typically complete with some sort of social commentary that is always so eloquently woven in – and this was no exception. It was easily my favorite story in the anthology and I would honestly urge you to pick this book up even if only for this story’s beautiful prose and ruthless examination of the evils of “Prince Charming” types. Luckily, the good times didn’t stop there; while nothing else in Cursed was quite able to beat out that first story for me, I was so happy to see how many incredible stories this collection contained! A lot of anthologies are severely hit-and-miss, but Marie O’Regan & Paul Kane clearly know how to choose ’em when it comes to short stories. Among others, I loved Catriona Ward’s incredibly unique twist on one of my favorite tropes (but I can’t tell you what it is!) in “At That Age”, the gorgeously melancholy, haunting vibes of Jen Williams’ necromancing “Listen”, and James Brogden’s grotesque, horribly unsettling “Skin”…While these were the stand-out favorites of mine, I genuinely enjoyed almost every single story in this collection… I have so many new authors on my reading list thanks to these short stories, and I know this is the sort of collection I’ll be recommending for a long time – and revisiting time and time again. 4*’ (Howling Libraries)
‘I am sitting here staring at my screen. We are living through crazy times right now. This book came at the perfect time. Losing yourself in stories that feel familiar but new is helpful during times of stress… If you love stories by amazing story tellers you NEED to pick this up. What I liked: OMG. Reading this anthology was like watching an amazing storyteller tell a story. It was so comforting but very familiar at the same time. Each story felt like a warm blanket. Some old favorites twisted into a modern stories and new stories. All the stories in the anthology fit so well together. There is so, so much to love about this anthology. The beauty in which some of the authors write made my heart soar with happiness. What I didn’t like: There is absolutely nothing that I didn’t like. Star Rating: 5. My Thoughts: Anthologies are hard to review. I don’t want to say too much about one story in particular. They are all fantastic. I know I should be saying more about my thoughts….and normally I would but. I can’t find the adequate wording too describe the comfort that Cursed brought me over the last week. Please pick this up if you need something for your brain or your heart.’ (The Misadventures of a Reader)
‘There are so many great authors in this book and it’s hard not to skip to your favourites first. For me this book was perfect, I like all the gory details from the original tales (sorry!). I am also a huge fan of Neil Gaiman, Christina Henry and Tim Lebbon so I completely imploded into a fangirling mess when I got the email. Fairy tales and folk stories are a staple of Fantasy fiction they have a way of dealing with the unexpected price victims have to pay for their misdeeds and have been a staple of the genre. The book is packed with great tales and some amazing authors, some of the stories are retellings while some are original. Whatever style you enjoy, or writers that you like, you are sure to find what you’re looking for in here. The book has something for everyone within its dark delights. Each author fulfils the brief and I enjoyed how diverse the ideas were. Each story is different from the one before it, which means that you go from one story to the next, never quite knowing what to expect. There are a lot of tough topics covered, most of which you would expect to find in an anthology of this type. This book may introduce you to some authors you may not have read before, and also remind you how good some of the better-known authors are. This book is packed with great tales, and some amazing authors. Whatever style that you enjoy, or writers that you like, you will find something to read in this book. Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane provide a useful aide-memoir at the end of the book for you to use and discover more which was a lovely touch.’ (Readers Enjoy Authors’ Dreams)
‘Another fantastic anthology edited by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane has been published by Titan Books. Following 2019’s Wonderland: An Anthology comes Cursed: An Anthology of Dark Fairy Tales. Eighteen short stories are within this volume, bookended by two poems by extremely prolific author Jane Yolen. Themes and influences differ from author to author, crossing more into the realm of fairy tales sometimes or straying a bit closer to horror in others. Each author brings something special and magical to their writing (or, perhaps, I’m just a sucker for the dark fairy tales that first built my love of books). All also have a certain readability to them. Stories read quickly, but pack a real punch, landing in that sweet spot of short fiction that is often strived for but can be hard to land. Certain stories take the theme more literally. Curses feature heavily in multiple tales, with authors exploring the nature of curses, their peculiarities, and more. However, plenty of stories lean more into the realm of darker and, at times, more traditional, fairy tales… This is the perfect collection of dark fairy tales for grownups ready to explore the darker side of their childhood favorites and the otherworldly in our modern world. Cursed: An Anthology of Dark Fairy Tales edited by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane is a fantastic anthology. I look forward to seeing future anthologies this duo curates.’ (Looking Glass Reads)
‘Do you like anthologies? Let me be more specific. Do you like twisted anthologies? Witches, retells of dark fairy tales and new ones that give something dark, this way comes a whole new meaning? Want Alice going down the looking glass look like a walk in the park? Well, dear friends, if you aren’t reading Titan’s anthologies? You have don’t have a reading life. Just go stick yourself in a corner and call it a day. You are reading wrong. You aren’t reading at all. I’m not sure what you are doing with yourself? But you aren’t living. And coming from someone who doesn’t have a life, period? Well. That is saying something. From Hex Life to Wonderland and now Cursed? Just put it on auto buy, kids. You won’t find or do better than Titan. Two of the three are edited by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane (Wonderland and Cursed). When you can consistently pack a line-up with the likes of M.R. Carey, L.L. McKinney and Neil Gaiman? That speaks to the editors at the helm of a project. First, it tells you that these powerhouse writers and the publisher have an enormity of trust in them. Secondly, you don’t keep bringing editors back to helm anthologies because readers see them on the shelves and run from the work. You bring them back because you know that amazing writers will work with them and that the sum of the work they pull together, will be astounding. And here’s the key. With an anthology? That is a rare thing to find. Anthologies, at their heart, are often inconsistent. At best, a publisher can hope there is just enough of “something for everyone.” Out of x amount of stories, everyone will be able to say they liked the majority. Even if everyone didn’t like every story, there were just enough for everyone to recommend it because there is something for everyone. But I swear that in each of the three anthologies I have had the pleasure of reviewing? Each has been incredibly consistent, in its own way. Have I absolutely loved every, single story, in every book? That would be lying. Have not liked any story in each of the three anthologies? NO. And that is shocking. I have at the very least liked each story in each book… Every other anthology I have ever read has been, as typical of them, hit or miss. Titan’s consistency, even more specifically, O’Regan and Kane’s consistency as editors? It is unheard of in the industry (to my knowledge, anyhow – I don’t want to sound like a scholarly expert on all things in publishing anthologies). On an overall basis, I felt it very important to bring those two pieces to the forefront of this review. It speaks strongly to both Titan’s anthologies, the editors and then specially leads into how Cursed stands-up against Wonderland and Hex Life. That is, to say, it absolutely does! One of the things I most like about Cursed is that like Hex Life, it doesn’t just retell familiar fairy tale stories but it often does it in different genres and formats. Additionally it allowed yet another powerhouse line-up of writers trust their instincts with new stories that will not just find you in your nightmares, but disturb your daydreams, if you don’t keep up your guard. One other note that speaks to both the above section and to the variety of Cursed. Like Wonderland and Hex Life, I think O’Regan and Kane should be applauded for not forgetting to utilize not just heavy hitters but including new authors, as well… Also, the cadence of the book is spot on. Much like the track list for a playlist or CD (is that what they call them now??! AYE!), a great compilation of songs can fall flat if they aren’t put in the right order. O’Regan and Kan have a fantastic knack for knowing how to put stories in the right order. Cursed is pulled together in such a way that each story is very different than the one before it. With this approach, you aren’t sure what is coming next. This both keeps you guessing and doesn’t allow for you to feel like the pacing slows down. It is actually, quite the opposite, with a quick clip to it… And with that, I have a feeling that at some point I’m going to have one whole shelf dedicated to Titan’s anthologies. Or at least I hope so because for them to stop would be a scourge on the publishing world.’ (Novel Lives)
‘Let’s start with that gorgeous cover! Those who follow will know I rarely take photographs of books, I always mean to and never find time, but Cursed had me inspired as soon as I received it from Titan. This particular cover style resembles Christina Henry’s canon which is likely why it immediately caught my eye. As I’ve discussed before, I don’t often have luck with anthologies. Perhaps now the tides are finally changing… Along came Cursed to test my theory. From a favourite publisher Titan Books, and with contributions from several of my auto-buy authors; Christina Henry, Tim Lebbon, James Brogden, M R Carey and Neil Gaiman. A dream line up! I’m going to give a little hint and overall reaction to just some of the twenty short stories in this collection… Of the twenty different curses I adored almost all… All are dark but none too scary or squeamish for those who avoid horror. There are some fantastic interpretations of well-known fairy tales as well as new and unique ideas. I found some authors to keep an eye on in future and thoroughly enjoyed contributions from my favourites. Shout out to editors Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane on an incredible collection. A must have for any fantasy fan.’ An Average Life
‘Cursed has been perfect for short bursts of reading – as it is an anthology of short stories. Some are as dark and enchanting as I’d hoped, some are gritty and perfect for the dystopian adventure we seem to be having right now. I have to say I loved most of them… But all in all I would recommend Cursed for those fans of dark retellings and fantasy in general. Some of the highlights in this collection were “As Red as Blood, As White as Snow” by Christina Henry, “Troll Bridge” by Neil Gaiman, “At That Age” by Catriona Ward, “Henry and the Snakewood Box” by M.R. Carey, “Wendy Darling” by Christopher Golden, and “Little Red” by Jane Yolen & Adam Stemple… I read the stories in order, but the anthology is so easy to dip in and out of, and certain stories did jump out at me just through the titles. I really enjoyed reading Cursed, it was perfect as I like fantasy with a dark twist, though some of the stories are definitely on the darker side, with warnings and cautionary tales being a focus just like in the older, darker, definitely not happily ever after fairy tales. I would definitely recommend Cursed and I am sure there is something in there for everyone.’ (Odd Socks and Lollipops)
‘This whole book of short stories, are all around a theme of the dark side of fairy tales, and being a lover of fairy tales this just sounded perfect. There was definitely some in this one that I had not heard of before, so it was really refreshing for them to be unpredictable – to be fair even those I had heard of I didn’t even find to be predictable… I really want to make the point that this is a fantastic collection of stories that I have really enjoyed. Even more so than previous short story collections that I have read… All in all, this whole collection is my favourite collection I think I have ever read, I do love short stories! For anyone who loves childhood fairy tales, or even horror stories, this is definitely one to give a try… I gave this a four star rating, as it was so close to perfect… I definitely think you should give this one a try!! (Angel Wings and Petticoats)
‘Anthologies are hard, because you sort of always have to expect a mixed lot. I’ve never read an anthology where I’ve just loved every single one of the stories. But this one came pretty darn close, I have to say. Cursed is a masterfully edited book from a list of highly talented authors that delivers on its promise of evil curses, dark fairy tale retellings, and twists that are sure to give you goosebumps. I definitely didn’t find any part of this terrifying per se. I didn’t stay up at night worried that the shadows would get me. This was a more subtle sort of feeling, a pervasive creepiness as you read that you know something’s not quite right. If there’s one thing you should go into this anthology with it’s this: expect the unexpected. I have to say, the editors did a fabulous job curating the stories, and the authors brought some interesting new perspectives to fairy tales we all know and love. I actually didn’t know many of these authors going in, but I’m happy to say that I’ve found some new ones whose other work I’ll be looking. The stories range from straight up horror to some with a more philosophical bent to even some humorous ones. Because what screams horror more than humor, am I right? But it worked perfectly.’ (The Writerly Way)
‘I enjoyed reading this book so much! It was so interesting to read. There were some stories that I was familiar with, such as Snow White, but with a twist. There were other stories that were not so familiar, but amazing. All of the writing was spot on, and each story kept me engaged. My favourite: I had to pick a favourite story from them all and that was “Listen” by Jen Williams. This story was about a girl called Erren who was cursed. She was forced to play music to bring back the dead of those who listened. The truth of their deaths to finally come out. I would definitely recommend this book. It was such a quick read with you able to read a tale here and there. I gave it 4*’ (Lisa’s Books, Gems and Tarot)
‘This collection of twists on folk and fairy tales is an absolute joy to read. I’d intended to read one or two of the stories and save the rest… All I can say is that that didn’t happen. Fairy tales and folktales are some of my favourite things, particularly because of the cultural features and inbuilt messages from the times and societies in which they were written, and I absolutely love reading new interpretations and twists on stories that may be timeless in terms of their entertainment factor, but perhaps not so morally relevant now (for example, a princess waiting around for a prince to save her is no longer a particularly positive message for young girls) and what nuances within the tale can be tweaked to make it an entirely different story with a new message. I was thrilled to see another collection of this sort from Titan, having previously read Hex Life (twists on tales of magic and witchery) and adored it. I’m going to stick to commentary about two of my favourite stories from Cursed, the first being “As Red as Blood, as White as Snow” by Christina Henry. This tale is based on Snow White and subverts the expectation that the Prince is indeed charming and the stepmother is evil. In this instance, Snow’s stepmother does everything that she can to try and protect her and give her a chance to survive her impending marriage to a prince who intends to claim her by whatever means necessary, having manipulated her father by enchantment and played the court into believing his dangerous obsession is devotion. There is a whole realm of terror in the simple sentence, “I see the way he looks at me.”… One of the other stories that I found especially effective is a retelling of Peter Pan, entitled “Wendy, Darling”, by Christopher Golden. In this tale, the features of the Peter Pan story are translated into a “real world” scenario, in which Wendy has what her father and medical professionals have told her are mad delusions; visions of the Lost Boys who accuse her of forgetting them and abandoning them when she should have been their mother. On the eve of her wedding, Wendy sees the Lost Boys again, who prompt her to remember what she has tried to forget and move on from, which is heavily implied to be a childhood rape by a boy named James, nicknamed “Hook” for his work at the butcher’s… Cursed is a brilliant collection.’ (Pythia Reads)
‘Anthology books can be a gamble. The very nature of compiling a book with a dozen or more different authors, with varying styles and takes on a certain subject means that there could very easily be some parts of a book, perhaps even a majority, that won't quite be to your taste. Luckily, readers seemed to have dodged this curse (see what I did there?) with Cursed: An Anthology of Dark Fairy Tales. The brilliant duo of Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane have once again produced a collection of short stories and poems that not just manage to entertain, but make some bold choices. As the name of the book suggests, there are some stories in this collection that have their roots in the world of fairy tales, and are intriguing reinterpretations of classic stories, whilst some others do something completely different and bring the magic and horror of curses into the modern world… The book is packed with great tales, and some amazing authors. Whatever style that you enjoy, or writers that you like, is sure to be met here. The book has something for everyone, and continues the tradition of Titan producing some of the best anthology books around.’ (Trans-Scribe)
‘When it comes to the classics, it never harms to go back and appreciate some stories of yesteryear. In this anthology, edited by authors Paul Kane and Marie O’Regan, we have some twists on fairy tales plus a mix of brand new stories and poetry thrown in for good measure. There really is plenty to admire here, with an array of different authors adding their slants on tales such as trolls under bridges or even sleeping beauty given a sexual predator vibe. With the short story format, even some of the stories that don’t work are over in a flash so you can move on to the next one. Highlights include Charlie Jane Anders’ bombastic “Fairy Werewolf vs Vampire Zombie”, Christina Henry’s “As Red as Blood as White as Snow” and Lilith Saintcrow’s “Haza and Ghani”. The beauty of Cursed is that after finishing it, it gave me incentive to discover authors I had never heard of before; which is probably the best gift of all.’ (Bloody Flicks)
‘What a deliciously wicked collection of dark and twisty fairy tales. O’Regan and Kane have done it once again, sourcing the most excellent takes on new and re-imagined fairy tales written by renowned authors such as Neil Gaiman and Christina Henry. This anthology contains 20 short stories that are based loosely around the theme of curses. These authors have taken this cue, warping and twisting stories so good that even the re-imagined ones bear hardly any resemblance to their originals. I think I can honestly say I found each and every one of these stories both enchanting and captivating. They were each written in the individual author’s style and covered a different take on the cursed theme. No two were the same yet I was equally drawn into them all. Some were beautifully written about magical curses turned sweet and others were disturbingly cold and wretched. Even the placement of each story was well laid out, with each varying greatly from the last, meaning they didn’t mash into one. My particular favourites have to be Christina Henry’s “As Red As Blood, As White As Snow”, Neil Gaiman’s “Troll Bridge”, Jen Williams’ “Listen” and Christopher Golden’s “Wendy, Darling”. Using poems my Jane Yolen to bookend this anthology was a lovely touch. I would highly recommend delving into this if twisted tales are your thing!’ (Lotte’s Library)
‘Cursed is an anthology of dark tales by twelve contemporary authors, such as Neil Gaiman, Karen Joy Fowler, Christina Henry, M.R. Carey and Charlie Jane Anders, working in fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, historical fiction, and any other highly imaginative speculative fiction genre one might care to name. These authors are at the height of their careers, working across the writing spectrum from short stories to screenwriting to graphic novels, and they bring their formidable talents to craft tales based on the concept of a curse: what it means to be cursed; what it takes to create a curse; how one lives with a curse; and how a wish can so easily become a curse. Many of the stories are reinterpretations or updates of well-known fairy tales, others are entirely new but still retain that fairy tale energy of reality-but-make-it-shiny. A contemporary take on Bluebeard sees the story told in a modern setting and from a different point of view, but the gruesome quirks of the title character remain. The tale of Hansel and Gretel is transformed in “Haza and Ghani”, where brother and sister journey to a new world, and ovens, witches and revenge take on new and fantastical meanings. Sleeping Beauty dreams peacefully until she is awoken, but was she cursed by her dream or by her waking? A woman is placed under a powerful curse by a demi-goddess, and after centuries of torment perhaps it is making them both suffer. A woman is cursed to die again and again, reviving in the bodies of others who have passed away, but she always finds her way back to her true love. And a golden boy who grew into a golden man faces his worst fear when his intangible appeal is stripped away; will he have the strength to start his life again without his privilege? These and many more twisted, thought-provoking stories take the reader to unexpected places, across times and dimensions, and into the homes and caves of characters both new and recognised. Through the art of the short story and the fluid, ephemeral magic of the fairy tale, these authors explore with dark and imaginative prose every facet of what it means to be cursed, bookended by two poems by Jane Yolen. I would highly recommend this anthology to anyone who enjoys the compact power of the short story, or the timeless reiteration of the fairy tale, or any kind of dark fiction that explores the limits and capabilities of the human mind and soul. 4 ½ stars out of 5’ (Publishing ArtsHub)
‘Curses – they’re a staple of Fantasy fiction, aren’t they? From Snow White’s cursed apple in the Brothers Grimm’s Fairy Tales (1812) to Guy Endore’s The Werewolf of Paris (1933), stories about ‘deals with a unexpected cost’ or the unexpected price victims have to pay for their misdeeds have been a staple of the genre for hundreds of years. It may therefore be a little difficult, if not intimidating, therefore, to come up with an anthology of new/recently published fiction that looks at curses with a fresh eye. However, Marie and Paul have done well. This is a cracking collection of stories. There are 18 stories here and 2 pieces of poetry by Jane Yolen bookending the collection. 13 of these are new to this collection. What impressed me most here is the range of stories included. Some are written as fairy tale (Christina Henry’s take on Snow White, for example), some contemporary (Christopher Fowler’s “Hated”). There’re stories that are amusing (M R Carey’s take on what can happen when you are granted a demon’s wishes, “Henry and the Snakewood Box”, Charlie Jane Anders’s magical tavern tale “Fairy Werewolf vs. Vampire Zombie”) and those that are definitely not (James Brogden’s “Skin” is a memorable story that digs deep into body-horror.) Some, such as Maura McHugh’s “” ( a story of two screaming skulls found in an old house) are deceptively easy to follow and lure you into a sense of familiarity (often mistaken), whilst some are deliberately and discordantly odd (Jen Williams’ “Listen”). There’s nasty and nice and tales of good and evil, all of which seem to cover the remit admirably. Some of the characters are victims, others are most definitely not. There’s also some unusual takes on traditional fairy tales – Neil Gaiman’s “Troll Bridge” deals with those elusive creatures in the title, Christina Henry’s “As Red as Blood, As White as Snow” and Karen Joy Fowler’s “The Black Fairy’s Curse” are both more adult takes on the traditional Snow White story, Christopher Golden’s “Wendy, Darling” is an alternate reimaging of Peter Pan and Alison Littlewood’s “The Merrie Dancers” is Hans Christian Andersen’s The Red Shoes given a makeover. “Little Red” by Jane Yolen and her son Adam Stemple is a new take on the Red Riding Hood fairy story. In the end, the collection delivers a strong set of stories and gave me what I would anticipate from such a book. Each story is different from the one before it, which meant that I went from one story to the next, never quite knowing what to expect. (SFF World)
‘Each tale contains a terrible curse, evil people and objects, and the ending can be good or bad, depending on your point of view. The work was edited by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane and contains 20 haunting tales. Some stories are retellings, like “Snow White”, but there are unpublished stories. I’m too suspicious to talk about dark tales because I love them, I even prefer this type of retelling than the original. Because what catches my attention the most is that we don’t know how it will end, it completely avoids that: “happily ever after”. In addition to the great stories, the editing is perfect. The book has black pages and I have never seen an edition like this. The book is a hardcover and the cover art is in high relief. The layout is perfect, each chapter beginning has the art of branches of a tree and the font of the letter really gives us the feeling of reading an old book. This is one of my favorite anthologies I’ve read. The curses, suspense and unpredictability pleased me a lot. It is a work that I recommend and I know that everyone who likes the genre will love it.’
‘Today I bring my thoughts on Curse, an anthology published by Editora Trama, which brings together sinister fairy tales, written by several authors, some already renowned in the market, such as Neil Gaiman and Jen Williams, and others still on the rise. There are 20 tales that range from scary thrillers to unique fantasies. Some are retellings of well-known fables, such as “Little Red”, by Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple, which is a macabre retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. Others are completely original stories. One of my favorites was “Troll Bridge” by Neil Gaiman, which tells the story of a boy who meets a troll. To get avoid his impending death, the young man offers a deal to the dreadful being: live a little longer and come back after enjoying experiences. This is repeated a few times, until the boy, already at an advanced age, fulfils the agreement. It is a story of a man, his aging and his experiences, which provokes a reflection on the meaning of life. Another story that I loved was “Look Inside”, by Michael Marshall Smith, which follows a protagonist who has her house invaded and starts exchanging messages with the invader. It is a suspenseful tale. It made me very tense and surprised me a lot with the outcome. I am not used to reading anthologies, but I must confide that I completely surrendered to this reading. All the narratives were engaging, leaving me anxious for the end of the events described. It’s the kind of work capable of pleasing the entire plurality of readers, especially fans of fantasy and thrillers. I can’t help but talk about the editing: what perfection! Hardcover, black pages and several details illustrated in the chapters.’ (Vida de Bookstan, on Brazilian Edition)
‘I would like to thank myself for having the good sense to pick up the latest O’Regan/Kane collab, well done to me, as Cursed is chockfull of wicked delights. As with most anthologies, there is a mix of the old and the new, getting off to a great start with a Snow White/Bluebeard riff , “As Red As Blood, As White As Snow” by Christina Henry, ending on generational horror tale, “The Girl From Hell” by Margo Lanagan. The stories are encased in a thorny embrace by a poem from Jane Yolen, which both appetizes, and then finishes the preceding dishes off neatly as an after dinner treat. There is always one or two which don’t quite land, each reader will take away what they will from this as they would with a compilation album. The concept is a neat one – what is a curse and is it always something negative? What would be life-ending to some can be life affirming to others, and with so many folklores and tales to explore, this a sandbox with infinite possibilities to play in. And in doing so, fresh and new twists can be created to stand alongside modern takes on old tales. For what are the fairy tales but oral traditions, morality tales to beware of so that you always keep on the right path. Unless you want to be eaten by that wolf, led astray or trapped in the consequences of your actions, that is… I found this collection to be entrancing, I genuinely couldn’t put it down as it takes twists and turns around one of my favourite genres… What I wanted was to be swept away, to be moved and find myself in other worlds. In the paraphrased-words of Stephen King, if a book can take you away from the insanity of modern life, for a few minutes, or a few hours, then that is a gift. And as editors, Marie and Paul make instinctive picks, create a running order that keeps you on your toes, and teases the best out of writers who push the envelope on modern, speculative fiction. And when I can get myself a copy, I look forward to diving into the sequel to this volume, Twice Cursed, which is available now, from all good bookshops!’ (Rachel Read It)
‘I really enjoyed these takes on what a curse is-and isn’t as told by some of my favourite authors… cannot wait to get a copy of Twice Cursed, as soon as I am able.’ (Books in my Hallway)
‘First published on 3rd March, 2020, by Titan Press, Cursed is an anthology of eighteen short stories and two poems based around themes of classic folklore and fairy tales. Familiar themes from tales of old are thrust into contemporary worlds or alternative settings, bringing unique twists or new monsters to the reader. The sensation of reading these stories was uncomfortably familiar, and something that I had not felt since I was a child. I found myself experiencing the same discomfort and dread that I once had as a young reader discovering the story of Bluebeard by Charles Perrault in the collection of children’s tales known as Tales of Mother Goose… There was a sense of magic and supernatural to these tales, a blend of myths and terrors of old placed in contemporary settings, or a new world entirely. The stories in Cursed do just that, shifting the reality of the reader to experience the tale being told in settings familiar and new. As each story unfolds, you are lulled into a sense of familiarity by such myths and fairy tales before being plunged into despair, horror, and eye-popping twists. Each tale in Cursed put me in that place where I was reading that fairy tale, and acknowledging that all was not well. There may not be a happy ending. Was a wish going to make everything better, or bring fresh unimaginable misery to the story’s hero? Who is the true monster, the ugly Beast or Prince Charming? Is a hex really operating as a curse or the gift of a lesson? Is a blessing something that one would live to regret for the rest of their lives? The anthology is full of twists, tales asking questions that break up the formulae of the familiar. There is no safe trail of breadcrumbs here… As an anthology, Cursed makes for an enjoyable book for those who like to read in one long sitting, or are only able to have some quiet time in short bouts. Some stories certainly were stronger than others, however this is likely down to personal tastes. The variety of writing styles in this anthology covers all bases from modern contemporary to prose. The variety of themes covered kept me interested, and part of the fun was trying to guess which story or myth each author had chosen when writing their tale. All are sensitively crafted, paying heed to the lore and theme that they chose to explore.
ChillerCon UK Souvenir Book
Published by ChillerCon UK, May 2022. Cover by Les Edwards. Trade Paperback. Featuring: Introduction by the Editors; ‘Alexandra (A.K.) Benedict’ by Guy Adams, plus bibliography; ‘The Adjoining Room’ Alexandra (A.K.) Benedict; ‘Things That Go Bump in the Night’ Gillian Redfearn; ‘An Editor Comes Out of the Shadows: Gillian Redfearn and Horror Fiction’ Joe Hill; Extract from Nos4A2 Joe Hill; ‘Grady Hendrix’ Martyn Waites, plus bibliography; Extract from The Final Girl Support Group Grady Hendrix; ‘Kim Newman Redux’ Neil Gaiman, plus bibliography; ‘The Green Gorilla’ Kim Newman; ‘Mick Garris’ RC Matheson, plus film/bibliography; Illustrations: Frontispiece and Endpiece by Mike Mignola; ‘The Green Gorilla’ by Graham Humphreys; ‘Wolf’ by Glenn Chadbourne; ‘Matilda of the Night’ by Greg Chapman; ‘Shadows over Main Street’ by Vincent Chong; ‘Coraline Hand’ by Dave McKean.
ChillerCon UK Pocket Programme Published by ChillerCon UK, May 2022. Cover by Les Edwards. Paperback. Featuring: Convention Grid; Panels, Interviews and Performances; Pitch Sessions; Kaffeeklatches; Readings Schedule; Launches, Signings and Publisher Events; Floorplans; Masterclasses; Live Entertainment.
Twice Cursed Published by Titan, April 2023. E-book and Trade Paperback. ISBN: 978-1803361215. Featuring: ‘The Bell’ by Joanne Harris; ‘Snow, Glass, Apples’ by Neil Gaiman; ‘The Tissot Family Circus’ by Angela Slatter; ‘Mr Thirteen’ by M.R. Carey; ‘The Confessor’s Tale’ by Sarah Pinborough; ‘The Old Stories Hide Secrets Deep Inside Them’ by Mark Chadbourn; ‘Awake’ by Laura Purcell; ‘Pretty Maids All In A Row’ by Christina Henry; ‘The Viral Voyage of Bird Man’ by Katherine Arden; ‘The Angels of London’ by Adam L.G. Nevill; ‘A Curse is a Curse’ by Helen Grant; ‘Dark Carousel’ by Joe Hill; ‘Shoes as Red as Blood’ by A.C. Wise; ‘Just Your Standard Haunted Doll Drama’ by Kelley Armstrong; ‘St Diabolo’s Travelling Music Hall’ by A.K. Benedict; and ‘The Music Box’ by L.L. McKinney.
‘In 2020 Titan Books published a darkly magical anthology book called Cursed, edited by authors Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane. It brought together a plethora of talented writers to tell twisted and grim tales about people under the spell of magical curses. Now, three years later, it looks like readers have been cursed a second time, cursed to read even more fantastic stories (is it still a curse if it’s a good thing?) as their new collection, Twice Cursed, is released. Much like last time, this collection brings together a number of well-known, award-winning authors to craft stories based around the age old superstition of curses. There are a few writers who’ve actually made a return for this new volume, including Neil Gaiman, M.R. Carey, but most of the sixteen authors are new to the series this time round, and Twice Cursed acts as a wonderful follow-up to the first book, showcasing even more great names in the field of horror, and dark fantasy…Twice Cursed takes the concept of the first collection and does it all over again, but never feels like it’s giving the same kind of stories, or is content to do the bare minimum. The tales collected here all feel incredibly different, with different styles, settings, and tones, yet fit together incredibly well, giving what feels like a broad overview of how a simple prompt like a curse can result in so many different kinds of stories when given to talented writers.’ (Set the Tape 5*)
‘The power of a Curse has stayed with us in our fairy tales, our folk tales and all sorts of later media. Bad luck can happen to you if you are unwary and we still avoid ladders, spilt salt and getting on the wrong side of a cat (for good reason). In the very entertaining anthology Twice Cursed the editors Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane have compiled a very interesting assortment of stories around this theme that should definitely keep a reader on the lookout for warning signs in the future. Amongst the many stories I enjoyed were “The Bell” by Joanne Harris – a fine opening tale that warns us that what we think will bring about joy may often be an object that brings about our own destruction. “Snow, Glass, Apples” by Neil Gaiman – a very famous story in other media now appears here in prose form and this revision of Snow White and the Evil Stepmother is beautifully chilling and plays with the myths in ways you will never forget if you’re reading it for the first time. But for others it’s just a wonderful story to curl up into and shiver. “The Tissot Family Circus” by Angela Slatter – one of my favourites in the collection tells of a creepy travelling circus that appears by our narrator’s dropped blood. Here Slatter though notes true horror is not supernatural and some curses may help those in the most desperate of needs. A wonderfully melancholy tale telling you our main character’s life in only a few pages. “Mr Thirteen” by MR Carey – another great tale that starts off with a self help group for the cursed that has many interesting attendees then veers into a cat and mouse horror tale as a new entrant to the group sets his sights on a young woman. There is though a satisfying reversal of fortune in waiting as a curse’s mystery is finally explained!... There is a host of entertaining tales all awaiting you to enjoy. This book is very much a dark treat rather than a curse and highly recommended!’ (Runalong the Shelves)
‘This is an expertly curated anthology of expertly-written, dark, short stories. Each story has roots in fairy tales and folktales that feel familiar (Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, witches, monsters, princesses, orphans and first-born or youngest children) but each has a unique twist to it, a new flavour, a fresh perspective. There is not a single dud tale in this collection! Although every story is different in content and style, they are linked not only in theme but in the beautiful writing and clever weavings of plot and characters that will disturb you while reading and haunt you afterwards. Many of these stories linger in my mind long after other books and stories have passed through, and they carry with them an atmosphere of eerie otherworldliness that seems to confirm that the usual old stories have been tamed and toned down in their many retellings, while these tales sing wild warnings of blood and darkness and fear. I definitely recommend this collection for any grown-ups looking for fairy tale horror to remind them that wolves and witches await those who stray from the woodland path on a dark night.’ (Bookshine and Readbows)
‘Featuring some of my all-time favourite spooky writers, this volume has a superb mix of gothic tales, fairy tale retellings and modern fantasy horror… There wasn’t a story I didn’t enjoy here, some are more spooky than others, but all of them are incredibly atmospheric and I especially loved the retellings. My favourite however was “The Angels of London”. If you’re looking for a great book to dip in and out of with dark creepy stories and great twists, from some of fantasy’s greatest writers, then this is perfect!’ (Rachel Reads By Night)
‘I have always loved fairy tale retellings, as a teenager I loved Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber, and this reminded me of it so much. Each story was twisted and left me with a sense of unease and discomfort. My favourites were “Dark Carousel” and “Just Your Standard Haunted Doll Drama”. The appeal of an anthology is always interesting, I went into this being familiar with the likes of Neil Gaiman, Katherine Arden and a couple of other authors, but came out with authors I want to read more of. Each story felt so intricately written, no matter how long or short, creating a sense of the wider world around those few pages.’ (Katie Needs to Read More)
‘Twice Cursed is a fantastic horror anthology with something for all horror fans. Some of the authors in this quick and easy to read anthology were new to me and it was a pleasure to get to read their works. It certainly has encouraged me to seek out other stories by these authors. This collection also includes some big names from the horror/thriller world and as always these authors don’t disappoint. Thank you to the authors featured here for a fantastic and fun read.’ (Kelly W. 5* Netgalley)
‘After reading the previous collection Cursed, it was a no-brainer not to grab the opportunity to delve into this new assemblage of the horrifically weird, outlandish and outrageous… It was good that some of my favourite authors lent their unique talents to the array of short stories, including Joe Hill, Sarah Pinborough, Angela Slatter, M.R. Carey, Christina Henry, and A.C. Wise. There were also authors I had not come across before, which is always a good thing, as it widens that particular avenue, and there will be one or two who I will definitely be venturing into their books asap. I also can’t believe I haven’t read anything by Helen Grant before, which needs rectifying. (John D. 4* Netgalley)
‘The book features contributions from some of the most prominent names in the fantasy genre, each offering their unique take on the theme of curses. The stories take readers on a journey through various settings, including a magical carnival of the dead, a mysterious Hellraiser-esque puzzle box, and a travelling circus with a bizarre ventriloquist act. The tales were well-crafted, with a dark and eerie undertone that kept me engaged throughout. One aspect that stood out to me was the unique reinterpretation of classic fairy tales, such as Snow White and The Red Shoes. The authors breathed new life into these tales, offering a fresh and thought-provoking perspective on characters that have been beloved for generations. The use of familiar tropes and settings served to anchor the reader in a comfortable familiarity, while the imaginative reworkings brought a new depth to the original stories. The writing style of each author was as exceptional as expected, and the pacing of each story was well-executed. The stories were of a perfect length to dip in and out of, making it an easy and enjoyable read and perfect for a trip away. I liked how each story was self-contained, allowing readers to pick and choose their favourites or read the book cover to cover. Additionally, the variety of curses explored in the book was expansive. From malevolent spirits to cursed artefacts, the anthology offered a wide range of supernatural phenomena to pique the reader’s interest. Each story felt unique and refreshing, yet tied together seamlessly by the overarching theme of curses. In summary, Twice Cursed is an engrossing read for fantasy enthusiasts who appreciate well-crafted stories with a dark and eerie tone. The book’s unique blend of traditional and reimagined curses, along with its engaging writing and pacing, make it a fantastic read for any fans of the genre. (Lucy A. 5* Netgalley)
‘The list of contributing authors is impressive and includes a number of familiar names, including Joanne Harris, Neil Gaiman, M.R. Carey, Sarah Pinborough, Laura Purcell, and Christina Henry. Among the contributors A.C. Wise was a new author to me and I found her “Shoes as Red as Blood” superb. Indeed the quality of the stories is very high. Some stories are fairy tale retellings while others address tropes such as haunted dolls, sinister circuses, and the like. Overall, I found Twice Cursed an excellent collection. It is atmospheric, dark, and twisty and very entertaining. The editors are to be congratulated for curating this anthology that is bound to appeal to readers who love fantasy and horror fiction. Highly recommended.’ (Vivienne O. 5* Netgalley)
‘Creepy, disturbing and haunting, a perfect collection. I’m not usually a massive fan of short stories but with so many of my favourite authors in one anthology I was excited to read this and it didn’t disappoint. I read this in two days (which is fast for me) and didn’t want to put it down. I enjoyed every story but my stand outs were “Mr Thirteen”, “Pretty Maids”, “Dark Carousel” and “Haunted Doll Drama”. I highly recommended this anthology to fellow horror/fantasy fans!’ (Hayley R. 5* Netgalley)
‘I absolutely was lured in by the names Gaiman and Arden. I stayed for the whole lot and I think enjoyed them all pretty much equally. A little bit creepy, a little bit sinister, a little bit twisty, and little bit surprising. I liked it a LOT. It’s given me a few hours of great entertainment and some new authors to look into. Couldn’t ask for more. (Louisa T. 4* Netgalley)
‘Really, really good. In fact, quite possibly the best anthology I have ever read. The first half was near perfect, not a single unperfect story. The tone worked really well for me – everything was just so very competently done. I especially loved M.R. Carey’s short story… What a perfect, perfect dark and wonderful story. Highly recommend the anthology!’ (Hannah S. 5* Netgalley)
‘Wow what a book! Thank you ever so much for the opportunity to review. I could not put it down. Would definitely recommend to others.’ (Naul D. 5* Netgalley)
‘A book with the combination of fantastic authors. I found this book fab for one of those books you pick up as and when as it has several short stories. The author that caught my eye was Neil Gaiman. Really did enjoy this book.’ (Kerry F. 4* Netgalley)
‘A really excellent book of short stories. From the creepy and unsettling to the down-right scary, these dark fairytales are a must read.’ (Bookseller 270648 4* Netgalley)
‘For those familiar with the works (or world) of Angela Carter, many of the retellings seem to follow the same path in taking the fairy tales and reimagining them into something darker and modern. Whether this works for all is essentially up to the reader’s taste but personally it seems to be an excellent curated anthology of both indie and well-known writers. I personally loved “The Bell” by Joanne Harris which seemed to emulate that much-loved dark gothic fantasy with the same tone that many of our much-loved classics seem to carry; a timeless read. Kelley Armstrong’s addition was also a great read. This may be my bias talking – after all, I was in love with the “Darkest Powers” series and I cannot shake my ultimate love for whatever Kelley Armstrong writes. But I do see some of what makes her writing unique in that there is real dialogue and great descriptions pop up in “Just Your Standard Haunted Doll Drama”… I do recommend this book to those that love to see their favourite fairy tales get a fresh lick of paint that also encapsulate the essence of what a fairy tale showcases; a moral story, a gothic background and a fantastical collection of characters to ride throughout the anthology.’ (4* Rabia, Netgalley) ‘Many of the stories felt like fragments of a larger tale… But there are also some gems. Tales that struck a chord for me included Adam L.G Nevill’s “The Angels of London” about a man who runs afoul of a landlord at a grimy apartment block run by a sinister “family” and Joe Hill’s “Dark Carousel” about a strange carnival ride that triggers an evening of horror for a group of friends.’ (Mark S, Netgalley)
‘Twice Cursed is the second anthology from editors Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane on the theme of the curse. Authors such as Neil Gaiman, Angela Slatter, Laura Purcell, and A. C. Wise have each contributed short stories of dark and urban fantasy and fairy tale to explore the concept of a curse: of being cursed, of cursing another, of exacting a curse, of breaking a curse. The authors take the concept in numerous creative directions, and each story captures a different aspect of the idea. Snow White must come to terms with living a half-life after she is awoken from the dead, her beauty and her mother’s wickedness haunting her in a cursed mimicry of being alive. A support group for people living with a variety of curses is penetrated by an immortal with an unlikely story. And an archaeological dig slowly gets out of hand as petty academics seek vengeance against a woman succeeding, and she is succumbed by a witch’s buried curses. These stories are dark but imaginative, gory but redemptive. What drives someone to cast a curse? How does one live a life while cursed? And if you have the opportunity, would you pass your curse on to others to save yourself? These questions and others are explored by the authors in this collection, which is an excellent follow-up to the first collection. I’d recommend this anthology to lovers of dark fantasy and fairy tales, and short stories that take a concept to many different conclusions. Some stories are not for the faint of heart… but then neither is a curse!’ (AU Review)
The Other Side of Never Published by Titan, May 2023. E-book and Trade Paperback. ISBN 978-1803361789. Featuring: Foreword – Jen Williams; ‘A Visit to Kensington Gardens’ Lavie Tidhar; ‘Manic Pixie Girl’ AC Wise; ‘Fear of the Pan-Child’ Robert Shearman; ‘And On ’til Morning’ Laura Mauro; ‘The Other Side of Never’ Edward Cox; ‘The Lost Boys Monologues’ Kirsty Logan; ‘A School for Peters’ Claire North; ‘Chasing Shadows’ Cavan Scott; ‘Saturday Morning’ Anna Smith Spark; ‘The Land Between Her Eyelashes’ Rio Youers; ‘Boy’ Guy Adams; ‘Never Was Born His Equal’ Premee Mohamed; ‘The Shadow Stitcher’ AK Benedict; ‘A House the Size of Me’ Alison Littlewood;‘Silver Hook’ Gama Ray Martinez; ‘The Reeds Remember’ Juliet Marillier; ‘No Such Place’ Paul Finch; ‘Far From Home’ Muriel Gray.
‘The Other Side of Never is an anthology that combines seasoned genre writers such as Paul Finch, Alison Littlewood, Rio Yours, and Muriel Gray and re-imagined stories from J.M. Barrie’s iconic world of Neverland. In the words of award-winning editors Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane, the book aims to provide the reader with “a glimpse of more thought-provoking or ominous alternatives…” of the classic tale. In terms of this, there are some dark themes captured within its pages, as well as adventure and humour, arguably just as important when trying to maintain some level of parity with the source material… “And on ’til Morning” by Laura Mauro – A deft and beautifully told surrealist tale that is both delicate in its delivery yet underscored with a powerful message of hope after great trauma. A personal favourite from the anthology and is, in the view of this reader, a contender for some “best of” lists in the months and years to come. “School for Peters” by Claire North – At once a beguiling tale that seamlessly fuses an almost whimsical fairy tale narrative with a bruising parody of consummate privilege, socio-economic injustice, and gender inequality. Satire built on a foundation of ascorbic wit makes this an incredibly provocative read. “Fear of the Pan-Child” by Robert Shearman – Phobia and obsession, and a fragile mind are at the heart of this humorous yet insightful tale of a man who becomes an unstable narrator of his own condition. From the sections when “Peter Pan” is redacted to mitigate the phobia of Barrie’s character to the subtle melancholic ambiguity of the final scene, this story is both brilliantly conceived and delivered. “Boy” by Guy Adams – Another personal favourite comes as a result of the machine-gun pace at which this story moves. The narrative juxtaposes literary and urban dictionary clichés to describe Pan as a wideboy out on the town, aggrandised and consumed by his own self-importance. A comeuppance is, of course, always on the cards, yet when it finally comes, it still sates and amuses in one satisfying hit. O’Regan and Kane have pulled the anthology together as only editors with consummate skill and experience can, and in terms of style and delivery, there really is something for everyone. It will be good to see The Other Side of Never take flight in the real world. There is certainly enough here to get anyone “hooked”. Highly recommended.’ (The British Fantasy Society)
‘Have there always been this many Peter Pan spin-offs around? Don’t get me wrong, I love it. Christina Henry’s phenomenal novel Lost Boy is the standard to which I hold every Neverland-adjacent story. And this dark collection definitely delivered the goods. Expertly edited by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane, The Other Side of Never brings together a very talented group of authors to speculate over the dark side of the Barrie tale. Here we find Pan et al in forms you would not expect, but still incredibly recognizable, and disturbing. My favorites: “Fear of the Pan Child”, by Robert Shearman – Oh look, Robert Shearman is here to terrify us all again! This story was so unsettling. A recently-widowed father takes his son to live with his parents, where the father remembers a childhood friend with a fear of Pan. So bleak, so compelling. “And On ’til Morning” – This one made me weep! A lost, wandering boy, rescued by an unexpected friend. Gorgeous. “A School for Peters”, by Claire North – Shades of The Handmaid’s Tale in this one, where girls are trained to please the “Peters” of the world, who represent alpha males. Brutal. “A House the Size of Me”, by Alison Littlewood – All hail Littlewood and her pseudonyms! This one involves a missing child, a mother who refuses to “grow up”, and a heavily repressed brother. Incredibly vivid. “No Such Place”, by Paul Finch – this was a surprising story, told like a gritty crime drama. A murder squad looking for literal lost boys, and finding something incredibly disturbing. My word, there are some graphic sections in this story. “Far From Home”, by Muriel Gray – The closing tale is a beautifully crafted ghost story. It involves a displaced young lady, and a strange, abandoned building with shadows at the windows. A deftly-crafted, and hugely enjoyable anthology. Probably not suitable for kids, but perfect for those adults who “never grew up”.’ (California Reading)
‘Peter Pan is a very strange character. As a child he is all unknowable and adventure loving. He does seem sulky, but hey grown ups are annoying. As a grown up though I find him and his desire to never grow up and his callousness a little alarming. It’s not surprising many retellings have explored this enigmatic character and in the new fascinating anthology The Other Side of Never – Dark Tales From the World of Peter & Wendy the editors Marie O’ Regan and Paul Kane assemble a host of great authors with their own interpretations to make us ponder if Pan is good, evil, or just plain humanity reflected back at us? “A Visit to Kensington Gardens” by Lavie Tidhar – this story plays with the history of the period, the other stories that Pan and J M Barrie were in conversation with as well as some of the social history. It’s a tale of growing up and also growing old and learning to say goodbye. Perhaps not supernatural but more a ponder all childhoods end as do lives. It’s haunting and bittersweet; “Manic Pixie Girl” by A C Wise – this is an earthy, bloody tale of a character from Neverland stuck in our world and who has to learn to survive and feed. Fantasy and crime noir collide, and it works because of our narrator’s voice and introspection about how they have got to where they now are in their lives. Very entertaining and surprising. “Fear of the Pan Child” by Robert Shearman – this is a great disturbing tale of childhood and adulthood. Widower talks about his moving back home and his memories of a person he cannot name. This tale tells us a lot about the main character in his selfishness and explains why he is the way he is. It combines grief, loss and love but also holds this sense of menace slowly encircling the main character. We all can become a lost child even when we get old. One of my favourites and it’s wonderfully creepy too! “And On ’til Morning” by Laura Mauro – here the more mythic parts of the tale get explored. A lost soul in a haunting forest talks to another presence. This tale is using Peter Pan’s attitude to death and finds perhaps another explanation as to what Neverland actually is. It’s mysterious and yet hopeful and a great piece of writing. “The Other Side of Never” by Edward Cox – a brilliant gritty version of Neverland that imagines humanity conquered Neverland to survive an unknown disaster and now some revolutionaries are making a last gasp attempt to set things right. Cox merges the language of post-apocalyptic action drama with escaped prisoners and mirror masked soldiers and casts haunting images of dead fairies, ancient legends and more. It's quite ingenious and feels very fresh. Another favourite; “The Lost Boys Monologues” by Kirsty Logan – this tale imagines the Lost Boys as a short-lived but super famous boyband. Each member tells us their secrets in a confessional…A really interesting play on the subject. “A School For Peters” – another favourite and this dark tale imagines a world of Peters. Arrogant, never grow up and believe they have a natural ability to lead and lie without consequence. I loved how this fits a certain type of UK class and some would say particular group of PMs. It is a vicious satire about the ruling classes that Pan can be seen to represent and where that has got us. It also explores control as one of the Wendys is subject to a Peter’s attempts to control her forever. Inventive, thoughtful and has a lot of bite; “Chasing Shadows” by Cavan Scott – this imagines a bit of Neverland magic lore transposed to a 1980s estate. It’s very Stranger Things in its use of popular culture references and yet works because the kids feel real and the growing threat after one of their number loses their shadow makes it all feel new and also threatening. Really good storytelling. “Saturday Morning” by Anna Smith Spark – this is a dark tale of growing up as a man faced with being a parent, lover and a man in a time when it was a society controlled where sex and love were viewed as sinful and going to war is seen as a fun adventure. It is exploring the strange masculinity that Peter Pan pushes as to what a man should be and finding the hollowness underneath. Very disquieting; “Never Was Born His Equal” by Premee Mohamed – refreshingly this story takes a more positive spin to Peter and Wendy, as a strange monster attacks Neverland. It explores a different explanation for who Peter is and also explores the power of being open to your past. It’s a really powerful tale and plays with reality and dreamscapes in a very smart way as the secrets off Peter get exposed; “The Shadow Stitcher” by AK Benedict – this reads almost like a contemporary thriller as young parents ponder their missing seven-year-old after nearly two years and then a strange woman whispers she can find them. Here Wendy becomes something sinister, and Benedict fills the tale with a growing sense of foreboding that a high price is to come and a delicious final line. And that’s just a sample! Prepare for family secrets, crime scenes and many other tales to ponder what never growing up and Neverland really mean. I loved the collection’s ability to play with the concept and the tales all manage to run the emotions from happy to grief to fear with ease. A collection I highly recommend!’ (Runalong the Shelves)
‘Peter Pan will never grow up, but these grown up tales will have your skin crawling in horror. Perfect for the Disney Adult with a darker side to them.’ (Librarian 1070841 4* Netgalley)
‘Dark tales inspired by J. M. Barrie’s classic stories of Neverland, Captain Hook, Tinkerbell, and of course, Peter Pan, from some of the masters of science-fiction, horror and fantasy, including A. C. Wise, Claire North, Lavie Tidhar and more. Claire North’s “A School for Peters” was excellent, if reminiscent of something similar I have read before, but I wasn’t complaining. Premee Mohamed was, well, Premee Mohamed. A.C. Wise’s “Manic Pixie Girl” story was top-notch, weird, but definitely one of my favourites, as was “Silver Hook” by Gama Ray Martinez. The most disturbing and yet probably the most enthralling was “No Such Place” by Paul Finch. Read more like a crime thriller than anything else. Very graphic and brutal, the story centred around missing Lost Boys and the Murder Squad. Very scary and realistic, and top marks for atmosphere and thrills. Overall, The Other Side of Never is another fine collection of short stories that will intrigue, thrill and enthral in equal measures. Recommended.’ (John D. Reviewer, 4* Netgalley)
‘If this is what they call “Fairytales for grown ups”, then I definitely need to be reading more fairytales. They’re dark, and some of them as sinister as hell. (Louisa T, 3.5* Netgalley)
‘You never know what to expect when you have a book with multiple writers’ takes, and it was the Doctor Who authors that interested me. As someone who hadn’t read the original JM Barrie book but thought I knew it through the various media I found the takes and nuances of the stories fun, and varied, and it has encouraged me to seek out the Barrie original novel.’ (Stuart M. Journalist, 4* Netgalley)
‘I’m a big fan of retellings, so when I saw this I had to request it. Peter Pan is one of my favorite characters to read retellings about. I’ve read so many and I love seeing other authors’ twists on it. These little stories were brutal if I may say. They are dark and demented. These are the kind of twisted tales I would definitely say were for an adult audience.’ (Cheyenne M, 3.5* Netgalley).
‘A delicious compilation of dark and twisted stories inspired by the works of J.M Barrie and Peter Pan. The book didn’t take me long to finish, each story was engrossing and had many different themes. “A School for Peters” made me think of Black Mirror, though another reviewer compared it to The Handmaid’s Tale, which is probably more accurate. “Chasing Shadows” gave me the feeling of reading a Goosebumps book, I thoroughly enjoyed it and felt as if I was a kid again reading R. L. Stine. “The Reeds Remember” pulled inspiration both from Peter Pan and Greek mythos, two things I love. All in all there is something for everyone and of all 18 stories, each was its own. Something which greatly impressed me. (Bee M. 5* Netgalley) ‘I particularly want to shout out A.C. Wise's story, “Manic Pixie Girl”. Many times when you see an author who has successfully published multiple books related to a theme (Hooked and Wendy Darling, available from booksellers near you!) publishing a story in an anthology about that theme, their story is an offcut from those books, a chapter that didn’t quite make it into the final version and has decent prose but doesn’t really stand on its own as a story. The Gym Shoes of Shannara, we call those stories in my house: if you wanted to know every single unmagical detail of my magical world, step right up for some baaaaaackstoryyyyyy! Well, not only did Wise give us a complete and satisfying story rather than an offcut, she took an entirely different run at the Peter Pan concept with it than her novels did. That’s artistic integrity, is what that is, and my favorite story of the volume to boot. No gym shoes here. Other notable stories include Lavie Tidhar’s “A Visit to Kensington Gardens”, “Never Was Born His Equal” by Premee Mohamed, and “A House the Size of Me” by Alison Littlewood. I was a bit surprised that my favorites all tended to deal fairly directly with the subject matter rather than glancing off it, because I have no objections to a glancing inspiration, especially in this case, but that’s how it happened to fall out this time. Those whose taste skews more firmly in the horror direction will find other stories appeal to them more, and that’s how anthologies are supposed to work: different strokes for etc. etc.’ (Marissa L. 4* Netgalley)
‘What drew me to this book was not only the title but some of the authors and the description. The cover art is awesome too! Pretty much this was the whole package for me. I mean, c’mon! Peter Pan!? Yes. Please! Retellings of Peter Pan are one of my top favorites, and this book did not disappoint! This is not a “child friendly” book. This is very adult geared with the violence and topics. Quite a number of the stories are on the twisted and sadistic side. This was a good switch up from what I’ve been reading lately. (Brittney G. 5* Netgalley)
‘I read the name of some authors and couldn’t help requesting this arc: Lavie Tidhar, Claire North, Edward Cox, Alison Littlewood are authors I appreciated and always loved their stories. This is a book that starts with a bang and never stops keeping you reading and surprising you. I discovered new to me authors, enjoyed very dark stories. Some are horror, some are disturbing, some are thrillers. There’s a lot in this book and I strongly recommend it.’ (Anna Maria G. 5* Netgalley)
‘Not your mother’s Peter Pan!!! If you could imagine an unusual story of Peter and the Lost Boys… well, it might be in here. I love anthologies, they are the best way to discover new authors and even new genres. Most have a theme, this one is Peter Pan, anything Peter Pan could be found here. It’s fascinating to read the varied authors’ vision of this children's story. If you’re looking for something different, you’ve found it!’ (Denise L. 5* Netgalley)
‘A collection of rather twisted Peter Pan tales. I love twists on old fairy tales so I enjoyed this book.’ (Lauren H. 4* Netgalley) ‘This was a very unique anthology. Each story explores Peter Pan – the boy who wanted to never grow up as an adult. It’s an interesting thing to explore and each author showcases a different take. Darker stories bordering on evil, projections and reflections of bigger pictures. A must read for ALL readers.’ (Kay O. Netgalley)
‘Hat is off to Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane on another brilliant anthology. A wealth of fine and freaky fiction here. While all the stories are strong, the big standouts for me came from Cavan Scott and Paul Finch. I loved this antho from start to finish. Great read!’ (Charles Prepolec, co-editor of the Sherlock Holmes Gaslight series)
‘Before the storm hits, in my balcony “den” with new treasure… Great to see Marie O’Regan, Paul Kane, Laura Mauro, Robert Shearman, Lavie Tidhar, Paul Finch, Anna Smith Spark, Jen Williams and lots more friends at the Forbidden Planet signing too!’ (Rachel Knightley, author of Beyond Glass)
‘The Other Side of Never is a short story collection featuring tales relating to Peter Pan, some more closely, some only very loosely adjacent to J. M. Barrie’s book. Some stories take us on adventures with characters we know, exploring what happens to them after the original story or what happened to them while other characters were doing other things, some stories take elements or lore from the original story and twist and turn them into other things. This is a great read if you like the original Peter Pan tale… I didn’t love all of the stories, but I enjoyed most and really, really loved a few, to my surprise mostly those that are only vaguely related to the source material. I found the stories really well selected to work with each other and all different enough that they each brought a new bit to the table.’ (Elizabeth L, Netgalley)
‘Peter Pan is a beloved character in my house, so I was really excited to read this anthology. I found most of the stories to be very well done twists on the Peter Pan mythos, with a diverse variety of genres and styles, some rather dark... My favourite from them all is “Chasing Shadows” by Cavan Scott, which uses 1980s pop culture references to bring Peter Pan into the modern era and invoke nostalgia that made me really connect to it. Overall it’s a great collection of tales for Neverland fans.’ (Jim C, Netgalley)
As with most anthologies, I like to take my time and rarely read more than one story per day. I prefer to remain in the world each of the author’s creates for a little while before moving on. What I love about themed anthologies is that everyone brings something different to the table. Same theme, but my goodness it is wonderful to see how differently people interpret it. In this anthology we have pure fantasy, sci-fi, and horror, so there’s something to suit all tastes. Anthologies are also THE BEST WAY to discover new authors. I’ve often found myself seeking out more of an author’s work after reading an anthology. As with every anthology, you will have your favourites, but before I mention them I would like to reinforce the fact that every single story earned its place. I enjoyed reading all of them. The stories that stayed with me longest, and therefore kind of became my favourites were: “Manic Pixie Girl” by A.C. Wise (I’ve read her work before and always enjoy it.), “Fear of the Pan-Child” by Robert Shearman, “And on ‘til Morning” by Laura Mauro (Again, a fave author of mine.) “A School For Peters” by Claire North, “The Shadow Stitcher” by A.K. Benedict, “A House the Size of Me” by Alison Littlewood, “No Such Place” by Paul Finch, “Far From Home” by Muriel Gray (I remember her as a TV presenter, but had no idea she wrote!)My thanks to Titan Books for gifting me the copy. Much appreciated!’ (Catherine McCarthy, Goodreads)
‘A good story is always like an onion – it opens new layers of meaning each time you approach it. Even more so, if the book in question is Peter Pan – less than a book and more a mythology, a way of seeing the world, an identity. The protean nature of the original has its impact on its literary progeny: The Other Side of Never is a collection of short stories engaging with Peter Pan, spin-offs and palimpsests, sidequels and crossovers, re-tellings and re-imaginings…Barrie’s own text is highly intertextual as it has multiple genre versions (novel, play, story that refers to other stories). Moreover, many people nowadays know Peter Pan through the lens of interpretative media (animated Disney film or live action movies, Spielberg’s Hook (1991) with a star cast of Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, and Maggie Smith or even this year’s Peter Pan & Wendy which I haven’t seen yet). In a similar way, The Other Side of Never brings together different ways of reading Peter Pan, you just have to find yours!’ (Ksenia Shcherbino, BSFA)
‘If you love dark and twisted retellings of your childhood favourites, The Other Side of Never should definitely be on your tbr. Warning – there are NOT many happy thoughts to be found in this collection. Filled with 18 expertly edited short stories, there’s a little dystopian sci-fi, a lot of gritty fantasy and loads of horror. On top of some great twists on Peter and Wendy, we also get cool spin offs of The Lost Boys, Captain Hook, Tinkerbell and even the lagoon mermaids. Peter Pan holds a special place in my reader’s heart as being the first book I recall as a nightly bedtime story so it’s probably not surprising that this anthology gets 5 shiny stars from me. My favourites were: ‘A School for Peters’, which is very Black Mirror-esque; ‘Chasing Shadows’ that reminded me of classic Goosebumps stories; ‘The Lost Boys Monologues’; and ‘On Til Morning’. Peter Pan lovers... Who’s your favourite original character/s? The Lost Boys and Nana the dog are mine.’
(@whatwanderingwindyreads 5*)
You can buy The Other Side of Never here.
In These Hallowed Halls: A Dark Academia Anthology First published by Titan, September 2023, Ebook, trade paperback and hardback £18/$20 ISBN-13: 978-1803363608 Featuring: Introduction by Marie O’Regan & Paul Kane; ‘1000 Ships’ Kate Weinberg; ‘Pythia’ Olivie Blake; ‘Sabbatical’ James Tate Hill; ‘The Hare and the Hound’ Kelly Andrew; ‘X House’ J.T. Ellison; ‘The Ravages’ Layne Fargo; ‘Four Funerals’ David Bell; ‘The Unknowable Pleasures’ Susie Yang; ‘Weekend at Bertie’s’ M.L. Rio; ‘The Professor of Ontography’ Helen Grant; ‘Phobos’ Tori Bovalino; ‘Playing’ Phoebe Wynne.
*Named one of Town & Country’s ‘Top 25 Dark Academia Books’
‘Editors Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane have put together quite the collection. Most exciting, at least for me, is that I only know two of the featured authors. In fact, at the time I started reading this, I had only ever read a book from one of them: M.L. Rio. That didn’t take long to change. This anthology certainly whets the appetite, so I almost immediately began Olivie Blake’s The Atlas Six. I look forward to adding many more of these authors’ works to my shelf. (The collection opens with a story titled “1000 Ships” by Kate Weinberg. It is an outlier, as it is actually a prequel story to her novel The Truants. I look forward to seeing where that character goes from here.) (Fandomentals)
‘Literature fans are in for a treat with the release of In These Hallowed Halls: A Dark Academia Anthology. Edited by the dynamic duo of Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane, this anthology brings together a formidable lineup of authors, including Olivie Blake, M.L. Rio, David Bell, Susie Yang, Layne Fargo, J.T. Ellison, James Tate Hill, Kelly Andrew, Phoebe Wynne, Kate Weinberg, Helen Grant, and Tori Bovalino. This darkly beguiling collection boasts 12 short stories that delve into the depths of the dark academia genre. From the minds of these literary masters, readers can expect tales that unravel the mysteries of academia with a sinister twist. Crime and Mystery Thrillers, Thrillers, Fantasy, and contemporary fiction are just a few of the genres that these stories encompass, promising a multifaceted reading experience. Within the pages of In These Hallowed Halls, readers will encounter a range of captivating narratives. Retribution takes centre stage as it visits a Lothario lecturer, while the sinister truth is unveiled about a missing professor. A forsaken lover turns to a seance for revenge, and an obsession blossoms around a possible illicit affair. Graduates dig deep to unearth the secrets of a reclusive scholar, while horrors lurk within an obscure academic department. As if that weren’t enough, five hopeful initiates embark on a perilous task, and much more awaits to be discovered. Published by Titan Books Ltd, this anthology spans 400 pages, each brimming with the intellectual and emotional intensity that defines the dark academia subculture. The anthology embodies the very essence of dark academia, exploring the pursuit of knowledge and the allure of death through an aesthetic lens. Picture tweed blazers, vintage cardigans, scuffed loafers, and a worn leather satchel filled with brooding poetry. Enthusiasts of this subculture are likely to be found in museums and darkened libraries, immersed in a world where academia meets the gothic. In These Hallowed Halls is a compelling addition to the literary landscape, promising readers a journey through the hallowed halls of academia, where secrets and shadows intertwine in a symphony of intrigue. This anthology is a must-read for anyone seeking a taste of dark academia’s scholarly allure.’ (Good Star Vibes)
‘As someone who has recently semi-retired from a career in education, I must admit that the first term of the school year, from September to Christmas, holds a certain degree of nostalgic charm for me. As the nights begin to get darker earlier and the Summer turns to Winter, my own thoughts remind me of both unlimited opportunities and longer nights of reading, with a good cup of tea close by… In These Hallowed Halls taps into this nicely. “Dark academia” has now become a genre reference, conjuring up ideas of higher education, the arts, and literature, scholarly learning with a touch of dark secrets, darkened libraries and ancient places of learning. As you might expect in an anthology of Dark Academia, all of this is noted, and what we have is a diverse range of stories here. There are stories set in the past (well, the 1980’s), the present and even the future, dealing with learning of all sorts, from ancient arcane knowledge to future AI data. But most of all it is about the relationships between the characters involved. Quite often here the stories are about the friends and enemies created in these hotbeds of learning. Many of the tales deal with relationships between mentors and students, professors and scholars, students and graduates… Particular favourites for me were “The Hare and the Hound” by Kelly Andrew, a story that had elements of folk horror entwined with in it, J. T. Ellison’s “X House” gave me a contemporary update to the frat houses seen in movies such as Animal House, Helen Grant’s “The Professor of Ontography”, which was a contemporary take on “What’s behind the door?”, “Four Funerals” by David Bell reminded me that there are many victims in a school shooting, M. L. Rio’s “Weekend at Bertie’s” rather made me think of Alfred Hitchcock’s stories in its murder-mystery setting, Tori Bovalino’s “Phobos” was a strong story of secret societies whilst Phoebe Whynne’s “Playing” finished the collection off strongly with a story with a certain nod to Robert Bloch… In short, In These Hallowed Halls delivers an eclectic range of stories from many of the newest and brightest genre writers. It is a book ideal for settling down with on a colder Autumnal night, or indeed dipping into as you start that new educational journey. (Cup of tea optional!) If you are a fan already, I think you’ll love it, or if you’re looking for somewhere to start, to try the subgenre, I can think of nowhere better at the moment.’ (SFF World)
‘Well this is going straight to the top of my tbr pile!!’ (Waterstones Birkenhead)
‘Overall, In These Hallowed Halls is an excellent addition to any dark academia collection. Every story is worth a read, and a handful are exceptional standouts. The imagery describing the schools in every story is beautifully done. Each writer has a unique way of transporting the reader to these various Universities. The descriptions of the campuses almost made me miss walking the halls of my alma mater (almost). I certainly miss perusing the dead, silent stacks of the always-empty library… The more disturbing stories are the ones that clung to me the most. The macabre tone resounds in every entry and carries the reader from one dark atmosphere to another. After reading these twisted tales, my dreams were dark, disturbing and, of course, took place in a library. This anthology is satisfying for fans of dark academia, horror or mystery genres. Make sure you have a warm blanket when you read because some of these stories will chill you to the bone.’
From the Instagram Reviews ‘#InTheseHallowedHalls is a remarkable collection of #darkacademia short stories filled with obsession, madness, and the macabre.’ (@libraryofiris 5*)
‘Do you like short story collections? I admit that I don’t really. The amount of story we get is never enough for me to really connect with the characters. So they rarely leave a long-lasting impression. But I do make exceptions every once in a while for an author I love or a story that really interests me. I picked up In These Hallowed Halls for two reasons: 1) All the short stories are dark academia themed. 2) One of them is my ML Rio. I LOVE ML Rio! Most of the stories were super weird and made me go HUH??? Very atmospheric, though, and l am definitely in an autumn/dark academia mood now! Parts I found really creepy! And very eery. Some of them were LGBTQ which I appreciated! And they were all setting a very great and dark mood which I loved. I probably don’t make a lot of sense here but I don’t know how else to review this book. I think it’s a perfect fall read and I’m so glad I read this. It’ll find a place on my shelf next to Donna Tartt and the other dark academia books. I also found some new authors to check out because I loved their writing! (@dear.pippa)
‘It’s September, so it’s time to delve into the #darkacademia on the shelves, starting with this new release...’ (@kem_ward)
‘Definitely in a dark book vibe and this #DarkAcademia anthology is exactly what I needed right now. I love an anthology, especially when it includes authors I already love!’ (@rebeccadeereads)
‘I started the spooky season with these amazing short stories. I absolutely loved them. They are spooky, they are short, and they are soooooo good!!’ (@areadersalley)
‘I really enjoyed this collection of short #darkacademia stories!… I found some authors whose books I am now super excited to try given how much I enjoyed their stories.’ (@kellys.bookverse) ‘This is probably one of my most anticipated books of the year and I’m so excited to delve into it. I love Blake and Rio, and I’m excited to read even more voices in this beautiful genre.’ (@wxnderingpages)
‘This. Brings. Me. So. Much. Joy!’ (@lonely_book.club) ‘It’s rare for me to come across anthologies where I like all the short stories, however #InTheseHallowedHalls proved me wrong. Really recommend if you love #DarkAcademia or anthologies in general!’ (@oncemorewithreading)
‘#InTheseHallowedHalls is an immersive, atmospheric collection of short stories that takes us through all the shades and facets of #darkacademia. I think fans of the genre will have a lot of fun with this one.’ (@peachesandsage)
‘A “lethally smart” sinister collection of 12 dark academia short stories from masters of the genre, including Olivie Blake, M.L. Rio, Susie Yang and more!’ (@nautilusenglishbooks)
‘Okay so if “dark academia anthology” or the list of incredible authors haven’t already enthralled you enough, lemme convince you: from inappropriate student/teacher relationships (My Dark Vanessa vibes), to a super computer that predicts scary things happening (Doctor Who episode anyone?), to psycho strangers, shapeshifters, boarding school drama with mean “it girls”, séances, school shootings, lustful relationships, murder & illegal things, secretive schools, cults and church organ players… Like, this is just screaming out to the horror/thriller/ dark academia community and you need to LISTEN to it y’all, it’s INCREDIBLE!! Special shoutouts to: “The Professor of Ontography” by Helen Grant; “Pythia” by Olivie Blake; “X-House” by J.T. Ellison; and “1000 ships” by Kate Weinberg.’
‘Long story short, I survived (‘cause it’s a book of short stories, get it...?) Firstly huge thank you to my bestie @gee.booksandlife for lending me her proof copy to read! They were all so good, but my favourites were “The Professor of Ontography”, “The Hare and the Hound”, “1000 ships”, “Pythia” and “X House”...’ (@anxietea.journey)
‘A collection of short stories written by multiple #darkacademia authors.. INCREDIBLE! Absolutely loved these and they made my dark academia heart very happy. Adored them all but my faves were: “Pythia” – Olivie Blake; “The Hare and the Hound” – Kelly Andrew; “The Professor of Ontography” – Helen Grant!’ (@anxiouspages)
‘I really enjoyed this little book! A collection of short stories – all dark academia, sign me up! I was hooked from the first page and each story was unique in their own way. I liked some of them more than others but, overall, I found it to be a fun read. What to expect: academic setting eerie vibes, teacher/student obsession, secrets and betrayal. I found some “new to me” authors to add to my tbr, and of course our queens, Olivie Blake and ML Rio did not disappoint! All my dark academia girlies, I can’t wait for you to check this one out! It releases next month, just in time for the spooky season.’ (@coffeeattwilight)
‘A #DarkAcademia anthology?! Umm... yes, please! Perfect timing for a fall release – expected release date Sept 12th. I just came across this ARC (advanced reader copy) in our break room and #OlivieBlake caught my eye and then I may have squealed when I read the entire cover.’ (@alexattheathenaeum)
‘Normally I can struggle with short stories as I don’t find them long enough to get connected with the characters or invested in the story, but it was the total opposite with this book. I loved each story, some more than others but each one was written really well and had their own take and dark spin. If you are a fan of dark academia I think you will like this one. It was enjoyable and a quick read.’ (@books0507)
‘#InTheseHallowedHalls is a carefully woven anthology centring around the genre of #darkacademia. It contains 12 short stories, all uniquely independent. The journey itself is exciting, waiting to see how each author interprets the theme. The format is precise, making it almost like a Black Mirror type of reading experience. Certain stories stand out more than others, but as a whole it’s an adventure worth taking. It publishes in September and is the perfect spooky season read for busy minds… Standout Quotes: “Let us bin all assumptions about Shakespeare. Let us rid ourselves of any sentimentality and approach his text as any other.” – Kate Weinberg; “The spires may cast a shadow but the ivy twines just the same.” – Olivia Blake; “It hypnotized. It seduced. The sea called, and the body answered, helpless against the pull of the tides.” – J.T Ellison; “She always felt that primordial itch to howl at the moon, to warm her blood over a bonfire, to lay last year’s regrets to rest in soft hibernal earth. But what was put to rest sometimes came back to light and she wondered, would she blush to see her sins reanimated?” – M.L Rio; “Yes, Grace would like to die with her music, when it was time. But it was not time yet, she had so much more to achieve before then. It was not time to bleed into the keys.” – Phoebe Wynne.’ (@richardsreads 4/5)
‘This was a great anthology! I’d definitely recommend In These Hallowed Halls to anyone who wants to read dark academia but doesn’t know where to start, but also to anyone like me who’s in the mood for some DA but can’t make up their mind what book to pick up. My absolute fav stories were “Phobos” by Tori Bovalino, “Weekend at Bertie’s” by ML Rio, “The Hare and the Hound” by Kelly Andrew, “The Professor of Ontography” by Helen Grant and “Pythia” by Olivie Blake. “Phobos” by Tori Bovalino is dark academia at its best – secret societies, privilege, power, murder – the whole story was like a love letter to Ninth House and all books like it, and I absolutely devoured it! As far as I’m concerned Tori can do no wrong when it comes to DA and I only wish her story was a whole novel instead. “Weekend at Bertie’s” is another one that just had me in its thrall the whole time. I’ve been meaning to read If We Were Villains for the longest time, maybe now is the time.’ (@scarletwitchypages)
‘Settle in for dark academia madness! In These Hallowed Halls is a fantastic collection of dark, sometimes creepy, often disturbing short stories. Several of these stories packed a powerful punch and will stick with me for a long time… The writing styles and content are vastly different. I loved the variety of approaches to storytelling in short form.’ (@darciahelle)
‘Dark Academia. What do those words conjure up for you? This collection has me SO READY for autumnal vibes! The stories encapsulated everything I love about the genre, and now I NEED MORE! I’m putting my vote in for a second anthology... please? Pleaseeeee? Each story shines in its own right, but my personal standouts were... “1000 Ships” | Kate Weinberg; X House | JT Ellison; “Weekend at Bertie’s” | ML Rio; “The Professor of Ontography” | Helen Grant; “Playing” | Phoebe Wynne. All of the authors in this anthology are writing at the top of their game though, and truly I implore anyone who loves to dip a toe into the dark academia world to pick up a copy!! This one is out 12th Sept! Perfect for those darkening evenings coming soon.’ (@monsieurmarple)
‘Do you read #DarkAcademia? Do you have a favourite? #InTheseHallowedHalls is a Dark Academia anthology. I totally LOVED reading this. I did one story a day, so I would have time to think about it. By most of the stories I was so traumatised, but in a good way. It’s dark, grimy and perfect for autumn.’ (@xlivinginpages)
‘Anyways, I read In These Hallowed Halls this week and OH MY did I absolutely LOVE it!! There were some stories that I won’t stop thinking about for WEEKS… Now, my FAVOURITES: “The Hare & The Hound” 5 ~ Kelly Andrew; “The Professor of Ontography” 5 ~ Helen Grant; “Phobos” 5 ~ Tori Bovalino. These were all INCREDIBLE!! I’m talking dark academia, spooky science, gothic, mythological EXCELLENCE!!! I seriously had to go back and reread almost all of these (not the Ontography one because that terrified me and I will actually never recover – in the best possible way, I’ve got chills just thinking about that ending). They all approach the theme very differently, and have got a range of spookiness to them but they’re all so well written, they pack SO much punch and tbh I’m now going to go and grab as many spooky anthologies as I can get my grabby hands on because I’m obsessed… A couple notable mentions: “Pythia” 4 ~ Olivie Blake; “X House” 4 ~ JT Ellison. I’ll be posting a more lengthy review for each individual one of these closer to release day because they deserve to have their praise yelled (nicely) at anyone and everyone who will listen. Overall, if you can, get your hands on this collection, it’s brilliant!’ (@salimateez)
‘With the temperatures finally starting to feel like autumn, I found this dark academia anthology just in time! For me, dark academia books are often a hit or miss. I’m obsessed with them or I dislike them. I’ll leave you to guessing which ones I despised. I think this collection is perfect for dipping your toes into the genre, though, and discover plenty of new authors while reading,’ (@Somberlainy)
‘In These Hallowed Halls is a short story collection all set in schools. All of the stories have the dark academia vibes. There are 12 stories from authors J.T. Ellison, Olivie Blake, Susie Yang, and many more. There were definitely some stand out stories that I wished went on way longer. They all were beautifully written, but still dark and twisty. Loved every minute of this book!!’ (@ReadwithRobyn2)
‘Dark academia fans, wake up! I grabbed this one at B&N solely because the cover drew me in (hello, look at its beauty!). But then when I saw M.L. Rio, Layne Fargo, J.T. Ellison, and many more authors I adore, immediately decided I needed to start binge reading this one. I’m relatively new to anthologies and typically prefer longer novels, but this was a perfect compilation that showed off just how varied the genre of dark academia thrillers can be while all falling under the same umbrella. We had tales of revenge, magical realism, forbidden and illicit affairs, uncovered secrets, and even some Black Mirror vibes. I was annotating each story as I went, highlighting pieces I loved the most and ranking them individually, but I don't want to disclose the individual rankings here because it’s honestly better to go in blind for each one. Some of them had me scribbling notes like, “I NEED THIS TO BE A WHOLE NOVEL IMMEDIATELY,” while others were more along the lines of, “I'm OBSESSED with this one but It’s perfect as a horror short story and likely would’ve hated this as a full novel.” The vast diversity across writing styles really drew me in. If you’re able to grab a copy of this one soon, I highly recommend squeezing it in alongside your existing spooky season TBR! 4 *’ (@ChapterswithCourtney)
‘Enjoyed it. No stories were duds. Most of the stories I’d rate a 4 or 5. Maybe one or two were a 3. But now I’ve had my fill of dark academia for a little while. The mostly autumnal, sometimes gothic settings were awesome, the murders were fun… Two thumbs up!’ (@Bookraintea)
‘Dark Academia at its finest My cosy reading evenings are going to kill my social life this Autumn!’ (@thesilentcoven)
‘Dark Academia is defined by a darkness that overshadows the students, creating a solemn tone and aesthetic. It is often a murder, over-powered professors or a difficult student life. Not long after joining Bookstagram I discovered dark academia was a thing and that I loved it! Give me a dark school or college setting and I’m there! So I was delighted to receive this gorgeous anthology for my birthday. In these Hallowed Halls is a collection of short stories by writers known for their dark academia. I am not really a fan of short stories but I was intrigued by this as there are authors included that I haven’t read before. I picked this as my last read of 2023 as thought it would be a good one to end the year on. My stand out favourite stories were from David Bell, Layne Fargo and JT Ellison…Whether you are a lover of dark academia or are intrigued and want to see what it all entails this is a good book to try.’ (@up.too.late.reading)
‘I just finished reading In These Hallowed Halls, a collection of academia themed tales. It was a Christmas gift from my fiancé and I loved it. I find short story collections difficult to review, especially when the stories are by different authors and written in different styles, but overall this was a great collection. I have also read Vampires Never Get Old by the same publisher. I think I might end up picking up more of their themed short story collections.’ (@skelebooks)
And from the 4 and 5* Netgalley reviews: ‘From great, soaring buildings resembling cathedrals to hidden prophecies, the creaking of floorboards, the crunch of leaves beneath your shoes, to hidden mysteries and secret societies the tropes of dark academia are many and far between. While some stories form around elements of fantasy and others about the mundane, everyday aspects brought to life in stunning colour, this anthology really does have it all: betrayal, love, cracked spines of books, monsters and foreboding fog all included. As a lover and avid reader of the dark academia novel I was so excited to pick this up. Featuring some of my favourite authors and others new to me, I found myself in shock and awe at so many of these darkly-weaved tales. Dark academia is truly the perfect genre for autumn, and with cold, foggy days slowly approaching, this book is the perfect anthology to curl into on a cold, rainy night.... This was a wonderful way to find new authors and revisit new works from authors I have grown to love.’ (Jasmine M)
‘Are you a Dark Academia fan? If so, you’ll need to get your hands on In These Hallowed Halls. If you’re new to this subgenre and want to explore it more, this is the perfect place to start. This collection is comprised of 12 short stories that all tie into the Dark Academia theme. It includes stories by great authors like Olivie Blake, M.L. Rio, Layne Fargo, David Bell, Phoebe Wynne, and Susie Yang to name a few. And I even found some new-to-me authors that I really enjoyed!’ (Marie A)
‘A strong short story collection with a number of standouts! If you enjoy dark academia, give this one a try. Each story is very distinct and different from the others, so it doesn’t get repetitive. My personal favourites were the stories by M.L. Rio, Layne Fargo, and J.T. Ellison.’ (Stephanie K)
‘I loved this collection of short stories! As a lover of dark academia books, I started this adventure with very high expectations and came to the end fully satisfied! I found it a pleasantly disturbing read, intriguingly dark, deliciously mysterious, and seductively unsettling. This book is a journey into the darkest depths of the human soul, where obsession, revenge, remorse, madness, thirst for power and knowledge, resignation and more reign supreme. These are ambiguous, dark, enigmatic and often unsettling stories, where happiness and solutions are not always guaranteed. In fact, not all of the texts have an actual explanation, not all of the stories have actual closure. Some are left hanging, open to possible interpretations, emphasizing even more the cryptic atmosphere of the work. I was deeply captivated by the events narrated, absorbed by the pages, often feeling pleasantly disturbed…All in all, I found it a very intriguing and enjoyable anthology of short stories, which I absolutely recommend to lovers of dark academia!’ (Debora V)
‘In These Hallowed Halls features stories that range from spooky and dark to what could be the plot of a Community episode. I enjoyed it thoroughly. As the weather gets colder, even here on the West Coast, I want to escape into cozy study spaces with multiple fireplaces. This collection of short stories scratched that itch for me. It is a perfect companion to the changing seasons. There is something in this collection for everyone and it did introduce me to a few new authors that I will be absolutely adding to my TBR.’ (Sierra B)
‘In These Hallowed Halls is an immersive, atmospheric collection of short stories that takes us through all the shades and facets of academia, ranging from themes of the obsessive and unforgiving nature of academia, the deification of academia, student/teacher relationships and power dynamics, mental illness, secret societies and more. “The Professor of Ontography” by Helen Grant, “Phobos” by Tori Bovalino and “Pythia” by Olivie Blake were some of my favourites, but I think there’s something for everyone within this collection. While some stories certainly stand out more than others, all the authors within this book succeed in maintaining that particular ambiance characteristic of the dark academia subgenre consistently throughout. I think fans of the genre will have a lot of fun with this one, and it comes out just in time for fall, which is, arguably, THE dark academia season.’ (Adriana V)
‘It is no secret that I adore the Dark Academia genre and this anthology is packed full of some of my favourite writers in the genre. In These Hallowed Halls is delectable reading, especially perfect for the autumn season as nights grow colder and that chill starts to settle in your bones. As always, anthologies can be a mixed bag but I loved this one. I’m going to run through my favourite stories, but I genuinely felt like this was such a solid anthology. We kicked off with “1000 Ships” by Kate Weinberg, which I really enjoyed. It was a slick, sickening look at power, manipulation and changing your odds. Unsurprisingly, I adored Olivie Blake’s story “Pythia”. It was such a cool concept and the story took so many twists and turns. Blake packed a lot of characterisation and conceptual intrigue into a very short space. Similarly, “The Hare and the Hound” by Kelly Andrew was a story I really loved. This was a dark and twisty tale of fate, revenge and rabbits. It proved to me that between this and The Whispering Dark, Andrew is an author I must keep my eye on. “X House” by JT Ellison was another one that threw me for a loop. It was highly enjoyable, thriving in its tight atmosphere and claustrophobic setting. The pacing was excellent, with a deliciously twisted ending. “Four Funerals” by David Bell was one that really struck me. It explores the aftermath of school shooting and survivor’s guilt. For me, it was affecting and moving. To no one’s surprise, “Weekend at Bertie’s” by ML Rio was one of my favourites. I loved the characterisation here so much and thought it was so well written. Finally, “Phobos” by Tori Bovalino was such a standout. Bovalino’s writing is darkly entrancing and this is a story I loved, with an excellent concept and great twists.’ (Emily M)
‘I love dark academia, so this was an interesting read. I love anything that might have a spooky vibe or a good twist, and these stories had that as well! There were a few familiar names as well as some new ones, so I was very happy to learn some new authors to read. All in all this was a dark and twisty book full of stories for those who crave the university atmosphere but also want a good plot.’ (Raaven H)
‘I always find it difficult to review anthologies because it’s rare for me to come across ones where I like all the short stories. However In These Hallowed Halls proved me wrong because I enjoyed each one of these and felt that they were all really well written and had me hooked! This anthology also had stories from a lot of authors I haven’t read before so I’m super excited to dive into more of their books!’ (Emma W)
‘If you’ve been around here long enough, you know that dark academia is one of, if not my favorite, subgenres in literature. I love the nostalgia of school days, especially the ones where you find yourself handed this newfound independence surrounded by different groups of people and ideas, coupled with the supernatural or somewhat nefarious goings-on. It is cozy even when it’s disturbing. And reading this short story anthology from some of the best in the game did not disappoint. I was most looking forward to reading works from two of my favourite authors, namely Olivie Blake and M.L. Rio. Blake’s “Pythia” spins the concept of AI on its head while Rio’s “Weekend at Bertie’s” walks us through two colleagues planning a money heist on their dead boss. And while I knew I’d love these stories, it was the new-to-me authors I was blown away by…Overall, this anthology was the best way to get me into the autumnal mood. I highly recommend for dark academia lovers, both new and well-versed!’ (Nicolette S)
‘An excellent collection of stories that fit the Dark Academia vibe. If you’re looking for stories that will transport you to isolated campuses filled with predatory men, literary references, and cramped student housing, you’ve found your goal. The vibe comes alive, especially in stories about dead Poe scholars trapping their assistants in a morass of cliches from his work, to stories about the AI in the basement that has fallen in love with a grad student.’ (Steph Z)
‘Loved this dark academia collection of short stories from some of our absolute favourites (Olivie Blake and M.L. Rio!). Each story was unique and twisted in its own way, I found myself preferring some over others but was overwhelmingly devouring each one.’ (Brooke M)
‘The reason I wanted to read this book in the first place was Olivie Blake. I love her, I love her books and I had to read her new short story asap. And no surprise: It did not disappoint. But what really took me by surprise was how I also really loved all the other stories! So unique, so dark, so different. The best start into autumn season. I can’t wait to read more books from the authors!’ (Reviewer 1164219) ‘In These Hallowed Halls was a highly interesting and truly unique dark academia anthology. This collection had a wide variety of stories, some dark and moody, others light and quick. I think a few of my favourite short stories from this anthology were “Pythia” and “The Hare and the Hound”. I loved getting to read some new stories by authors I love while discovering some new, amazing authors as well. I highly recommend for fans of dark academia looking for some pleasantly creepy short stories.’ (Autumn B)
‘In These Hallowed Halls is a collection of 12 dark academia stories written by great authors such as Olivia Blake, M.L. Rio, Susie Yang and many others! I haven’t had the chance to read anything by any of these authors yet, but thanks to In These Hallowed Halls... Well, I can’t wait to catch up on more from each of them! The unpublished stories are not very long. They are extraordinarily short but intense. It is a real journey into the hidden and dark part of the human soul. In all the works, the atmospheres are rather dark and mysterious and damn intriguing. Oh, and every work is written DIVINELY!! A pleasant and highly recommended read for all lovers of dark academia and for those looking for particularly dark settings.’ (Bibi R)
‘I had a wonderful time reading this short story collection. There was a wonderful mix of fantasy, thriller, and horror dark academia stories. Overall, I enjoyed almost all of the stories and only found 1 or 2 not as interesting to me as the rest. The collection as a whole though is very interesting and any dark academia lover will have a fun time reading through this. From shape shifters, to murders, stealing, and super computers with anxiety, we see so many interesting things happening in these short stories.’ (Brittany M)
‘If you’re ready to experience the many ways dark academia is explored through beautifully written fiction by multiple incredible authors, read this book! I enjoyed listening to a dark academia playlist while reading to add to the atmospheric and haunting prose. It was so intriguing to see how each author chose to explore the dark academia setting. reading these stories felt like wandering an ancient university on a cold autumn night. I haven’t read short stories in a long while and so many of them drew me into their world that I could have read a whole book about specific stories. As with any collection of short stories, there were some I enjoyed more than others based on my personal taste… Ones I especially enjoyed were “The Hare and Hound”, “The Ravages”, and “X House”. “Phobos” was my very favourite and I gasped at that twist ending!! Overall, I feel like this was a great read if you’re in the mood for something atmospheric, mysterious, and a little spooky.’ (Eva L)
‘Before I go into reviewing each story I think it is important to discuss the genre of dark academia itself, because it really has become such a muddled concept. To me, dark academia is many things, which can be at the authors’ discretion. Firstly, it can mean literally taking place at a college/university. Usually incorporating dark elements of life – that could mean stating the issues associated with academia itself and examining the flaws in the higher education system. Or that could mean dark occurrences occurring within that academic context. It can include elements of magic in there, or it doesn’t have to. To me, this is the basic framework of which dark academia rests, at least in my mind. Now a lot of these stories fit within this framework and some are outliers, in which case I say to each their own. What I really like about this short story anthology idea is that there is certainly something for everyone within its pages. Since dark academia can encompass many things, it contains lessons, dark overall stories, concerns about academia and power relations, murders, mystery, magic etc. Which can make it easily enjoyable. I went into this anthology a little weary, as I love dark academia and it is probably one of my favourite genres, but I was not completely sure about whether I would enjoy short stories. It can be difficult to connect to the characters when they’re only present for a short period of time. However, I have come to the conclusion that it works really well for dark academia. I think, truly, there is something for everyone in this anthology. This could be an incredible place to start if you want to get into the genre too, as it exposes you to it directly in a palatable manner.’ (Areej S)
‘I’m normally not a huge fan of short story anthologies but this one is so well put together with back-to-back stories that dragged me in! There were only a few stories that I’d rate 3/4 stars and the rest were all 5 star reads for me. Perfect gift for the spooky season and for those looking to get into dark academia but unsure where to start!’ (Shannon T)
‘College will be the death of you is something I’ve heard more than once in my life; this book breathed a whole new meaning into those words. I will say this is an excellent fall read, it’s dark and spooky and gives you enough variety to keep you glued to the pages of every story. I have to say I enjoyed this more than I thought I would, the flow of the stories, the complimentary writing style of the authors, the similar yet different locations, all of it together led to a wonderful reading experience. Now let me say the stories are the stars here, there is depth and character development and they work both singularly and in an anthology and I enjoyed all of them. Dark academia isn’t something I normally read but after this book, I’ll be getting my hands on as many of them as I can, and I kind of want to book a few college tours just to watch people.’ (Ann B)
‘This book was so beautifully, so thoughtfully written. There isn’t a single word that doesn’t have a purpose. And the prose and verses were breathtaking, and had me enthralled!! Loved it.’ (Librarian 1005357)
‘Olivie Blake? M.L. Rio? At the cusp of autumn? Sign me up! Dark academia has taken the literary world by storm and reading these short stories really reminds you of why. It was delightful and cunning, and overall incredibly interesting. Definitely recommend for something both easy but incredibly investing.’ (Isabella T)
‘Amazing collection of dark academia stories from authors I was really looking forward to hearing from! I really enjoyed all of these stories, but honourable mention to “1000 Ships” which I felt was a true, unsparing recount of the institutionalised misogyny in academia. “The Hare and the Hound” was also inventive, psychological and such a juicy revenge story! Oh, and Layne Fargo could write anything and I think I would read it.’ (Yuva H)
‘I really enjoyed this collection, There was a lot of variety amongst these short stories and I liked some of them more than others, but they all fit the dark academia vibes. This book will be perfect for the change of season, particularly with a pot of tea!’ (Klaudia L)
‘Okay, so I’ve suddenly developed an appetite for Dark Academia, though I read The Secret History back in the 90s – I reread it recently and just keep reading what’s being written in its wake. Of course, I had to read and review this anthology. It goes along with my love of darker murder mysteries, but I’m loving the forays into the paranormal/supernatural. Emotionally, I have some unfinished business with Academia – who knows, maybe this will be seeds thrown into the field of a future story… It’s a 10-star anthology, as far as I’m concerned, an exciting addition to an expanding subgenre.’ (Jan M)
‘A great dark academia short story collection by some great authors. Each story had me gripped and wanting more. It has also given me a list of new authors to check out too. I highly recommend!’ (Reviewer 829036)
‘I loved this collection of short stories! As a lover of dark academia books, I started this adventure with very high expectations and came to the end fully satisfied! I found it a pleasantly disturbing read, intriguingly dark, deliciously mysterious, and seductively unsettling. This book is a journey into the darkest depths of the human soul, where obsession, revenge, remorse, madness, thirst for power and knowledge, resignation and more reign supreme. These are ambiguous, dark, enigmatic and often unsettling stories, where happiness and solutions are not always guaranteed. In fact, not all of the texts have an actual explanation, not all of the stories have actual closure. Some are left hanging, open to possible interpretations, emphasizing even more the cryptic atmosphere of the work. I was deeply captivated by the events narrated, absorbed by the pages, often feeling pleasantly disturbed. Obviously I enjoyed some stories more than others, I have my favourites, but in general I enjoyed everything. My only “criticism”, if you can call it that, is that for me some titles would have offered even more as novels…All in all, I found it a very intriguing and enjoyable anthology of short stories, which I absolutely recommend to lovers of dark academia!’ (Deborah V)
‘Oooh, this was really fun! I often struggle with anthologies and I 100% requested this solely for the M.L. Rio story…I loved the stories from past authors that I’ve enjoyed, and discovered a few new ones I want to check out! It was also a cool range of stories from a contemporary view of student-professor relationships, to genuinely terrifying horror, to gothic vibes!’ (Bethany D)
‘First things first, I loved this book!! As someone who loves dark academia, and with a short attention span this book was perfect! I feel like this was such a unique read and have never read anything like this whilst it still had the moody psyche that I love in dark academia… Some of these still have me thinking about them because the writing is so amazing you want more of the stories and more of the characters, but the stories never leave you unsatisfied.’ (Sim K)
‘If you like dark academia, you need to pick this up. I’ve only read one author out of this lineup, but I truly enjoyed all of the stories, and boy are there a variety of them! Whether you’re into real-world universities, fantastical academia, or a mix of the two, there are stories in this anthology that will meet your needs. They are all quick reads, not just because of their length but because they are fast-paced and often have a mystery at the core – there wasn’t a single story I was trudging through, unlike most anthologies I’ve read. I highly recommend this anthology and I’ve found a few authors I’ll definitely be reading more of!’ (Shelby W).
‘I was thrilled to have been approved to read this arc. I was mainly excited to read M.L. Rio’s & Olivia Blake’s pieces in this but was pleasantly surprised by how entertaining the other stories were. I am a huge fan of dark academia so all of the stories really scratched that wonderful itch. I will say I was left wanting more more often than not, but that seems to be the trend when I read anthologies. I always want the short stories to continue, especially when I like them.’ (Maitland K)
‘This dark academia anthology captured my interest from start to finish. I had read a few of the authors before, but I loved the ability to read the stories of authors that were new to me. There’s definitely a few new authors that I’ll be adding to my tbr now!! Out of all the short stories I found myself enthralled by “1000 Ships”, “X House”, and “The Unknowable Pleasures”. Anthologies are hard for me to rate since they are a collection of singular stories, but overall I give this book a 4/5*’ (Kaila M)
‘Thank you for the digital review copy, Titan Books. In These Hallowed Halls is such a wondrous collection of short stories!’ (Caleb P)
‘Let me tell you, the SECOND I saw Olivie Blake had a short story in this anthology I was SOLD. In These Hallowed Halls is a dark academia short story collection from various authors and it was honestly such a fun ride! With any collection like this, you always find there are some that are more standout than others, which was also the case here – most notably for me, “Pythia” by Olivie Blake, “The Hare and the Hound” by Kelly Andrew and “The Professor of Ontography” by Helen Grant were my standout favourites. However, there wasn’t any I didn’t enjoy! I loved the dark academia vibes throughout (and the different takes on what this is!) and the writing styles of all the authors was very enjoyable. I’ll certainly be checking out some more published works by the authors. If dark academia is your thing, you’re going to love this!’
‘This was a must read for me. I have previously enjoyed books by Olivie Blake, Kelly Andrew, and Tori Bovalino, and have M.L. Rio on my TBR. Literally nobody disappoints in this anthology, and it was a deeply dark and exciting way for me to discover new authors that I want to read more of. This anthology captures dark academia in all its glory with twelve stories from twelve extremely competent authors.’ (Kayleigh W)
‘This was incredible! It’s started me on a spooky anthology kick, I seriously can’t get enough omg!! I definitely had my favourites but there is something in this collection for every kind of dark academia reader!’ (Salima)
‘In These Hallowed Halls really solidifies the “dark” in dark academia. All the stories in this book are based in an academic setting and have those strange, intense, kind of spooky (and well, dark) vibes that I have come to associate with this genre. All of the stories in this anthology were pretty good, but if I had to choose my favourites, I would select M.L. Rio, Olivie Blake and Kelly Andrew’s stories. Conceptually, I think they were my favourites in terms of the plot and the characters; each one of them started great and ended in a way that I felt was perfect, and at the same time left me wanting more. Honestly though, I would not mind if there was a volume 2 of this anthology with even more stories set in dark academia; because as someone who is in academia, we really need those.’ (Nihaarika)
‘In These Hallowed Halls delivered everything promised and that I hoped it would be. I finished this book a couple of weeks ago and wanted to have time to sit with the stories. These stories are all incredibly eerie and bizarre. I have not stopped thinking about them since. In These Hallowed Halls is truly a no-skip album, but I particularly enjoyed Kelly Andrew, J.T Ellison, Layne Fargo, and M.L Rio’s stories. What I love about anthologies is that it is such a nice introduction to an author’s writing style and voice. From this, I have found an entire heap of authors that I will read and recommend!’ (Librarian 1023128)
‘In These Hallowed Halls: A Dark Academia Anthology is a captivating collection of twelve dark academia short stories that delve into the enigmatic and often sinister world of academia. From the masters of the genre, this anthology offers a mesmerizing exploration of the pursuit of knowledge, secrets, and the shadows that linger within the hallowed halls of higher education. Each story within this anthology presents a unique and beguiling perspective on dark academia. From tales of revenge and retribution to mysteries surrounding missing professors and illicit affairs, the anthology covers a wide spectrum of themes that encapsulate the essence of the genre. The authors, including Olivie Blake, M.L. Rio, Susie Yang, and others, bring their own distinctive voices to the stories, making each one a memorable and chilling experience. The beauty of this anthology lies in its ability to capture the allure of academic settings while infusing them with a sense of darkness and foreboding. The characters grapple with their desires for knowledge, power, and understanding, often leading them down treacherous paths. The juxtaposition of intellectual pursuit and the macabre creates an atmosphere of tension that keeps readers engrossed from beginning to end. The anthology’s themes are as varied as its contributors, touching on obsession, revenge, the supernatural, and the psychological. Whether through ghostly séances, sinister secrets, or enigmatic initiations, each story delivers its own unique blend of darkness and academia. The definition of dark academia provided in the introduction perfectly encapsulates the essence of this anthology. It’s a collection that embraces the scholarly pursuit of knowledge while delving into the more ominous and mysterious aspects of academia. The aesthetic principles of dark academia are vividly portrayed through the characters’ attire, surroundings, and the atmospheric settings that range from libraries to museums. In These Hallowed Halls is a must-read for fans of the genre. With its captivating stories and diverse range of themes, it offers a captivating journey into the shadowy corners of academia, satisfying the cravings of those who appreciate intellectual pursuits with a twist of the sinister. Each story in this anthology is a gem that contributes to the overall allure and mystique of dark academia.’ (Dalton S)
‘AGHHHHHHH! Okay, like I actually screamed SO LOUD when I opened this piece of book mail a few weeks ago... A BOOK FROM FRIGGIN’ TITAN BOOKS?!?!? And also it’s a Dark Academia anthology featuring some of my favourite authors?!? How could it get any better than that??? With Colleges and Universities starting back up for the Fall Semester, this is the PERFECT accompaniment for when you aren’t piled high with study hall sessions and homework. Even better, because this book is projected to hit shelves on September 12th, which isn’t that far away, and trust me y’all, you’re gonna SALIVATE over this read. I did. In These Hallowed Halls features short story contributions from J.T. Ellison, David Bell, Susie Yang, M.L. Rio, Olivia Blake, and so many other talented creators. There are narratives about haunted boarding schools with murders afoot, ravenous AI equations becoming too sentient, secret societies that operate more like murderous cults, and every other savoury angle to scratch your itches.’ (Samantha H)
‘I am usually not a fan of anthologies but I do love dark academia and some of the authors featured in this anthology so I wanted to give it a try – and I don’t regret it at all! This may actually be the first anthology I honestly enjoyed reading and, more importantly, didn’t have to force myself to finish. All of the stories – and I really mean every one of them – had me hooked after the first few sentences. Of course I enjoyed some a bit more than others but I did like every one, which is rare for anthologies I think. But every story was so weird, sometimes really dark, some felt more academic than others, but every one was really interesting and even though I finished this book weeks ago, I’m still thinking about some of the stories. I tried choosing a few favourites but I just couldn’t because I genuinely liked all of the stories a lot and I just couldn’t choose. What I find most fascinating is how memorable all of the stories are. As I said, I finished the book weeks ago but I still remember every story when I look at the titles.’ (Reviewer 439977)
‘My favourite readings were “1000 ships” (I’ve already added Truants to my TBR), “Pythia”, “The Ravages” (sapphic revenge story?! I mean come on), and “Phobos”. I had read works previously by Blake and Bovalino, and I am pleased to say that I will continue to read their work, but also begin reading the works of these other authors. The overall mood was a rainy day, a cozy blanket, and a hot chocolate. It’s summertime, but I felt like I had been transported into a gorgeous fall day at a gothic-style university. 10/10 do recommend.’ (Emily G)
‘I enjoyed reading this anthology, as a collection I rated it 4/5* but definitely found individual stories within it that could have been rated higher. “Four Funerals” touched on a very sensitive topic so I would make sure to be mindful of that upon reading it … I read quite a bit from the Dark Academia genre and I felt like most of these stories fit within the category. I would recommend adding this to your Fall TBR.’ (Destiny S)
‘I love Dark Academia books as they have a vibe like no other. They have a dark undertone of creepy and unsettling, yet strangely cosy and comforting. It’s a genre that’s really come into its own in the past couple of years so I was super excited to see the release of this one! With a stunning collection of Dark Academia short tales from a range of epic authors, there’s bound to be a story in here to tickle your dark fantasies and interests. As with any book of short stories, I always find there are some that are enjoyed more than others. Some I really got into and enjoyed and others felt a bit harder to get through and engage with, but it was an enjoyable book all in all. It’s hard to choose a favourite but I think “Phobos” was the one that topped it for me. That and “The Professor of Ontography”. Many of these stories were filled with intrigue and you never quite knew what was going to happen next or what twist the author would delight you with. They’re all fabulously written and expertly set the tone for the book. It’s a must for all lovers of this genre of book and definitely if you’re a fan of short stories.’ (Nicola W)
‘Dark academia has become a prominent sub-genre in the book community over the last few years; however, the “aesthetic” conjures up different images unique to each reader. In These Hallowed Halls is a remarkable collection of Dark Academia short stories filled with obsession, madness, and the macabre. With a wide variety of tales, readers can explore the genre through authors well-versed in the literary subculture. My favourite short stories were “The Hare and the Hound” (I’ve always loved Alice in Wonderland), “X-House”, and “The Professor of Ontography”… Overall, this anthology was very easy to indulge in, and I’m sure fans of the Dark Academia genre will find at least one, if not several, short stories that haunt them long after finishing the last page.’ (Reviewer 1187080)
‘Dark Academia is definitely still a genre that I am exploring, and this is a fantastic way to find new material to read. I am already a big fan of Olivie Blake and M.L. Rio but have found some new authors to check out which is really exciting! I’ll start off with my favourite stories, I really wanted to only pick three but I ended up with four and they are: “Pythia” by Olivie Blake, “X House” by J.T. Ellison, “The Professor of Ontography” by Helen Grant and “Playing” by Phoebe Wynne. I am very excited to check out the further works of the three authors I haven’t read before. Each story had a mystery I was trying to unravel and, even if I guessed it, I still felt gratification and excitement at the end. They were engaging, an accomplishment in short stories, and created a strong atmosphere that made them different to the others… Overall, many of the stories were strong and I would even reread and recommend a lot of them to my friends.’ (Katie S)
‘I loved this! I have read books from several of the authors and was very excited to get to read this one – it definitely didn’t disappoint. So happy to have finally read it.’ (Michelle W)
‘I usually struggle with rating anthologies because I tend to like some stories more than others. In These Hallowed Halls was no different. Individually, none of these stories were higher than 4 stars for me, but none below 3 stars. Which is not too shabby! Aside from Olivie Blake and M.L. Rio, all of these were new to me authors and I’m eager to check out several of their works. I found it interesting that a lot of these stories were lacking the elements that I enjoy and associate with Dark Academia. It definitely made me realise that I have a lot more to explore in the genre… Standouts for me were “X House”, “Weekend at Bertie’s”, “The Professor of Ontography”, and “Phobos”. “Phobos” actually being probably my favourite of all (think The Atlas Six but without magic). Overall, a spooky collection with all the fall and Dark Academia vibes. If you like anthologies and creepy stories, I recommend.’ (Amber L) ‘I have been waiting for a book like this! I was extremely excited to receive an ARC of it from Titan publishers and I have been engrossed in it ever since. In These Hallowed Halls is a Dark Academia anthology of short stories and I’m sure I’m not the only reader who couldn’t wait to get their hands on it! Dark Academia is a relatively new genre of fiction, being part dystopian, part thriller, with a heavy Gothic influence, set in traditional academic surroundings. Think prestigious seats of learning such as Oxford, Edinburgh or Cambridge Universities, lost in swathes of autumn mist and mystery and you get the idea of what this genre is all about. I have been reading DA books for a while now and they are usually fairly long novels, so I was intrigued to see how this trope would play out in a short fiction format. It works beautifully and I couldn’t stop turning the pages, reading late into the night, until I had finished the book. I always loved school stories as a child, so the adult DA genre is right up my street. This collection has everything that my scholarly heart yearns for – Gothic buildings, dusty old books, cosy common rooms, glowing fire-lit libraries on stormy winter afternoons, hot buttered toast, copious amount of tea and coffee and of course, mysteries to unravel and solve. It transports the reader to the very epicentre of elite education and top drawer universities, where wealth and intellect are the only currencies that count. It is a book that makes you want to step into that world… Written by some of the top DA authors of modern publishing such as Olivie Blake and ML Rio, the student angst rolls off the pages amid tales of sinister Artificial Intelligence, missing students and the odd murder. The collection starts off strong with “1000 Ships”, a story about sexual misconduct and plagiarism, and it goes on from there, remaining strong throughout. In these pages you will find dangerous hazing rituals, initiations, secret societies, supernatural shape-shifters, school shootings and a gifted musician with a taste for greatness and a murder mystery. In These Hallowed Halls is a fantastic collection, being both sinister and cosy at the same time, as all the best Dark Academia should be. My favourite stories in the collection are “1000 Ships”, “The Hare and the Hound”, “X House”, “Phobos” and “Playing”. These stories held me on the edge of my seat and they are the ones that have stayed with me upon finishing the book. Each story features a skilful use of pathetic fallacy to build atmosphere and a strong sense of place. It is obvious that you are reading authors who are at the top of their game and who have made this genre their own. To distil all the complexities of Dark Academia into a short story is no easy task, but the authors of this collection have done just that, seemingly without effort. It’s a gripping book – one to read curled up in a cosy armchair, with a plate of hot buttered toast and a cup of tea, or a bag of sweeties – but no more than three sweets a night, or things turn sinister! If you like Dark Academia or the Gothic genre then you will probably love this book, and if you are new to DA, this is a great introduction. I highly recommend it and I am sincerely hoping that Titan publish a second volume, because this one was so much fun to read. It is ideal reading for all adults who are bitten by “back to school” nostalgia at this time of year. Check your doors are locked, snuggle up by the fire, and enjoy these murderous collegiate stories! Happy Reading.’ (Marie B)
‘I had the BEST time reading this. I found some new authors to discover and my fave stories were “Pythia” and “The Hare and the Hound”!! So, so fun and made my Dark Academia heart very happy. I need MORE!’ (Steph L)
‘In These Hallowed Halls is a fun, varied, dark ride through many different avenues and genres of Dark Academia fiction. While some of the stories worked more for me than others, I enjoyed them all, and found some new authors I want to check out in the future. Would recommend to any fans of the genre.’ (Shannon C)
‘In These Hallowed Halls is an anthology of twelve Dark Academia stories. I have previously read six of the twelve authors and enjoyed them so I was excited for this anthology and I’m happy to say that this was such a good time! All of these stories are very different and like any collection, some work more than others but I think they are all strong in their own way! My favourite was definitely the Olivie Blake story. Unsurprising to anyone because she is my very favourite author, but her story just had its own unique style… I also loved the story by Kelly Andrew, a new to me author. All in all, I think this collection has something for any Dark Academia fan. Some stories are a little more spooky while some just have an academia vibe that will make you think about stepping on crunchy leaves. I can’t wait to pick up a physical copy of this when it releases this fall!’ (Alicia C)
‘Normally I’m not a huge short story fan. I can’t connect to the characters, there’s not enough time to develop a coherent story, there’s not enough world-building or connection. However, this was enjoyable. A nice break from the long books and sagas I’ve been reading. I think if Dark Academia is your jam – you’ll love this!’ (Caitlin L)
‘In These Hallowed Halls is one of those books I was eagerly anticipating in 2023, and I was fortunate enough to read it in advance thanks to NetGalley and Titan Books, to whom I extend my gratitude for the ARC copy. The book lived up to my expectations. It’s a collection of novellas that showcases stories with the Dark Academia aesthetic, written by some of the most skilled authors in employing this in their works. I must say that some of the novellas were simply marvellous; I wished I could read entire books based on those stories, and one of my favourites was definitely the one written by Olive Blake, the author of The Atlas Six.’ (Clelia O)
‘What I love about this anthology is that there is something for everyone to enjoy within its pages… Weinberg’s “1000 Ships”, Ellison’s “X House”, and Grant’s “The Professor of Ontography” left me absolutely craving more than this short format writing could give me. If you enjoy Dark Academia, there will be a story in here that resonates with you, whether your original entry point was Tartt’s Secret History or Blake’s Atlas Six or Bardugo’s Ninth House. It was a delight to read so many prolific authors coming together, and some that I’ve been exposed to for the first time. Each author took their own approach and no two stories were even remotely the same. Anyone that has dabbled in Dark Academia and found something they like will want to have this beautiful collection for their shelf!’ (Kristen F)
‘As someone who spent four years at university and enjoyed learning but often wondered if anything else went on in the hallways it is odd that I’ve taken so long to branch out into modern Dark Academia. I’ve read some of the classics that have been assigned the genre but it’s only recently I’ve gone into the modern ones. So when the chance to read an anthology arose I was excited to give it a try and I have to say I feel like I have been missing out! In These Hallowed Halls contained 12 Dark Academia short stories and I have to say I adored each one in their own way but a couple really stood out to me. We have numerous goings on in this collection, retribution visiting a lothario lecturer, the sinister truth being revealed about a missing professor, a forsaken lover uses a séance for revenge (possibly my favourite), an obsession blooms about a possible illicit affair, two graduates exhume the secrets of a reclusive scholar, the horrors are uncovered in an obscure academic department (definitely a favourite), five hopeful initiates must complete a murderous task and much, much more to keep you guessing and up at night. Of course with anthologies you may sometimes find a few misses in there but I am pleased to say, for me, that is not the case in this collection. Each story explores an aspect or part of the genre of Dark Academia and executes it perfectly. The other thing I enjoyed is the differing writing styles, which of course you would expect with 12 different authors, it kept the genre engaging and refreshing. Each new story brought something new to the table and the genre. For someone like myself who is starting out in the modern aspects of the genre I found it helpful to steer me in the direction of authors I want to try first and so on. Of course I plan to read more works by all of them anyway but it was interesting to see different takes and aspects of the genre come to life. My three top ones from this collection where “The Ravages” by Layne Fargo, “The Professor of Ontography” by Helen Grant and “Phobos” by Tori Bovalino but the other 9 stories also captivated me and I thoroughly enjoyed each one. I think this collection is brilliant for both fans of the genre and those stepping into the world of Dark Academia. It gives you a taste of not only the genre but the style and skills of some of the best and brightest names in the genre.’ (Siobhan M)
‘In These Hallowed Halls is a Dark Academia anthology with 12 short stories, they were all written by different authors… Most of them were very beguiling and very self sufficient on their own – intriguing dark stories with twists and resolutions… Some stories were concise and didn’t feel like a part of some larger story, perfect on their own – secret science, accidental murder, shape-shifters and Nordic mythology, hazing at elite boarding school – you have it all. They are beautiful, dark, gothic and fascinating. Overall it is a great collection of Dark Academia stories and a good introduction if you would like to be familiar with some authors and decide whether you want to read more of their work.’ (Dasha S)
‘Dark Academia is always going to hold a special place in my heart and whenever I can read stories related to this genre/aesthetic I am so blessed! This anthology was absolutely incredible, my fave story was by Olivie Blake (I am obsessed with her writing style). Perfect book for the Fall season!’ (Rebeka S)
‘This was a collection of stories that sparked a new interest in dark academia! It was a great anthology and is certainly something I would suggest to a person who loved or was new to this genre! It was an excellent collection of short stories and certainly, while they were short, kept my attention and there were even several that took me entirely by surprise.’ (Librarian 1021076)
‘This was a good selection of short stories to fit the dark academia genre. Whilst I did enjoy some a lot more than others it was still an enjoyable read… This book fits in well with the changing of seasons. It also gave me a sneak peak of different authors’ writing styles which will allow me to check out their books in the future.’ (Emma H)
‘Brought to you by popular authors of the genre, In These Hallowed Halls is a collection of 12 different dark academia short stories from 12 different authors. Think: scholarly with a gothic edge, warm leather and tweed, murder and mystery, chaos and madness, settings at universities, museums, and/or libraries. The fact that it’s an anthology makes it that much easier to come back to again and again. To start your morning or end your day with a dark academia story here and there feels top-tier with this change in season. With all short story collections, you get a mixed bag of different feels and energies from each story. Some are more moody and atmospheric than others; some I thought were a bit lighter and found myself giggling. I also loved how this introduced me to authors I wouldn’t have otherwise been aware of! My favorite stories (in no order) were: “Phobos” by Tori Bovalino, “Pythia” by Olivie Blake, “The Ravages” by Layne Fargo, “The Hare and the Hound” by Kelly Andrew.’ (Ashlynne M)
‘In These Hallowed Halls: A Dark Academia Anthology is an enthralling literary collection that offers a mesmerizing journey into the mysterious and intellectually charged world of academia. The character development within these tales is impressive. Each story introduces a diverse range of characters, each with their own enigmatic depth, secrets, and flaws. They are relatable yet shrouded in intrigue, making it easy to connect with their journeys. The plot development is a true highlight. With a blend of dark and atmospheric storytelling, these authors immerse you in academia’s eerie, intellectual, and secretive settings. The pacing is well-crafted, drawing you deeper into the academic mysteries and personal revelations. The establishment of the dark academia elements is masterful. From secret societies to ancient libraries, the anthology creates a sense of intellectual obsession and hidden knowledge that dark academia enthusiasts will adore. The tone is suitably mysterious and intellectual, befitting the genre. It embraces the enigmatic allure of academia, leaving you craving more. In These Hallowed Halls is a must-read for fans of the dark academia sub-genre and anyone who enjoys thought-provoking and mysterious tales. The combination of rich character development, atmospheric plots, and the embodiment of dark academia’s allure makes this anthology an exceptional literary treat. Each story is a unique journey into the darker side of intellectual pursuits, leaving you both exhilarated and craving more’. (Kate J)
‘Overall, I liked this anthology a lot – there were a few stories that really gripped me and that I would absolutely love to read full length novels of, while there were also a couple of stories that didn’t feel like they fit… My favourite short story in this anthology was “The Professor of Ontography” by Helen Grant!’ (Millie S)
‘On the whole I liked this anthology. There were many stories that I would love to see fleshed out into novel (or even novella) form, like Olivie Blake’s “Pythia” or Tori Bovalino’s “Phobos”. I’d also like to give special shoutouts to Helen Grant’s “The Professor of Ontography” for being delightfully creepy, and to Kelly Andrew’s “The Hare and the Hound” for showing a really nice descent into madness. Overall, this was an enjoyable read.’ (Librarian 890286)
‘Wow! This was such a perfect autumn read! The mystery. The dark academia vibes. And even the form – I usually don’t enjoy short stories much, but I got this at an extremely busy period of my life and it was a relief to have something I could read quickly, with no need to remember important clues for a few weeks until I get the next chance to sit down and read. And then, the list of authors involved should tell you all you need to know about the quality. I really loved this one!’ (Jovanna R)
‘I ADORE THIS BOOK. Every short story was just magical, and I couldn’t help but absolutely devour this book. My absolute fave had to be “The Hare and The Hound”.’ (Robynne W)
‘When I saw the list of authors attached to this project, I knew it was going to be a great one. An anthology of dark academia short stories is already an amazing idea, and including names like Olivie Blake, Kelly Andrew, and M. L. Rio was a big selling point for me. Each of the stories felt different enough but still cohesive enough to be included in the same anthology.’ (Bookseller 1226844)
‘I always love collections of short stories, there’s just something so fun about jumping into different tales all within one publication! The authors of this one truly peaked my interest, Olivie Blake was my main reason for picking this up as well as my love of dark academia. I think this definitely bridges into themes of horror, lgbtq+, mystery, thriller and so much more! I think there’s definitely something for everyone and this would be the perfect start to someone’s dark academia reading journey. My favourite stories were: “Pythia” by Olivie Blake (I don’t think I was surprised by this as Olivie’s writing wows me every time); “1000 Ships” by Kate Weinberg – what a way to make me feel a strong NEED to pick up The Truants to see more of this character; “The Ravages” by Layne Fargo – tapping into that horror/revenge element that I LOVE… That’s just the top three, there were only a select few I didn’t really enjoy which is amazing out of a book containing so many new authors for myself. I will definitely be looking into many of these authors now.’ (Nicole L) ‘This was a wonderful dark academia anthology, with some fantastic authors on board! A great starting point for anyone who’s new to Dark Academia and wants to get a feel of what it entails and the kind of vibe to expect. I particularly enjoyed “1000 ships” – felt familiar, a little like My Dark Vanessa.’ (Sophie L)
‘I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed some of these stories as much as I did! The Layne Fargo story blew me away. I really liked Susie Yang’s as well. There were a few others that were excellent.’ (Allison V) ‘A brilliant collection of perfectly gothic short stories that not only introduced me to some new authors but also made for great reading throughout the week. A great starting point into the world of dark academia. “The Ravages” and “Pythia” were particular favourites of mine from this collection. I highly recommend picking this up!’ (Erin M)
‘In These Hallowed Halls: A Dark Academia Anthology is everything I could have hoped for from a short story collection and more. I was absolutely drawn by names like Olivie Blake and Tori Bovalino, who I love with all my heart and this anthology let me discover more and more magnificent new authors and I’m gonna be forever grateful. I love Dark Academia and everything surrounding it and this anthology is absolutely perfect. In these 12 short stories the reader will be able to follow these complex and magnificent, often morally gray, characters in their adventures and stories. From revealing sinister truths about missing professors, deadly rituals, seances for revenge, obsessions, lies, secrets and death… I loved every single story. Deliciously sinister and creepy, intense and beguiling. 10/10’ (Livia C)
‘This is an absolutely wonderful collection. I am a huge dark academia fan, so it is no surprise that I loved reading this. I read one short story a week because I didn’t want to fly through the book. There are a range of authors here that I have read, and some that I had not had the pleasure of reading yet. That is what I love about collections – they introduce you to new authors but with a short burst so you can get a taste of what they are writing. Sometimes with short stories, I struggle to connect to the story and characters but this was not the case here. Every story was written with such great care and love that I was able to really get into the writing.’ (Patridge P)
‘As a lover of Dark Academia I was so excited when this was published last fall. I’m happy that some of my favorite Dark Academia authors were featured and that is definitely reflected in my rating. While some, of course, are always better than others I liked the mix of concepts and storytelling ability. Overall, I gave this collection of stories 4 stars but my individual story rating is: “1000 ships” – 4 Stars; “Pythia” – 4.5 stars; “Sabbatical” – 3 stars; “The Hare and the Hound” – 5 stars; “X House” – 3.5 stars; “The Ravages” – 3 stars; “Four Funerals” – 4 Stars; “The Unknowable Pleasures” – 5 Stars; “Weekend at Bertie’s” – 4 stars; “The Professor of Ontography” – 4.5 stars; “Phobos” – 5 stars; “Playing” – 3 stars.’ (@theblancedbookshelf)
‘Four and a half stars seems a pretty solid average to reflect this one – since it’s an anthology of unconnected stories, there were some I liked more than others. Personal favorites included “1000 Ships,” “The Hare and the Hound,” “The Ravages,” and “Phobos.” This collection does a wonderful job of pulling together the pieces that make #darkacademia what it is and I had a grand old time with it – it’s also a very digestible book given that you can read just 20-page stories at a time.’ (@blackcoffeegreycharacters)
‘If you love a good #darkacademia story, then this collection is full of them. Flowed well and kept you turning pages. Definitely give this one a go.’ (@kat.with.a.book)
‘I really like the stylistics of the Dark Academia books, even though I haven’t read many of them. The topic works very well in TV series and here I have more experience as a viewer. I don’t particularly like story collections or anthologies either, I just always preferred longer literary forms. Until today, because with In These Hallowed Halls I was captivated, and from story to story I wanted to read further, which l did, despite pending work waiting on my desk. Each of these twelve tales has an undeniable atmosphere. A little dark, a little gothic, very tangible and charming. Of the universities presented here, all hide secrets, are unique, and sometimes during reading you get a thought that is so scary that you wouldn’t want to be in the skin of the heroes. The ideas of authors, and authors that I mostly didn’t know I admit, are very original. In my opinion they do not disappoint, they even stimulate emotions that are quite strong. They sure aren’t leaving me indifferent. This beautifully published book can be a great encouragement to read more novels of this genre, and that’s how it will be for me. It’s really worth it to feel like you’re on a university campus thanks to such a reading, once again among your student brothers, and to experience the thrill In These Hallowed Halls offers. I recommend it!!!’ (@jackspear217)
‘In These Hallowed Halls is a Dark Academia anthology in which you will find a collection of stories by famous authors. Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane were responsible for the selection of texts and editorial care. I liked the introduction itself. The editors explain what Dark Academia actually is and what we can expect after this dive. I think if you’ve never read this subgenre of literature, this anthology would be a great start. And if you’ve already fallen in this dive, you can also find many interesting things in this collection. Almost all of these stories had something to intrigue me… Definitely I was most impressed by Kelly Andrew’s tale titled “The Hare and the Hound”. I loved this unclear chase after the white bunny. Reminds me of my beloved Alice in Wonderland. I was so intrigued by the author that I googled her name and it turns out I even had her book in the special edition. I’ll have to read it quickly… The stories are very diverse and I think everyone can find ones that will delight them, if you like dark climates, academic scenery, secret societies and everything else that can be found in this book.’ (@narysowajka)
‘Reading this book, I was absolutely not disappointed when it came to the coverage of these topics (okay, maybe I lacked a bit of trust for the narrators). As with anthologies, some stories turned out to be better, for example, “1000 Ships”, “Pythia” or “Phobos” – it’s a story full of suspense, pushing one’s own limits and dealing with one’s own conscience… The variety contained in the anthology, and at the same time the topics connecting them, satisfied my craving for the Dark Academia subgenre, and left me wanting more. It’s hard to evaluate a dozen stories as one whole, but it was certainly a reading that aroused various thoughts, horror, and curiosity. I highly recommend this!!’ (@nelkagbooks)
‘In These Hallowed Halls consists of twelve stories on the Dark Academia theme, written by M.L. Rio, Olivie Blake and other talented authors. Although each story retains a similar aesthetic, each of them transports the reader to a completely different, unique world, full of its own secrets. Whether you’re a seasoned fan of the literary genre or just starting your journey into dark environments, the tales contained in this anthology will provide you with a fascinating journey through private schools and campuses that hide extraordinary stories.’ (@sylwiaczyta)
‘This dark academia-style anthology may prove to be a real treat for fans of short stories and a bit of a dark, slightly gothic vibe. Secrets, intrigues and architecture create their own unique atmosphere in each of these stories. Sometimes these stories can make you feel self-reflection, sometimes you will also feel goosebumps. I won’t hide it, I didn’t like some stories, but it’s normal when there are so many different ones and authors gathered in one place. My absolute favorites are: “The Hare and the Hound”; “X House”; “The Ravages”. Overall, I’m really positive about this collection. It was definitely an interesting and different experience that transported me to a different world. If this whole description makes you think that this book might be made for you, go ahead and order!’
(@magicinvelaris, above)
‘Yesterday In These Hallowed Halls had its launch, which I had the opportunity to read in advance, but because of a nice discount I’m posting it today. When it comes to anthologies, I have a totally mixed relationship with them, mainly because I prefer longer forms. But for the sake of the Dark Academia theme, I was tempted and I am not disappointed. Each of the stories has its own unique vibe. The cover is quite dark and definitely pleasing to the eye. Some authors are quite well-known and liked. Language accessible… So, as you can see, I like to break from time to time and reach for anthology, although I still have mixed feelings because it’s hard for me to get into it, but once I do... Below I leave my three favorite stories from this particular collection: 1) “Phobos”; 2) “The Hare and the Hound”; 3) “The Professor of Ontography”. If you have read it and are able to recommend me something with a similar atmosphere, I will be grateful, and in the meantime I recommend you take a look, it was a really pleasant read.’ (@pelna.kulturka)
‘Personally, I love being in a gothic university shrouded in darkness, mysteries, murders, gated communities, revenge and complex heroes – and this book will do it for you! The collection contains names more and less known, and although we have this common “element” which is the focus on this style, the stories are diverse and “hooked” from different sides, with other emotional aspects and diverse characters. Although I rarely read books in the form of a collection of short stories, here I did not feel this was a distraction and despite the diversity, there is no inconsistency here, which I liked a lot. I don’t want to spoil too much – it’s also hard to spoil when you have so many separate threads and secrets – so I’ll leave you with those feelings.’ (@reading.honeybun)
‘At the beginning of December I went to London and picked up this book at Piccadilly Waterstones. Mainly because of the stunning cover and the fascinating genre. The book consists of 12 stories, all in true dark academia-vibes. It’s published by Titan and I really want to read more from them. It’s written by 12 different authors, so I wasn’t fond of every story, but for the most part I found the book to be creepy and intriguing. I highly recommend this to all dark academia-lovers out there or anyone who is curious about books with a gothic edge to them. I got to read some new authors and I’ve already put some new books on my tbr after reading this. My 3 favourite stories from this anthology: “1000 Ships” by Kate Weinberg; “X House” by J.T. Ellison; “The Professor of Ontography” by Helen Grant. We often read big books, but I do like to switch it up with some smaller stories once in a while, such as this anthology. I’ve spent about two months enjoying and slow-pacing myself through this book. Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday wherever you are. I’m going to start my day by starting a new book with a cup of coffee out on my porch.’ (@millasbokterapai)
‘I haven’t read much in this genre so l was really excited to delve into it with this anthology! 12 short stories, 12 authors. Roughly 30 or less pages each. Finished in less than 24 hours! My favourite was “The Hare and the Hound” by Kelly Andrew! Have you read this? What other dark academia books/authors should I check out? Also hi, I changed my name to this from devouringbookishly because I wanted something simpler lol.’ (@ashhleyreads)
Meanwhile the book was still being enjoyed over in Poland, as evidenced by this from @wydawnictwostorylight (above). ‘You outdo yourselves in creating collages with aesthetics for the anthology In These Hallowed Halls! We can’t get enough of it! And you have inspired us!’
‘This is the first time I’ve ever written an anthology review. I thought it would be easier because I read the stories so fast I didn’t even feel the passage of time. From the first page, I found myself in a completely different place – behind the walls of the academy, where every secret has its price. If I had to describe the climate of these twelve stories in three words, it would definitely be: mystery, darkness, and anxiety. In addition, there are forbidden romances, built on the basis of fear and uncertainty. There is a pursuit of vengeance and justice, spiritual seances, and also an obsessive desire for truth. There are murders, blood on hands and secrets that you take with you to the grave. Did I enjoy some of the stories more or some less? Yeah. Was there a story I didn’t like at all? Nope. Although I know the work of only two authors, whose stories are in this anthology, it’s among the list of other unknown authors, I discovered my new favourites. Special accolades, in my opinion, go to such titles as “The Professor of Ontography”, “Pythia”, “The Hare and the Hound”, “Four Funerals”, and “Phobos”.’ (@thou.sandlives)
‘In These Hallowed Halls is a collection of stories that attracted me mainly by the theme. You have to admit that 12 stories, 12 authors and 12 ideas for unique stories embedded in the dark academia aesthetics sound like a recipe for success. And in my opinion, that’s what it turned out to be. Behind an absolutely beautiful cover with gilding lies stories among which everyone will find something for themselves. A diverse group of authors presented here really unique stories revolving around the dark academia theme. Everyone has something fresh inside them. So here you will find stories on the verge of horror, where people are not as they seem, mysterious disappearances, ghosts of the past, magic and exceptionally developed technology that influences characters. It is known that in the collections, telling is not equal to a story, however, to my surprise, this one maintained a fairly steady level of my commitment and I found something attractive in each of the stories, even in the ones that many reviewers did not necessarily like. The beginning of “1000 ships” looks promising. Because we have a drawn out story of a romance between a professor and a student with an unclear twist. This text attracted me additionally to the author’s work, because it is a prequel to an already published book. It only gets better from then on, and they deserved attention in my opinion at least. “The Hare and the Hound” – in which form the author managed to draw up a mass of content and interesting motives and elements of Nordic mythology or “The Unknowable Pleasures” which left me with a feeling of satisfaction or “X House”, which left me with goosebumps on the whole body. “Sabbatical” is in turn a great example of the ironic humour I enjoy. And these are just some of the stories that deserve appreciation. It was wonderful to move into the walls of atmospheric buildings, join secret societies or feel a hint of magic on your own skin. The reading gave me a lot of satisfaction and I highly recommend it to all fans of the dark academia theme, dark atmospheres and beautiful covers that will proudly decorate the libraries.’ (@booksbybookaholic)
‘Gothic buildings, university environments, cemeteries, cults, massive libraries, knowledge and extreme emotions, from passion to obsession... this is the essence of dark academia... I love this kind of atmosphere in books, so as soon as I heard about a collection of stories maintained in such a style, I automatically said – I’ll take it! In These Hallowed Halls is a collection of 12 mini-stories that use themes associated with dark academia. Some of my favourites are: “The Professor of Ontography” (all about a professor who no one has seen on campus, and the subject he teaches is a huge (abhorrent!) secret; “Pythia” or a troubling vision of artificial intelligence/fortune teller, which has problems of a psychological nature, in a certain Delphic academy... “X House” or a variation on mean girls, who are an integral part of any elite scientific institution...’ (@zaczytana.karo)
‘Any dark academia fans here? I introduce you to In These Hallowed Halls, an anthology in which you will find 12 stories, full of darkness and mystery. I’m not a fan of short stories. I definitely prefer the longer forms, more expanded. That’s why I looked at this anthology as a whole. And I have to admit that all of the story writers have captured the very essence of dark academia’s aesthetic. Here we will find secrets, a sense of fear and uncertainty. Some stories are darker, and others will be perfect for those who are just starting to reach for dark academia literature. In the anthology we will find a huge cross-section of authors – from those more famous like M.L. Rio or Olivie Blake, as well as those less known. Thanks to this, I added some authors’ work to my TBR, because I enjoyed their stories so much. Each of the stories is different, touches on different topics. Every one of these gave me a different feeling too. I was intrigued by some, but others gave me goosebumps. My favourites: “Weekend at Bertie’s”; “The Unknowable Pleasures”; “Phobos”.’ (@pani_literowa)
You can order In These Hallowed Halls here
Beyond & Within: Folk Horror First published by Flame Tree Books, August 2024, hardback £15.63/$23.83 ISBN-13: 978-1804177327 Featuring: Introduction by Paul Kane & Marie O’Regan; ‘The White Road’ by Neil Gaiman; ‘The Well’ by John Connolly; ‘Rabbitheart’ by Jen Williams; ‘The Original Occupant’ by Adam L.G. Nevill; ‘Summer Bonus’ by Lee Murray; ‘The Druid Stone’ by Katie Young; ‘Blessed Mary’ by Stephen Volk; ‘The Great White’ by Benjamin Spada; ‘The Marsh-Widow’s Bargain’ by H.R. Laurence; ‘Good Boy’ by Alison Littlewood; ‘The Finest Creation of an Artful God’ by B. Zelkovich; ‘The Third Curse’ by Helen Grant; ‘The Lights Under Rachel’ by Kathryn Healy; ‘Pilgrimage of the Hummingbird’ by V. Castro; ‘The Grim’ by Cavan Scott; ‘Pontianak: An Origin Story’ by Christina Sng; ‘Ghost Land of Giants’ by Linda D. Addison.
‘In Flame Tree Press’ latest anthology in their “Beyond & Within” series, aiming to showcase a variety of writers, voices, and backgrounds, Paul Kane and Marie O’Regan bring together the various tributaries of folk horror to create a hardy repository of stories. Although it’s perhaps the broadest in scope of the “Beyond & Within” series, it doesn’t play second fiddle because of that; if anything, the range of imaginations it conglomerates forms a staunch bastion of stories, and Kane and O’Regan’s introduction is worth a perusal just to get a feel of how considered the whole thing is. Complete with beautiful cover, the anthology isn’t afraid to transplant you from the cosier realms of reality to its darker, untamed regions, and from the first moment you’ll wonder the kind of Pandora’s box you have opened… Exuding ambience and chilling creature feature rather than splatter and blood-curdling shocks, Kane and O’Regan collect a fine cabal of authors and know where to shine their spotlight – which makes it ironic maybe that this anthology’s greatest asset is how it undoubtedly leaves you wanting to turn the light back on and forgo sleep until daylight has returned.’ (Benjamin Kurt Unsworth, Ginger Nuts of Horror.) For the full detailed review, click here.
‘There is an art to the short story, and I can say from experience that Flame Tree Press have gotten it down. They have produced many excellent short story collections, and their new venture is the Beyond & Within series. In many ways these books are the same as their larger collections, handpicked, curated tales on a given subject. In this case Folk Horror is edited by Paul Kane and Marie O'Regan. However, the format is smaller, more succinct and I would argue easier to digest. As easy as Folk Horror can be to digest. As a subgenre Folk Horror is a tricky one to pin down, what makes a book Folk? A place separate from the norm. Tales of ancient evils or modern cults and their weird ways, but also stories of the Fae or evils that lurk in the woods. Kane and O’Regan have created a mix of stories that are fast-paced, so if you are not a fan of one, it will not be long before the next…What makes this collection interesting is that the authors have approached Folk Horror in different ways…the hit rate for quality stories is there.’ (Sam Tyler, SFBook Reviews) You can read the full thing here.
Read more about the book and read an exclusive extract from the introduction here.
Death Comes at Christmas
First published by Titan, October 2024, Ebook, trade paperback and hardback £19.99/$28.99 ISBN-13: 978-1803369419 Featuring: Introduction by Marie O’Regan & Paul Kane; ‘How to Commit Murder in a Bookshop’ C.L. Taylor; ‘Christmas Yet To Come’ Helen Fields; ‘What She Left Me’ Tina Baker; ‘The Red Angel’ Russ Thomas; ‘O Murder Night’ J.T. Ellison; ‘Christmas Lights’ David Bell; ‘The Midnight Mass Murderer’ Alexandra Benedict; ‘The Wrong Party’ Claire McGowan; Upon a Midnight Clear’ Tom Mead; ‘Last Christmas’ Fiona Cummins; ‘The Naughty List’ Sam Carrington; ‘Indian Winter’ Vaseem Khan; ‘Postmarked Murder’ Susi Holliday; ‘Frostbite’ Samantha Hayes; ‘A Deadly Gift’ Angela Clarke; ‘Secret Santa’ Liz Mistry; ‘Marley’s Ghost’ Sarah Hilary; ‘Icarus’ Belinda Bauer.
‘Crime stories have been a fixture at Christmas for well over a century now, and Death Comes At Christmas (Titan, £19.99), edited by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane, is one of the best anthologies of its type I can remember. There’s not a single weak entry among the 18 pieces by as many authors, and several real winners, with a good variety of tone and type, from locked rooms reminiscent of the Golden Age to forensic techs wearing bloodstained paper suits. I won’t try and pick out highlights, for fear of slighting the others, except to say that Alexandra Benedict deserves a Best Punning Title prize for “The Midnight Mass Murderer”.’ (Mat Coward, Morning Star)
‘Here’s an 18-story anthology of murderous tidings from top crime writers taking slay rides with locked room mysteries, whodunnits and festive season tinsel-wrapped twists. Top contributors include Sarah Hilary, Liz Mistry, Claire McGowan, Belinda Bauer and Vaseem Khan - so, no turkeys!’
‘It opens with the CL Taylor’s story, “How to Commit Murder in a Bookshop”, which Taylor says was inspired by a Christmas party she attended at Waterstones bookshop in Swindon… The second story, “Christmas Yet To Come” by Helen Fields, spins off the characters Charles Dickens created in A Christmas Carol. It begins on Christmas Eve 1899 when Marley, the nephew of Jacob Marley, who had inherited his wealth, is walking through the corridors of the Marley Memorial Workhouse… Vaseem Khan, the award-winning author of the Malabar House series, sees in “Indian Winter”, his main character Persis, India’s first female police detective, collaborating once more with Archie, an English forensic scientist. This time they are investigating and ultimately solving an intriguing locked room murder in a Bombay mansion on Christmas Day, 1950…And in Liz Mistry’s “Secret Santa”, in which the Christmas office party has a deadly outcome.’ (Colin Steele of the Cambara City News)
‘A benefit of a short story collection like this one is that it doesn’t have to stick to one definition of “festive”. Authors can – and do – apply their own interpretation of crime at the holidays. The result is a delightfully diverse set of stories, from the creepy to the warm. You’ve got the Dickensian setting, and a historical Indian one. There are stories set in Victorian England and at an office Secret Santa. There are the snowed-in villages that turn dangerous, and the hotel Christmas crimes. And of course there’s the requisite bookshop crime story, almost required in this kind of collection. The stories are also ordered in a way that maximizes this feeling of diversity, bouncing from setting to setting, vibe to vibe. I personally love warm, cozy Christmas, and this ordering helped me get through the darkness of the thrillers. Knowing a cozy or heartwarming story would soon follow made it easier to sink into the creepier stories. If you’re a fan of modern crime writing, there is likely at least one short story here that will tickle your fancy.’ (The Cozy Owlet)
‘From stories in the style of Golden Age classics to gritty modern thrillers, set in the snowy English countryside to the heat of Bombay, India, we are treated to a delightfully gripping mix of brutal crimes and complex puzzles, with flourishes of comedy, romance and creepy chills, all with a sprinkling of seasonal fun…Overall, this is a collection of well-written, thrilling tales, many in the tradition of much-loved and classic Christmas tales and mysteries, and a fantastic showcase of writers from the world of modern crime fiction, each tale an enjoyable slice of Yuletide magic. Highly recommended reading for these cold nights as we count down to Christmas.’ (Lee Allen, Goodreads)
‘A fabulous festive collection of short stories featuring a gathering of great writers and all in the tradition of Christmas crime. There’s something for everyone here.’ (@travels.along.my.bookshelf)
‘This is a great anthology of festive short stories, from locked-room mysteries to whodunits. All very Christmassy & murdery. Superb stuff!’ (Steve Beresford)
‘I absolutely loved this book! I enjoyed every single story. There is quite a mix of themes, time periods, styles, and subject matters.’ @thestucumminsreads
‘I loved the idea of having so many Christmas-centric stories with a touch of death. This is the perfect thing to read when you want those spooky vibes in October but are also craving some Christmas as well. The varying lengths of each story was another feature I loved. Some were a few pages long, whereas others sprawled and felt more like a novella…One of my favorite things about this book is the mix of stories found within. As expected, they all hold a similar theme, however, beyond that each story has its own unique voice and genre. Some were more classic, while others touched on true crime, general fiction, and so much more. There is something for everyone in this book and I feel that most readers will enjoy the vast majority, if not all of them. I will have to add these authors to my TBR to check out their other books because I enjoyed so many of their stories in this one.’ (Exploring All Genres)
‘The book begins with an introduction by the editors. It helped adjust my expectations as I thought this would be a single murder mystery. While the stories do have “death” in some form, the approach is varied and left to the author’s perspective. The settings are also varied – historical, contemporary, countryside, city, India, UK, Ireland, etc. Some stories are stronger than others, which is to be expected in an anthology… Death Comes at Christmas combines cozy mystery, suspense, thriller, and slow-burn narratives to create a collection of stories where a death occurs during Christmas. The rating averaged 3.69, a decent number for an anthology with this many stories. The author bios are provided at the end.’ (The Witchy Storyteller)
‘This is a perfect, feel-good, cosy up with the fire and Christmas tree lit behind you kind of book. Perfect Christmas read, simple and easy! This is a first for me, I enjoyed and would read more of the authors’ work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop.’ (The Secret Book Review)
4 and 5* reviews on NetGalley: ‘Thinking about buying a Christmas themed mystery book for someone you know…or yourself? Look no further. This is a fun anthology with a holiday flair. Inside are 18 stories by many authors whose books I have enjoyed. Just a few of these writers are Belinda Bauer, David Bell, JT Ellison, Clare McGowan, and Tom Mead. Sometimes a short story is just the right thing. For anyone who enjoys a quick read, dip in anywhere in this title. There are some gems.’ (Joyce L)
‘From some of the masters of the genre come 18 festive tales, each with a particularly satisfying bite. Stories from CL Taylor, Helen Fields and Sam Carrington, people whose books crime lovers will have devoured, will prove enlightening and entertaining… if a bit spooky. Expect locked room mysteries and unusual behaviour, rivalries coming to the boil and dodgy deeds floating to the surface, each one is like a present in itself. Something to dip into, and continue to dip into, as each is full of the layers that its author are well known for.’ (Aine T)
‘Murder? Christmas? Sign me up. I loved these short reads and loved reading all of them. Very fun and different!’ (Rose Q)
‘This is a fun anthology and would make a great Christmas gift for someone who loves mystery and thriller books. There’s something for everyone with this book. A few of my favorites were “Christmas Lights” by David Bell; “Secret Santa” by Liz Mistry; “What She Left Me” by Tina Baker and “Postmarked Murder” by Susi Holliday.’ (Jada A)
‘Murder Mysteries: make it Christmas! This book is a wonderful collection of holiday mysteries, perfect to have on your shelf when you are craving a fun, festive read. I enjoyed each of the 18 stories and absolutely love the cover!’ (Brooke W)
‘The impressive lineup of authors includes Belinda Bauer, CL Taylor, Helen Fields, Tina Baker among many more. Like a perfect Christmas hamper, something for everyone with quality, quantity and variety across 384 pages. I like a multi-author collection and this is a good one with some of the authors dabbling in different styles and adding more humour for Christmas. Claire McGowan’s “The Wrong Party” about a nightmare of an office Christmas party is a particular favourite.’ (Dan B)
‘I keep a little stock of festive books to get me into the mood on the run up to Christmas, but I’m also a big fan of books that have a twist in the tale that keep you guessing, so this was the perfect book for me. I’m not usually a big fan of short stories, but I can honestly say I loved every one of these. They were written by many of my favourite authors, in particular CL Taylor, and they were just the right length to build up the story and keep you guessing. I’d definitely recommend reading this at any time of the year.’ (Librarian 552665)
‘Death Comes at Christmas, edited by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane, is a festive collection of eighteen seasonal crime stories by bestselling and award-winning authors. From locked-room mysteries set on Christmas Eve to suspenseful whodunits and family rivalries at the dinner table, each tale is filled with enough twists and turns to keep you guessing. This anthology pays tribute to classic crime stories, blending the cozy warmth of the holidays with chilling mysteries lurking in the shadows of freshly fallen snow. This book was a lot of fun! Anthologies can sometimes feel uneven, but I found myself really enjoying the variety of stories in Death Comes at Christmas. The mix of different writing styles kept things interesting, and each mystery brought its own unique flavor to the collection. Perfect for curling up with a warm drink during the holidays, this is a must-read for fans of crime fiction with a festive twist.’ (Jessa Layne B)
‘Acclaimed authors deliver a collection of original British-style Christmas mysteries, featuring locked-room puzzles, shocking twists, and festive suspense. Get ready for a chilling holiday treat! This eclectic mix will appeal to a wide variety of tastes. Each tale is well-crafted and compelling enough to keep you reading until the end.’ (Andrea Wenger)
‘I read the name of the artists featured in this anthology of Christmas mystery and knew that I had to read it as Tom Mead and Vaseem Khan, plus others, are amongst my favourite writers. It could have been a series of minor and standard stories but it wasn’t: it starts with a bang and the level is always very high and entertaining.
‘A collection of Christmas stories that are not what we expect – but that’s what makes them wonderful!’ (Elaine C)
‘This was a fun mix of holiday themed murder mysteries. I was not familiar with most of the authors so it was also a great opportunity to sample their work. Some leaned a bit more toward the cozy mystery side while several had dark twists. The stories also provided quite a few laughs along the way. I do not like horror or anything that leans too much into thriller/suspense or really dark, and these stories walked right up to that line but didn’t cross it for me. (I even used this as bedtime reading)! I enjoyed this collection and finished it in a few days.’ (Reviewer 1015462)
‘I loved the idea of having so many Christmas-centric stories with a touch of death. This is the perfect thing to read when you want those spooky vibes in October but also craving some Christmas as well. The varying lengths of each story was another feature I loved. Some were a few pages long, whereas others sprawled and felt more like a novella. From the first story, which I thoroughly enjoyed, I knew this would be an entertaining and sometimes creepy collection of stories. While there were too many stories in this collection to properly give my thoughts on each one, I will say I loved almost every one of them… I will take a moment to highlight a couple of my favorites. The first story, “How to Commit Murder in a Bookshop”, had an intriguing beginning, and while quite short in length, this story stuck with me well after finishing the book. This is the perfect read for all booklovers and anyone who works in the publishing industry. Eleanor was a fantastic character who was extremely observant of the other characters in the bookstore. The murder was well planned out and took me and Eleanor by surprise, which was fantastic. “The Red Angel” was a perfect mix of Christmas and true crime. While it didn’t grab my attention immediately, after a couple of pages I was fully invested in the story and with the steady pacing and constant upping of the ante I was absolutely gobbling this one up. In “The Wrong Party”, I wasn’t too sure what to expect. It took me some time to get into this one but every time I thought I should put the book down for a bit, I immediately decided against that and kept reading. There’s no good way for me to say what I enjoyed about this one without spoiling it. I truly wish I could take the time to talk about each story, but I feel it’s best for people to read this short story collection to find out for themselves. One of my favorite things about this book is the mix of stories found within. As expected, they all hold a similar theme, however, beyond that each story has its own unique voice and genre. Some were more classic, while others touched on true crime, general fiction, and so much more. There is something for everyone in this book and I feel that most readers will enjoy the vast majority, if not all of them. I will have to add these authors to my TBR to check out their other books because I enjoyed so many of their stories in this one.’ (Sarah Q)
‘This intriguing set of short stories, all with varying Christmas themes, will intrigue, sadden and prompt you to look into other works by the various authors. Some are incredibly sad; some are great fun; all are well written and interesting short stories. I recommend this anthology as it certainly introduced me to several authors whose works were of interest to me.’ (Ruth M) ‘18 festive stories of murder and mystery in the grand tradition of Christmas crime fiction, from the masters of the genre… I’m here for all of this!’ (Elizabeth L)
‘I was excited to read some murderish Christmas short stories and this book delivered on that! The short stories varied in length, some as short as 10 plus pages and others as long as 30-ish pages. Each was unique and not repeated which keeps the reader interested. I believe readers will enjoy this book for the holiday season! Happy release day!’ (Erin B)
‘These were all very fun stories that I couldn’t put down. Perfect for the holidays if you want something other than romcom.’ (Heather P)
‘A great selection of Holiday themed mysteries. These are perfect for the madness and rush of the holidays when you just want to sit down and have a little read and feel like you’ve accomplished something. Each one is perfect on its own and I can’t wait to read more from these authors in the future.’ (Cindi A)
‘Wow, with a lineup of authors like this, who wouldn’t want a little Christmas magic from them? Seriously, this book is exactly what you need! Each author brings their own unique twist, and their brilliant minds make this such an entertaining read. Some stories are short, but they’re packed with the perfect mix of everything you’re craving. Once you start, it’s hard to stop – you’ll just keep flipping from one story to the next. Totally addictive! Big thanks to NetGalley and Titan Books for letting me dive into this early copy!’ (Reviewer 1337643)
‘I usually find it difficult to rate a short story collections because some may be 5 star reads while others feel mediocre at best. But I found myself flying through these stories and really having a fun time with each one. We had a lot of twisty endings that were great and most were quite eerie. This collection is for those that love a little Halloween vibe to go along with their Christmas cheer.’ (Sara D)
‘This is a short story collection that was overall pretty good… This book is best read with a glass of warm mulled cider and a cozy blanket!’ (Heather S)
‘I’m wary of short story collections because usually I only end up liking a few stories, or just one or two but Death Comes at Christmas was a surprise. In a good way… This was a festive and fun compilation featuring murder and mayhem during the Christmas season. Because don’t some people feel murder-y when you have to spend time with your annoying family during the holidays?’ (Elaine L)
‘Death Comes at Christmas is a fantastic collection of 18 crime fiction stories set at Christmas time. I enjoyed all of them, some more than others. The mysteries were great, with some that have more creep factor than others. If you’re a fan of short stories and mysteries, this Christmas Crime Collection is for you! I will say my favorite was by J.T. Ellison. Highly recommend!’ (Wilfrieda S)
Instagram Reviews: ‘If you are looking for a book that gets you through spooky season and right up to Christmas, look no further than #DeathComesAtChristmas a brilliant collection of short stories from some of my favourite crime authors.’ (@brewtifulfiction)
‘WOW!!! What a great book!! This one had me hooked from page 1! This was a first for me from these editors and it will not be my last! This one was a win for me! I loved all of the short stories!’ (Laura G)
‘I’m not sure why Christmas and crime fiction are such an inevitable pairing, but there is something about the crime short story format in particular that works well. The majority of collections available, such as the British Library Crime Collections, are made up mostly or entirely of Golden Age-era authors, so it was refreshing to read Death Comes At Christmas, which features a range of contemporary crime and thriller authors. Complete with a beautiful cover design, this would make the perfect stocking filler for the bookworm in your life.’ (Janet B)
‘Death Comes at Christmas is a lovely collection of Christmas themed crime fiction, edited by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane. Released 22nd Oct 2024 by Titan Books, it’s 368 pages and is available in hardcover and ebook formats. It’s worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links throughout. Something about the peace/love/joy holiday vibe has inspired crime fiction writers to serve up murder and mayhem for over a hundred years, and this collection of largely previously unpublished short form fiction showcases 18 top shelf writers doing it up in style. It’s a strong collection with stories running the gamut from 3-5 stars, weighted toward the upper end. As always, it’s a lot of fun to read the editors’ introductory notes. The stories themselves are included without author’s/editors’ notes, but the publisher has included short author bios in the back of the book. Many of the included authors will be familiar to readers (Tom Mead, Claire McGowan, Samantha Hayes, Angela Clarke, Liz Mistry, Fiona Cummins, and several others), whilst some will likely provide a nice introduction for new readers to follow. They’re all adept and quite readable. There’s not a clunker in the lot (which is a bit surprising).Four stars. Highly recommended and worthwhile. It would make a good choice for public library acquisition, home reading, and gift giving.’ (Annie B)
‘This was a lot of fun!! I enjoyed reading the short stories from various authors.’ (Reviewer 1079398)
‘There is a lot of fun packed into this collection of Holiday themed short stories. I love that you can read them quickly and also be entertained with each story and the characters in them. It was a nice change of pace to read something that got right into the heart of the story so quickly. I definitely enjoyed this collection and recommend other readers add this to your reading list.’ (Kelly M)
‘This book I couldn’t set down and binge read in a few hours. A mixture of Christmas crime stories from different authors that are surely enough to intrigue and sadden you all at once. I would read another one like this in a heartbeat!’ (Athea W)
‘Oh, I thoroughly enjoyed these stories. I wished I’d read throughout December but I couldn’t wait as there are many of my favourite authors in this book. It’s honestly brilliant! Loved it!’ (Dawn B)
‘If you like short stories, reading crime and Christmas – this is the book for you. (Angela W)
‘ I enjoyed this collection of stories. Every single one was different. While some stories stood out to me. “Marley’s Ghost” by Sarah Hilary had an excellent ending. “Christmas Lights” was a heart-wrenching tale of grief and loss. “The Red Angel” warns of becoming lost in the unknown. “Secret Santa” is about a man with a crush on his coworker. That story had a plot twist that I was not expecting. I found “The Wrong Party” to be one of the funnier stories I’ve read in the collection. One cold night in “Frostbite”, Ellen encounters a man from her past. “The Naughty List” was a satisfying end for a man receiving strange messages about his past wrongdoings. Of all the stories, “Christmas Yet to Come” was my favorite. It showcases characters from the classic Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Marley may be deceased, but his legacy of ruthlessness lives on in his descendants. But he has met his match. Overall, it was a wonderful collection of stories perfect for those who love Christmas and mysteries.’ (Lanae B)
‘Death Comes at Christmas, edited by Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane, is an enchanting yet chilling anthology that blends festive cheer with classic crime. This 18-story collection gathers work by celebrated crime authors, including Tom Mead, Vaseem Khan and Belinda Bauer, all delivering holiday-themed mysteries that run the gamut from locked-room puzzles to domestic dramas. Set in snow-covered landscapes and cosy country houses, these tales of murder, secrets and betrayal reveal that the Christmas season isn’t all joy and goodwill. With each author demonstrating a distinct style, readers are treated to a variety of whodunits, some highlighting psychological tension and others evoking classic crime tropes. What sets this collection apart is its mix of tones and subgenres, making it an ideal read for both seasoned crime fans and those seeking a festive twist on suspense. The juxtaposition of Christmas spirit with dark motives intensifies the atmosphere, creating a unique and engaging experience that’s perfect for cosy winter nights. Whether it’s the charm of a winter wonderland or the unexpected twists in each story, Death Comes at Christmas keeps readers on edge, promising added intrigue with every new story.’ (Erin B)
‘This collection is the perfect blend of cosy festive cheer and crime. Each story is unique and stands out on its own. While the theme may be the holidays and crime the way each author brings this to life is completely different. Each story stood up on its own and I have to say I enjoyed every one. I personally liked “Christmas Yet to Come” the most, but each one was enjoyable and distinctive. O’Regan and Kane have curated the perfect collection for crime fans that will be a must read on cold winter nights.’ (Siobhain M)
You can order Death Comes at Christmas here.
H.P. Lovecraft in Britain: A Monograph by Stephen Jones British Fantasy Society Publications, June 2008. Chapbook £12.99 / $25.99. Cover artwork by Les Edwards. Featuring: ‘Introduction’; ‘Dark Debut’; ‘Terrors and Tribulations’; ‘License to Chill’; and ‘Postscript’.
A Dick and Jane Primer for Adults British Fantasy Society Publications, June 2008. Edited by Lavie Tidhar. Chapbook (Members Only). Cover by John Keates. Featuring: ‘Me Dick, You Jane - Introduction’ by Jeff Vandermeer; ‘Dick and Jane and the Irrational, Mysterious Nature of Reality’ by Liz Williams; ‘Dick Does Time’ by Adam Roberts; ‘Envy’ by Neil Ayres; ‘Flash Jack’ by Richard Kunzmann; ‘Like Leaves Falling’ by Chris Butler; ‘Mike’s Article’ by James Lovegrove; ‘Somewhere in the Street’ by Ed Clayton; ‘The Hushes’ by Conrad Williams; ‘We Go Down To The Woods Today’ by Marion Arnott; ‘See’ by Roger Levy.
Houses on the Borderland British Fantasy Society Publications, September 2008. Trade Paperback, £11.99 / $ 24.99 . Cover by Les Edwards. ISBN: 095386818-4 Edited by David A. Sutton. Featuring: Introduction by David A. Sutton; ‘Today We Were Astronauts’ by Allen Ashley; ‘The Listeners’ by Samantha Lee; ‘The School House’ by Simon Bestwick; ‘The House on the Western Border’ by Gary Fry; ‘The Retreat’ by Paul Finch; ‘The Worst of All Places’ by David A. Riley’. To Order Houses on the Borderland click here
‘Facades’ Published in Planet Prozak Issue 3, October/November 1998 (ISSN: 1463-6563)
‘The Cave of Lost Souls’ Published in Terror Tales Issue 4, Christmas 1998.
‘Star-Pool’ Published in Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque Issue 4 January 1999 (ISSN: 1464-2972).
‘St August’s Flame’ Published in Strix Issue 14, February 1999. Subsequently reprinted on the Strix Website June 2001
‘Astral’ Published in The Dream Zone Issue 2, April 1999 (ISSN: 1464-6609). Subsequently reprinted on The Dream Zone Online Website 2000-2001 after being voted by readers one of the most popular stories printed in The Dream Zone during 1999. ‘I can’t tell you what a buzz I got from reading this story. The imagery is awesome.’ (John B. Ford, BJM Press and Rainfall Books)
‘The Last Temptation of Alice Crump’ Published in Dead Things Issue 1, June/September 1999 (ISSN: 1465-9115). Subsequently reprinted on the Terror Tales Online Website for its launch on 18th September 2000, and in the collection Alone (In the Dark).
‘Blackout’ Second Place Winner in the Black Hill Books Horror Short Story Competition 1998-1999 (Judged by Guy N. Smith). Subsequently published in Graveyard Rendezvous Issue 20, Summer 1999.
‘The Bones Brothers’ Published in Dead Things Issue 2, October/December 1999 (ISSN: 1465-9115). Subsequently reprinted on the Dead Things Website. ‘A marvellous romp of a story, with every word well judged, and a fitting tribute to the original. Great fun.’ (Peter Tennant, of Zene)
‘Shadow Writer’ Published in Enigmatic Tales Number 7, Winter 1999. Subsequently reprinted in Rear View Mirror Webzine Issue 2, Summer 2001. ‘As a rule I generally find stories about writers to be too banal and self regarding for my taste. This story though is a fine exception. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and its clever idea.’ (M.P.N. Sims – Author of Shelter and Demon Eyes with L.H. Maynard)
‘At the Heart of the Maze’ Published in The Dream Zone: Special Nightmare Edition January 2000 (ISSN: 1464-6609).
‘The Disease’ Published in Sci-Fright Issue 6 (1st Year Anniversary & Millennium Edition) February 2000.
‘The Weeping Woman’ Published in Terror Tales E-Mail Magazine Issue 2, Sent Out 29th April 2000. Subsequently reprinted in the collection Alone (In the Dark).
‘Visiting Hour’ Published in the In Sheep’s Clothing anthology July 2000 (ISBN: 1-85929-017-5).
‘Sabbat’ Published in Penny Dreadful: Tales & Poems of Fantastic Terror Issue 13, Midsummer 2000.
‘All the Rage’ Published on the Terror Tales Online Website, for its launch on 18th September 2000.
‘Dracula in Love’ Published in Dead Things Issue 5, October/December 2000 (ISSN: 1465-9115).
‘Grandpa’s Chair’ Published on the Terror Tales Online Website, for Hallowe’en 2000.
‘In the House of Magritte’ Published in The Dream Zone Issue 8, January 2001 (ISSN: 1464-6609). Previously printed in the Alone (In the Dark) collection.
‘Alone’ Published in Hidden Corners Issue 1, March 2001. Previously printed in the Alone (In the Dark) collection.
'The Opportunity’ Published in Hidden Corners Issue 1, March 2001.
‘The Face of Death’ Published in Beyond the Borderline Webzine Issue 1, May/June 2001
‘Oliver’s Twist’ ‘Chucking Out’ ‘To Save Us All’ ‘Erosion’ ‘*he Hooplah’ ‘The Password’ ‘Magic Moments’ ‘Yibble’ ‘Why Does it Always Reign on Me?’
All Published in 100 Drabbles (Edited by Sue Phillips) Small Press Books, 2001.
‘Prey’ Published in Hidden Corners Issue 2, June 2001.
‘The Protégé’ Published in Hidden Corners Issue 3, September 2001
‘The Séance’ Published in the Riding the Night-mare anthology, September 2001 (Hb ISBN: 0-7543-2640-3, Pb ISBN: 0-7543-2643-8)
‘Waking Beauty’ Published in the Spell Casting anthology, September 2001 (Hb ISBN: 0-7543-2654-3, Pb ISBN: 0-7543-2655-1)
‘Remembrance’ Published in The Chronicle Issue 7, from Eternal Night. November 2001.
‘Strobe’ Published in Nemonymous Issue 1, November 2001. ‘...Much more my disco mirrorball is “Strobe”, in which an epileptic deliberately seeks out the strobe-effects which bring on his petit mal seizures. Although warned against the world of light, the protagonist believes that only the conscious experience of a grand mal seizure will grant him the transformation he seeks...’ (Mike O’Driscoll - The Alien Online) ‘An unusual tale of addiction. At a nightclub, a man called Lang suffers an epileptic fit. He recovers, but is haunted by the memory of a vision he experienced while in the grip of that seizure. By subjecting himself to flashing lights, he is able to recreate that fit. Introduced to a bright, hallucinatory world, he finally turns his back on the real one. Reminiscent of the destructive LSD craze of the 1960s, it is a powerful piece of writing.’ (The Fix #3 March 2002) ‘In contrast, “Strobe” is a highly original and disturbing tale of a most unusual addiction. A man with photo-sensitive epilepsy experiences extraordinary visions during his seizures. The hallucinations are so powerful he gets hooked and resorts to using strobe lighting repeatedly in order to trigger his potentially fatal condition.’ (Unhinged Online #4 May 2002) ‘“Strobe” is immediately vivacious with a strong voice.’ (Jai Clare - Terror Tales Online)
‘Pure Evil’ Published on the Art of Horror site. December 2001.
‘The Cyclops’ Published on the House of Pain site. February 2002.
‘Check-out’ Published on the Horrorfind site. February 2002.
‘Master of the White Worms’ Published in The Swamp. February 2002.
‘R.S.V.P.’ Published in The Chronicle Issue 11, from Eternal Night. March 2002.
‘The Hypnotist’s Gaze’ Published in Wicked Hollow Issue 2, April 2002.
‘The Anniversary’ Published in the Tourniquet Heart anthology, edited by Christopher C. Teague, April 2002. Prime Books (Pb ISBN: 1894815106). Anthology Nominated for British Fantasy Award 2003. To order this book, click here
‘Biorhythms’ Published on the House of Pain site. May 2002 .
‘Pay the Piper’ Published on the House of Pain site. May 2002. Reprinted in Zombies edited by Robert N. Stephenson. Altair Australia Books ISBN: 978-0-9804566-0-8.
‘ Dalton Quayle and the Sheepshank Revelation: Pt 1’ Published in The Swamp, May 2002.
‘The Persistence of Dali’ Published in The Dream People, Vol 1, Issue 3, June/July 2002.
‘ Dalton Quayle and the Sheepshank Revelation: Pt 2’ Published in The Swamp, July 2002.
‘ Dalton Quayle and the Sheepshank Revelation: Pt 3’ Published in The Swamp, September 2002.
‘Remote’ Published in Redsine Issue 10, October 2002. Prime Books (Pb. ISBN: 1-894815-03-3). Story received an Honourable Mention in Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror.
‘The Toll’ Written with John B. Ford. Published in The Evil Entwines anthology. Hardcastle Publications, March 2003. (Pb. ISBN: 0-7795-0037-7). Reprinted by Rainfall Books. To buy The Evil Entwines click here
‘The Procession’ Published in Darkness Rising Volume Six: Evil Smiles. Prime Books, April 2003 (Pb. ISBN: 1894815394) Story received an Honourable Mention in Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror.
‘Astral (Redux)’ Published in The Derelict of Death and Other Stories. Rainfall Books, June 2003 (Pb. ISBN: 0-9540877-3-9)
‘Kindred Spirits’ Published in Darkness Rising Volume Seven: Screaming in Colours. Prime Books, July 2003 (Pb. ISBN: 1894815602) Story Recommended for British Fantasy Award 2004.
‘Suit of Lies’ Published in The Wildclown Chronicles - Year 2, Issue 1, 2003. Click here to read this story.
‘Nightmare on 34th Street’ Published in Scary Holiday Tales To Make You Scream. Double Dragon Books. August 2003. (E-Book and Pb ISBN: 1-55404-074-4) ‘The Torturer’ Published in When Darkness Comes. Crystal Serenades Publications, May 2004. (Pb: ISBN: 0-9545237-2-5)
‘Guilty Pleasures’ Published in Demonology: Grammaticus Demonium. Double Dragon Books, October 2004. (Pb: ISBN: 1-55404-164-3) Story Recommended for British Fantasy Award 2005. Click here or here to buy this book.
‘Homeland’ Published in the Assembly of Rogues anthology, edited by Martin Roberts, April 2005. Rainfall Books (Pb ISBN: 1894815106). Story Nominated for British Fantasy Award (shortlisted 2006)
‘Life Sentence’ Published in Albions Alpträume: Zombies edited by Paul Kane and Walter Diociaiuti, January 2006. Eloy Edictions (ISBN: 3-938411-04-X)
‘1,2,3…1,2,3…’ Published in Estronomicon Issue 6, December 2006. Clikc here to download
‘Dead Time’ Published in The Lazarus Condition, Tazmaniac Books, July 2007 (see Novella section).
‘Dig (This)’ Published in Dark Animus issue 10/11, November 2007. ‘I am always a sucker for a zombie story and “Dig This” places the zombie tale in a new and intelligent context where nothing is as it seems.’ (Synergy Magazine)
‘The Convert’ Published in The Shadows Trilogy, Screaming Dreams Press December 2007 (see ‘Collections’ for details).
Published in Read By Dawn Volume 3, Bloody Books, May 2008 (ISBN: 978-1905636259) ‘ Read by Dawn comprises twenty eight short horror stories, all but one from writers unknown to me, thus demonstrating Ms. Hartley’s preparedness to showcase new and emerging talent like no other. Starting with Paul Kane, the one writer whose work I’ve previously read, his “ Windchimes”is at first a subtle and sad ghost story of parental loss but that smacks you in the face with betrayal in the penultimate paragraph, before warming you with its final poignant words. The absolute standout story in this volume.’ (Mathew F. Riley, BookGeeks.co.uk) To buy Read By Dawn Vol 3 click here
‘The Suicide Room’ Published in Voices, Morrigan Books, September 2008 (ISBN: 978-91-977605-0-8) To buy Voices click here
‘A Chaos Demon is For Life’ Published in Estronomicon Christmas Special, December 2008. Winner of 2008 ‘Dead of Night’ Award (Editors Choice) To read this click here
‘Masques’ Published in Return of the Raven , Horror Bound Books, May 2009. To buy Return of the Raven click here
‘Life-o-Matic’ Published in Estronomicon Spring/Summer Issue, June 2009. To read this click here
‘Servitor’ Published in DeathRay Issue 21, Oct/Nov 2009.
‘Perfect Presents: An Arrowhead Short Story’
‘One for the Road’ Published in the Darc Karnivale anthology, edited by David Byron and Corey R. Scales. Story illustrated by Nick Rose. Published by Evil Nerd Empire, January 2010. To buy Darc Karnivale click here
‘Cold Call’ To read, click here.
‘Signs and Portents’
‘Nine Tenths’ Published on the Horror Drive-In website, August 2010 – plus interview with Paul. Click here to read this.
‘Baggage’ Click here to read this.
‘Humbuggered’ Published in Festive Fears: Global Edition, Tasmaniac Publications (ISBN: 978-0-9806367-6-5), December 2010 (Illustration by Andrew J. McKiernan – above)
‘Dalton Quayle and the Teatime of the Evil Resident Living Dead Published in Tales of Moreauvia Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2010.
‘Speaking in Tongues’
‘Keeper of the Light’
To order Fear of the Dark, click here.
‘The Between’ Published in Bite Sized Horror, edited by Johnny Mains – Obverse Press, May 2011
Click here to read.
‘The Greatest Mystery’ ‘This is one of the more gripping stories in the book.’ (Flames Rising)
(Nevermet Press’ Clockwork Reviews.)
‘Words to the Wise’ ‘“Words to the Wise” is an odd tale. Samuel Kellerman is afraid of the written word, so afraid in fact he is convinced that books are out to kill him. This could easily have turned to be a silly mess of a story, however what you get here is a rather funny, yet twisted tale of fear. I really enjoyed this story – imagine if the Phantom Tollbooth, was written for adults. Yes, that's how good this story was!’ (Ginger Nuts of Horror)
‘Presence’ Published in Hauntings, edited by Ian Whates, cover art by Ben Baldwin –NewCon Press, June 2012
‘Rag & Bone’ Published in The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror # 23, edited by Stephen Jones – published September 2012, by Constable & Robinson.
‘The Rainbow Coat’ Published in Dark Moon Digest: Young Adult Horror Issue #1, edited by Stan Swanson – published Summer 2013.
‘Shells’ Published in Terror Tales of the Seaside, edited by Paul Finch – published November 2013, by Gray Friar Press.
‘Grief Stricken’ Published in Noir, edited by Ian Whates – published April 2014, by NewCon Press.
‘He Is Legend’ Published in Zombie Apocalypse! Endgame, edited by Stephen Jones – published October 2014, by Constable & Robinson/Running Press.
‘Michael the Monster’ Published in Darke Phantastique, edited by Jason V. Brock – published November 2014, Cycatrix Press.
‘The Shadow of Death’ Published in Expiration Date, edited by Nancy Kilpatrick – published March 2015, by Edge Publishing.
‘The Ladder’ Published in The Other Side of the Mirror 1996 (ISBN: 1-57553-117-8).
‘Hallowe’en Night’ Published in Pumpkin Poetry 1997 (Hb ISBN:1-85930-428-1, Pb ISBN: 1-85930-423-0).
‘The Vows’ Published in The Road of Life 1997 (Hb ISBN: 1-85786-658-4, Pb ISBN: 1-85786-663-0)
‘Epitaph’ ‘Last Rights’ ‘Pain’ ‘Sounds of Slaughter’ ‘Stalking the Stalker’ ‘Spells Trouble’ ‘Suspect Minds’ ‘The Raising’ ‘The Stranger’ ‘The Ugly’ ‘They Watch’ ‘Thoughts of a Decapitated Head’ ‘Dangerous World’ ‘Grey Lady’ All published in Cemetery Poets: Grave Offerings. Double Dragon Books (Hb. ISBN: 1-55404-009-4)
‘Paul Kane is a first-rate storyteller, never failing to marry his insights into the world and its anguish with the pleasures of phrases eloquently turned.’ (Clive Barker – Bestselling author of The Hellbound Heart, Abarat and Mr B. Gone)
‘Paul Kane’s world is a world of horror and wonder. A world of monstrous things beautifully carved in words by one hell of a talented and visionary writer.’ (Simon Clark – Bestselling author of The Dalek Factor , Lucifer’s Ark and This Rage of Echoes)
‘Paul Kane is helping to pump hot new blood into the horror genre. He could well become the first of the next new wave. Read his stories now.’ (Christopher Fowler – Bestselling author of Psychoville , Full Dark House, The Water Room and Calabash )
‘A writer who adds touches of intelligence and grace, bridging the gap between archetypal narratives and recognisable life...people we can believe in, facing situations we can imagine, reacting in ways that are truthful...without ever betraying or losing faith in the underlying narrative form.’ ( Stephen Gallagher - Bestselling author of Valley of Lights and Down River, and scriptwriter of mini-series such as Chimera, Oktober , Eleventh Hour starring Patrick Stewart and Lifeline starring Joanne Whalley)
‘Paul Kane has considerable writing talent which I hope he continues to develop.’ (Graham Masterton – Bestselling author of The Manitou , Flesh and Blood, Descendent, Edgewise and Manitou Blood).
‘Paul Kane probes everyday life with the skill of a surgeon to find the darkness, the humour and the raw weirdness buried beneath the surface.’ (Mark Chadbourn – Bestselling author of The Eternal, The Age of Misrule Series and Jack of Ravens)
‘Paul Kane is a rare talent, with a fiendish imagination.’ (Stephen Laws – Bestselling author of Ghost Train, Chasm and Ferocity)
‘Paul Kane is a name to watch. His work is disturbing and very creepy.’ (Tim Lebbon – Bestselling author of The Everlasting , bestselling author of and Dusk and Dawn)
‘In Paul Kane’s fiction, a common thread is often that other forces (flawed, imperfect) have control over our lives - and emotions. There’s a reality beyond reality: and that’s the core of real soul-withering horror. Also, he knows darkness doesn’t work without the light, and humanity and love are at stake. His stories not only, at his best, put him neck and neck with Ramsey Campbell and Clive Barker, but also in the company of greats like Machen and MR James. You don’t rest easily after reading a Paul Kane story, but strangely your eyes have been somewhat opened.’ (Stephen Volk – screenwriter of Gothic, Ghostwatch and Afterlife, author of Dark Corners)
‘F***ing brilliant!’ (Brian Keene – Two time Stoker-winning author of The Rising and The Conqueror Worms)
‘Kane is a writer yet to let his fans down.’ ( Zone Horror – formerly The Horror Channel)
‘It is obvious that his talent for writing and active imagination have paid off.’ (Writers’ News)
‘Paul Kane writes with a grit and surety of one who gets to grips with the darkness inside man. The mark of Kane is one you won’t want to miss.’ (Derek M. Fox - Author of Recluse and Jackdoor)
‘Paul Kane always manages to entertain with his unusual twist on fiction.’ (Graham Jennings, Hidden Corners)
© Paul Kane. All rights reserved. Materials (including images) may not be reproduced without express permission from the author.